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@ThiefMaster I wish!
try flash player @MohanSrinivas
life was so much simpler then
but while using js,it asking ssl certificate in iis
@ThiefMaster his beard is still stuck there
@rlemon because I wasn't born? HOW DARE YOU
xy problem alert!
@SterlingArcher you were born for most of em
@Tobiq okay ill try figure this bit out myself and let u get to ur own work, thankyou so much for ur help :) and u @GNi33
@Luggage didn't you write something like this? stackoverflow.com/questions/45615882/…
@ssube only like 87%
@ssube Luggage is afk: πŸ’ŠπŸΈπŸ’€
Dear lord Luggage never woke up
lol insane chew got kicked
@Tobiq i want to record and upload automatically into server?is it possible
@SterlingArcher I figured he's just been doing new-job stuff
with JS yes
I wasn't around much after changing gigs
webrtc, getUserMedia
oh, speaking of...
To use userMedia you need https
In chrome at least
yeah.. speaking of work
^ webrtc requires https or localhost
!!afk i should go to work
Localhost is always assumed secure fyi
yea i used get usermedia but it is asking ssl certificate
anyone know a jQuery plugin which allow to make slideshow like The main Slider is shown in a fixed size, 2 left items and 2 right items are shown slightly rotated
r u hosting locally?
you need a https server, or to host locally.
@Tobiq yes
show error(s)
hosting locally not working?
are you asking me?
yes what i have to do now ,to solve that ssl certificate pbm
@SterlingArcher do you want to be a "simple" guy
if you like showed what youre doing, and the error youre getting
that may help
@KarelG SterlingArcher is afk: i should go to work
* locks sterling's house doors and windows * No you shouldn't
anyone know that
@Tobiq recorde audio using recorder.js in locally its working fine,but while deploying in iis showing error need ssl certificate like that
!!afk cba
we've been telling you, you need https
you can only capture user media now behind a secure connection
bit of an annoyance, but makes sense I suppose.
ok thanks
i need to buy ssl certificate or just a settings?
you can get a free one
no, you can get a free one from let's encrypt
spending moneys on anything but EV certificates doesn't make much sense anymore
you have to renew it often, or setup a service to renew it
keep that in mind
could just run certbot from a cron job
yea, I was just mentioning it so they don't set it and forget it
hard to tell, I'd like to see a bit more attraction between particles.
r u for real orrr?
like water tension?
idk if I can do that at 60+fps
for all of those particles
you only should be checking the ones around your current particle.
yh i see what you mean
but attraction/field forces are infinite-ranged
if im going to implement properly
or maybe theres a smart way of doing it.
Q: Broad-phase collision detection methods?

RCIXI'm building a 2D physics engine and I want to add broad-phase collision detection, though I only know of 2 or 3 types: Check everything against everything else (O(n^2) complexity) Sweep and Prune (sort and sweep) something about Binary Space Partition (not sure how to do this) But surely th...

are you already doing something like this?
whats the meaning of broad-phase, yes i googled
oh im using spacial partitioning/hashing/grids
so many names for the process
k, you can try to improve on that. although it'll be very specific to your application how you tweak those
ive tweaked the crap out of it
otherwise I'd just set attraction cuttoffs.
takes a lot to collision detect, andd animate, 20k circles
anything x cells away doesn't care, or doesn't care much
ok i'm now off til next wed. See ya all
have fun
then again the force does decrease exponentially
so I could have decent attraction by only attracting nearest circles
@Tobiq no, sorry
any idea why?
@KendallFrey omg I can't wait. nasa.gov/press-release/…
there are even visible waves @BenjaminGruenbaum, come onnn
good morning!
Can you recommend a "realtime" JS-Translation Library for the frontend?
Something like http://belelros.github.io/jqueryTranslator/ which is not updated for years and maybe with pluralization features...?
@rlemon I can't wait for the page to load...
Cassini was launched before @towc was born.
@Tobiq no idea, doesn't look fluid, just looks like particles
ooh, but, like, the interaction?
@KarelG sorry I was busy
@KendallFrey also karels solution works
@rlemon what the jesus
@KamilSolecki Which?
modders can all pack up now
the game is perfect
still more comparisons than mine :P
wait its not
its 3
you had 3 too didnt you
mine is 2
oh no
@KarelG btw it checks out.
@KendallFrey what's the challenge?
run away now
@ssube a beautiful formula to decide wether a number x is between y and 0
Using d3, how can I select a DOM element (p tag) from another file? The js file is getting imported in the header tag and I'm trying to make a refernece to the element using: var DOMLabel = d3.select('#output-barchart-death').select('#default-profile');
division is bad
but you can't use straight division
otherwise lemon wins
also no interval comparation
If I print this to the console, I get an array element, but no reference to its value
default-profile is the ID of my p tag and output-barchart-death is a div container in which my element is inside
@KendallFrey BUT WHAT IF (80's shows voice) its actually faster
@Daruchini so you are asking how to look up something that isn't currently in the DOM but you have the HTML String?
... no one?
what if all your signs and absolutes make yours slower
(unlikely, buy maybe)
@KamilSolecki It's not the bottleneck
@rlemon, nope. It's in the DOM
@KendallFrey whatcha doin?
is there any at all tho
There's some crazy shit going on around it
I've hardcoded it in: <p id="default-profile">test</p>
@rlemon kendoll is making a tensor math factorio calculator :D
@rlemon Making a calculator for Factorio
@KendallFrey show him the haskell code, it was looking nice :)
the one you linked in C#
I'll post the updated version
Now with unit conversion logic
my god, it's like coffeescript
Does does that even do
it do, it do
@SterlingArcher they don't think it be like it is
@rlemon but it do :(
@rlemon but it do notation considered harmful
Btw, creppy thing happened two days ago. A can of Canada Dry started moving along my desk. By itself. I stopped it and placed it back where it was, to see what was causing the movement. It slid again. That happened 3 times. Its worth mentioning that all other cans were stationary. I really wonder if it could be that the drill that my neighbor used in the yard somewhere somehow resonated with the can causing it to move
It was eerie tho
It looks like particle physis
@KamilSolecki Did it stop when the drill stopped?
the drill stopped little later
There is also a potential hovercraft effect
the can was already stationary then
Did you ask the ghost if it thought the drill was causing the can to move?
It was so cool tho
@ssube if you mean that mr. ghost = mr. physics, then yeah.
@KendallFrey how would it happen?
@rlemon have you ever played plasma pong?
@rlemon thats so cool
it reminds me very much of that
@ssube maybe? the best pong was 3d pong
this one ^
Oooo this game
@KamilSolecki Condensation, maybe, though it works without it. A small amount of air gets trapped under the can and lifts it off the desk, causing it to slide down any slight slope.
@rlemon that was a lot of fun
there's a Target around here that has pong projected on their floor and you play with your feet, that's also entertaining
@KendallFrey hmm maybe. Can was cold, but empty.
probably vibrations
@ssube i gotta show that to my epileptic friend, he will love it for a while.
@KamilSolecki prime conditions for hovercrafting, but not conclusive in any way
@rlemon only one can out of 7 standing around tho?
clean your fuckin desk dude
Thats my approx. daily quota
it was probably a cockroach carrying it away
I clean it every morning.
this whole thing could have been avoided with proper tidiness
or your legs shaking because of the sugar intake
or your liver collapsing
When I drink 3 coffees my hand shakes
@ssube my pancreas should already be dead (those are coke cans usually)
@SterlingArcher when I drink 3 coffees I go to work
I also shake when i listen to this song
the drummer is a machine
still the most 'get hyped' song I can think of
this song gives me butterflies
yes and yes
@rlemon cap runs node, right?
cap is a browser script
what does she use for her js eval
@KamilSolecki "undefined"
eval + webworker.
I had a cool idea just now
so it's kindof like a compromised browser run amok
@rlemon 4:55 best fucking part
I reject your opinion
@SterlingArcher I reject your rejection.
you can't triple stamp a double stamp
I only double stamped, you eyebrow shaping hoser.
@Trasiva yer ten ply bud.
@rlemon Go fuck a goose, you moose mounting Canuk.
@Trasiva and you kiss your sister with that mouth?
@rlemon No, I do
not on the lips
@rlemon They haven't built a multi-stage rocket that can get around that gut.
@BenFortune why are you kissing your sister with somebody else's mouth? That's all kinds of wrong.
@ssube Because then it's not incest
It's not my mouth
I don't think you can get around incest laws by wearing somebody else as a mask.
This isn't rimworld.
> it puts the teabags on it's skin or else it gets the sun again!
Any Americans here in the path of the eclipse?
I get 80% of it
@ssube you mean.. like... really? Uhm... crap. I..... nevermind.
nice jhoverit
I'm going to sleep through that day jus so I can say I did that
totality is something nice to see
I like the cut of your jib Jhoverit
dont follow the sheeps
Cut of my jib
@rlemon @007 we wont get solar, but we will have full lunar on 28th
that is just as fantastic
Hi All
@Dinesh Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Oh neat, Node 8.3 launched yesterday and V8 was updated to 6.0, enabling Turbo Fan and Ignition. github.com/nodejs/node/pull/14574
We're using the Google Maps JavaScript API (client-side/browser) with an API-key and make use of the Geocoding functionality.

While the geocoding itself works fine, the usage is not tracked/logged to the Console of the Google Cloud Platform. The Geocoding API is enabled and there is no error in the browser console.

Now the interesting part: The usage tracking does work with the stripped-down Geocoding example on any server/domain except on the customer server. While example.com/geocoding-simple.html is tracked, customer.tld/geocoding-simple.html is not tracked.
@rlemon @007 ....but next year.
yeah 2018 they say it will be back to north America
Woke up this morning to a new whistle
So I'm trying to SCP from EC2, and I can't figure out how to get to my users path
pwd : /home/alexanderjm
@SterlingArcher user@host:~/
scp -i ~/.ssh/alexanderjm.pem alexanderjm@[ip address]/home/alexanderjm/restorejmalexander.archive ~/Desktop/
let me try that
you're missing your colon
ah shit balls
That worked, thanks bud
Yes, I avoided a pun to be gr8ful
shit balls are a common symptom
when your colon is missing
but yeah bruh
Could anyone help me ?
@Dinesh What's your question?
oh, it's up a bit
We're using the Google Maps JavaScript API (client-side/browser) with an API-key and make use of the Geocoding functionality.

While the geocoding itself works fine, the usage is not tracked/logged to the Console of the Google Cloud Platform. The Geocoding API is enabled and there is no error in the browser console.

Now the interesting part: The usage tracking does work with the stripped-down Geocoding example on any server/domain except on the customer server. While example.com/geocoding-simple.html is tracked, customer.tld/geocoding-simple.html is not tracked.
Damn even with my terminal mongo is still slow to restore a gig db
oh god it's chewing up my ram
im lagging so bad
yep, it does that
mongo is a good load test
jesus fuck i can type a whole paragraph before text even shows up on my textbox
that's not a paragraph
what kind of ancient computer are you on?
i didn't post said paragraph it was jibberish
> the words fell like goldfish on the carpets of life...
@ssube I came
Archers cooling rn
I've long considered writing romance novels as a side gig. I have a few good plot ideas somewhere.
> You have been mentioned in C#, a room you're not currently in.
this can't be good
yeh me
misplaced image
@SterlingArcher well that 8GB is doing you in
@KamilSolecki Antergos sucks
Right? I almost can't use my computer atm. I need to wait for this mongo to finish
!!afk all work and low ram makes Sterling something something... go crazy?
@littlepootis never tried.
@ssube but the RAM clock isn't in accordance with the one I currently have installed.
@KamilSolecki your motherboard will set all channels to the lowest speed
@Tobiq what the fuck
Do you think this'll get used
in dyslexia curing facilities for sure
ohkay, I see this going downhill
ima start upload tons of repos
js needs me
@Tobiq but please please please format your code next time
i used ``` code block ```
I mean the code itself
1. Separate each 'check' with an empty line
What exactly is vec2.bound supposed to do?
sets a boundary
and rebound if outside
for (var j = I; j--;) victor.magnitude();

^ I mean this as a check block
@Tobiq rebound?
renaming to that would probably be more clear
hey, I'm having concerns due to my nodejs app structure, should I create an object with functions or just place variables and functions without binding them to any object?
@Tobiq Not without explaining what a rebound is
vec2 = new vec2(-10, 0);
vec.bound("x", 0, window.innerWidth);
// vec2 === x: 10, y: 0
Random guess, collisions bounce with boundaries?
seems like it
oh wait thats all to it nvm
not to be confused with clamp
that's a messed up fish
just changing origin
@Tobiq That doesn't look right, let me try it
it returns true if the vector componentis in boundaries, so you can like, reduce velocity on a rebound, using the return value
@Tobiq Yeah I'm pretty sure it will return 0, not 10
nope, returns 10
You need some unit tests fam
lmfao ive tested it, have you?
An adapted version
!!afk wroom wroom
How can I test the whole library? paste it into jsfiddle?
I guess rawgit will work
oh sht return 0
u right
jesus christ
2 mins ago, by Tobiq
lmfao ive tested it, have you?
well didn't that backfire
^ @Tobiq I'd consider that snark. just so you're aware when we say 'rude'
we mean comments like that.
@Tobiq I enjoyed this very much
youre welcome
3 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
You need some unit tests fam
idk how you tested it but
ty for spottin
mm, leftovers <3
mm, cold pizza
mmmm vegetables and sadness
sugar snaps?
I think it's just peapods
I'm pickle riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick
vec2.prototype.bound = function (component, min, max) {
	if (this[component] < min) this[component] = Math.min(max, -this[component]);
	else if (this[component] > max) this[component] = Math.max(min, 2 * max - this[component]);
	else return true;
I dont know what i was smoking when I wrote it before.
that function returns true or undefined
@Tobiq I think that's still broken...
yes @KevinB
@KendallFrey this time I tested
you tested the one case you fixed
everything else is still broken i bet
ssube do you sleep
lemme check
everything I feed works
@007 yes i'm seeing the solar eclipse
@William yeah, like a ton?
@SterlingArcher what is there on the right?

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