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01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 23:00

  InvalidOperationException: Cannot resolve scoped service
  public static async Task CreateAccount(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)

                    UserManager<User> userManager =
InvalidOperationException: Cannot resolve scoped service 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.UserManager`1[User]' from root provider.
3 hours later…
Good morning everyone
Servus Sharperinos!
promo for the new logh... i prefer the old style :(
@KamilSolecki poland is the new russia youtube.com/watch?v=kfVsfOSbJY0
@Proxy Sweet! I like this, I will watch it for sure.
It reminds me of Yamato 2199, which is a good thing
i still have to watch that one
It retains that 80's feel with modern(er) art
that is nice
Hopefully LOGH pulls that off, too.
ah its the same author who made galaxy express
GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' neglecterinos!
@RoelvanUden I am dissapointed that it wasnt this.
@Nerdintraining You win today.
My work is done for today! :D
senpai... how come you have fallen into such obvious trap :O
TBH it wasn't a trap.
I genuinely thought that Sensais link would be Friday.
And i was a bit dissapointed that it wasn't
kamil is away or?
i posted a video from his yesterday and today but he has still not seen it or commented :/
we are communicating on another domain now
Here's a singing crab to get you going @Nerdintraining youtube.com/watch?v=93lrosBEW-Q
because you're not replying to my chats 😞
!!summon 1
@Metallkiller I will appear in that room after 1 more invocation(s)
1 is sandbox right?
anyway, rebooting...
@RoelvanUden the beginnig reminded me of ariel :D
It's better, where it's wetter, under the seaaaa~
@Nerdintraining Have you not seen Moanna?!
@RoelvanUden No, that song is really catchy^^
@Nerdintraining Jezus man go watch it
I'm not up tp date with all of the new fancy wancy disney stuff
but i tink i will giv it a try
Someone send caprica to the sandbox please
@Nerdintraining You're missing out on some good movies :-)
I can imagine :D
10 mins ago, by Metallkiller
!!summon 1
@RoelvanUden Will catch up on that movie tonight with my wife :D
!!help summon
@Nerdintraining summon: Say boopidi bee and in the room I shall be. /summon roomid
!!summon sandbox
@Nerdintraining I will appear in that room after 1 more invocation(s)
@Metallkiller !!summon sandbox is the command
Someone should eventually change her help responses to use !! instead of /
!!summon sandbox
@Metallkiller That aint no room I ever heard of! /help summon for usage info
@Nerdintraining Zootopia is a good watch too.
Bro, she's asking for ID, not name
-> ID = 1
!!summon 1
@Nerdintraining I will appear in that room after 1 more invocation(s)
!!summon 1
cap is back but ain't speaking
@RoelvanUden the Tumbnail of this video reminds me of Pocahontas
It's like 9/10 Pocahontas
Man, Moanna > Pocohontas
Mulan > Moana?
Aswell i am very confused that they are all labled with vevo
Don't watch too much of those lol
Much of the entertainment comes from the great story/music mix.
@RoelvanUden don't worry, i didn't watch it, don't want to spoiler the movie :D
Spoiler alert: The Rock dubbed the macho man in Moana
Guys, when using ASP.NET Identity, the token is only valid for 5 minutes. When I'm using my app for about half an hour, the token is expired. Should I fix this with a refresh token, and why isn't that automatically implemented when using ASP.NET Identity?
Because security.
I think if they implement it, it will be more secure than when I will do it myself :D
Because I'm almost as close to set the expiration time to a whole day xD
A numberlock is just security through obscurity.
@Metallkiller did you finish your concept already?
Compiler: "Cannot resolve symbol 'Where'"
Me: "Add using 'System.Ling'"
Compiler: "Ambiguous invocation:
System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<T> Where
System.Linq.IQueryable<T> Where
You can specify it...
but if I remove the System.Linq reference, then it doesnt match any more on System.Collections.Generic
for some weird ass reason
A: Ambiguous Invocation IQueryable or IEnumerable

Rhys BevilaquaThis problem is normally caused by a failure in type inference from in the expression provided to the Where statement. As was mentioned in the comments above it is 100% caused by the assignment operator in the lambda returning an int instead of a bool. To be clear - where you have var result =...

it's an Extension Method. No surprise if You remove the reference, so all the methods are invisible for the compiler, the exception goes away...
but it said that it also matches the System.Collections.Generic version
which reference, I did not remove
it's an Extension Method
so it makes look like it's in the System.Collections.Generic, but it's not.
like friend in C++
i think i want to cry now
why cant it just tell me where stuff comes from?
You can
If the expression looked like X.Where(Y) than You can

System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<specify type here>.Where(X, Y)
\o/ wooot, entity framework ignores default values of sql entries entirely
Q: How To design configurable field level permissions with Entity Framework

cSteusloffSay we have a table of information pertaining certain models of cars, such as the following: How would I best implement field level access permissions for read and write operations if I also need the rules to be user-configurable? I am using MSSQL Server 2016 and EF 6. Based on that table we m...

Is there a concept for this? Is there literature for a solution?
@Nerdintraining my concept is done, just in time for us to realize: since two of our Devs are sick for 2 weeks, it's only the two of us who need to finish this patch, and therefore have no time to actually build the thing in the concept.
@Metallkiller "only two of us"... We have 2 projects per developer. Not multiple developers per project...
@Metallkiller so fuck?
I wanna goo hoooommmee!
oh weeeekend!!
fun fun fun
fun fun fun
omg omg omg
we're still at the office
it's already 7:31PM
go home
I didn't know, but 12:01 am is really 0:01
there is no thing as 12:XX in the AM/PM System i thought
hi kindly help - how convert datatable to nested json object
@Wietlol found your error use using System.Linq instead of System.Ling thank me later ;)
Hi anyone know this
Can anyone tell me what the difference is between AccessTokenExpireTimeSpan and AuthorizationTokenExpireTimeSpan?
@ntohl We have a Main project, being the product we sell. That exists for 30years, and we just got it ported from gupta desktop app to c# web app (not using asp.net of course but some strange web framework that was discontinued like 2 years ago), and after 2 years we have it almost bug free (means there are still tons of bugs, but the thing works now without throwing exception at the user all the time). This has around 3M lines of code, the people who originally wrote it aren't here anymore, and the people who ported it took their money for porting it and left to fuck with the next copmany
@mr5 TY!!!
how can I ever tank you enuf?
@SunishaSindhu Lots (around 3) of foreach loops I'd say.
Which DB, and how do you access it? Do you have an application accessing it? Do youuse Entitiy Framework? Do oyu jsut have a DB and need to serialize it using Sql from SSMS?
What have you tried yet?
@Wietlol ohh. And don't forget to siege the tanks...
SQL db and using vb.net geting as dataset
Just nest foreach loops inside each other.
foreach dt in ds
  foreach dr in dt
    foreach cell in dr //or whatever a datarow enumerates to
Or...OR...look for a ds serializer. If you work with json anyway, maybe there is something like json.serialize(ds);
like this
"UserID": 3,
"CustCode": "K/001",
"CuststoreID": "0701",
"data": [{
"DeviceID": 1,
"DeviceName": "KTLGT01",
"DeviceIP": ""
"DeviceID": 1,
"DeviceName": "KTLGT01",
"DeviceIP": ""
"UserID": 3,
"CustCode": "K/001",
"CuststoreID": "0201",
"StoreName": "KDLPlus",
"data": [{
"DeviceID": 3,
"DeviceName": "KT01",
"DeviceIP": ""
it codifies your code
can you sent me sample link
from that i can refer...
because i never used this way thats why
Actually I don't have one, I just made an example by guessing what I would do to serialze a dataset
A: Convert datatable to JSON in C#

Alireza MaddahThis code snippet from Convert Datatable to JSON String in C#, VB.NET might help you. It uses System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer to serialize the contents to JSON format: public string ConvertDataTabletoString() { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); using (SqlConnection co...

Q: vb.net datatable Serialize to json

innspironI have this kind of table: I need to get this JSON (of course order could be any, structure/tree is most important): Data table can change, so serialization should be dynamic. I am working with vb.net and used this code: Public Function GetJson() As String Dim dt As New System.Da...

thanks we are using the same but we want json in nested format
So you actuallly use something already, and you jsut wanna change the format?
Can you show us what you have so far?
please wait...
i have a dumb question regarding database etc but i doubt i will explain it well. so here i go: basically i need to send a email to each client that has not installed out app and has recieved a message in the last 24 hours. my approach is just to get messages in the last 24 hours, look up if they have not installed the app(another querz) and then send them an email
sounds good
isn't a question though
my collegue has started done this with one query(well he creates view) that puts bunch of data in it, and he says me that i shall call that view and parse the data from it
which to me seems like a more cucumbersome way to do it, but im not sure about the performance side of things
@Proxy Sounds fine? Might be nicer (and more annoying) to use their last activity/logon/appstartup date if you have that. If you have the app, but silenced it, you can still spam their e-mail. ;p
since i have not worked a lot with database optimitazions
so i cannot argue on that side
since i do not know it
Hi @Metallkiller please look on to this, SQL DATA

UserID CustCode CuststoreID StoreName DeviceID DeviceName DeviceIP
----------- -------- ----------- ------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ --------------------
3 K/001 0201 KDLPlus 3 KT01
Are you filtering the query too (by installed date, etc.0?
A view can be more or less optimized than a regular query. It depends on how the view was made. The huge upside of a view is that it's very easy to see what's in it, because you can see it in your SQL explorer and see what is happening. The downside is well, there's always a view stored there.
One query every hour over a few million rows on 1-2 tables with maybe 10 columns? No performance problem really. Just od it.
In ASP.NET Identity, the "AccessTokenExpireTimeSpan" is being used for refresh tokens aswel.. Even though my RefreshTokenProvider states a difference value. Anyone got a hint on that one?
@SunishaSindhu When typing/pasting code in the chat, format it using ctrl+k before sending.
@Metallkiller please look on to mine...
I view is an acceptable solution then. For optimization terms, having the correct indexes for the tables/columns that the view uses is most important.
he has made serval views, im not sure for which reason though... to me it seems like too much information for a trivial problem
@SunishaSindhu Also, I wasn't talking about how your db looks like, I meant your code currently serializing it :)
@SunishaSindhu that is Your input, not what have You done before
	"UserID": 3,
	"CustCode": "K/001",
	"CuststoreID": "0201",
	"StoreName": "KDLPlus",
	"DeviceID": 3,
	"DeviceName": "KT01",
	"DeviceIP": ""
}, {
	"UserID": 3,
	"CustCode": "K/001",
	"CuststoreID": "0701",
	"StoreName": "GIGAMART KITALE",
	"DeviceID": 1,
	"DeviceName": "KTLGT01",
	"DeviceIP": ""
}, {
	"UserID": 3,
	"CustCode": "K/001",
	"CuststoreID": "0701",
	"StoreName": "GIGAMART KITALE",
	"DeviceID": 2,
	"DeviceName": "KTLGT02",
	"DeviceIP": ""
@Proxy I've seen cases where someone will have multiple views, which are then JOINed together to form another view. I'm not sure if that's the case. In my experience, using multiple views was generally over complex, but hey, that could have been the scenario I was working with.
this what we are getting as response now
@SunishaSindhu Is your program in c#?
your code
right. please show us your VB code.
The part that serializes your db.
Public Shared Function GetClientAllStoreAndDeviceDetails(ByVal UserID As Int16) As String
            Dim Db As New ASP.DAL.DBAccess("TM"), ResponseStr As String = ""
            With Db
                .AddParameter("@UserId", UserID)
            End With
            ResponseStr = ASP.BAL.CommonClass.GetJson(Db.ExecuteDataSet("GetClientAllStoreAndDeviceDetails"))
            Return ResponseStr
        End Function

  Public Shared Function GetJson(ByVal Ds As DataSet) As String
Right, now we're talking. So...
anybody know VB?
i didn't get you?
That's ok, most people don't :)
is there any group for VB in Sof
can you do this in c#
because i can understand c#
I'm trying. Just gotta do my own work at the same time ;)
so i will convert it in to Vb.net
okay reply me asp...
oh I don't know asp :P
i said Aas soon as possible
Do you have only that one table?
vb and c# might as well be the same in certain aspects
can any one try for this
@Kieran c#.Where(e => vb.Contains(e.IL))
In what sense is Clojure JavaScript?
@SunishaSindhu OK I just realized whats wrong with your application.
You need to normalize your database.
@KendallFrey Doesn't it compile to JS? I might be thinking of the wrong language here.
With ClojureScript it can. Normally it compiles to JVM I think.
Just because Elm and TypeScript both are essentially the same thing, JavaScript, doesn't mean that I can read Elm.
Fixed it*
I hid the evidence. Shh.
what do you mean normalized database
not everything in same table. The thing that have elements is pointed by another table, which have the child elements
Obviously a database where the sum of the products of the amplitudes with their complex conjugates is equal to 1.
getting data from Stored procedue it is join tables
hmm. What happens if You group by CuststoreID in the stored proc?
@Kieran thats cuz of .NET
@Metallkiller ASP is a german band
Mah focus
Answer ntohls question :)
11hrs in work
@mr5 Well go home then!
@SunishaSindhu status?
I can't
they won't let me :'(
Borrow a light and hold it under the next fire sensor
/ smoke sensor
Or go near the door, shout "Oh whats that over there??" while pointing the other direction, then run like hell.
@Metallkiller look schwatzapp
@mr5 isn't there a limit of hours you are allowed to to per day by law?
@Metallkiller has some good advice ;)
hello children
Hey chef
I want to verify the results of WCF service calls. I did not develop the service, so I am calling it and wanting to check the results. Any recommendations on how to verify the results of the service?
Don't use WCF
Can you use a Unit Test?
@Nathvi I don't have a choice, I am using what was developed by someone else.
Don't call it a unit test, call it an integration test
Rip it out
Rip it all out and rewrite it right now.
@KendallFrey Gotcha, but it is essentially doing the same thing? Write an integration test and assert the values are expected?
I'm actually not sure of the correct term for a test of third-party code
Third party code testing.
TPCT as we like to call it.
or if you are a haxor, thrdprtytstn
Even though the iterative version of the factorial function is technically more efficient than the recursive version, on most systems you could not tell the difference. The reason is the factorial function “grows” fast, meaning it returns fairly large results for relatively small arguments.
What does second statement mean?
"returns fairly large results for relatively small arguments"
@Teomanshipahi 100! is a lot bigger than 100
Hmm I was taking that as an advantage over recursive one, so it does not actuall.
I mean whole statement appears they are almost equal on most systems, because we have enough ram and cores to handle fairly large recursive calculations?
It means you don't need to worry about recursion, because the size of the number overwhelms anything else.
so should it be more like "most systems you could not tell the difference, until you hit stack overflow on recursive functions"? :)
Do you know about computational complexity? @Teomanshipahi
Runtime and space complexity
@Nathvi talking about this? bigocheatsheet.com
@Teomanshipahi You could easily run out of memory before you get a stack overflow from a factorial
run out of memory in iterative?
@Nathvi ok, what about it?
@Metallkiller "SyntaxError: missing ; before statement"
whats caps syntax for factorial?
@Metallkiller "undefined"
!!help >
@Metallkiller Command > does not exist. Did you mean: 3, d, y, !, ^, π, ?, א
@Teomanshipahi, ""returns fairly large results for relatively small arguments". It's making a statement relating the input size to the output size. This is essentially talking about the complexity.
Albeit not in a very technical manner.
@Teomanshipahi in recursive
@Metallkiller JS doesn't do factorial
How does for look like in JS? for(j in 1:100) ?
when it says "returns" I'm assuming they are measuring the amount of time it takes as the return value.
Or maybe they are talking about the actual output of the function
@Metallkiller same as C#
@KendallFrey It is OK, as long as program fails in recursive, it fails. So I am more concerned reason of "on most systems you could not tell the difference". Because we have enough hardware, or for another reason?
@Teomanshipahi I already explained. Recursion isn't the bottleneck, the actual number is.
!!>int i = 1; for(int j = 1;j<100;j++) i*=j;
@Metallkiller "SyntaxError: missing ; before statement"
Any1 use VS2017 SQLite without Admin rights?
But actual number is not a problem in iterative. So I am not against recursive algorithm, I am more curios why there is no noticeable difference. What author was referencing over there?
Fine, gonna try it again next week or so.
ANyone being around for a bit longer than me (since I'm leaving now): Cap isn't responding in the Sandbox; would be nice to have her back over there.
@Teomanshipahi, I'm not sure I understand your question.
@Teomanshipahi In iterative, the actual number is hella big too.
Bye everyone, have a nice weekend!
Anyway, I will skip on next chapter, @KendallFrey thanks, I think I got your point. More reading will en-light me :)
2 hours later…
Does anyone have an opinions on sharing an Enum across a WCF service? I have two options: one, the service sends a int (although they cast to an int) and the client translates to enum. Or second, the service includes the enum as part of its response object, and we share that enum on the client side.
What's my best option if I want to use all the features of a ConcurrentDictionary but only need to store class instances, and not a KeyValue pair?
? it's a dictionary so it stores mapping of keys to values
you only want values?
msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/… <- concurrent collections in .NET
Anyone want to attempt answering a Big O notation question?
I know, don't ask to ask. I was just priming. Question coming up in a sec
If I have a quadradic ( O(n^2)) being called in a loop of (n), nested in another loop of (n), nested in a second loop of (n), then the final notation would be O(n^5) right?
That's essentially 5 loops of n, so yeah
That's what I thought. Thanks Kendall
1 hour later…
I like C# but are there any C# jobs?
it seems like there are loads of java jobs
but not many C#
"are there any C# jobs" there are, I actually had a C# job
Unanswerable question.
but ASP.net is weird
Yes, there are C# jobs out there.
compared to nodejs
but this answer doesn't really help you, what you're probably looking for is "are there any C# jobs in my area"
Are there any C# jobs in your area? Who knows.
@Tobiq You can create some C# jobs for us. :<>
I havent C#'d in a while, though.
@Tobiq it's weird if your only experience is Node.js vOv
i know PHP
but I dont ever want to touch that again
@Tobiq poor, poor you
i know python
Good answer
have a vodka to drink away your problems
my fave lang is html
If you're a web developer I'd call that a good thing
actually writing HTML the way it's meant to be used is a thumbs up from me
I guess Tobiq got tired of trolling JS and came here
i dont troll
stop spreading rumours
I think C# is probably more headlined by the constituent technologies in .NET than Java is. If you want a Java programmer, you say you want a Java programmer, rather than a Spring programmer, although those adverts also exist
The adverts say WPF or MVC or ASP.NET
You'd have to combine searches for all of those to get a comparable figure
do u know java
But I do read Java job adverts
And I know Java programmers
How hard can it be
Sorry for the interruption, is anyone here, anyone at all, knows this user here? chat.stackoverflow.com/users/6096757/john
Greetings all!
Are you asking if anyone knows "John"? --- sorry, closed as "unclear question".
Please edit the question with more details -1 (just kidding)
@MadaraUchiha He's never posted before today in the JS room
007 is john
My name is -, John -. ?
stop shouting please
ssube banning me for telling da truth
@Wietlol No, right now, you're just adding oil to the flame.
i cant see fire though
And please don't let it leak to other rooms, thank you.
No trolling please.
I would never
... at least not while im bored
Hello everyone. I don't do C# dev, but I would like to ask a few questions. Anyone willing to answer?
!!tell Radu Stefan Popescu hello
@Wietlol Command stefan does not exist. (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
ok, i forgot how it worked with spaces
@RaduStefanPopescu dont ask if you can ask questions or if people are willingly to answer
wow, you are here too
im everywhere
Aug 28 at 15:53, by mikeTheLiar
Don't ask if you can ask, it creates an infinite recursive loop. Just ask your question. If someone is around who can help, they will.
Anyway I want to know what the state of desktop development is for windows and if it can be done easily in a modular way.
state = shit
it can be done easily with jaba
Why do you say that?
@RaduStefanPopescu define "modular"
01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 23:00

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