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What am I reading?
who knows
@Sometowngeek for real?
\o/ <o> <o_ /o\
\o/ <_o_> <_o__ /o\
Got another amazing issue now XD
@mr5 Nope... I was lying xD
I'm 29, not 92.
@JABFreeware Sorry. I ended up bailing a friend from a joint. He needed a way to get out.
1 hour later…
@Sometowngeek are you fucking sorry?
good morning.
@JABFreeware who's sorry?
i'm terrible at puyo
although i played it few time only
@Proxy that sis notmi.
MOrn all
great roaming charges gone,...shame about data... thanks god for 3 and 60 countries deal
Now that I have taken a class in functional programming, I have to say functional programming should be done in a functional language and an interface can be used from there. The noise and race for functional features is not bringing out the best thing about functional programming: removing, not, hiding complexity.

That said, too much noise is made about an age old paradigm's difficulty in learning.
Now that you have taken a class in functional programming, perhaps have some modesty in not assuming you know everything about the paradigm.
el oh el m8
Personally, as a minor user of FP, I think that FP principles have improved the code I write in C#. I would rather take the ideas that make sense - immutable structs, pure functions, composability, among others - to enrich my multi-paradigm C# work, rather than segregating FP concepts to closed FP libraries, and stick with OOP in C# to call the FP-implemented classes.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I am not assuming. I just got annoyed by how there was so much rave about it and instead of improving learning resources, you are told to the death about how difficult it is
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Something about functionally styled code in C# seems unnatural and tedious
There's nothing natural about computers. "Unnatural" simply means "I'm not used to it".
Maybe I'll get used to it
There's a lot of raving about it in recent years because its concepts have become useful.
Application complexity has expanded, and more and more code needs to be multi-thread, multi-processes, multi-server. These are requirements that OOP and procedural languages struggle with.
I think they have always been useful but there were constraints such as hardware limits
Interesting that you point out that OOP languages struggle with concurrency
FP isn't new, but it never had compelling reasons to switch to it in mainstream applications. But when parallel and distributed computing became important, suddenly FP, which excels in it, came to the forefront.
Erlang is a nifty tool I heard
There's a mountain I have to climb because I now have to prepare myself for the compilers class
Compilers are easier to understand in higher altitudes.
:) We were warned it's a lot of work and there's pre-reading we have to do before the course commences
Why does OOP struggle with concurrency
After listening to Alan Kay and a few of the ideas behind SmallTalk, this should not be a problem
Because it wasn't designed for it. The basic concepts outline message passing and state management of objects, but the methodology doesn't specify how to handle concurrency. It doesn't specify what to do when two threads try to access an object's state at once.
Good point you've raised
The functional approach is to not allow mutation of state. That's avoiding the problem altogether. Is mutation really the problem?
No, mutation isn't the problem.
Inconsistent state is the problem.
Immutability is a way to solve inconsistent state by saying "State cannot be mutated, only replaced"
Which is a good idea for several reasons, and the fact that concurrency becomes easier is a very nice added bonus
But it's not the holy grail solution and has its drawbacks
So immutability is the safest option in achieving state consistency at the moment
Certainly the easiest
But it takes very little to screw it up unless you have the tooling to back your convention up.
How can we achieve consistent mutable state with minimal complexity?
Yeah. Languages designed from the ground up for immutability make it easy. In C#, you have to always remember to enforce it. Very easy to mess it up.
@MoonOwl22 You make sure your bookkeeping is correct, and everyone are updated in time. It's not a trivial thing, and takes a lot of experience.
@MoonOwl22 Consistent mutable state with minimal complexity and a pony as well.
That's why most people opt for immutability.
@MadaraUchiha In that case, life is short. Immutability is fine until I run into an unavoidable problem
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan That would be cool
Coming from OOP/procedural languages, immutabilty seems over-engineered and clunky at first, not to mention wasteful. Why create a new struct when I can just modify a field in the old one?
Takes getting used to the concept.
I think the choice of immutable strings in C# (and java? I don't remember) is a good helper to understanding the concepts.
How do you mutate a string in C#?
@MoonOwl22 You don't. You can't. That's the whole point.
Immutability at first for me seemed impractical but that was because I was thinking imperatively
var lowerCase = "My String".ToLower() will not mutate the string, it will return a new one.
Hello Roel, Squiggle :)
It's obvious when you use a string literal. Less so with string s = "Test"; s = s.ToLower();
Type inference would be a nice addition
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan The reason I asked how you mutate a string is you mentioned "choice of immutable strings"
@MoonOwl22 Having strings be immutable was a choice of the C# language designers.
Oh, I see where I was unclear. Yeah, choice by the designers, not a choice by developers.
Sorry for the misinterpretation
I think FP is ideal for expressing very abstract ideas
Say @AvnerShahar-Kashtan How come we haven't had a beer together yet?
@MadaraUchiha Hey, you're here in Israel, despite your confusingly Japanese name. :)
Indeed I am.
Power is brought out of simplicity. We compared a parser combinator written in C# 6 and one in F# 4. All it took was one line in F# and no explanation was needed. The C# implementation looked ugly and long
There are a lot of problems that are easier to reason about in a specific paradigm.
FB shines with small bits of programs that join together to form larger bits of programs
Which is why I like C#'s multi-paradigm approach, messy as it is.
OOP shines with medium-to-large systems where the concepts and how they interact is more important to describe than the data and how it flows
I reckon implementing a network virtualisation would be easiest in a class-based object oriented program
Exactly Madara
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan It can be summed up in one word: pragmatic; and it has its benefits and problems but so does everything else
@MoonOwl22 Exactly.
F# is also going down the same road
Take, for example, how it's not a pure functional programming language from the get go
It is eager
And supports object orientation
I wonder if Plato was a programmer what his view would be
good morning
^how I fix bugs.
@satibel kek
@Nerdintraining I actually made an autoit script to click "do not send" and restart a program that crashes randomly x)
@satibel how often do programs of your crash?! oo
oh man autoit
I started with that
when I was 13~
made scripts that were 100k lines
what terrible spaghetti that was
I have heartburn so bad that it woke me up at 3:30am
@satibel after the gif, that was my first idea :D
that music video is wicked :D
Ahoy o/
@misha130 I still use it regularly :P
did they ever get OOP?
oh well, its still lovely
@Nerdintraining this is not my program, it was made by the guy before me, and I don't have the full sources.
/////////////////////@ndugger scary avatar
Yours is scarier
@satibel ALL BOUT LIES!
So c# is basically jquery for windows, right?
Yes. And since recently, C# is also jQuery for Linux and Mac.
Thought so
I'm currently working on an app that used a MySQL database. I removed all packages and links to MySQL (notepad++ find in files doesnt find "mysql" anymore), but still I receive: No Entity Framework provider found for the ADO.NET provider with invariant name 'MySql.Data.MySqlClient'. I've also deleted the bin and obj directories and clean => rebuild. Does anyone have an idea?
C# isn't jQuery! It's well established that jQuery can build websites, fix broken windows and cure cancer. So far, C# has only cured minor medical issues for me.
@ErwinOkken Did you install a ADO.NET provider for MySQL?
look has next level of C# at lambda,generic,delegate, even good in pseudo
@nyconing how did you do that?
what? may I misunderstood your meaning or you misunderstood my word..
@Nerdintraining it's all about that lie, 'bout that lie... nooo truth.
@nyconing the "kotlin"
as link
looks nice
@satibel why is the rum gone?
@RoelvanUden I did not remember removing it. But if there is no reference to Mysql, what reason is there to still get that error. I will check my packages
[ t a g : C # ]
so it baisically does so/questions/tagged
c'est fromage!
i gues it cant do
lol you may report bug?
Would you think badly of someone who refuses to use anything other than Visual Studio and Code as opposed to vim
@mr5 you may try kotlin instead of xamarin
@MoonOwl22 If it's unbiased, yes.
@mr5 C++ has historical significance. Java wouldn't look the way it did had it not been for C++
I would think badly of someone who refuses to budge from his tool of choice. I would also think badly of a place which will force people to use vim, though.
The question we should ask ourselves is why Rust keeps throwing itself off the balcony with each revision
moderator and admin can see removed content anyway :P
Everything we write on SO chat is public and permanent.
We should carry on under those assumptions.
I am a perfectly good employee
I never make any truble
Therefore, I am a public and permanent asshole.
@Nerdintraining You are here on Stack Overflow chat instead of working.
and am on SO chat purly for on topic questions and discussions
You are not perfectly good.
Get back to work.
@MadaraUchiha You're not the boss of me now!
@MoonOwl22 it's my first prog language. coding in C++ is really a pain in the ass. It's a very versatile language. I have nothing against it but the syntax
it seems I am more inclined to look at cat images on the world wide internet than work
@nyconing does it support already a cross mobile development?
@mr5 When you try to please everyone, you end up not pleasing anyone
Just look at PHP
@mr5 nope, youre work on cross platform then go back on xamarin :P
Or you know, Cordova.
HTML/JS/CSS, pure bliss.
TS*, thank you.
it's a scam though
But the Visual Studio team announced that they were making efforts towards cross-platform tooling. I have already seen a Mac release
I really should look into mobx though.
I once made a very simple game and it's very laggy on low end devices
@MoonOwl22 VSCode is cross platform
@mr5 IMO, the only serious contenders are Cordova/Xamarin right now. If you don't care for Windows, you can do React-native too.
in all seriousness anyone uses the vs on osx?
xamarin is slow.
@misha130 I use VSCode on Mac when I need to, shiver, work with iOS
@mr5 Your users should upgrade
go native and C++ for games.
Most games don't need C++ perf. JS/WebGL is quite fast too.
@RoelvanUden Visual Studio I mean
People say C++ is faster than any other language in usage today but in truth it will probably take years for someone to be able to get C++'s batteries out and use them efficiently
Unless you have experience working with different architectures, C++ is a tool that should be reserved for the times when you have no other logical choice
To rehash an argument I made yesterday in a different context - just because you can write performant, efficient C++ code doesn't mean that C++ code you write will be performant and efficient.
@RoelvanUden what is the best way to declare api kezs and endpoints in react?
That's a layer of complication right there
i mean can i create a new object to store them or do i use props
TIL react is c#
no its not
@Proxy What now?
@RoelvanUden I Installed System.Data.SqlClient but still I get the Mysql error. I've also deleted some global visual studio configuration files and devenv /resetuserdata.
@Proxy API Keys in client side? Are you sure?
Brainfart: Can you have a folder and file with the same name on linux/mac?
just for testing :P
@ErwinOkken SqlClient is for MSSQL, not MySQL
@Proxy I just create export consts for my end points. Some might use environment variables that come from webpack
it will be just the endpoints, but i/m not sure how to store them
also i hate the mac keyboard
@RoelvanUden Exactly. I first used MySQL. Now I removed it (no reference found anymore) but still I get the error message for Mysql. Even though Mysql isn't stated anywhere anymore.
export const APIKey:string = '123425ras524tgf534t3';
whats the best way to workout python ?
i see... also dumb question but can zou how do zou create objects inside react?
at least the talk with my lead went okay after all
Quicky: Would you charge more per line for a C# project as opposed to a Java one?
The justification being C# achieves more per line of code
If so what conversion rate would you use
@ErwinOkken But you're using a MySQL connection string?
@Proxy can you be more precise?
@MoonOwl22 I would charge per hour, not per line. Charging per line is like paying an aeroplane designer for the weight of the aeroplane. ;)
@misha130 oh i finally started to work with react so i just create a object at the start but i cannot access it inside my functions
@RoelvanUden how much for a zepplin
@RoelvanUden No. I have no references to MySQL anymore.

<add name="DefaultConnection" connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=ProPoolAPI;Integrated Security=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

No Entity Framework provider found for the ADO.NET provider with invariant name 'MySql.Data.MySqlClient'. Make sure the provider is registered in the 'entityFramework' section of the application config file.

That's right, because:

<provider invariantName="System.Data.SqlClient" type="System.Data.Entity.SqlServer.SqlProviderServices, EntityFramework.SqlServer" />
Write a script that creates a new project for you and see if the problem is reproduced
If not, there's a bug
A new project is just fine
It must be painful though :( I'm sorry :(
@Nerdintraining because it didn't like your smell :p
also i must say mac is not so problem free as people have been telling :P
@Proxy you're using it wrong, then. ;)
app crashed twice for me (though to be honest it was android ) and got some problems with the terminal
if anything i/m not even using it that much
the swipes are a cool feature though
@Squiggle how to play bideo
did you try clicking the things?
i did
lick it
The play() request was interrupted by a call to pause().
@MoonOwl22 charging per line is the stupidest thing I've ever heard
I can't help you there. Try licking the reset button?
lol charging per line of code
LoC as a metric was dimissed decades ago
game made in php
they do really support window and event handling
Hi guys
Below is 1 question :
In the following thought experiment, apply what you’ve learned about this objec
tive to predict how you would design a new application. You can find answers to
these questions in the “Answers” section at the end of this chapter.
You are the new technical architect at a large custom home building firm with of
fices in North America, South America, and Europe. Your firm is expanding, both by
opening new offices and by buying smaller custom home builders. Although each
main geographic region stores its own data in its own systems, your CIO wants you
What are some primary concerns of building an ASP.NET MVC application that
gathers information from such disparate sources?
This is the question ask by the author
who is this author
below is the answer given by the author :
The primary concerns would be the inability to guarantee responsiveness and the need
to manage connection issues.
But i didnt understand what does the answer means
Can anybody please explain me
It means the author wants to sound smart but hasn't got the foggiest.
when you play counter strike with your bro from Indonesia and he has bad ping
this is the same problem
@Learning This answer assumes that the centralized MVC app will access the various systems at various branches to collect information. This will mean that you'll have to manage credentials for various databases at various branches, and will be unresponsive if a branch goes offline, or has high traffic slowing down the connection.
I assume he will go on to suggest that these concerns can be alleviated by having a batch process copy the branch data into a central repository.
@misha130 I am a huge and hardcore lover of counterstrike
I am preparing for the certification of mvc
Here is the book if anybody wants :daoudisamir.com/references/vs_ebooks/asp_mvc4.pdf
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Author also assumes that this happens when the client connects to the MVC end-point, rather than collecting said information at a more appropriate time.
Question is on 28 page
Oh dear, certifications...
answer is on page 78
@RoelvanUden I thought so as well, but the phrasing is ambiguous. "the [..] application that gathers information" can be a backgreound process.
I dont think thats the only concern that the answer could give
@RoelvanUden I am little bit scared by seeing such thought process question
I cant imagine sir this kind of things like how author is answering
you are doing a microsoft certification test? @Learning
I am planning to give microsoft certification
as because my company wants me to do that
when i took mine there were also questions about ado.net
and regular expressions....
so make sure to read a bit about that as well since i have not
reading the book 3 days before exam will not help you a lot :P
I am preparing for this exam :microsoft.com/en-in/learning/exam-70-486.aspx
Have you appeared for this exam??
oh no i took the 483 i think
about c# in general
So how much marks did you got?
Is anybody here who has given this exam : microsoft.com/en-in/learning/exam-70-486.aspx
i had 67%
70% is required to pass :P
oh just missed the chance by an inch
but to be honest the test is kind of stupid in my opinion. There are question where you have to fill missing keywords, what are parameters for some things etc
o why am I so racist. every time I see an Arabic I text I always think about terrorist
tests are always stupid
I did HTML 5 test
so basically if you rarely used regular expression you would most likely get the question wrong because you won/t remember the exact way to parse something, like what is * used for
no offense for Arabs here V
tests are always stupid
first and last one
@Ggalla1779 Have you appeared for any?
If yes then can you please guide me
also i never used ado.net so i guessed most of the stuff for it
@Learning yes Exam 70-480: Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3
study hard
Did you able to clear it?
yes of course...I got free voucher so didnt have to pay for exam
emm cant mind...86 i think
oh nice i failed mine though :P
Oh my god 86.Thats reaaly good
jeez it was 2013 I sat that exam sooo long ago
I actually answered some questions wrong I didnt want above 90
jeez it was 2013 I sat that exam sooo long ago
For how long you did preparations??
Did I hear HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and hard in the same sentence?

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