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05:00 - 17:0019:00 - 23:00

Question on Cross site Posting, the DataAnnotations for MinLength/MaxLength are not respected - There any way to enforce them?
I think the only way to enforce that is in the database.
Database? to check the length?
Well max length. You set the length on the field and it'll fail if you try to put anything longer than that in there.
ya, but this is searching, not inserting
I don't want someone trying to SQL inject
Then I though you're just going to need to validate the user input directly.
Tho that would work for that problem
AFAIK the MinLength/MaxLength data annotations are really just meta data and not actually validated.
So I would need to make a validation class on it to enforce it
ok I'll take a shot at it
Huuh. Really?
DataAnnotations don't actually raise binding errors when not satisfied?
You can type in over 20 chars and get into the search and it executes
What's the point of them then
  [Required(ErrorMessage = "Please Enter a Partnumber")]
        [MinLength(3, ErrorMessage = "Partnumber Must be Longer")]
        [MaxLength(20, ErrorMessage="Partnumber Must be Shorter")]
is the annotations I have over the property
If you do the same thing here - it kicks them out
Well I was basing my statements off of EF but yeah. AFAIK those data annotations aren't actually enforced.
I could be wrong.
it passes right by them when I debug and point that FormPost to the localhost
Or maybe they're not actually enforced until you attempt to save the data.
That sounds more correct now that I'm thinking about it.
not saving them, thought it was like the required, needs to have some type of data in the input before submitting
I wrote some documentation today. Fuck documentation.
Did you write it in code?
I wrote it in *shudder* English
hey guys
can anyone help me here?
We won't know until you ask your question.
i tried on php chat group but people just being ignorant to me :(
i have a mysql db, and a table with 3 columns, id, question, answer, im trying to get the answer by question but it always gives me empty with no errors sometimes since 5 hours...
$query = "SELECT answer FROM tip_question WHERE question ='$qs'";

if ($result = mysqli_query($cnt, $query))
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result))
echo $row['answer'];

Isn't mysqli_query like, absurdly deprecated?
Or am I thinking of something else?
to be honest i forgot
i used evrything
but now i have to use mysqli format
a c# app sends an utf8 encoded string via post variable
to php
and this insane php doesn't want to do it's code
since 5 hours im exploding here
Sounds like a fairly standard day of writing PHP code.
What does your code sample have to do with an http request?
You're probably being ignored because you can't ask a clear question
cuz im not english person
that code is nto connected to c#
this code is on php side
from this code above, the c# receives a blank long message box response
Try debugging it?
since 5 hours
i wouldn't have come here if i succeedded
Even if anyone here does know php, there just isn't enough information there to be able to help
in PHP, 21 mins ago, by tereško
@Castiel Your code is vulnerable to SQL injections. Please learn to use prepared statements instead.
i've seen that
but i tried so many tries
tl;dr - you need to back up and actually understand what you're doing a little bit more rather than just copy/pasting code until it works.
PDO, mysql
but im nto copy pasting
im reading and understanding the parts for my code
absolutely nothing
what is the value of $qs?
nothign has worked
it's a string with utf8 charset
What is the value
Atletism: Câţi metri are proba de maraton?
'; drop table tip_question; -- probably
That would suggest to me an issue with handling of non-latin characters in the database
What database engine?
how do i chekc that?
but inside the table, can this qs be found exactly how i typed it
Well which database product did you install?
this is mysql
oh Tom W, i remember you, you helped me some months ago with some tcp in c#
so do i need to do something with the variable before putting it into query?
I have no idea how MySQL deals with unicode characters, I would go and read the documentation to find out whether all characters in utf-8 are accepted in queries and whether those same characters are understood as varchar values
but they are accepted
becaus i tried in sql syntax manually
and no errors
I'm not sure I even understand the problem.
have you considered the possibility, that the query actually returns no result, because no result correspond to it? maybe you actually want a wildcard?
idk what is wildcard
tfw C# become the PHP room
you might want to google it. after all:
in PHP, 11 mins ago, by Castiel
Felix ur useless af
ur trying to make fun of me ?
im stycked in this and now u come here makign fun of me
if i do like this, i receive that echo correctly
if ($res->num_rows == 0)
                    echo "NO ANSWER FOUND";
@mikeTheLiar right, sorry we kind expulsed Castiel after they insulted the room, us and tried to entitle each and everyone of us to their vague question.
Vagueness is a problem here also
why is num here null?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I know, I read the transcript
11 mins ago, by mikeTheLiar
jfc I should kick you on principle https://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/11?m=38676090#38676090
mike u can kick me out from php,
@Castiel you really need to get better at asking questions if you want help from people on the internet, you're obviously trying everybody's patience. If you won't put the effort in to asking a clear question I can't see why you expect everybody else to put in the effort to figure it out for you
if u would have understood my situation you would have known why
anyway thanks Tom
Can someone show me a useful example of using tuples?
just learning about them
The new tuples or the old tuples?
The new one
also, what's the difference?
the part where you can add the custom names?
But as an example, when you need to return multiple values from a method but don't want to have to write a wrapper object/return a collection/muck about with out and ref parameters
It's got a pretty decent section on tuples
But with old tuples you'd have to do something like Tuple<String, String, String>. New tuples you can just say (string, string, string)
Or var myTuple = ("foo", "bar", "baz");
Have you worked with Python at all? The C# 7 tuples are actually pretty similar to Python tuples.
I haven't really no
The blog post that I linked earlier has some pretty good examples. Worth a read. I don't know if it's been finalized yet or not.
Do "model classes" and "POCO classes" mean the same thing?
hey guys
can i get help with a web question?
If you can ask your web question.
for some reason on our test server, the response is somehow overwriting all of the html data (no js or html gets loaded) other than the SSRS render info. on my local it writes all of the html (js included) PLUS the SSRS rendered report
im fresh out of ideas on how to debug/track down the issue
I'm still curious... why not just return a custom type?
If you make a class... you can shove all the values into it, and just return an instance of your custom class...
Added a ValidationAttribute and it's not checked from the outside formpost
Are c# 7 tuples like throw away classes?
you can't reuse them
@peterpep wait are you trying to render and SSRS within your webpage?
@Nathvi sort of.
yea im getting a report
They're good for when you don't want to have to write a wrapper class for a one-off situation
and i want the html of the report displayed on the page
problem is all the other content of the page is disappearing on test server
localhost has no issues
makes no sense to me
only difference i can spot is my localhost is using IIS8 and test server is IIS10. but i dont see how thats gonna be making this issue
@mikeTheLiar, doesn't seem that useful
@mikeTheLiar, yeah, I guess
I dare you to go in the Python room and say "Tuples suck and are overrated"
lol, I wouldn't do that. I guess I just don't see how they're really useful.
Tuple = Ad hoc class thingy
It's the sort of thing that becomes more apparent as you use them
C# already has tuples they're just a lot more verbose
from what I understand, before C# 7, they were reference types
Looks at the constructors on this page ffs msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/…?
and you didn't have the cute names for them either
You can only refer to them by Item1, Item2, etc
They're basically glorified and crappier arrays
I try and learn something, and it turns out to be a glorified crappy array. Just my luck.
The newer ones are better
is there a difference in between testing locally vs deployed?
Play around with them. Like a lot of things you won't see the utility of them until you find a real-world problem that they solve
me and the other developer are struggling on this
@peterpep as it stands this question is basically unanswerable
The answer is somewhere between "it's identical" and "they couldn't be further apart"
What the deployment environment?
Is my earlier question about what you're trying to do with SSRS accurate?
did you see my response
Sorry, I got distracted. I'll take another look.
webpage goes to SSRS to get info about the report and starts rendering
the problem is on test server, the report renders but the existing form and all other html elements and js are gone
I've never seen an SSRS report that was contained within another webpage
I've only ever seen it rendered as it's own page in IE
So, two questions
Why are you trying to render SSRS reports this way? This sounds like an X/Y problem
And two
legacy application
first question still doesnt make sense to me
because on local computer its displaying the report + form
so it should work
@peterpep basically I've never seen SSRS used this way
tbh i dont know a lot about SSRS
It also sounds like your dev environments and your test environments are rather divergent
@mikeTheLiar guess it helps if I put the Validation Attribute on the property...
It's working now, but still processing the request instead of kicking it out.
Guess that will be tonight's task
Which is going to account for all sorts of weirdness
how if the code base is the same
how can it be behaving differently
thats what i dont understand
Well I mean
If you're running divergent versions of IIS
Are you running divergent versions of SSRS?
SSRS is same, IIS is different
local8, test v10
Is your local environment configured in exactly the same way?
minus the IIS
Fuck work internet just died
Ping me if you can see this, please.
@mikeTheLiar, ping
Good, it's back.
@peterpep are you sure though?
And even if you are I don't think I believe you. IIS is a box of black magic that no one truly understands.
ill dig into looking more
i tried looking at the IIS manager and i didnt really see any configurable settings
Hi, Working on such a interesting project
There are reams of settings in IIS
what on earth are you talking about
It's walls of settings
first time having to go into IIS
I need to login to a site with 35 different email/password combinations, is it possible ?
it needs to happen in parallel too
> first time having to go into IIS
> the environments are configured the same
Oh my sweet summer child.
I can think of selenium web driver with grid... but that would be a overkill isn't it
@Mathematics sounds like you should look into something like Selenium
Would HttpClient able to store different sessions if run in parallel using TPL library
Try it and report back.
@Mathematics Yes.
!!giphy maybe i dont know not really
is this gif real? because if so that's fucking hilarious.
@RyanTernier Excellent thanks
@Mathematics Each HTtpClient should have it's own session/cookie store. Though you might run into some issues with the # of connections. good luck
@RyanTernier it's php, think it should be fine
i will be using C# though
> php
> fine
One of those words does not mean what you think it means
php...fine....killl.... me.... ?
!!google c# proxy httpclient
Q: connect to website using a free proxy server programmatically

OzkanI need to connect to a website using a proxy server. I can do this manually, for example I can use the online proxy http://zend2.com and then surf to www.google.com. But this must be done programmatically. I know I can use WebProxy class but how can I write a code so a proxy server can be used? ...

this should work
Is there any way to take a DispatcherTimer and find out how much time is left until its tick triggers?
@mikeTheLiar bloop
Aug 10 at 18:08, by mikeTheLiar
@Steve'saD I said BLOOP motherfucker
If I update date in Configuration file (under Migrations) and I have to search for query when updating, does it put too much pressure on database?
I need to call same entity twice for updating

new Translation()
Value = dragonDanceIntroHeadlineEng,
Culture = "en",
TranslationKey = "Article.HomeDragonDanceIntro.ArticleHeadline",
MultiLangStringId = context.MultiLangStrings.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Owner == "Article.HomeDragonDanceIntro.ArticleHeadline").MultiLangStringId
I have to update same multilang string for 'en' and 'et'
@mikeTheLiar, I think I found a use for the Tuple.
Do tell
@Steve'saD 👄
I have a loop that is constructing a custom reference data type T. It would be faster to treat this as a tuple rather than doing a heap allocation every time I create the object.
It's essentially a nice throw away wrapper. I could use the values directly, but I don't want to.
something something premature optimization
lol, prbly
haven't been this premature since...
var prematureOptimization = Math.Sqrt(Evil.All());
Last night?
To a Junior, a Sr. dev's code is all preoptimization
I accidentally all of TFS
hi all
question about page refreshing
what's the best way to refresh a razor details view in mvc
you don't
ahh ok
so if I update a partial view the user can;t see the update
until the return to the page?
no clue
oh lol
you had me I was about to write that in the comments
and call it a morning
its the little things in mvc that are super difficult to make happen
making little things happen being difficult is programming
If it were easy, everybody would do it, and I wouldn't be paid as much
Heyo! Stupid question of the day!
I guess... I wish I got paid
Hi kramb
I'm trying to determine a sufficient port to use for my sql server connection. To determine a connection to a port using telnet, do I use the server's local address or foreign address?
but all my funds goto my geriatrics care givers
local and port I would guess
You have to include the port number
The local addresses are all mostly identical. The foreign addresses are all different.
oh wait
you are trying to find a port to use?
did you check 1433
which is the one that is uses
Ummm, netstat doesn't list port 1433
am i ignored
the talk of a tool
not sure if that helps
i knew it
Did any of that work for you Kramb?
yea, 445 worked? I'm guessing that's right
Well my trolley is going to be here some I better prepare to head back to centre... its so cold out... wish I had cardigan.. the old bones do not like the cold air. Take care all!
The visual studio guthub extension; can that be configured so that I'm adding to my github account activity when I push code?
05:00 - 17:0019:00 - 23:00

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