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04:00 - 13:0013:00 - 23:00

perfect solar eclipse in century passed away. Not visible in asia.
@KamilSolecki Did you seen that?
Oh, Android 8 finally has notification badges.
Goood morning.
It's a smart idea, moving from generic sweets to corporate sponsorship of OS versions.
Because, you know, Google just needs that extra bit of sponsorship money.
Morning sharperinos!
So when is Android 8 out?
@nyconing nope, we didnt get it
Android 8 seems to pack a lot of features.
I'm mostly excited for Project Treble.
Yeah. That's an update that will pay off over the coming versions.
I wouldn't be surprised if the relatively mild changes in Nougat were due to intensive work on Treble. It seems like a huge refactoring of the core components.
That's probably it. Well. My Phone should have Android 8 as one of the first.
Once it's stable, that is.
I'm pretty sure the Nexus 5x should get it, right?
Yeah, seems so.
Probably yeah.
OnePlus 5 should get it, yes?
@TomW Depends on OnePlus, I expect.
And probably quickly as it doesn't have crapware
But I think it's new enough for it to be a reasonable expectation.
I'll try not to break it before then
Smashed my S6 a couple of weekends ago
I've got an Android One, I should get it too... I hope.
I never really know where they're going with the Android One program.
Oh, yes, the manufacturer confirmed. Good.
@RoelvanUden is Project Treble different from Project Ara?
@mr5 Ara was a hardware project, right?
guys, I have wcf service on ISS and to access it by default I use url: localhost:8001 but how can I make it accessible from localhost:8001/something/something
Yeah. Ara was hardware components. Treble is softawre.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan yes. those modular hardwares
Treble is basically refactoring the android kernel to make it easier for device manufacturers to add their custom kernel code and drivers without having to basically branch the entire source tree.
but in the end line, it will be merge into one product, right?
@mr5 Unlikely. Treble is part of the AOSP, the core Android OS, used by multiple hardware vendors. Ara was a project headed by Motorola Mobility (purchased by Google) to build a specific, low-cost, modular phone.
@Dess What do I have to do to get to make a service on ISS? Do I have to apply to ESA first? Can I just go somewhere and present my stuff?
@MohamedAhmed Lol wut
@Metallkiller The query that get the result also takes long time to be executed.. the query has a field that has a VERY long text
I saved it to a text file and it's 10 MB !!
@Metallkiller I ment IIS :P
@Dess That's a shame. Still wanna go to ISS!
What can I do :(
@MohamedAhmed Why would somebody send that kind of text like that o.O
@Metallkiller and I would still like to get an answer to my question ^^
@MohamedAhmed Since it's alog, just print it to a file :D
@Metallkiller having a form that represent a master-details object, the details has so many rows in a grid (thousands) .. I'm serializing it to JSON and saving it in the DB.. I feel that the feature I'm working on for months is going to be my next nightmare :(
anyone know how can I redirect request from localhost:8001/something/something to localhost:8001 in IIS?
or is it even possible
Hello... I have a question to ask
no ISIS pls
GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoD Mornin' negelcterinos!
@MohamedAhmed Why not take the dataset and save it to a db without serializing? Saves you the serializing/deserializing part
Morning @Nerdintraining
i have develop a desktop application in .NETFramework, Version=v4.5 using visual studio and database using SQL sever express 2014. My app is ready. Now I have to install it on client machine. how can i create database there??? which features of SQL express i have to install on client machine?
The client doesn't have a database? You should ask them if they have one. (Although you might ofc skip that step if it's, like, a single person with a pc).
@Metallkiller what data type to use?
@MohamedAhmed Depends on what your grid holds. Quantities? Int. Money? Decimal. Names/other kind of strings? varchar.
Check what your table holds, then put that into your db.
@hassanmirza It would've been great to think about this before finishing the application. You might want to consider switching to an embedded database.
Disclaimer: I have no idea of data handling, correct me if there's a more fitting datatype for a used example
@Metallkiller No, the serializing option is more flexible, as I can save any type as NVARCHAR and deserialize it back to its type
@RoelvanUden ok...thanks a lot , dear
@MohamedAhmed Dynamic types are flexible, but do we use them? Usually not.
The problem with storing serialized object strings in the DB is that you can't query them or modify them like you could properly normalized data.
Tomorrow you want to retrieve all rows where PropX*=*Y, where PropX is a field in your serialized JSON. But you can't do that easily, because you didn't normalize that data out of the blob.
@Metallkiller also the serializing/deserializing operation doesn't take long time, the problem is when fetching the record with BIG JSON string.. the query takes long time
@RoelvanUden kek from now on Ill always End my sentences to you with "dear", my dear.
Also you won't get a single 10MB string returned.
@Nerdintraining @Kieran I went mia yesterday, cause i fell asleep for 13hrs sorry :P

I fell asleep brining my son to bed^^
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan In SQLite you can actually make indices on JSON expressions. Which is absolutely lovely.
Mia = missing in action
@RoelvanUden SQL Server 2016 has JSON data types as well.
I still think it should be a last-resort sort of thing.
@MohamedAhmed Why are you using a database at all, when you're just saving a single string? Wouldn't a file be easier for that?
Neat-o. Yes, it has to be a very aware choice.
Ah, seems it's better than the old XML data type - you don't actually need a specific data type, it just JSON expressions on top of NVARCHAR.
@Metallkiller the json string is only one column among other columns , I use them for filtering and search and so on
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Aha, so that's similar to SQLite then.
Hi guys
I am having a value like this in decimal : 1.100
Syntax takes some getting used to:
SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName,
     JSON_VALUE(InfoJSON, '$.info.”social security number”') as SSN,
     JSON_QUERY(InfoJSON, '$.skills') as Skills
FROM Person AS t
AND JSON_VALUE(InfoJSON, '$.Type') = 'Student'
Haha, that's EXACTLY like SQLite.
Now what i am trying to do is if i am having 0 after first decimal point then i want to take only 1.1 and ignore rest and
if i am having 1.11 then i want to take whole 1.11
@Learning Do you have a string there?
The difference is the JSON_ name, which is JSON_EXPRESSION IIRC
I have this value in decimal
.ToString it then?
There's no such thing as 1.100 in decimal. The value is 1.1. It can be formatted in all sorts of ways, 1.100 being one of them, probably.
I have found another breakthrough made by Xamarin Devs
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan But i am having this 1.100 stored in my table
And after getting from there i want to format it like what i have mention
The implementation of MinimumHeightRequest is quite bizarre
@Learning what type is the value of?
and what table are you talking about?
I guess, most of the developers are expecting the MinimumHeightRequest would be the minimum clipping boundary for a height
except for the Xamarin Devs
See this is how it is stored in my table
> what type is the value of?
After getting this value in my application i want to format it
@Learning and what datatype is it?
do you read it into a decimal?
yeah i read it in decimal
@mr5 It seems to be rather for, if your label heigher is higher than MinimumHeightRequest
@Learning then read the document in the link i sent
@Taurib yes. that's the one we should expect. but it doesn't work that way
it should work this way: "no smaller than the value I am providing"
But its a request, not a restriction
and the implementation changes have been rejected. forums.xamarin.com/discussion/84885/…
so "if possible please make it only this high"
although I'm not sure how that is helpful
either it's a request nor a restriction, we're thinking it should work as how min-height in a css would work
But i dont want to round up
My winter has come
@Learning ?
@MohamedAhmed Playing around with that 10MB string again? :P
what have you tried so far?
@Metallkiller thats cute
@Metallkiller yes :(
we dont go below 800k chars
iDunno if that is 800kb or 1,600kb though
and iDunno how much the highest was that we used
@Wietlol are you always angry? for some reason whenever you post something i get the feeling you would punch someone
He smoked too much weed and is tripping out going 'lol!'
im never angry
like... for real
i may be offensive though
offense is the best defense you know
i see... dunno i get that feeling whenever you write something
you make me happy
> whenever you write something
yeah me too. I thought he was going to punch me after I made a joke about his name =P
@mr5 when?
at least i make someone happy. now i am happy too
You don't have to make jokes about his name for it to be funny :P
except that I would love to punch the Xamarin Devs in their fucking throats
@Wietlol the wietlol + ntohl one
@mr5 are you always angry? for some reason whenever you post something i get the feeling you would punch someone
ah... well, idgaf much about it :D
idgaf means?
i dont give a fuck
yeah. figured that out myself
I beri proud
@Learning you could try this format: "0.#####" (with infinite, but finite, number of additional # chars)
@mr5 you can do it
i bilif in i
@Wietlol can do what? punch the Xamarin Devs who implement the MinimumHeightRequest? yeah. sure!
what is the problem with minimumheightrequest?
just the regular human-being-an-idiot?
imagine, you're creating this box and you like its height to be at least 10px. so you typed in "MinimumHeightRequest="10" and voila! it would NOT WORK!
then i'd use "box.setMinHeight(10);" and it would work
the framework detected that it can still shrink to at least 1px of height so it choses that height
sounds like css
yeah. lesson for today is, never ever use the shitty "MinimumHeightRequest" property
no. css would not betray you
no. css betrays you by definition
that is why people arent surprised when it does
is userIds.Contains((Guid)h.UserId) the equivalent to h.UserId IN(userIds) in SQL ?
and this Mac for VS always making fun of my code. Whenever I type a colon inside the string, it will automatically add letter D on it
so it ends up with ":D"
happy VS is happy
@MohamedAhmed i guess so
sql is the shittiest language ever, you just pick any normal language and apply a yoda-ifier on it
Thanks, Hope this LINQ query be more efficient than its sibling stored procedure
SQL makes perfect sense for the context in which the language applies.
did I just say Mac for VS? xD
that is Mac's whole purpose
to serve VS
eh what
Is this API still working?
is it blocked or any coding issues in it?
its just too old
Latest commit Jan 8, 2015
@Nerdintraining : 42! ?
is there any other API to do that action?
what is that?
refer this c-sharpcorner.com/uploadfile/ansh06031982/… for its functionality
Hey, what is the eqivalent to (return int* in C++) in C# Pinvoke?
@OscarMartinez You mean, how do you represent an int pointer in C# for p/invoke purposes?
Just use IntPtr.
But in the return statement
I mean this method: int* getInt(....){...}
Not sure what you're asking.
IntPtr getInt(....){...}?
IntPtr is your type of choice to represent an unmanaged pointer.
You can return it, cast it, pass it into Win32 methods or whatnot.
oh okay I thought that when using it as return it had to be different
thanks guys!
There's no magic involved. It's just a struct that holds a number that's the size of the system pointer size.
It abstracts the actual size away from you.
@Nerdintraining is that a reference to thé answer?
@Wietlol it's the answer
@Wietlol Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy reference
Well thats a surprise.
i like pubg
@Nerdintraining @KamilSolecki you guys never showed :(
Microhard documents that System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity() throws a System.MultipleMatchesException
I cried myself to sleep
it's actually a System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.MultipleMatchesException
So they give the wrong path
The docs I see just say the type name, MultipleMatchesException.
With a link to the right page in the right namespace.
@Kieran i kinda fell asleep at 18 at woke up this morning sorry! I will be online today 100% tho
lmao, its fine
I played with a friend of mine
showed me the tunnels
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan maybe I should specify, that this happens during coding not online web
Oh, yeah, I see it in Intellisense.
It gives me hope that i am not the bottom of the barrel in writing documentation^^
Let's put it this way - if I was technical documentation team leader on the .NET team, I wouldn't prioritize this bug as a showstopper. :)
Hi, what is the current discussion about?
Bugs in .NET framework intellisense documentation.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan but it's a bug that can be corrected in < 30seconds
@Nerdintraining And there are a million other bugs for the team to fix, many with a much higher priority. Is this a quick and easy fix? Probably. But you have 3 instances of that bug in this class alone, and maybe more in other classes. You don't want to do a half-assed job, so you want to go over the entire library, making sure it's fixed entirely. That's not a lot of work, but it's not 30 seconds either.
@KamilSolecki I'll throw you a message when i get on tonight
ture dat

You are right
How about CTRL+F -> replace in entire documentation (solution) -> System.MultiMatchEx with [...].MultiMatchEx
@Nerdintraining Usually a terrible idea. Especially if the documentation is integrated with code.
I don't know how they manage their inline documentation, though.
@Kieran oke
It should be easy to replace
/// <exception cref=".System.MultipleMatchesException"/>

/// <exception cref="System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.MultipleMatchesException"/>
i think it's fairly unique
1 hour later…
Anyone heard of Azure ever ?
what is Azure?
what is ever?
What is?
how can I access file in my project folder?
in asp.net solution
When running Configuration
Microsoft Cloud Server that provide down-time less service. but still having massive downtime(scaled down the sound)
@Taurib Check out the ~ prefix.
~/local path
(local to the project ofc, not the machine)
@Taurib its a pet
@Mathematics Ahh, I hope it's an evil one!
@Taurib new to me so I can't say much :P
with ~ prefix, it wants to get it from C:\WINDOWS\system32 ...
.cshtml in a project called 'DAL'
@RoelvanUden this is my translation file, where I keep long HTML translation in
Why is there HTML in your DAL to begin with?
@RoelvanUden well, I could use .txt file as well, but does it matter?
(maybe it does, I don't know)
I'm seriously pondering why there needs to be HTML in your DAL, yes.
If it's just localization of property names, error messages, etc, use resx.
But if I want to keep long text in it and insert it to database (when migrating or creating)
Oh. I guess that's reasonable. Make the file an embedded resource and get the assemblies resource stream to the file and read it as text.
@Taurib but thats not how it works. You cannot access files on a local machine
the access is limited to the root of your project
@KamilSolecki He's asking about server accessing server files, not browser.
Embedded resources are the answer.
nvm me then
Ye, server side
        private string ReadFiles(string path)
            string result = string.Empty;
            var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            using (Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(path))
                using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream))
                    result = reader.ReadToEnd();

            return result;
am I doing something wrong here?
hello boys and girls. i have a question. guess our app stores raw data in DB, in 5 min period this data need to be aggregated and stored in other remote db. what better approach for local DB? local raw db can use stored procedures?
var trainingBodyEst = ReadFiles("~/Misc/TranslationFiles/home_trainings_est.html");
@Taurib No, the embedded resources aren't stored with the ~ notation.
The name is based off of the project namespace.
Assuming the files are marked as Embedded Resource in the project properties
I should keep those files here?
@Taurib No, but you're using the wrong resource name.
It will probably end up like:

@Taurib No, that's for RESX-based resources.
Yeah, .NET's resource story is a mess.
Try Assembly.GetManifestResourceNames
You'll get a nice listing.
Right-click on the file in the Solution Explorer -> Properties -> Make sure the Build Action property is set toEmbedded Resource.
Hmm, interesting
Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            string[] names = assembly.GetManifestResourceNames();
this returns nothing
I'm not sure Debug.WriteLine on an array can work.
Otherwise, what assembly is doing this call?
Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly refers to the assembly in which that code resides, if it's not DAL, you're working w/ the wrong one.
nvm, got that list when running with debug after deleting database!
okay, then I have error with geting data from file
Got it working!
        private string ReadFileContentFromAssembly(string path)
            string result = string.Empty;
            Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();

            using (Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(path))
                using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream))
                    result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            return result;
thanks guys, I'm going to get some food now
Until I learn more about threading, could anyone help me in this.. this is BackgroundWorer
Or any one explain what's happening.. to take the right action
That's the basic truth of multithreaded UI development. You can only access UI controls from the main thread, not from a background thread.
I ran into that problem ages ago.
The solution is someting downthe line with .Invoke(), i don't remember though how to use it properly.
That's not the solution. That's a workaround.
The solution is to architect your code so that you don't have to, as much as possible.
There's no justification for a background thread to access a textbox. A textbox is a UI element, not a data storage mechanism.
Some other mechanism - say, data binding - should automatically store the text that the user types into a property on your object. This property is just that - a string property - so it can be easily accessed by a background thread.
I made the from and to class fields, set them in the method that calls RunWorkerAsync, and now it works
Calling Invoke from a background thread misses the point of a background thread, because it synchronizses your background thread to the UI thread.
One can clearly see that Avner has more experience than me^^
Anyone know why SQL Server import wizard can identify an Access db schema and return data, but if I try to create a linked server with the same information I get errors?
04:00 - 13:0013:00 - 23:00

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