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        private void Button_Click_6(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var a = GetData<List<int>>();

        private T GetData<T>()
            var t = typeof(T); //{Name = "List`1" FullName = "System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.Int32, mscorlib, ...
            var v = GetAssemblyNameContainingType(typeof(T).FullName); // "mscorlib, ...
            var i = Activator.CreateInstance(v, typeof(T).FullName); // {System.Runtime.Remoting.ObjectHandle}
            var g = i.Unwrap(); // Count = 0
(see full text)
hi guys
I would like to send keyboard input to inactive Dosbox, any suggestions? Been reading and trying about SendKeys but it only works for active window. Also Spy++ doesnt show any action when used with Dosbox
guys, i won't tolerate any racist bullshit in here
0 tolerance
my mother crashed into my jeep with her car over the weekend
@M_T maybe take a look into HookDelegate SetWindowsHookEx
when i need to listen to a certain keycombination in the background i accomplished it with them
"My mother had her driver's test the other day. She got 8 out of 10. The other 2 guys jumped clear."
i want to lie naked ina meadow while it thunder storms, looking up at the lightning
u mad bro
u sad bro?
@proxy but you listen from your app for other application keystrokes right? And i want to send input to the application (Dosbox) not listen from it
so you have that dosbox
its an externall aplication?
its like a command shell
and what exactly do you want
you want to input data to it?
hmm well maybe if you start it as a new process with some data it could work
I can do it with SendKeys.SendWait but then I cannot use my computer
i run it from C# app so i have the process id mainWindowHandler etc.
but you cannot send it to dosbox
i cannot send to dosbox when its not active window
otherwise i can
@Steve'saD This would be the time for a lightning rod joke
Last night there was a thunderstorm here, and somebody had thought it was a good idea to cook dinner over a campfire.
did they die
how come you can send keys to an 3 party app that easily
it has some kind of api?
sorry for the late response was opening a bottle
whats the probability of getting hit by lightning while standing within 3 ft of elevated metal?
there was that story of those cows who all got fried eating from the trough
although the cows put their heads between metal bars
proxy its System.Windows.Forms method
its class
i use method SendWait from class SendKeys
yeah but i'm not sure why you can send keys like that
or how does it work
never worked with it so i'm not much of a help... its my first time i even hear about it
well its not what i want to use eventually
i want something else
@Steve'saD just be sure not to get a boner so you don't attract lightning to it
Lightening doesn't strike the same place twice...but I do.
Roy Cleveland Sullivan (February 7, 1912 – September 28, 1983) was a United States park ranger in Shenandoah National Park in Virginia. Between 1942 and 1977, Sullivan was hit by lightning on seven different occasions and survived all of them. For this reason, he gained a nickname "Human Lightning Conductor" and "Human Lightning Rod". Sullivan is recognized by Guinness World Records as the person struck by lightning more recorded times than any other human being. == Personal life == Sullivan was born in Greene County, Virginia, on February 7, 1912. He started working as a ranger in Shenan...
!!giphy lightening striking the same place sever times in a row
did you knew that constraint where T : new() uses reflection??
In what sense
it's compile time, and reflection is runtime
It doesn't require reflection at the source code level - it uses Activator.CreateInstance in the generated IL though. – Jon Skeet Feb 23 '09 at 17:29
source pls
A: Dynamically create an object of <Type>

Judah HimangoIf the type is known by the caller, there's a better, faster way than using Activator.CreateInstance: you can instead use a generic constraint on the method that specifies it has a default parameterless constructor. Doing it this way is type-safe and doesn't require reflection. T CreateType<T>...

how the hell Jon know all this stuff? is he superhuman??
what if Jon Skeet is actually super AI?
maybe he is a computer like they built in hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy?
oh I know how to check if it true!
I will ask him the same question, if he replay 42 then he is...
Or maybe he knows Douglas Adams references
Which is more plausible?
it will be much easier for me to consider him as super AI...
ffs, I have List var but I cant use it as list, only as object, there is no way to use T to cast it or something?
can someone help me understand jaggered arrays
the only thing i learned is when making it the first [] is always set
think of it as table
can we do an example together
and i explain my thought process
what if i had an array like this;

1 3 20 -1
-1 7 2
-3 -4
I think it would be better if some real programmer will help you with that..
from this i can see the max number of columns is 4
int [4] [] TwoDJ; // A jagged 2 dim array, where the 2nd dim can vary
is this how i would initalize this
or would it be int[3][] blah because there are three rows
@Brogrammer first off, I'll have to correct your thinking/ terminology - a jagged array is not exactly a multidimensional array.
tried this site:
Jagged array is an array of arrays, whose sub arrays can differ in size
While a multidimensional array has a set size for each dimension
Say, a 2D multidimensional array would always be a square array.
A jagged array is literally just an array of arrays, with one discrepancy: The indexers are backwards when written as a type, e.g. int[3][] instead of int[][3]
@Brogrammer so if you want to create a jagged array with, say, 4 sub arrays, you do: int[4][];
Then you can assign each of the elements a sub array, like this:
int[][] jagged = new int[3][];

jagged[0] = new int[4] {1, 3, 20,-1};
jagged[1] = new int[3] { -1, 7, 2 };
jagged[2] = new int[2] { -3, -4 };
u guys rock
Hello everyone
Heeey my bro
How's your code going?
Did some advances I think.
Im gonna show you :)
Its not working yet but I think Im on the right track
List<Utente> objs = new List<Utente>
                new Utente { i = 0, color = ConsoleColor.Red },
                new Utente { i = 1, color = ConsoleColor.Magenta },
                new Utente { i = 5, color = ConsoleColor.Yellow },
                new Utente { i = 3, color = ConsoleColor.Red },
                new Utente { i = 2, color = ConsoleColor.Green },
                new Utente { i = 4, color = ConsoleColor.Magenta }
objs = SortByColor(objs);
public List<Utente> SortByColor(List<Utente> objs);
            objs.Sort(delegate (Utente p1, obj p2)
                ConsoleColor c1 = p1.color;
                ConsoleColor c2= p2.color;

                if (c1.Equals(c2)) {return 0; }
                if (c1 == ConsoleColor.Magenta) { return -1; }
                if (c1 == ConsoleColor.Red && c2 != ConsoleColor.Magenta) { return -1; }
                if (c1 == ConsoleColor.Yellow && (c2 != ConsoleColor.Red && c2 != ConsoleColor.Magenta)) { return -1; }
(see full text)
What you think?
how come im getting an error here:

public static void Main(string[] args)
int[][] jagged = new int[3][];

jagged[0] = new int[4] { 1, 3, 20, -1 };
jagged[1] = new int[3] { -1, 7, 2 };
jagged[2] = new int[2] { -3, -4 };

Console.WriteLine("This array contains:");

foreach(int content in jagged)
Console.Write("{0} ", content);

its saying in my foreach cannot convert type int[] to int
wait let me guess is because i need another for each
because int content has to be an int
not a int[]
which is y i need another foreach
or can i only use for loops
foreach(int[] item in jagged)
    foreach(int i in item)

there should be something
above the second foreach
because i lid
and it makes sense what u wrote
thank you
i have alot to learn
The fun has just begun
jagged array is useful?
sure if you have some data that is not uniform
If you have data that is not uniform, consider tightening your dress code.
arrays is a world of pain...
List<t> is an array under the hood
public class Foo
     public SomeEnumType SomeEnum{get;set;}

var foo = new Foo();
foo.SomeEnum = SomeEnumType.Whatever;

Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, foo); // serializes SomeEnum to "Whatever", why the string version, i'm not using StringEnumConverter
yes but without the pain
i just want the int man
anyone worked with wpf web app?
WPF web app, siverlight?
no, WPF
opening a browser in wpf?
no its some kind of wpf app that run in browser, but as far as I understood it still have to download the app, just wanted to know if anyone used it because it seems extremely good alternative to all that JS that I will have to use to build web app that I need :\
can you imagine how good our web could be if js was good language and all those devs who work on ng, react and the rest would spend their time building something that could actually worth it? instead of fighting js all day long?
well js is good
honestly speaking a lot of stuff can be built with it. I was also dubious but after some reasearch/reading its not that bad
That shalt not put any framework ahead of the One True Framework, .NET.
.net then js
JS sucks sooo badly I can't even describe how much
it should be replaced
I'm resisting the temptation to move that message to the JS room.
just call @rlemon over
if it was at least OK there would not be sooo many "frameworks" to make it real language
None of them do. That's like saying .net makes c# real.
Dom sucks. We all agree
java scripting don't real
maybe people who never programmed in any other language but JS can think its good, but after programming in C# for example, JS is coding horror ffs
I've programmed in c# and moved into js. Your claims are nothing but feels and the fact that you don't know js well enough to not be frustrated
If you're going to bash js, at least have good arguments
js is weird when you start it but after a while
you get used to it and it allows much more freedom.
I'm just a beginner in both of them but after kind of not liking js at the start i have turned around a bit
not 180 but 100 at least :P
there is a lot to complain about JS for. but DOM is an API, a very shitty API. so we've written nfinity frameworks to abstract that shit away
ES is wonderful alone.
the biggest problem is to start learning
there is vanilla js, es2015,es6,typescript
whatever rout you take seems to be the wrong one :D
I'd sooner pray for an alternative to the modern DOM than an alt for JS
Weird and unituitive type coercion, weird and unintuitive equality rules, the language doesn't even have integers
@Proxy es2015 and es2016 are both vanilla
yeah es2015 is
but is 2016 not the class thing?
@mikeTheLiar like I said, there is a lot people can complain about.. DOM and frameworks dealing with DOM are not a point against JS as a language
where they try to emulate oo languages
@Proxy no, it's the version after es2015
2016 yeah
I mean, do you guys consider c#6 and c#7 to not both be c#?
no but es5 vs es6 is a big diference cause they swtiched to the class style of wriing
maybe i got something wrong there though
it's syntax sugar
nothing actually changed
we added a new keyword
inheritance never changed
yeah but you write it in class way
like c#
so? it's still JavaScript
it isn't a library or anything else doing that for you
i know, i was talking about coding style
i know it all works the same under the hood
when did c# add var?
i'm not talking about that
what are you talking about then?
when i started to learn js (es6) style
@rlemon long ago
(in a galaxy far, far away)
it was said it now mimics the oo languages
@KendallFrey 😬 the software I maintain is older
so we have not to worry about old js anymore
@rlemon rip
only later have i found out about prototypes
when i started to dig a bit
@Proxy js already kinda did. this just made your code look better and show proper intent
function Person() {} <- ambiguous use
class Person {} <- obvious use

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