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01:00 - 15:0015:00 - 22:00

can you guys share your thoughts about mapping one type to another using these two kinds of technique: var typeA = Mapper.Map(typeB); versus var typeA = typeB.ToTypeA()
the former uses the common mapping technique i.e with the use of static dictionaries(memory overhead, stored until the app exits), runtime lambda execution(process + memory overhead) while the latter uses cloning technique (using c# extension feature and executes on call only)
we use mapper
we're in optimization phase now. do you think it is worth to try the other technique?
no idea mate, sorry
we do it because someone did it that way at some point
listA.UnionWith(listB) is giving me a duplicate entries. how? what have I done?
listA and listB are both HashSet<T> where T has implemented IEqualityComparer
@mr5 But has it implemented it correctly?
public bool Equals(UserFriend x1, UserFriend x2)
    return x1.Id == x2.Id;
@KendallFrey ^
But what about GetHashCode?
If GetHashCode is broken, everything breaks
public int GetHashCode(UserFriend co)
    if (co == null) {
        return 0;
    return co.Id.GetHashCode();
or should it be just return Id?
Is Id an int?
this is the implementation of int32:
public override int GetHashCode()
return this;
In that case it looks mostly fine
could be return co?.Id.GetHashCode() ?? 0; but that's aesthetic
there should be no nulls in my case though
I'll try to return directly the Id in hashcode
Now, are you correct that the actual type implements IEqualityComparer? Because that's not how it's supposed to work, I think
yes. the list is HashSet<UserFriend>
but it has base class
where the Id actually resides
I can't remember if there is an interface for objects that are supposed to be equatable
I think you just override Equals and GetHashCode
But implementing IEqualityComparer doesn't make sense
oh. I'll try overriding the Equals
An IEqualityComparer is an object that is used to compare other objects, not an object that can be compared with itself
@KendallFrey where am I comparing it to itself?
You're assuming the HashSet will do that, yeah?
HashSet doesn't look at the items for an IEqualityComparer implementation
I'm assuming HashSet's UnionWith will do the comparing
it looks at Comparer (or whatever you pass into the constructor)
@mr5 Yeah, and by default it uses the default equality comparer, which I think compares things by object.GetHashCode and object.Equals
so... new HashSet<UserFriend>(new UserFriend());?
Well no, that's silly
if you want UserFriend to provide the implementation, override the object methods
but the ctor accepts an implementation of IEqualityComparer
If you want a separate implementation, then you pass an IEqualityComparer
@mr5 If you don't pass one, it will use the default
@KendallFrey can I override the Equals instead?
That's just what I told you to do...
But you also have to override GetHashCode
14 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
If GetHashCode is broken, everything breaks
okay thank you. I'll try that later.
5 mins ago, by mr5
so... new HashSet<UserFriend>(new UserFriend());?
^ this one works though but I get an invalid index exception after that
Sure you can do that, but that's silly
isn't it more logical if the HashSet check if T implements IEqualityComparer and use that before using the default
No, because the concept of a comparable and a comparer are separate
If an object wants to specify how it's compared by default, it overrides Equals and GetHashCode
If you want to override the default comparison in a hash table, you supply it with a custom comparer
There's no reason to have an object that is both a comparer and a comparable
That's a violation of SRP
Not to mention new HashSet<UserFriend>(new UserFriend()); is really confusing if you don't know anything about UserFriend
It looks like you're creating a set with one item, if you're not familiar with the HashSet constructor
@KendallFrey thank you for that detailed explanation. just what I am looking for.
I wish there is a feature in SO to saved this kind of insights for a concept explaining why it's done that way
HashSet.Add uses the hash code while HashSet.UnionWith uses the Equals
^ don't mind that
okay. I still get the same error after I eliminate the first one
say, I cleared a collection then add new elements using AddRange, is there something am I missing about this process? I am still getting the same error: "System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added"
as far as I can see it, there seems to be no duplicates in my new entries
2 hours later…
they're all offline :/
omg omg omg ...offline apocalypse.
Good morning.
hi , Good morning all
in windows application, automatic update for new exe launch. Any idea's or links, please share me..
Standard Windows desktop app?
Wpf application
See how common apps do it. Chrome, Java, Acrobat - they install services or scheduled tasks that regularly check for updates and if found, download and install.
Other apps do the same check, but at app launch. If found, it pops up a window suggesting you close the app and install, or does it for you.
Other apps use ClickOnce for it, it automatically pings the server, downloads updates and installs. It's flaky and unreliable, though. There are alternatives, like Squirrel, but I haven't used them.
Back in the day, MS's EnterpriseLibrary packages had an Updater Application Block, a library to help you manage updates, download specific DLLs that the server marked as updated and replace the running app. I don't think it's being actively maintained. It requires more code on your part.
currently i'm using visual studio installer
GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' neglecterinos!
Thanks for recommending Moana @RoelvanUden, very enjoyable
@mr5 aska question and answer it yourself
Thanks @AvnerShahar-Kashtan, I can refer you can shareable things and let u know ....
@Nerdintraining that's ...uhm. embarassing to do?
@mr5 NOPE
(you can always give Avner credit for the answer)
As my rep grows, so does my hunger for MOAR REP!
!!giphy moa rep
So thats what you look like avni
I already made an answer to my question here in SO, but this time, the answer came from other, not mine
and I think it's a pathetic thing to do (taking credit for something you didn't do)
@mr5 All you'r knowledge come from other people.
(Who thought you to read, write, programm ect.)

You lernt something new you could share it. If you feel bad just link Avnis profile so that he gets the credit for it.
it wasn't even Avnis' though
Oh yeah i see, well give it to Avni anyway, @KendallFrey doesn't deserve the credit :P
Hewwooow me sharpies
Thinking about it, I havent touched .net in like 2 months
@CapricaSix tell @KamilSolecki what i think about that!
I am receiving a Windows path style from an Android exception message: C:\BuildAgent3\work\ca3766cfc22354a1\Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android\Platform.cs:‌​1023
did the dev hard coded the path?
They would never do that!
Or... would They?
morning :)
@Nerdintraining don't underestimate Xamarin devs
I mean, those devs responsible making the Xamarin platform
^^ is it that bad?
I'm seeing few implementations which really sucks
@mr5 That looks like the path on the build server where the app was built.
It appears the app was compiled to include debugging information and the PDBs provided, so the exception stack trace includes the filename and line number.
good morning
This is the information that the debugger uses to know which line threw the exception.
wait wut?
so it's an online debugging?
for me, online == Internet
@mr5 more like remote debugging
No. It's just part of the exception data.
It can be used by a debugger.
When a process throws an exception, it adds all sorts of metadata to the exception, depending on how the app was compiled. This can contain the exception type (FileNotFoundException, etc), additional metadata for the Exception object, the method that threw the exception, the full stack trace leading up to it, the file and line number corresponding to the code location, etc.
do you work for Xamarin?
isnt that common knowledge?
For professor Xamarin
We also have C:\inetpub stack traces in our deployed on-premise web applications. Just because that's where we build the site to. It's not the installed location per-see.
That's normal :)
Hello everyone, I'm having the weirdest issue ever on a server with .Net Core. The result of DateTime.Now is completely desynchronized from the computer's clock and drifting in the future.
Here's a result of calling .Net Core's DateTime.Now, followed by the .Net Framework and PowerShell's Get-Date.

PS C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\test> dotnet .\datetime.dll
DateTime.Now: 2017-09-27T04:29:16.6493531+02:00
DateTime.UtcNow: 2017-09-27T02:29:16.6630150Z
PS C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\test> [DateTime]::Now.ToString("o")
(see full text)
Can you show the code in datetime.dll?
sure, it's just calling DateTime.Now and DateTime.UtcNow

using System;

namespace datetime
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine($"DateTime.Now: {DateTime.Now.ToString("o")}");
Console.WriteLine($"DateTime.UtcNow: {DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("o")}");
And I'm saying it's drifting because it's somehow linked to how long the computer has been up, if I reboot, it's nearly in sync, but with time it drifts in the future.
take the time of the computer when it started up
store it somewhere
Hmm. Interesting.
when you want to have the current datetime, you just reduce it by the difference between startup time and time now and multiply it with the drifting factor
izi pizi
@Wietlol, that'd work only if the drift is linear :)
it also works if the drift is exponential
or w/e
you just have to find out how much it drifts
@Gimly regulate Your quartz crystals... Send them training
they are getting sloppy
@ntohl he's still probably using the 555 ic timer
Joke aside, anybody has an idea on something I could try? Server's a Windows 2012 Datacenter hosted by an external company that has been fully updated. I've installed .Net core .NET Core Windows Server Hosting bundle on it yesterday so it's up to date as well.
@Gimly Let me guess, it's running on a VM
@RoelvanUden yes, it is, on a jelastic
Search for 'Virtual Machine Time Drift', it's a common and known phenomenon.
You'll have the use the appropriate tooling of your VM environment to handle it.
And not a macguffin from a poorly translated anime
@RoelvanUden but wouldn't the whole machine have the time drift? Here it's only .Net core that has the issue
@Gimly Are you sure the machine doesn't drift?
@RoelvanUden Pretty sure, look at the PowerShell output I pasted, only .Net core is sending a crazy output for DateTime.Now and the Windows clock is the same as my computer's clock.
Would there be a reason for only .net core be affected by the virtual machine drift?
Not to my knowledge, unless there's some other factor in play that's correcting time for PowerShell invocations. Unlikely, though. Basically: I don't know then.
@RoelvanUden Thanks for the help. That's the weirdest, most annoying bug I've ever seen, worse thing is that it's blocking my delivery... great.
@Gimly Does DateTimeOffset.Now have teh same behavior?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Yes it does :

PS C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\test> dotnet .\datetime.dll
DateTime.Now: 2017-09-27T06:06:04.6123194+02:00
DateTime.UtcNow: 2017-09-27T04:06:04.6216847Z
DateTimeOffset.Now: 2017-09-27T06:06:04.6218177+02:00
PS C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\test> [DateTime]::Now.ToString("o")
nearly 24h in the future now
Ordinarily invoking "framework bug!" to explain a behaviour not understood is no bueno, but we'll, . net core is pretty new and developed iteratively
And that is what it sounds like
Hi guys, would you please help me with a little thing? I want to pass data from ajax data: new FormData(file) into my controller method and I don't know what the corresponding object in C# for files/formdata is
any help is appreciated :)
@TomW yeah, I guess I'm going to open an issue on the coreclr GitHub, I can't really see what it could be appart from a framework bug.
David Robinson on September 26, 2017

Software development is a global industry, and programmers everywhere rely on Stack Overflow to find solutions to their problems. But as we’ve analyzed before, different countries use different languages and technologies.

In this post we’ll take a look at German software developers, as seen by their Stack Overflow visits. We’ll see how the programming languages and technologies they use differ from the rest of the world, and how they differ within major cities in the country. All of these analyses are of 2017 year-to-date, from January to mid-September. …

@Feeds bloddy germans
@Gimly Try running the same test on a different machine - a physical one, and also a VM running on a different host.
Just so you have a good repro scenario for the issue.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Well, there are so much parameters to test (OS, etc.), but the code works fine on my machine (obviously) and I've tried on a local VM and it's also working normally, even after hours of uptime of the VM. But it's difficult to be conclusive of anything, as it could be a configuration on the hosting provider or something like that, but anyhow the difference between .net and .net core is not normal.
Ah, I agree it's likely an issue in .NET Core. It's just that narrowing it to the specific software, hardware and virtualization scenario is useful.
@Feeds sooo... germany doesnt like sql servers and is the root of all C++ programmers?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan completely agree
I ranked 37 in C++ though :D :D
^^ #eballs
it says #4 but I'm actually 2nd ^^
score 3 :D
:D :D :D
that's the best I can give
He to high for you!
To stronk
it's OpenGL though. a very old specs/library
I know the 1st guy. I talked to him before
...in chat
can you try it nerd?
Don't know how.
Don't care how :P
Nah work work work
avner was not on list of c# per country
I guess the competition is really tight
oh wait
he's included
Q: Can you please identify these time travellers?

Christie Romanowski Marty McFly (red shirt; with hoverboard) and The Doctor (brown overcoat; his TARDIS on the table) are easy. Who are the other three (an elf in green, a guy in blue and a black bunny dinosaur)?

I like the comment on Link. Pure nerdism
@mr5 Heh. I worked with #54 a few years ago, work at the same company as #53, and #85 is sitting two tables from me right now.
I'm not sure exactly what this query returns, though.
Ah, my score for the tag. Ja.
Score being different than Rep Awarded.
noone considered Hungarian...
@Feeds Interesting observations here, about and being more popular in high-income countries while and being more popular in other countries.
But why python?
Python is used extensively in academia.
And in data science and research.
I knew about the research part.
So Python is just super in generall?
Not necessarily. But it is used in the sort of positions that are more in use in high-income countries, like R&D and academia.
Whereas PHP and android are more bread-and-butter technologies, used in scenarios that are often off-shored to less expensive countries.
bread-and-butter technologies
I like that term
@MadaraUchiha if "Jon Skeet" is a value of reputation... how many "Jon Skeets" does Jon Skeet have by now?
(just read your post about using bounty for high quality answers)
@Wietlol Jon Skeet always has 1.0js. It's the rest of us that have our js values depreciating over time.
a dynamic value?
Constantly being eroded.
If it wasn't dynamic, it would merely be a multiplier. 1 kilo-rep, 1 mega-rep, 1 jonskeet-rep. That's boring.
would be nice to say "I am at 17 Jon Skeet rep"
but Jon Skeet atm has 5836 Jon Skeet rep
Jon Skeet has Jon Skeet rep
there is no number that can define the amount of rep Jon Skeet has
didnt jon skeet's rep overflow?
@Wietlol 1.000, clearly.
Quick Q: is there a tool that will tell me what public classes are made available by an assembly? I'm trying to figure out if this old version of AjaxControlToolkit provides an AutoCompleteExtender.
@Kevin Visual Studio's ObjectExplorer?
I thought intellisense might give me a list but if I type <ajax: into an .aspx it gives me nothing at all
I mean ObjectBrowser, of course.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Googling... "The Object Browser lets you select and examine the namespaces, classes, methods, and other programming symbols available for use in your project." Hey, that sounds useful.
By default it shows private members as well, but you can hide them.
Ok, cool... Great, the AutoCompleteExtender type is right there. Thanks for the tip :-)
@MadaraUchiha clearly.
This is part of a larger problem where 1) the aspx page has a green underline under <ajax:AutoCompleteExtender, complaining of Element 'AutoCompleteExtender is not a known element. This can occur if there is a compilation error in the Web site, or the web.config file is missing"; 2) The project happily builds with zero errors anyway; 3) Auto complete doesn't work when I test out the project.
I don't really understand the warning... I've got a valid web.config (as far as I can tell), it contains a reference to AjaxControlToolkit, and I've got a <%@ Register Assembly tag in my aspx page.
I can answer it, but I dont think you will like the answer
Googling "is not a known element" gives me a whole bunch of posts related to Angular, none of which seem to resemble my own problem very much. Googling "is not a known element" -angular gives me a lot of non-SO pages which don't have a lot of replies
what is not a known element?
"C# asp.net ajax extender is not a known element"
first specify what you use
then specify what your problem is
Hi guys
i am having a url like below :
Now if this doenst returns any data i am returning status code 404 with status fail
Do you guys think this make sense?
depends on what?
it just depends
Ok, Googling that query with quotes returns zero results. Googling that query without quotes returns several results not related to AutoCompleteExtender, plus one SO post which has two borderline-illiterate answers. "instead of using tag you should use tag" and "Yes its workin now !! becoz of the auto generated bin folder in Vs .."
@Learning 404 implies the resource you're accessing doesn't exist. But the get resource does exist.
It's not clear-cut.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan maybe just page 5 doesnt exist
I mean, let's say there are no entities at all, and you call /get?page=1&pagesize=10 - would you expect a 404 or a 200 with an empty list?
But i am just having 20 records
So for page 5 i dont have any records
Yes, but if you had no records, what would you expect?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I guess 200 with message "No records" would make sense
i would throw a bad request
or an internal error
or a teapot
depending on the date
@Wietlol Why? It's a perfectly normal scenario, not having any results.
@Wietlol Yes? That's the page I just linked to and said was unhelpful. What about it?
Internal server or bad request doenst make any sense at all
If I run a search for items and get no results, that's a successful search.
@Kevin did you include ajax as a reference?

@AvnerShahar-Kashtan if you search for items and get no results and then load in the items from 500 to 600
that throws an index out of bounds exception on normal collections
Above url is to get a record for 100
Now if this 100 doesnt exist then i am returning 404
@Learning Now that should return a 404. Because you're accessing a specific resource which doesn't exist.
Does this make sense in this case?
But in your first scenario, the resource is /root/get, which is a search-provider resource.
for that i should return 200 with no records found right?
then iDunno
@Learning I think so, yes.
ok thanks :)
It's quite curious to me that the code completion box doesn't list ajax at all. But I know it exists, because if it didn't I would get "Unrecognized namespace ajax" rather than "... Is not a known element".
Incidentally, /root/get is a pretty vaguely named resource
it returns the root
/root as a root element is, well, superfluous. /api is a more common term.
(Usually to support having both a set of API endpoints and a set of pages on the same app root)
Previously i was having /api in my url
But get should probably be changed to the name of the entity that the endpoint handles.
But 1 colleague pointed out that what does api means in your url
i was not having answer for that
I dont have root also in my endpoint but above url was just an example
It means that it's the API root. If I have both http://myserver.com/entities which is the web page for entities, and http://myserver.com/api/entities which is the api for entities.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I have a service that returns a web page for browsers and data for applications that call it as a rest service
using the same url
So when i have api in my url that means it indicates some sort of webservice?
@Wietlol By checking user agents? Accept headers?
It's possible, but I wouldn't do it. An API should be an API, a web app - a web app. Don't tie them together too much.
Hmm, could it be because I pulled this assembly straight from source control onto a fresh environment without doing any kind of formal installation process? The library's web site has an installation guide... But do I really need to do all of that just to successfully refer to a public type in a dll?
I more expect the installation process to add ancillary bells and whistles, like a toolbox window for VS that you can use to drag-and-drop ajax controls. But I don't need that.
Your API might have external clients that depend on it. If you want to restructure your web app, you don't necessarily want to change - and break - your API as well.
If the answer is "yes, the library flat-out doesn't work unless you run the installation wizard", that's going to be quite tricky to get done in QA and production. It takes a stack of paperwork to get those guys to double-click an executable with admin permissions.
i forgot how to write sql code :(
Guys, we all should wish @Metallkiller a get well soon, he hurt his ankle.
If he were my horse, I would have to shoot him :<
@Kieran nice
Is it normal for warnings in the Error List window to appear when I open a file, and disappear when I close the file? It jumps from 131 to 132 back down to 131.
Oh, it jumped up to 143 after leaving the file open for a while.
Is it normal for VS to take like thirty seconds to notice a warning?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan by using headers yes
I use an optional header that states the usage of the call
if none is found, it provides you the website which then opens a page depending on the query and parameters
in the framework that I use, I find it logical to do it this way
also an api is not the same as a rest service
@Wietlol It makes sense when the web app is a relatively straightforward wrapper around the API.
the website simply displays the data that the rest call would return
im actually not sure if you can enter headers in your browser
Not out of the box.
!!giphy look at my horse
@Nerdintraining ^
I mean its not quite the gif i wanted
my horse is amazing
but it'll do
give a lick
mmm tastes just like raisins
27 mins ago, by Nerd in training
Guys, we all should wish @Metallkiller a get well soon, he hurt his ankle.
Uhh thats dirty
I saw that :joy Kieran drunk pirate
33 mins ago, by Nerd in training
27 mins ago, by Nerd in training
Guys, we all should wish @Metallkiller a get well soon, he hurt his ankle.
a quote from 33 minutes ago about a message 27 minutes ago
uhm.... ok... ?
7 mins ago, by Nerd in training
33 mins ago, by Nerd in training
27 mins ago, by Nerd in training
Guys, we all should wish @Metallkiller a get well soon, he hurt his ankle.
15 secs ago, by Kieran
7 mins ago, by Nerd in training
33 mins ago, by Nerd in training
27 mins ago, by Nerd in training
Guys, we all should wish @Metallkiller a get well soon, he hurt his ankle.
@Wietlol touche
7 mins ago, by Wietlol
15 secs ago, by Kieran
7 mins ago, by Nerd in training
33 mins ago, by Nerd in training
27 mins ago, by Nerd in training
Guys, we all should wish @Metallkiller a get well soon, he hurt his ankle.
it's getting swifty
Would adding attribute to a property in an interface be applied on the implemented classes?
@Nerdintraining did you just assume my wishes?
have you never been told to keep your wishes for yourself?
if you share them, they will never come out
so, if you want everyone to share them, you only wish ill on Metallkiller
@Wietlol Thats the paln, 'duh!
I think i broke the chat
If you over over the first of these 3 messages, does the one bevor last of wietol still get marked on you guys?
or is it just me?
I get permanent marking of this message: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/39330690#39330690
it is not just you
I secretly attacked your device
rendering your rendering useless
I surrender
Here take my Data
Hi all
32 mins ago, by Nerd in training
7 mins ago, by Wietlol
15 secs ago, by Kieran
7 mins ago, by Nerd in training
33 mins ago, by Nerd in training
27 mins ago, by Nerd in training
Guys, we all should wish @Metallkiller a get well soon, he hurt his ankle.
01:00 - 15:0015:00 - 22:00

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