1. A Property named xcoord that sets (private) or gets (private) the x coordinate of a point. This property MUST be implemented with a backing field 2. A Property named ycoord that sets (private) or gets (private) the y coordinate of a point. This property MUST be implemented as an automatically implemented
@misha130 Yeah. And sometimes it messes up, and trying to ping @misha130 could accidentally ping a shorter-named @misha, if one such was a regular in the room.
I misunderstood, then. I call builder.RegisterAssemblyModules and pass it a list of assemblies. It looks for classes that implement IModule, instantiates them and calls Load on them.
If you use it a lot, I'd create a custom class - TwoKeyHashset - that inherits HashSet<Tuple<string,string>> and adds easy-to-use methods like Add(string a, string);
Of course, you could do it the quick and dirty way, simple use a HashSet<string>, and combine your two keys into one string with a known delimiter that's guaranteed not to appear in the data.
We had a bunch of data that was keyed by I think three string parameters, I created a key by concatenating with ~ and stuck them in a ConcurrentDictionary
I actually don#t know where apostrophe, ampersand and hash are in this weirdass keybinding, nor how it is even possible for an application to modify the machine#s behaviour
@Nerdintraining no it doesn't when You write code with english layout, and You have to break the flow changing layout to write a user interaction in hungarian.
@Nerdintraining typing... typing. Oh fluff. I have to fill up a string with hungarian stuff... option 1.> change layout click on the little icon... select the right layout. (not good). Option 2.> alt-shift
At least they're all for different alphabets, so it's easy to spot. If you have en-us and en-gb installed, you won't notice which one you're on until you try to write @ or ".
I have a clean coding theoretical question. Let's say, I have a composition root. There are two classes that depends on each other. IoC framework freaks out. How to handle that situation?
I was thinking about the whole problem is based on which class is instantiated first
btw I think the most trivial example is a Stack implementation: class Node { public Node Next {get;set;} }
no. Forget it
it's completely different... I'll make a short example of circular ref
public class ClassA
private ClassB _b;
public ClassA(ClassB b)
_b = b;
public class ClassB
private ClassA _a;
public ClassB(ClassA a)
_a = a;
ClassA a = new ClassA(null); // I think that is the source of the problem
ClassB b = new ClassB(a);
so make it IoC handled, Extract interface from both of them, Bind IClassA to ClassA, Bind IClassB to ClassB, and You can't easily instantiate theese classes
my morning: psu is crapped out, fetch another psu from the "crap but working PCs" pile try to debug why the pc still isn't booting for an hour, changing mobos, ram, gpu etc... still no go... then the "new" psu goes bang, fetch the last psu, works well, but the fan's bearing are dead, need to get a new 120mm fan, none of the dead psus have one, I finally found one on a pc, open the psu, need to change the connector because of polarity issues, finally put it back together and I'm here.
The problem you're having is that Ninject selects .ctors based on the number of bound parameters available to it. That means that Ninject fundamentally doesn't understand overloading.
You can work around this problem by using the .ToConstructor() function in your bindings and combining it with ...
@SebastianL It's possible, and I thinking about it as solution. Tho someone would say in the composition root, You should define the dependencies, and write there explicitly. And we are lying about ClassA is not dependant on ClassB.
Hi guys, I have a question about ViewModels: let's say that in View_A I simply display file - I need just id and path so my FileAViewModel should have two fields. In another view (e.g. View_B) I need more data about file - id, path, name, extension, created date e.g. Should I create new view model class (FileBViewModel) or just develop FileAViewModel by adding new fields?
If you have one view (say, FileListView) that only shows two fields, and another view (say, FileDetailsView) that shows the full file details - are you asking whether you should have a FileListViewModel and FileDetailsViewModel as well?
The simplest approach is to simply have one FileViewModel that can be used in both views. The first view can only use the fields it needs. This is fine, but can lead to problems down the line.