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@JasonBrown I don't think you're using namespaces quite right. Also, is that Visual Basic? <hissssss>
lol no, that as just psuedo code give an idea of what im trying to figure out
@Squiggle Ahh, this is what I was thinking about, but it doesn't help me in current situation. Thanks! :)
haha OK
:38596355 string template = "Hello {0}, welcome!";
string greeting = string.Format(template, name);
If you're using C#6 or above, you can use string interpolation:
does it work, when I'm passing this string to another method?
string name = "Taurib";
string greeting = $"Hello, {name}";
In the C#6 example, name isn't a placeholder - it's the actual variable name you want to push in.
@JasonBrown then I guess you're using it correctly. Personally I use the .Net Framework as a reference for how to organise code into namespaces.
@Taurib string.Format simply takes a string and returns a string.
VB the king of coding
@ntohl ah cool, so you are using the messenger pattern for the separation causes :)
Once it's processed, it's just a string.
ya the info thats available for namespaces seems kinda sparse...
yee, I get that, Interpolation was what got me confused, because I remembered something about that, but haven't used yet
If you want to store a template and then format it later, string.Format is the way to go.
Namespaces are really simple. They're quite a blunt tool for organising code, but it's good enough. I do things like: company.product.api, company.product.api.models, company.product.api.controllers
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Mind if I see your approach too for separating concerns and handling window creation with IoC? I'm currently using my separate windowManager class, that I inject into every VM that is supposed to call the creation of other Views, and that windowManager then delegates the creation to an abstract factory. I wanna see how others do it and compare approaches.
If i have case like that:
string fullName = "taurib";
string template = "Yourt user account for {fullName} has been activated. ";
Test(template); // Pass in interpolated string?
and how did I get to make it appear as code?
For short bits of code, surround with backticks.
For longer blocks, Ctrl-K.
Anyway, template will contain the final greeting, not the template. Interpolation is performed immediately. You can't use it like you would string.Format, to define a template in one place, and perform the interpolation in another.
well for example I get template from database, instead of having fixed string in code
@squiggle ya thats how Im doing it right now. But for example, If I were todo
using company.product.api I dont also want to have to add
using company.product.api.model and
using company.produc.api.controllers

Id like to just "using company.product.api;" and have that api be enough to reference is sub namespaces...
@KamilSolecki it was more a general answer than a answer for whatever case you're reffering to ^^
I just want to know if its possible to do that....
@JasonBrown are you coming from java?
no... I just haven't had to deal with namespaces to this degree before...
@JasonBrown it's not possible. Although keep in mind that in you implement company.product.api, then company.product is already there too. Although company.product.models is not.
so its reversed... oops :D
You do not need to do :
using product:
using product.alpha;
Just the second line.
I messed up my namespaces If I understand correctly
Can you do using namespace.*; in C#?
@JasonBrown no i dont think so
@Sippy You can import specific classes into the main namespace, but I don't think you can do *.
Wait, no, import specific static methods
I'm pretty sure there is nothing alike namespace.*
I don't see much value in importing a namespace into the global namespace, and the drawbacks are much bigger.
Just wondered if you can
Never tried lol
Sippy has the right idea as to what I was asking lol
It's a bad idea
Hi guys
In a similar way that including the entire jQuery library in your website so you can make ajax requests is a bad idea.
It's a common pattern in python, at least.
@Sippy It's more a question of namespace collisions than of inflating the amount of code you're loading, but yeah.
Can there be any scenario where i have a composite key in parent table and those composite key are used as foreign key in child table?
I am unable to think about this scenario
welp I hate myself now lol, Off to figure out namespaces better :P or just say screw it and leave it as is... ITs not like I broke anything
@JasonBrown but that's not how anyone should use namespaces
@Learning Why not? I have an Employee table whose key is Username+Department.
@JasonBrown Basically you have two ways to do namespacing
a) put everything in one namespace (bad)
@SebastianL but its so tidy now xD
b) put everything in specific namespaces and using things you need
ya... thats how Im doing it... I just think I over did it...
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Can you show those 2 parent and child tables please
Now, if I want an EmployeeAddresses table linked to the parent Employee table, its foreign key will also be composite.
@JasonBrown yeah, but you have no idea which namespace could collide with another
I am trying to search an example like that but couldnt able to find it
@Learning how is it any different to using a primary key as a foreign key
ya... thats true sebastion. I guess that could get messy pretty quick if it resorted to using the wrong things.But I thought thats why Using goes Inside the namespaces...
@Sippy I am trying to generate a scenario where i will have composite key reference as foreign key in child table
I am trying to figure out couple of scenarios with my module so
Let me try to explain(may be it will make sense to you)
Anyway I'm going back to working on my bits of code. I'm almost done with it anyway. At least until bugs pop up :D
Lets say i have 2 entities Parent and Child with following endpoints :

Now if i want to get list of child for specific parent then how i will get
Notice i have a composite key in parent table
So when i will have composite key in parent table then what will be relevant mappings in child table?
You're asking about SQL, but then your example shows something entirely unrelated. I don't know what framework you're using that automatically maps endpoints to SQL entities, but it's not an SQL question, so I can't help you with that.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan sir lets forget about sql question for 1 minute so does this url make sense to you as per Rest api standards : /root/parent/id1=10;id2=20/child
Assuming there's just one child, yes.
I mean, it looks ugly because of the id1=10;id2=20, but if that's your data model, knock yourself out.
So above endpoints says to get list of child for parent Id1=10 and Id2=20
Oh, a list. I would have the final endpoint be children, then. Or the plural form of whatever real entity name you have there.
Yes obviously that was just an example but i am trying to find out that whether my uri confirms to Rest api standards
According to RFC 3986:
The path component contains data, usually organized in hierarchical form, that, along with data in the non-hierarchical query component (Section 3.4), serves to identify a resource within the scope of the URI's scheme and naming authority (if any).
As far as i understand Path elements are supposed to be for hierarchical data
Non hierarchical part of the URI forms the query parameters
But i am confused here that how to decide which elements will form hierarchical and non-hierarchical data
How to decide between this 2 ?
the way you design your path looks unconventional to me
never seen that before
But then how to design an uri for a child when you parent has composite key
can't you just put it on query string?
^ thinking same
I can put in query string but does that confirms to rest api standards?
When there is composite key in parent so does url for child is designed in this way as per REST api standards
Trying to figure this out :)
What's the problem with your id1=10;id2=20 path segment, except for being ugly?
@KamilSolecki yeah
I mean, you can format it as /root/parent/10_20/children if you want.
@Learning like this: parent1/parent2/child1, parentA/parentB/childA?
Where your path handler will know it's in the format of {id1}_{id2}.
Will that make it look more natural?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I have been ask to see that whatever uri i am designing should follow rest api standards
@mr5 Thats look more ugly
@Learning Note that the standard you quote isn't very definitive. "usually organized in hierarchical form".
I would prefer that over your path with semicolon and plus mine's more readable
But I think you're over thinking this. root/entity/identifier/subresource is classic REST.
It doesn't matter how your identifier is structured.
id1=10;id2=20 looks wrong because we automatically think of it as a query, but it isn't, it's a unique identifier.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan So are you saying that this is perfectly fine and follow rest standards :/root/parent/10_20/children
@Learning Yes.
Actually i used semicolon because i came to know about matrix parameter
Just alike a non-compound key would be: root/parent/10/children.
for instance see this :
Q: URL matrix parameters vs. request parameters

deamonI'm wondering whether to use matrix or query parameters in my URLs. I found an older discussion to that topic not satisfying. Examples URL with query params: http://some.where/thing?paramA=1&paramB=6542 URL with matrix params: http://some.where/thing;paramA=1;paramB=6542 At first sight matri...

The 10, just like 10_20, is just a string that serves as an identifier.
I've never heard of URL matrix parameters, and I wouldn't use them.
Becuase no-one will understand what you want them to mean.
As far as the REST architecture is concerned, the identifier is an opaque string. It's your implementation that gives meaning to 10, or 10_20, or id1=10;id2=20. You can use any of them. Use any identifier.
Actually what you suggested was my previous thought because i have seen 1 facebook api which was something like this :
Something like above but i have forgotten
Can you please explain me this :the identifier is an opaque string
I have 2 classes that has same methods name etc, I want to be able to initialize any one of this under same name in MainWindow,
for example: class data1{}, class data2{}
mainWindow: var data = new data1(); or var data = new data1();
and I want to be able to call method that exists in both of them
@Learning It means the web server, and architecturally speaking, it doesn't matter how the identifier is structured, internally.
10_20 is equivalent to 10;;20 or id1=10;id2=20 or even to ~~~10~~~_###20###, if that's how you want to structure it.
atleast tell me how this concept called so I can read about it
All right sir.Thank you so much.Appreciated :)
Eventually, some code of yours will have to take that single string that defines an identifier, break it down to its parts, and find the entity that matches the compound key. But as far as REST is concerned, a single key is like a compound key - it's just an identifier.
Also, as far as I can tell, matrix URIs were never part of any common standard, just an idea
Sir but i have prepare some conclusion based for this nested and non nested endpoints
1)Nested endpoints typically require redundant endpoints.
For eg : We have 3 entities say Companies,department and employee in which a department can't exist without an associated company and employee can't exist without an associated department and now user wants to list (GET) all employees accross all companies.so in this case user will end up creating redundant endpoint.
2) If i take same example of above with nested endpoints and if user want to search employees then user have no choice but to add another endpoint.With a non-nested design, user can add more parameters, which is simpler.
(see full text)
Does my conclusion make sense?
@Mr.Noob interfaces
only option?
@Mr.Noob it's well supported. Why would you need an inferior one?
@Mr.Noob inheritance
only because both classes are the same so I thought there is an option to work with that...
But I think I can add interface it won't be too much work
Thank you!
@Mr.Noob Interface is exactly for that, it provides you with a footprint of the class
Searches usually use a different, non-nested hierarchy.
But I'm not sure what you mean by redundant endpoints.
Ah, you mean that you need both /root/employees and /root/company1/department2/employees?
@KamilSolecki mind that every messenger pattern use different synchronity. That I use from Devex waits for every receiver to complete their message handling before continue.
In this case, since you also have a canonical resource for employees (/root/employees), I would have /root/company/dept/employees return a list of links to the canonical /employee/<id> paths.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan yes exactly :/root/employees and /root/company1/department2/employees
So do you think my conclusion make sense
Like what i have read from some of the answers where user are mostly recommending avoiding nested heirarchy
Is Dbset<T>.Count() transformed to SELECT COUNT(*) in SQL?
Because I'm running in a long executing time when running it?
profile sql
lol it took me 2 weeks to create file based lan coop mode for my app, and now I am replacing it with UdpClient and it took 10 min to make it work :\ cry
Noob life
@Mr.Noob i mean, your name is Mr.Noob...
How are you supposed to know which applicationhost.config file to delete when you think deleting this file is the solution?
I thought it was the one under c:\Users\username\My Documents\IISExpress\config but I don't think it's actually doing anything
Is it loaded only at startup / Did you restart program?
I'm not sure, I'm not entirely familiar with the file itself. It seems to be related to stuff like pathing for all applications you're running in visual studio
everyone online seems to agree that if you delete the version in that path it's supposed to remake the file when you run an application again
but it doesn't seem to do that
It doesn't create a new file?
that's why it makes me wonder if it's using a different applicationhost.config file because when you search windows quite a few results come up for files under that name
No idea, I'd have to rtfm.
Could rename them to *.backup and try again ;)
well I've deleted file (or rather removed it from the path) and I'm restarting the machine
we'll see what that does
You mean relocated it? ...renaming to *.backup probably easier, especially of you have multiple.
I threw the file on the desktop
because if it doesn't make a new one I want to keep the old one
I wouldn't expect to need a machine restart..but no idea what that file does :/
Which is why I said simply change the name. Especially if you have multiple copies of the file. Nvm.
Do them one by one followed by a restart..knock urself out :p
it contains a whole bunch of configuration stuff for IIS but the local version
hmm that didn't fix it :/
Didn't expect it to :D
Rename all of the copies of the file that you think it might be using...restart service, check where the file got recreated.
That doesn't 'fix' anything, but might tell you which copy its using. Just an idea, probably not a good one.
so this other site suggest making sure the URL is https instead of http but that didnt' help
Look at your original question, and then reread my last suggestion.
I don't even know what the problem is :|
yeah sorry I saw your last suggestion I just kinda want to avoid it because it seems tedious
the actual problem is that when I browse to my site via Visual Studio IE says it can't display the page
one thing the internet suggested was deleting that file I mentioned earlier because VS is supposed to require it so it'll make a new one
Firewall? No idea, sorry, never used.
well when I first searched the website it said IE was blocking the content but that should only happen if I'm browsing an external site
Never used. Gl.
maybe I don't even want to use IIS express?
I am trying to do this stuff from my IIS server itself so maybe I can use that
cross your fingers this does what I want
So I unchecked "override project URL"
Has anyone ever had to access the type(s) from an mvc action method within a global action filter?
e.g. public ActionResult OrderDetails(OrderViewModel model)

I expect to be able to get the type "OrderViewModel"
Did a bit of google, no luck
Also poking around the context that comes into the custom action filter
in the "OnAuthorization" part
I think I may have had the wrong type of custom attribute class. I'm now using ActionFilterAttribute, maybe I get more luck o><o
the info is kinda tehre : MethodInfo: {System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult Index(System.Nullable`1[System.Int32])}
but I want that it's of nullable int
I don't want the actual value
Greetings All
Any Americans here in the path of the eclipse?
We were considering travelling to the path of totality but didn't act early enough. We're supposed to get ~60% coverage.
I've already seen a total eclipse though. This would be mainly for my wife.
GF and I are going. Probably to Nebraska.
We're going to head to Indianapolis, then check the weather to see where to head from there.
We live in Maryland
I was just typing that totality is some to behold
that is on your eastern coastal areas correct
Yeah. Smack in the middle of the east coast
you should mike
Her parents went to Siberia to see one a few years back.
This is the first one in the US in 40 years.
This might help someone else : ((ReflectedActionDescriptor)filterContext.ActionDescriptor).MethodInfo.GetParame‌​ters()
You sort of have to Reflect the MethodInfo
@007 there's an eclipse soon or are we talking about the IDE?
I thought it was 100 years for north america for totality
i dont know ide
So if you have a controller action such as public ActionResult Potato(ViewModel model)

Then it will give you the "ViewModel" info
There's another one in 2024.
@BlueBarren Yeah, in two weeks
oh snap
@007 I saw one back in the 90s
lunar or solar?
No one needs to travel for Lunar
a total or was it partial Mike
Well I saw a lunar one, too
We went to Antigua
so I asked solar vs lunar but I don't actually remember the difference
With solar, the moon is between the sun and the earth
Well solar is when the moon blocks the sun.
Lunar is when the earth blocks the moon.
With lunar, the earth is between the sun and the moon
with lunar the earth blocks sun from moon
How many of us are going to say the same thing in different ways?
The moon doesn't really disappear during a lunar eclipse, it turns red.
yeah, thats the coolest part
it is just as fascinating
hence, the blood moon thing
I'd be really, really concerned if the moon disappeared.
That would probably be bad for us.
I'd still be Kamil
You know how the sky turns red at sunrise and sunset? That red light is continuing on to hit the moon.
it would be
@mikeTheLiar waters would cry.
the earth rotaion would not be stable
@mikeTheLiar no tides
Not actually true.
There are solar tides.
Not nearly as strong as lunar tides, but they're there.
While the moon has a affect on the tides, it's basically negligible.
this is true
@mikeTheLiar You mean sun.
The vast majority of tides are caused by the Earth's rotation.
@Hypersapien nope
The moon can basically be disregarded when it comes to tides.
What would me heart skip a beat would be if the sun blinked off and on
that would be something
just for one cycle
Trying to find the Physics question about the tides right now
there would be 8 mins of uh ohs
Right, that's why the tides are always oriented with the moon
@007 ehm, not true. the darkness on earth would last as long as the sun being off.
I saying if she did the full 8 min
so why 8 minutes
made a guess, because 8 mins is the time that it takes for light to reach us from the sun.
well we need the time to see it
the moon tugs on the atmosphere as well
And my heart strings
air is just less dense water so with out it it would be crazy
If the sun blinked off for 10 seconds, we wouldn't see it go off until 8 minutes passed, but we would still see it come back on 10 seconds after we saw it go off.
if the earths rotation speed up and then slowed down the winds on the planet would be wacky
wrong chat
the reason I selected 8 mins is so that we could see the star at low output
that ball of churning plasma would be a sight to behold
@007 Wind isn't due to the earth's rotation. It's due to thermal irregularities. Hot air rises in one place, and cool air descends in another place. The wind it the air moving from where it descends to take up space where it's rising.
this too is true
Weather patterns move from west to east because of the earth's rotation, but that's a different matter.
but you have to think about the mass of all of the water and air on earth
and if there is a change in delta...
Who summoned me
Speak up
I'm low on ram so I'm very irrational rn
in JavaScript, 2 mins ago, by Kamil Solecki
yeh me
all of that stuff moves which would create a non thermal centric wind
due to the shift in mass
if you spin a glass globe with water in it and stop or slow the rotation the water keeps going
same would be true with the earth based on my study
back in '66 I use to study this stuff
the star we call the sun was my main area of study
the star we call the sun was my main area of study
I love how you always speak as if you were alien :D
"as if"
I did not think I was typing as an alien lol
its a star not a sun
I normally call it a Day Star... but that did not go over well here
FYI calling the sun the "Day Star" is usually done sarcastically
It's kinda a joke about never going outside
Like talking about the "big room with the blue ceiling"
Ahh I did not know that...
I thought it was poetic when I first read it back in the 60's
I think that's what it was meant to be originally
But then neck-bearded nerds took it over
It's time to take it back
the daystar arise in your hearts," the word is literally, "light-bringer." It is applicable, therefore, not only to the planet Venus, seen as a morning star, herald of the dawn, but to the sun itself, and is used here as a title of our Lord.
neck beards thats funny
In a WPF project, if I have a keyed control style set in a global resourcedictionary, how can I include in that style a style for specific types of child controls?
Never mind. I got it.
that last box should of had a porn image downloading 1 horizontal line at a time
blooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooppppppppppppppppppppp @Steve'saD
hi there steve
Hi, what is the best practice to create website in ASP NET with menu at the top and submenu with tabs ? Should I use partial view for each tab and how to manage it with action controller ?
Im also using boostraper 4
@Steve'saD I said BLOOP motherfucker
what's up @mikeTheLiar :)
Trying to get Steve's attention apparently.
I guess he's mad at me.
Oh what happened
Notice me senpai Steve!
No idea, I'm just messing with him.
I can help you out
He's gone walkabout.
Hello @Steve'saD
Hi All quick question about dropdownlist
                      @Html.DropDownList("Select Something", (IEnumerable<SelectListItem>)ViewBag.dropdownvalues))
I can not get it to show the Select SOmething part
it just shows the first value in the list
anyone have any Ideas?
Is it static or connected in your model? @007
it is connected to a view bag
I am passing it a view bag data
to populate the list
If you're having some problem in razor, just switch to native html for that. @007
so remove the ampersand
<select name="Name"> @foreach(item in ViewBag.ListOfBlahs){ <option value="0">Select Something</option><option value="@item.Value">@item.Value</option> }</select>
@007 that would be the good option for you
Since your ViewBag.dropdownvalues is a list, you can use foreach on that
I am getting the items
I just wanted the greeting title
like please select item from list
you know like a place holder vs seeing the first item in the list
outside of that bug it is working fine
Yeah I know that try my option
if you just what that "Select Something" thing
@mikeTheLiar bloop
@mark333...333...333 hai
at least somebody does
Mark I reading something else before trying what you suggested
                                 @Html.DropDownList("Select Something", (IEnumerable<SelectListItem>)ViewBag.dropdownvalues, "Select Something")
and that worked by I am not sure why
when I look up dropdownlist it is not very detailed or maybe it's too detail
very hard to figure out whats going on there...
@Steve'saD hello there :) @mikeTheLiar wants your attention so I was helping him out
but it does not say what the value is for the titile
So is the name Type: System.String
The name of the form field to return
is that what the field name is?
so my first "Select Something" Should that Be "XX_DDL"?
To Id the field?
if I wanted to trigger something?

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