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And setting grid view -> gridviewcolumn inside that?
<Query type="j"></Query>
Yeah I have that
And what Happened?
I always had that :D
Oh I guess I have it solved: just set the HorizontalContentAlignment to Stretch and then individually set the HorizontalAlighment on everything
Didn't think of that and I need to put everything in textboxes but I guess it works
Oh That is your problem. I'm fairly sure you do not need text boxes
Gimme 5 mins to get my pc
Haha my thoughts exactly ... textblockses
@Aleksbgbg one question - is it always the same item, that is going to be left aligned, or it can be a random one in a list (as in, the long string can be in a random place in a listbox)
I'm not sure what you mean but it looks like this
so basically - time played is always centered, while name - left aligned - is that what you want?
CheckBoxes should be also centered
Anybody a service guru here?
!!tell @Nathvi rules
@JABFreeware Command rules does not exist. (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
@JoshHallow you could easily google the answer for that hence why you are being downvoted
you also didn't list what you have tried already
@Nathvi I wanted it to say the rule about dont ask if someone can help jsut ask the question
you're* and I have already tried googling, all it says is the application pool doesn't have permission, but obviously mine does because its viewable.
I also haven't tried anything because I don't know what to try.
What authentication method are you using?
@JABFreeware, but if there's nobody here that knows about services, then I would have wasted all the time describing my problem to the wind
@Aleksbgbg after a moment of research, actually setting a value to strech and making a gridViewCellTemplate as a textblock is a good idea.
You should stick with that
See my reasoning?
@mikeTheLiar Anonymous Authentication
I use CheckBoxes as well though
@JoshHallow you're == you are, you idiot. Don't correct someone when you're being corrected.
I'm being correct? I don't think so.. lol
@Nathvi but see sometimes you dont need a guru in the area you are having problems. many here are experienced and diverse enough to be able to help or know what to look for :)
@JoshHallow corrected*
@Aleksbgbg you can wrap the elements in a grid
I never meant to say corrected? I think you just failed buddy...
I was saying I am not often correct.
@JoshHallow do you know what correct means?
Wow, people have their dicks out today don't they
Do you know what autism is?
@KamilSolecki Sorry I have no idea what you mean. This is my code at the moment:
Have you been diagnosed with it yet?
                        <Style TargetType="ListViewItem">
                            <Setter Property="HorizontalContentAlignment" Value="Stretch"/>
                            <Setter Property="ToolTip" Value="{Binding Path}"/>

                            <GridViewColumn Header="Favourite" Width="75">
May 16 at 15:44, by Madara Uchiha
Children, behave.
@JoshHallow stop it
@JoshHallow Do you know what a condom is?
I am using a gridview
your dad clearly didnt
Wow, this Josh guy is starting to annoy me with his passive aggressive bullshit
Does your dad?
dont copy me
He obviously forgot one
that doesn't work
This room was placed in timeout for 1 minute; Children, behave.
May 5 '16 at 15:17, by BoltClock
Thank you.
@Aleksbgbg I will fire up VS and see how yours work, gimme a moment.
nice numbers
they were cute
Hrm. Can I timeout on mobile?
@mikeTheLiar why did you ask for my authentication method?
Boo. I can't
@rlemon sad.
can you kick?
that would solve the problem too
@rlemon you can quickly go to full version, which is in the menu.
@JoshHallow 403 forbidden implied it might be an authentication issue but if IIS is set up to use anonymous authentication then it's probably not that
@KamilSolecki more trouble than it's worth
I mean google is a solution.......
Yeah, probably
I can just ask you to put jab in a timeout
@Nathvi whats the issue you're having?
how long?
I'm sitting at a bar killing time
@rlemon hey I didnt do anything!
Someone entertain me
@JABFreeware we gon have a talk.. soon.
No no, dance.. sexy
!!giphy claptrap dancing
@KamilSolecki about what?
I just made the best Arnie reference
True Lies?
@Aleksbgbg would you mind giving me a VM mockup with data, so that I wont have to rewrite all to see if stuff is working?
!(!True) !Lies
You know it
Your references are out of control.
@KamilSolecki what do you want to talk about?
@JABFreeware, I was just looking for a good way to auto install a service. Looking at trying to do it with the cmd line
@mikeTheLiar I just noticed something, is it IIS_IUSRS or IIS_IUSR?
@JABFreeware nicey-ness and stuff
I'll keep looking
@mikeTheLiar they really are. I'm the 90s reference dude
@KamilSolecki How can I send you the project? Or what's VM if that's how?
@JoshHallow don't remember off the top of my head, I think it's the second but I could be wrong
@KamilSolecki I was nice until the bitch incorrectly corrected me and I firmly but politely pointed out the error of his ways and then he started calling me retarded and shit...
@Aleksbgbg just please pastebin me the VM that the listbox binds to
Reddit doesn't have blue links yet. I should have brought my laptop in
I could be playing a video game or coding right now
@rlemon your are not your github account, or how many packages you reference in your Node dependencies
@rlemon you have read all of reddit?
thats why they are all red?
@JoshHallow hilariously, I have a feeling it depends on which application and where you see the name presented
or, this might be a saner answer, one's a user and one's a group
@JABFreeware all of it, including comments
@rlemon then you know the one where I talk about you?
@KamilSolecki pastebin.com/8zvgYVni
No, you spelled it rlemin, I thought you were referring to someone else
Well. I mean yea I did. But I thought it was someone else
It's not an @rlemon party without Old Dick!
@rlemon was I right?
Yes and no
you;re being vague
You're being beige
covers webcam
Nice white and blue shirt
did you see...?
I did that to someone once and was smack on. Freaked him out.
I did that once too
was great
I'm actually wearing a dark blue tshirt
You wore a white and blue shirt to someone once and they were freaked out?
I'm canadian, and I'm wearing one of the know candian outfits. ,
@Aleksbgbg One guess exactly
God damn mobile. That was two messages. Split before exactly
@mikeTheLiar that ONE person though you will have total control over
@rlemon you do the splits?
not sure I wanted that mental image
@JABFreeware I used to be able too. I can. Still get at least my right foot behind my head
Hockey players are flexible
that sounds painful
I tried that once
didn't go well
Nahh it's fine. So long as you don't cramp while doing it
That hurts..
I cramped
I was camping and I calf cramped in the camper where I crapped
Calf cramp in that position is the freaking worst
God I hope her haircut is done soon. I fucking hate mobile chat
@rlemon leave her and go home?
she can get a ride I'm sure
Not worth the drive
Too much construction
@rlemon lol these three sentences don't seem connected with each other
@JABFreeware lol, taxi for like $30
@rlemon no one taxis anymore
except airplanes
They do when there is no Uber
get an uber like a normal human fucking being
there is always uber
Uber isn't big in Kitchener
Taxi is more likely to show up
Lyft then
cop car
you're not being flexible
I could be finishing my registration system right now. Ugh
I fucking got frozen yogurt from the store and i thought it was icecream :(
Time well wasted.
@Aleksbgbg so, what exactly is not working? From what I see, I have checkboxes centered, name left aligned and TimesPlayed centered
@JABFreeware so you ultimately won
I mean it doesn't taste bad...its just...I wanted icecream :(
Froyo is way better
wtf is that
!!urban froyo
@rlemon [Froyo](http://froyo.urbanup.com/3713756) 1. A game combining the use of a frisbee and a yoyo.
2. Frodo playing yoyo.
2. An incorrect term used to describe frozen yogurt.
Last one
@Aleksbgbg the only thing I guess I added (you didnt provide, idk if you have that) is this:
    <Style TargetType="GridViewColumnHeader">
        <Setter Property="HorizontalContentAlignment" Value="Stretch" />
        <Setter Property="VerticalContentAlignment" Value="Stretch" />
    <Style TargetType="DataGridColumnHeader">
        <Setter Property="HorizontalContentAlignment" Value="Stretch" />
        <Setter Property="VerticalContentAlignment" Value="Stretch" />
    <Style TargetType="ListViewItem">
        <Setter Property="HorizontalContentAlignment" Value="Stretch" />
@KamilSolecki as I said earlier, it is working. The only perhaps problem is that TimesPlayed needs a TextBox but this is not a problem since it's a one-off
Oh, so its all fine :D
@rlemon whats the correct term for frozen yogurt?
Yeah sorry for the confusion
@JABFreeware fucking frozen yogurt sounds....unpleasant.
@JABFreeware better ice cream
@Aleksbgbg if you want reassurance, that is a correct way to do it :)
@mikeTheLiar it does.. I'd warm it first
@KamilSolecki thanks! WPF and MVVM (which I'm not even using) is really confusing for me and I can't get it to work, I'd rather C++. Probably never touching C# after this project :D
@rlemon what if its a sherbet ?
@rlemon wait what?
you warm it?
Sorbet is the fucking best of the three
sherbet disgusts me
it has no richness
its poor
@Aleksbgbg its really awesome after you learn about it. If you need any help, just ask away and we can hopefully help!
@JABFreeware your soul has no richness
@KamilSolecki google then ask
I like the syntax highlighting though, C++ is just a little bit of purple here and there, maybe some cyan.
@KamilSolecki thats because it doesn't exist
@JABFreeware he did some work tho.
Orange sorbet is my fav
Mine is raspberry
or lemon
@KamilSolecki are you a room owner now or something?
@JABFreeware big bro is watchin
I was actually wondering ... Windows 10 Creators' Update stopped a lot of WPF apps I use and a lot that I've created from working. Anyone know why?
Hi Guys. I faced with interesting quiz. there is a struct itemMap {T1 item1, T2 item2 } how to write single method for init this itemmap which will not depend from arguments order? I mean itemMap.Init(T1 item1, T2 item2) should be the same as itemMap.Init(T2 item2, T1 item1) ofcourse signature could be different
@KamilSolecki promote me
It's an oxymoron with the Creators' update
@JABFreeware worry not, we will still have time for our sessions :D
why is it you get promoted for only being here a few months
I've been here for years
always been a trouble maker
He's not as annoying
I don't get it
Cause I help people
I guess
Do I not help people sometimes?
I don't help anyone. I haven't written c# past 2.0
I helped someone with their homework just last night
@Ph0en1x have people pass arguments like this itemMap.Init(item1: a, item2: b)
@rlemon so you should be demoted
because you're worthless?
hey there Kamil
hi @007
hows it going?
love that!
@JABFreeware the room needs more js "expertise"
@rlemon oh
9 hours ago, by Steve's a D
lets all take a moment to be thankful that we're not the JS room
@milleniumbug it's impossible, since it's the map which connect Item1 and Item2, so it could be created from both Item1 and Item2
@KamilSolecki since when has anything Steve said mattered
I guess :D
@milleniumbug and the quiz is to reuse single init method
brb, im going to eat some kick-ass meringue cake
@KamilSolecki me?
I want some!
The world runs on js.. you can avoid it all you like but there's an increasing probability you'll have to use it sooner than later.
Im back guys.
no you're not
Ohh f
@Nathvi fudge?
Well. My pint is almost gone and I figure still a half hour for her haircut.
@JABFreeware, yea
@007 where have you been ?
Pft, women, am I right? :sobs:
She's 34 and afraid of greys
So this is a losing battle
@rlemon as in, gray hair?
34 is young
Grey pubes

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