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ublic string GetDisplayNameFromPath(string basePath)
string result;
int subIndex = basePath.LastIndexOf("\\Data.") + 6;
if (subIndex > 6)
result = basePath.Substring(subIndex);
result = "<Default>";

return result;
public void datemodified_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (selectdirectories.SelectedItem == null)
datemodified.Text = "";
DateTime lastdate = Directory.GetLastWriteTime(SelectedPath());
datemodified.Text = GetDisplayNameFromPath(result) + " was last modified on " + lastdate.ToString();
@heinst www.pastebin.com
so i want whatever the return of result is to be the read in of GetDisplayNameFromPath()
@Hans @heinst gist.github.com
@heinst Did you try it? It looks right to me.
@KendallFrey cheers for the link + did my last comment seem ok?
Yeah but it says not in this context....which it isnt
A: What Stack Overflow is Not

The Guy Who Disagrees With YouStack Overflow is not going to read all that Please do not: post a massive wall of code and expect people to comb through it for unknown bugs link to some other place where you have pasted all the code include boilerplate code or "include" directives unless they're relevant to your problem exp...

not reading all that.
@heinst in your datemodified_Click method, the variable "result" does not exist. It looks like maybe you want the last line of datemodified_Click to be:

datemodified.Text = GetDisplayNameFromPath(SelectedPath()) + " was last modified on " + lastdate.ToString();

Is that what you want to do?
I just store my code there as a back up now....i pasted the relevant code in the chat @KendallFrey
Oh wait, yeah, result doesn't exist.
You don't need the result variable. Just return ... instead of result = ...
@KyleGagnet wow thanks.
i hate when it is obvious stuff
makes me feel dumb
@heinst No problem
dudes im off to bed as its 1am. catch u later + thanks again
@HansRudel goodnight
Can you control mouse clicks with c# (like scripting)?
It's probably good that Hans goes to sleep before I possibly confuse him more by trying to convince him to use a static extension method to raise events.
@heinst Do you mean simulating clicks, like with the Button.PerformClick() method?
@heinst Do you mean sending click events? Are you thinking of something like AutoHotKey?
Yeah like performing/simulating clicks at different coordinates
My next task for my graduation project is to automate the exportation of a document using mouse clicks
And this needs to be clicks in another application?
yeah....so this guys has a dashboard
(its for reading in mail/checks)
It may take a while to grok it. Especially if you intend to write the code yourself.
he wants me to make a program for exporting a document....in order to do that i need to simulate mouse clicks
kendal cn you help me out bro?
Did he say you need to simulate mouse clicks? Cause that's the worst way of automating anything.
@Javier Maybe.
kendall go on skype
no he didnt say that...i was just thinking that
javier knows where to find you!
@heinst Yeah mistake on my part.
@heinst Ask him if there is an api you can use.
If I'm going to transport a project between two machines can I just put the directory of the project on a jump drive?
See what I was thinking was, the user maximizes the dashboard and clicks through one time so my program gets the coordinates, then my program remembers the coordinates and does it automatically
@KendallFrey skype please
@heinst The codeproject article includes a macro recorder that does exactly that.
@TonyHarmon Does the project reference anything outside of the .NET framework?
@TonyHarmon I think so.
@Javier I have skype.
yeah i know i have you added, go on it
It doesn't self contained as of right now
@Javier I am on it. No I'm not adding you.
@TonyHarmon Should be fine.
kendall i have you added already, you probally blocked me
@Javier I probally did.
kendall i really need your help
you block people??? gasp
Well, you aren't asking any questions, so I can't give answers.
@heinst Ignore, whatever.
I get an absurd amount of random contact requests. :(
@KendallFrey i have to say you look like youre about my age in your profile picture thing
welcome to my world
Your world?
kendall can you go on teamviewer and help me
of getting a lot of random friend requests
o ya lol
@Javier Can? Yes. Will? No.
If you dont mind me asking....how old are you?
Wait, before you answer that Can you go on teamviewer and help me?
He's 17. Jeez... learn how to creep
I think it's on my profile.
Kyle, can you please help me out? D:
not you javier...i meant kendall
/me puts on wizards hat
Javier, I've seen you ask for help but not actually ask a question. I don't Skype, so you'll have to ask it here.
... no please continue ...
I dont have good creeping skills.....which is a good thing
Kyle can you teamviewer me so i can show you
what is going on?
I have teamviewer ill try to help
really heinst?
@heinst I should admit it. I knew your first name long before you you thought so.
heinst can you invite me to a chatroom on here
Say no!
haha why? I feel bad for javier
and @KendallFrey howd you know my name?!
heinst everyone on here just picks on me >.<
i use heinst as my alias for just about everything
whatd you google?
whoa hold the phone...
@Javier Because we all know you can't ask a coherent question.
You were in Wonder Showzen?
heinst, can you invite me to a chatroom?
@heinst Exactly that.
@KyleGagnet Creeper exposed.
I dont have enough points for starting chat rooms
@Javier Why on earth don't you want to ask here?
heinst do you have somewhere i can contact you
@KendallFrey what on XDA? I dont see how you got it..i just googled heinst
just to send you my TV ID and pass
I'm going to paste this here:
May 17 at 21:47, by Kyle Trauberman
@Javier Here are some tips to get your question answered:

1. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/how-to-ask
2. http://blog.stackoverflow.com/2010/10/asking-better-questions/
3. break your mammoth of a question into smaller bite-sized questions.

Then post your questions on the main site (one question per question please). Do this, and you'll have a much better chance of getting a reasonable answer. And remember StackOverflow isn't a place to go to to ask questions like "teach me how to do this". If you're not willing to put in the effort to learn on your own, then we aren't willing to he
@heinst Oh, maybe I went on your website.
okay... village idiot question. How can I run/debug a console project? The window opens then closes before I can see anything
ah yeah that was it @KendallFrey
heinst, teamviewer 6 or 7?
@TonyHarmon Add Console.ReadLine() to the end of your program
to keep the window from closing
@TonyHarmon Ctrl+F5
Kyle, everybody on here says that to me
it is kinda weird
i'm just asking for some help, hands on
and people get defensive about it
@KendallFrey you never told me how old you are
Im gonna say 19-22
heinst hes like 17
and i emailed you heinst
Thanks! And holy shit it worked without referring to the book once! Maybe I should stop while I'm ahead lol
@TonyHarmon Keep going man....youre on a roll
@Javier You have to at least tell me what you need help with. Maybe you need help with some framework I've never even heard of, and I have to go through all the trouble of connecting remotely to your machine before I can find out what you need help with?
do you know XNA
See? That wasn't that hard, was it?
heinst do you know xna? D:
i've used xna
its not that much fun
Now that you've said you need help with XNA, maybe some XNA expert has been lurking and will now help you
no i dont know xna
i suggest using Unity if its your first coding project.
you know c# right?
greg no i been coding for a while its just that i started doing C# and its kinda different from java
heinst connect to me
hey i made that transition
XNA is c#
@Javier: What is the question?
i need help on detection of colors to win
Detection of colors???
come on teamviewer ill show you
ill explain
hes making qbert
he wants to be able to detect when all the blocks are lets say red
I remember now.
then he wants to go to level 2
should i make case statements
SHIT!!!!! should have stopped...
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace EssentialLanguageFeatures
    public class ShoppingCart : IEnumerable<Product>
        public List<Product> Products { get; set; }
        public IEnumerator<Product> GetEnumerator()
            return Products.GetEnumerator();
        IEnumerator IEnumberable.GetEnumerator()
            return GetEnumerator();
    public static class MyExtensionMethods
This says IEnumberable could not be found
@TonyHarmon I bet.
This is what I get for thinking I knew enough to write a stub to follow along with the snippets that they are showing in the book... only got the first two working. Guess I'll try it again tomorrow...
@TonyHarmon, you just misspelled it
can't find what you can't spell :)
Unless it's google.
The best google ever: "recursion"
"Showing results for IEnumerable could not be found
Search instead for IEnumberable could not be found"
Haha win
my favorite is "do a barrel roll", but it's sad how poor it looks even in Chrome
i know. askew is good.
kendall help me out
@Javier See previous comment.
@KendallFrey I use whathaveyoutried.com for everything
p.s. how old are you...still never answered haha
Other people have done a fine job of doing that for me. stackoverflow.com/users/785745/kendall-frey
Theres no age!!!
Seriously? I thought it's public. Ok I'm 17.
pretty smart for 17
for the global mouse thing
how do you store the coordinates?
as im looking at the example i dont see where they store them
As in, record where the mouse clicks?
well store the coordinates so it remembers for the future
like if i click on 100,100 i want it to store that coordinate for future reference
You can access that in the MouseDown event handler. Look at the macro recorder app for more info.
oh didnt know you could download haha
Oh, yeah, all the codes.
you have an account? i dont feel like making one to download
You know what? Now that you mention it, I think I do. Shows how active I am, huh? ;)
i connected with my facebook
wasnt as painful
Q: Trouble detecting the number of blocks drawn on the board *XNA*

JavierI have this code that draws the boxes on a Qbert board, how would i figure out how to detect what color blocks are stepped on? INSERT CODE FOR DRAWING HERE public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { int drawXOffset = 30; int drawYOffset = 60; for (int x = 0; x <...

kendall and heinst
suppresses downvote reflex
i edited it for you
@Javier What have you tried?
Also, what do you use to keep track of state? Drawing has nothing to do with it.
if (numofblocks < 28)
switch to map 2
Shift+Enter for multiple lines.
thanks haha
that would work wouldnt it
heinst i told you they need the other info
kendall i updated it
its all there the class
why does this look like homework?
Jeez man I was only trying to help...dont be so rude
@MichaelMason it is
whats the point of the internet solving it for you then
michael how does it look like homework
simple problem
no its not
well it could be
i just can't think of it right now......
@KendallFrey What kind of project should I make the mouse click one you think?
This looks.....painful
@heinst It is. Win32 API stuff :(
I haz no idea
haha look at my comment kendall
:P just did
its so simple...
thats what i was thinking...just couldnt quite say it
Horrible communication skills + Wants code, not knowledge = No way will one become a professional.
The sad truth.
Hey stop talking about me!
I'm not.
You have communication skills, and a thirst for knowledge.
It's sad. No good answers because the question is unanswerable.
thanks kendall
Ah, I just gave in to the aforementioned urge.
i need more rep :(
yawn Nite guys.
he had a hot "girlfriend" though
@heinst Find some questions you can answer.
i need low level questions
but im afraid of getting minused
only happens when someone is adamant of a correct solution when in fact it was always gonna be a retarded idea ..
Can you recommend a good way to automate mouse clicks?
dont want to give people the wrong idea
in winforms?
if so... nfi
nvm got it haha
but any scripting language
didnt think of that
im pretty sure thats for webpages
well im a web dude... sooo..
what are you trying to do anyway?
im trying to automate clicking on a screen
for automatic export of reports on a program
any reason why u cant use some sort of testing program?
what do you mean testing program
well theres a bunch of tools out there for doing automated testing...
say when your doing test driven development
altho this isnt what you need by the sounds of it
your on the right track tho.. a winforms app should be able to generate screen clicks...
just seems like a lot of work that i have no exp in
google is your friend :)
usually someone in the world has had to deal with the problem handed to you..
if you cant find any info on a specific problem, start breaking the task down into smaller chunks and attack it from different angles if possible
what your proposing tho sounds a tad like a hack... i take its a legacy reporting program that your having to automate reports for?
is there a way to access the datastore for this application?
yeah i think
that may be a more elegant solution..
altho knowing most legacy apps... extremely difficult :P
there has to be.... i dont know the full details but all i know is its automatic generation of reports
at a certain time
i have the source code for it all haha
just dont know where the report generation code is located
ah you have the code... well.. it may be better to get it working within the application your talking about
unless its impossible to understand that is ehe
sorry not being very helpful, but its hard to give u a solution without all the details i guess..
yeah no youve been helpful with general coding advice
im just interning at this place to graduate high school so i dont know much of anything either
i just finished my first assignment so ill learn more tomorrow i guess
well that explains alot
yea thats a tuff one
dunno why its getting dumped on your plate
just a temporary solution until they hard code it into their program itself
just busy work i guess?
fair enuff.. but no offence i wouldnt want to risk letting an intern get all hot and heavy with my reporting code :P
thats what i just finished. Never worked with C# and one "Honors" Java class
nah it doesnt touch their code.....its just mouse clicks instead of having the user do it. no harm can be done to their end
yea that solution is ideal from that perspective... but how you would go about doing it is a tad beyond your experience.
that is true
anyway bbl.. good luck!
nice talking to you
2 hours later…
hello awesome room
@MichaelMason @KendallFrey Have you ever used FedEx webservices
Hello everyone,
anyone here familier with classic asp
no one else is here
you ever use FedEx webservice?
@ScottSelby ok,
hi folks
can anyone help me out in silverlight?
don't know silverlight
@ScottSelby no i havn't sorry...
it looks like its a pain in the ass
You have to write an email requesting a test key , then it takes 3 days for them to decide if youre worthy of a test key I guess
hi folks
@yas4891 have you ever converted a VS 2005 solution to 2010 and had it actually work , without correcting errors all over the place?
@KendallFrey "Assembler" .. Knock, knock "Who's there"?
@ScottSelby 2005 -> 2010... dunno. 2007 --> 2010: Yes
@christianstuder Hi, Christian! How are things over there?
can any one suggest a simple method of multiple file upload in c# jquery
@all hai every one
@yas4891 Hello. Getting better. 27 issues and I can release.
You know what they say about 1.0: If you aren't embarassed by your first version, you waited too long.
How are you doing?
@christianstuder doing fine. Working on the bachelor thesis
@christianstuder that saying is sooo true. Get to market fast.
@yas4891 Going good?
yeah. finally.
coding was easy
but writing was a lot harder at the beginning
@christianstuder oh yeah. that's some good advice
@yas4891 hi
morning guys
C# with opencv
any pointers
Hi all
Anyone coding anything cool?
what is difference between private static variable and protected static variable...??
@ElliotWood @Baboon @lakshmikant @christianstuder
Static is accessible everywhere. Why protected/private?
protected keyword, meaning that only derived types using the class as a base can access the member
private keyword, indicating that only the class or struct declaring the member is allowed access to that member.
yes but if we declare that variable as a static then the scope of it is for whole program....then what is the meaning of declaring it as a private or protected..@ElliotWood
@Magnee No, static doesn't make it public.
Try it, intellisense will show you the proprty/attribute will be protected
Exactly what it says: private static variables are not available in the whole application, only within the same class/its derivates.
Static will just mean you dont need an instance of the class for eg. MyClass.StaticProperty
vs new MyClass().Property
static doesn't have anything to do with visibility.
yes but we can access it just by using class name in whole program...
you cant, try it.
so if we declare it as a Private then we are not able to use that variable outside the class...is it so.
@Magnee Not private ones, no, not from other classes.
@Magnee Yes. If you don't believe us, write a class and see for yourself... :-)
Nps :)

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