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@KendallFrey Hey Kendall, if you were developing some software using an API, would you try to make your methods/functions consistent with the API or no? e.g., this API I'm using uses a LOT of out/ref calls; primarily because the API has a lot of functions with the same names and uses the parameters of the functions to differentiate because of amount of inheritance this software has..
I personally would like to avoid the out/refs, but given how this stuff is laid out, it almost seems as if I should just bend the knee and follow.
Is the API from a .NET library, as opposed to some web endpoint?
It's a .NET Library
If the API itself is clunky, it's probably not a bad idea to put a facade over it
I might do that for Windows native APIs, for example.
Well, fortunately, the API sort of encourages that. Most of the functions are pretty bare, and it's up to the dev to expand it to fit their needs. So it seems you bring up a good point here.
Thank you as always.
Bringing up good points is what I get paid for
I try
is it possible to call a member function before the constructor ends?
insert a function call at the very end, before the } which ends the constructor body?
(fairly sure you mean something different, but this fits your current spec so there)
It seems you should be able to, you'd just need to be careful about using anything that hasn't been instantiated yet.
I mean calling member function outside of its class
public DestinationRepository() : base("destination")
	createTableTask = Task.Run(async () => {
		await CreateTableAsync<Destination>().ConfigureAwait(false);
thoughts about this?
it creates a table during instantiation but async
so every time we call a CRUD functions from that class, await createTableTask should be called first
yeah, await and OOP-style parts of C# don't mix well
common workaround is having a static method that delegates to a private/protected constructor, and then doing something extra
@milleniumbug ahm, can you make an example?
is this poor design? or is there any other way? perhaps, just synchronize the table creation?
@mr5 sure, in a moment
@mr5 If you're asking if C# has async constructors, I don't think so. You'd want a factory method.
@milleniumbug it's the same in my example
@KendallFrey no. I'm trying to redesign this implementation
Content="{DynamicResource Database}" this is how basically implement dynamic resource into wpf xaml.
But how to concatenate two resource?
Content="{DynamicResource Database}+{DynamicResource Database}" (not worked)
    <Run Text = "{DynamicResource Database}"/>
    <Run Text = "{DynamicResource Version}"/>
paste this in your console for annoying popups
awesome screensaver. copy-paste to your console: gist.github.com/mr5z/ba92477bbd20a3d9152b4100ce30a951
does anyone use wix
i need to get the UI Extension and PS Extension - but can't figure out where to download them
or is it referenced as a schema
1 hour later…
mine is using 288MB
but I am just editing powershell manifest files
how can you run VS on that low memory?
VS always require me to use at least 1gb of memory for it to run
since VS 2008
it's not doing anything
and it only has a psd1 file open - no intelisense to load
if I open a solution it will probably balloon
i have so much memory it doesnt really matter though
psd? isn't that a photoshop file?
they give us huge machines here
psd1 is a powershell module manifest file
for distributing powershell cmdlets
I have written an import/export tool so the helpdesk people can process people's emails into and out of our system
so I dont have to do it any more
I never had the motivation to learn powershell syntax and commands. is powershell as robust as terminals?
it's the best
for windows at least
because the language is high level?
it's just modern. there are a lot of silly things in batch file scripting which powershell fixes.
it can do all the cmd functions, too. and it can invoke .net assemblies. you can even execute C# code from it
is powershell commands as rich as that one in linux?
they even aliased most commands with linux ones
so grep calls Select-String
cd is Set-Location, ls is Get-ChildItem
can you hack the traffic light system from it? or populate fake SSIDs across the network?
yeah I know powershell wants to be vb.net too
i dont know how to do either of those things, but I imagine the shell is not doing it but rather a tool invoked from the shell
so I would hazard a guess and say yes
especially with the linux subsystem, you could run all your linux tools in windows itself. or install powershell on linux, because it has been ported
you can do those by connecting through putty, executing mysql commands
but you need to know the credentials first
yeah, so not the shell at all
you can ssh from powershell, you can query databases
anyway, I like it, it's a good tool
you can write cmdlets in c# and distribute them as modules
much more useful than a console application - I dont think i will ever write one of those again
but it only runs on .NET environment right?
is .NET a VM?
um, no
so what do you call to the executable that interprets those IL?
I'm new in .NET sorry
do you know java?
it's similar to the JVM
i was told it is not a vm
but I guess you could argue it is in a sense
I know .NET is framework
is there any one guru on JSon?
you code, say C# is compiled to the IL
which is what is distributed, it get compiled by the JIT compiler
that makes native code which is executed
you should read up on it, I am only paraphrasing here
@Jamaxack ask away, but you might have more luck in the javascript room
I have Json response, so I created sample project and deserialising is working, but in my actual project deserialising creates objects but all properties set to null, if I pu JsonProperty attribute to all properties than it sets the value
but in new projects it works without JSonproperty attribute
are you using json.net?
can you help me to pickup correct words to google it?))
I use the attribute in my code
I don't know, but by realizing again it was running from a VM and gets compiled into native code, and the fact that it is only available on Window, it seems it defeats the purpose of creating it into IL rather than a direct native code. I don't know if the reason is for making it portable for every CPU architecture only
I don't want that my code was dependent on some 3rd party library
@mr5 it's not only available on windows
but the strange thing is it is working in new project without attribute
@Jamaxack as far as i know everyone uses newtonsoft.json
we use it in all our work applications
it's a very good library
@mr5 it allowed people to write in several languages and use the same tools to develop applications for windows. much like java, but for native windows applications. it's grown much more than just that though.
yeah agree it is good
but, without attribute it is not able to find property
I even not writing property name in attribute
@hsimah yeah, I totally forgot that. thanks for reminding
I'd ask a question on SO
post your code
@hsimah so all Microsoft made languages right? like C#, vb.net, F#, Visual C++
public partial class SAStudent
private string id;

public string Id
get { return id; }
set { id = value; }

private string name;

public string Name
get { return name; }
set { name = value; }

var odataResponse = "{\"@odata.context\":\"http://localhost:8002/Sample/Sample/OData/$metadata#SAStudent(Id)\",\"value\":[{\"Id\":\"NIYOZO\"},{\"Id\":\"E2E18\"},{\"Id\":\"E2E24\"},{\"Id\":\"E2E7\"},{\"Id\":\"E2E29\"},{\"Id\":\"E2E22\"},{\"Id\":\"E2E15\"},{\"Id\":\"E2E13\"},{\"Id\":\"E2E5\"},{\"Id\":\"E2E21\"},{\"Id\":\"E2E28\"},{\"Id\":\"DILQOS\"},{\"Id\":\"TESTA\"},{\"Id\":\"E2E8\"},{\"Id\":\"NIYDIL\"},{\"Id\":\"JABDIL\"},{\"Id\":\"E2E1\"},{\"Id\":\"E2E20\"},{\"Id\":\"E2E17\"},{\"Id\":\"E2E27\"},{\"Id\":\"JURA\"},{\"Id\":\"E2E10\"},{\"Id\":\"HUSKAR\"},{\"Id\":\"E2E26\"},{\"Id\":\"E2E2\"}
oh no
@mr5 yeah as far as I know
public class OData<T>
public string Metadata { get; set; }
public List<T> Value { get; set; }
sorry for long code
@Jamaxack if you have a massive code to share, you can try to put it in gist.github.com and just share the link. the chat gets flooded with crap and mods don't want that
Thanks to let me know
next time I will do that
are you able to open it?
@Jamaxack instead of escaping every double quote character, you can wrap your string with @. for example: @"{"key": {"this is compilable. try it"}}"
Yes I know, it is response from OData, so I didn't write it
Facing x:Static in xaml dictionary cant be use in designtime(fine in runtime), VS claim the class cant be found... Clean and rebuilded.
Told me if you has idea :(
@nyconing do you have problem in previewing?
@Jamaxack afaik, the attribute specifiers are optional. it can fully work without it
Agree, it is working in newly created project, but I dont know what is different with my production code
maybe the versions?
I thought so, but it is the same version
Q: How to connect three database record to view in google map?

Vanuston IntelligenceI have created Three Database Record to view a single google map, in this database that I have created has three separated with different ID For each database,So i want to interlink this three database to view my google map. How to connect two database at same time to view my google map. <div ...

MooorninG Neglecterin's
Heyho @Metallkiller
Good morning.
wix is pretty cool
it took me a while to figure it out, but damn i just made an awesome msi for my powershell modules
Morning sharperinos!
Everytime I hear wix, I keep thinking about that horrible horrible website builder
it was hard to find into due to that
@KamilSolecki wasn't it?
o.O I thought hsimah was talking about that website builder all the time
lol no
it's the windows installer xml
i dont need some shitty wysiwyg website builder!!
wysiwyg talk to me nobody's better than your side than me ♪♫
Put mr5 upside down
good morning :)
crap. the lyrics is wrong =P
@nyconing ¿uʍopǝpᴉsdn ɯᴉɥ ʇnd noʎ op ʎɥʍ
),: ƃuᴉuoɔʎu uʍop ǝɯ ʇnd ǝsɐǝld ¡¡ooou
Put myself upside down
You guys have far to much fun
Anyway upside down not reversed aswekk @mr5 ^:P
uʍop ǝpᴉsdn pɹǝN ǝǝs ǝʍ
&#8238; !!s/changed/chocolate/
now we have seen the code. mwuahaha
@Nerdintraining uʍop ǝpᴉsdn ɯ,I ʇoƃɹoɟ I
ǝdoɹ ǝɥʇ sʇnɔ
now, I'm downside up again
@Nerdintraining (; ʇɹɐǝɥ ɹnoʎ oʇuᴉ suɹoɔᴉunʍoquᴉɐɹ ǝɯos ʇǝ˥ ˙ssoq ʎdɯnɹƃ ɐ ǝʞᴉl punos noʎ
@SebastianL never1111
2 messages moved to area 51
we have a friendly bin :D
@mr5 uuhhhh that got me :D
2 messages moved to Trash
yeah cap thats where u belong now
@SebastianL xD
@mr5 btw there is a part #3 of tales of IT
@KamilSolecki o.O I haven't read the second part yet.
guys please try this screensaver. just paste it in your browser's console. not working on this site though
it's working on SO but not in chat. there seems to be some element with z-index: 99999999999999999999 !important here
i guess but it works on ghub
is cool
What, take a compressed, unreadable, minified piece of code and run it unrestricted in my browser? Yes, please!
Thought the same but then again its mista5
He wouldn't do any malicous things to me, would he:/
it was not obfuscated when I get it from somewhere. at least, it doesn't have any ajax on it
Generally speaking, even if this code is benign, it's never a good habit to run code from someone in your console. In fact, for a while it was a vector of attack on Facebook users.
oh no he got it from somewhere :O
it's just canvas
We need to ru...... [connectionStatus: closed]
Various sites promised "This simple facebook hack would let you see who visited your profile!", with instructions to simply paste and run this code in the console. To the point where Facebook had to add a warning when you opened the console on facebook.com (which is a neat trick)
> Stop!

> This is a browser feature intended for developers. If someone told you to copy-paste something here to enable a Facebook feature or "hack" someone's account, it is a scam and will give them access to your Facebook account.
here's the original source code
Ooh, pretty beziers.
I don't see any suspicious code from it
No, it's likely not malicious.
Still, it's good practice to be suspicious of any code to run in console. Nothing personal. :)
suspicious code to draw my page with a cat.
Fun to play with the parameters there. Change the VERTEX_MAX const to a lower number and get fireflies.
how do people come up with this
looks cool
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Huh, I get the warning, but how? If the cookies are flagged as HTTP-only, there is no way to retrieve them with JS. Thus, you can't have your cookies stolen. Nobody should be able to get access to your authentication token this way. What can happen, of course, is code that makes posts or whatever.
@Proxy You learn the concepts in computer graphics classes in college, or just by reading up. Then you go and implement it prettily. :)
mornin o/
So what was that happenning?
I WILL NOT PASTE IT TO CONSOLE. I'm more mature than that
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan i know but still looks to me you need to have an eye for the design to make it pretty
@ntohl you'll type character by character into the console?
@Nerdintraining hahahahahaha
@Proxy Less an eye for design and more an eye for the math, I think. There's no design there, only formulas. You extract the different parameters and see how they interact in the final result. If you have a knack for it, you'll quickly learn which parameters lead to good results.
@Nerdintraining no. I will paste it into a text file, than run eval on it. With admin rights
@ntohl c'mon paste it there man
maybe dunno
@ntohl You will paste it into a text file, open a repository, push it to github, create a continuous build process on appveyor, push it into npm, pull it back onto your machine, and then run it.
!!giphy justdoit
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan wow. I can do that? I have to try. Also I will find a way to run multiple instances at once, so if one is blocked, other may still continue to have free access to my accounts
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan aand thats how those malicious npm packages are made
or if you're still suspicious to my intent, try this screensaver. The code is 100% from me which makes it crap: gist.github.com/mr5z/80072ce09b6e2c0def082e8cca5d2931
I have deleted the original unobfuscated form though ^^
Not suspicious of your intent. Just maintaining a healthy level of online paranoia. :)
yeah. keep that paranoia from AV users
run it on incognito mode. and my chrome was uninstalled by it self.
On an unrelated note, I installed VS2017 and my code looked all weird until I remembered that on VS2015 I was using the FiraCode font and had really gotten used to the ligatures.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan screenshot?
looks lovely
This is from their page:
i guess i dont use lambda expressions in C# enough
It's the != that really stood out.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan just looks beatiful
but is it safe?
thats the question
In what way?
the question is, are you paranoid enough?
I had my doubts when I started using it. I was worried about there being differences between what I see and what the compiler sees.
in a mr5-wants-us-to-copy-paste-java-script kind of way
Ah, that way.
I'm willing to put up with a lot of danger for pretty ligatures.
font is just font right?
text still remains the same
0 danger
Ligatures are a feature of the fonts and UI rendering engine, not the text.
do you need a plugin for VS 2015 FiraCode?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan i cannot install fonts
that's same way how Android Studio beautifies the Java < 7 code. Turning anonymous classes/callbacks into lambda looks + collapsing feature
its blurry, it hurts my eyes!
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Do you know "firewall without root" for android?
@Wietlol No. Just install the font and choose it in Settings.
@Nerdintraining No, but if you hum a few bars, maybe I can pick it up.
I still prefer to keep my eyes healthy instead of having ligatures
Strange that it would be blurry. It's a truetype/opentype font, not a raster font. It should be rendered at whatever resolution you're running.
only the bold things are blurry though
I have ran the code
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan what does that mean?^^
does anyone know when is the release date of Xamarin Forms 3.0?
@Nerdintraining It's the punchline of an old and irrelevant joke.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan sounds okay
var h = 30, = fps
    s = 300, = render size
    o = 3,   = trail quantities
    r = 10,   = trail length
    n = 4e3, = trail path anchor frequencies
    a = 0.5,     = trail path area (0.1-1.0)
But who is hsorna?
its not hsorna
> On a hot day, a guy ducks into a bar for a beer. There is no one in the bar but the bartender, a pianist, and a little monkey dancing on the piano.

> The guy is drinking his beer, when the monkey comes over, dancing ever more energetically, stepping, jumping, twirling. The dance reaches its frenzied climax, and the monkey gives a little bow, and walks over to glass of beer sitting on the bar, and dunks his testicles in the beer, saying "Ahhhh" as his over-heated genitalia are cooled.

> The guy goes over to the piano. "Hey," he says, "Do you know your monkey is soaking his balls in my be
its a thingy thing that the letterns are mixed up
its actually Roshan
I'm shaking and shivering in wait for the keycaps to arrive
1,5 weeks more
@Wietlol Nice, didn't catch that
or is it Nashor?
i guess it depends on the age of nyconing
What does that difference have to do with age?
No idea either
between DotA and LoL
It's been over a week now, and the star board hardly changed. It seems you guys are dead set to keep my penis jokes alive. Bless you all for that.
younger people never played DotA
but probably have played LoL
I think there was also someone from WoW
but I never really played it that much
an NPC
i hope not you
And KevinB from JS
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan i don't get it.
I also do not
@Wietlol DotA masterrace
There is a really good joke I think I'm missing though
Age of Empires 1/2 masterrace
@Nerdintraining The pianist is interpreting his question as "Do you know, and can you play, the song "Your monkey is soaking his balls in my beer""
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan ooh
now i get it
I actually did sit with an open mouth here in a cafe
@Wietlol DotA 2 > PUBG > AoE 2 > Gmod > DotA
AoE2 > DotA 2 & PUBG
How is gmod a sandbox game among these all
@Wietlol wana fight me in AoE 2?
i would love to
I've ben watching allot of ZeroEmpires and TheViper lately i would kick your ass nigga
i was not just beaten by an easy bot
var h = 60,
    s = 100,
    o = 256,
    r = 1.1,
    n = 750,
    a = 0.5,
not that I played it the last few months but hey :D
Fun with this, creating flies
Viper is cool
i was in his league when I played AoE full-time
... that is... Viper didnt play AoE back then :D
Isn't viper playing like '99?
since* like '99?
ohyeah forgot the key word there^^
wtf r u toking abt guys
Viper is a hero in dotatu
Only if he micro manages the shit out of dotka
y do eu countries speaks with their throat? no offense ^^
also, arab people
no, we speak with our asses
How would you speak without a throat?
asses only way to talk here
I always talk out of my ass
I successfully swallowed my vocal strings so I could become a ventriloquist
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan oh. I mean, some of their words are pronounced using their throat only
@KamilSolecki more like asstrilloquest
Ok. What answer are you expecting for your "why", though? Some language use more guttoral sounds, or more glottal stops, or more velar consonants, or whatever. I don't know if there's a "why" that can explain it.
Guttural speech sounds are those with a primary place of articulation near the back of the oral cavity. In some definitions, this is restricted to pharyngeal consonants, but in others includes some velar and uvular consonants. Guttural sounds are typically consonants, but some vowels' articulations may also be considered guttural in nature. Although the term has historically been used by phoneticians, and is occasionally used by phonologists today, it is now more common in popular use as an imprecise term for sounds produced relatively far back in the vocal tract. The term continues to be used...
I have a friend, a linguist, who recently gave a talk at a science fiction convention about invented languages (Elvish, Dothraki, Klingon, among others) and why they were designed they way they were. It was an interesting talk, from a socio-linguistic perspective.
I can imagine myself having a sore throat if I try to speak their languages for a week
so it's guttural
Sure, if you're not used to it.
I'm using VS in dark mode, and reading my eBooks in dark mode in the evening. But I can't imagine, reading a book written white on black. Why is that? I imagine something with additive/subtractive color building, but I'm not sure.
In a nutshell, when an English speaker designs an invented language for a fantasy/sci-fi nation or race, he will, consciously or unconsciously, choose linguistic trait for the language that match social/cultural traits. If the nation or race shared cultural traits with real-world Mongols, for instance, the language designed will tend to share lingustic traits with Mongolian or other western Sinitic languages.
@Metallkiller Too much ink.
Easier to bleach a page white than to tint it black?
Or maybe on a passive medium like paper your eyes work differently than on an active medium like a screen.
But would a white on black book look as good and be as easy to read as black on white?
how to download instagram images of particular id based on date
is there any api or code?
or any site
@MohanSrinivas Nothing in the Instagram API documentation?
Yeah, I though screen = additive colors -> white easier to see -> white on black is nice; book = subtractive colors -> no idea
Maybe. I don't know enough about that.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan have you heard of Russel Peters?
I don't think so.
He's a very good comedian. He mostly jokes about races and their stereotypes
My favorite one is the Arab jokes ^^
Not a genre I particularly enjoy.
There's a fine line between joking about races and jokes that are racist, and most comedians tend to miss that line by quite a lot.
It's a prank bro!
@mr5 Sounds like russle peters scrolls up yeah russle peters alright
@Nerdintraining do you know him?
this one:
"alu lululululululu"
please don't get offended
it's just a joke
@mr5 I know all his old stuff
The newer ones are to bitter with him getting divorced from his latina wife
@mr5 "It's just a joke" doesn't mean anything. A joke can be offensive, both accidentally and on purpose. The fact that something is a joke doesn't excuse it.

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