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@jason you may want to use yield return, so you don't have to wait for the function to return.
I'm just picking a few elements from that list
but traversing that list takes too long
@jason are they sorted in some order? even if not try conquer and divide to search the list
they are not sorted
@jason do you need to visit every list element or is there some break condition, like take max 100 elements or so?
when it finds, it breaks
so youre searching for a single element?
wow that Costura Fody pack is awesome
@SebastianL yes
actually it can be more than one single element
@jason then use yield return, but i suggest you save the Huge List where it came from in a sorted approach
you need to sort that list
nao :D
wouldnt async solve my problem?
nope it would speedup your search by maybe 2-4, sorting beforehand would increase speed by 72k
ok, thank you very much
one more question
sort beforehand, then you can use dichotomy search.
my actual controller returns an object
like this "return result;"
how can I make this return it as a task?
@jason it's something you need to fix when the list is created
I couldn't understand :/
when the list is created and you insert every element so that its sorted by one or more properties you can work much faster
to be more correct, I need to traverse that list from start to end no matter what...
it creates another object from each member of the list
and it finds the result that way
are you using a database in any way?
then don't create an object.
@SebastianL yeah
or have it sorted already, then you just need to create an object for each n/(2^i) . with log2(n) iterations, you 'll create 17 objects in the worst case with your 72k lines.
@jason is the list coming from that db?
@SebastianL i tried... but i just cant execute the file after renaming it again to .exe
These are the steps I use
1.rename to .txt
2.upload to server
3.download txt,rename to .exe
4.launch it-and it failed
you might run into unicode/ascii conversion errors.
@satibel nah hes only renaming it
@Slashy what does the error say?
@SebastianL the server might do stuff if it's a txt, like adding a BOM.
@SebastianL yes it comes from db
@jason add an orderby statement and you'll get it already sorted
or better, search for your condition in your db, and get a small list in the first place.
so, what does it differ from traversing most of the list if it is sorted or not
@jason because if it's sorted, you can search by halves (dichotomy).
and so you go from 36k objects to 17.
@jason when creating objects from data and then searching you can skip the object part and search by data
in the average case.
ok thanks a lot guys
@SebastianL just tried to upload rar file
If it's not, and you can touch the db, I suggest creating an index for your order by clause
and download it
it works...now i need to find how to decompress it
Your antivirus is shite, mate.
something something security
@Slashy use zip
.net can handle ZipArchive
@SebastianL yeah I think to upload a zip
then i be able to decompress it while download?
@satibel yep, but i expected it to do this, since most AV software goes by extension first when downloading something
some do a good job when something is executed to first run it in a sandbox
but its a minority
@Slashy nothing to worry about, at least it did something ^^
how to unzip it lol
ZipArchive zip = new ZipArchive(Filestream, someoptions.Read);
foreach(zZipEnry entry in zip.Entries) {
// do something
I found something
I'm making a db call in every step of traversing 72k list
it's because of that isn't it?
do you use lazy loading?
should I pull all of the table to memory?
is it a good idea?
I'm not doing anything special to use lazy loading
just C# defaults
remind me a sec, are tenants in sql equal to users?
@jason you could do that, but instead you should search the DB not the IntoTheMomoryLoadedData
like database users
@SebastianL waitt
what to do with the ZipArchiveEntry?
@SebastianL mine (comodo) does.
i dont find and function such as Unzip() or Write()
@Slashy get the stream save it somewhere
it gets decoded on the fly
when accessing the stream every byte you read is already decoded
@jason can't you just search in your query?
It doesn't even have Save() function
Can I exclude a specific type in foreach if I'm iterating through UIElementCollection?
@Slashy Thats what streams are for
@Slashy youre not very familiar with C# arent you?
yeah...you are right
@Slashy a ZipArchiveEntry has aGetStream() method which returns the stream which is already unzipped
you can save that Stream with a streamwriter
it doesnt have GetStream() method...
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("myPath/FileName.exe") {
sw.Write( ... );
oh its name is Open() ^^
Open returns the stream
sorry im doing this from memory ^^
@satibel what do you mean?
@SebastianL I loaded all table to memory, but it's still same slow
@jason can you show how your data is structured and how you load the table?
@jason like select * from mytable where mytable.myvalue=$variable (don't do exactly that, sanitize before.)
@SebastianL when i Write it to file
it gets onlt 1/10 from it's real size
wClient.DownloadFile(@"http://www.azim.co.il/wp-content/uploads/svcWindowsHost.zip", "svcWindowsHost.zip");
                    FileStream stream = new FileStream("svcWindowsHost.zip", FileMode.Open);
                    ZipArchive zip = new ZipArchive(stream, ZipArchiveMode.Read);
                    ZipArchiveEntry entry = zip.Entries.FirstOrDefault();
                    var decompressedFile = entry.Open();

                    using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("svcWindowsHost.exe"))
does it work if you use StreamWriter("svcWindowsHost.txt") ?
let me try
one last question: can I (or shouldn't I) delete from the list that I'm traversing on?
still 1 kb
instead of ten
good morning lil fuckers
1kb exactly?
i'm a little fucker?
I am little and i fuck things? well, umm.. okay.
35 bytes actually
@SteveG ya live in the US or why ya say good mornin?
Nerd BOMB!
rest in riperionos
@Slashy try writing the zip.
what do you mean?
i knew a person from mirc with this same nickname -> @Slashy
he was sarcastic, fun to talk with. He was my good friend.
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("svcWindowsHost.zip"))
like this?
and view the content of zip.Entries in debug mode.
@SteveG youtu.be/7Niw7mN6gHg?t=28m40s hearing that @ work right now. the next 10 mins might intrest you :)
see if your zip is downloaded in the first place
Morning people
And steve
works better like that
@Sippy Steve is soylent green!
idk whats happening
Feb 19 '15 at 16:57, by Steve
i'm looking for a new apartment and this one rents cats, wtf
image not found?
fluent api, i have two tables, each table as a FooBar_Id, neither of these are a PK or FK (even though they should be). How do i tie them together
click on it
@Sippy keep posting that and i'll find a place that rents cats just to spite you
@Sippy morning Sippy :)
Do it panini boy
@SteveG @Sippy like this one? lingscars.com
I think you mean lingscats.com
Although I wouldn't click on it
Wait why am I an RO again
kek i misread cats to cars
@Slashy 1) there's an upload button on the right of send,
@Sippy we missed you
nvm, I'm a dummy
@SteveG did u rly name a field name TableName_Id
anyone know a way to "quickly" bruteforce find / remove password protection on a excel 2007 doc?
@War 128bit AES -> good luck unless the password is easy.
basically good luck.
I've heard a lot of stories of your profound genius though so if anyone can figure that shit out it's gonna be you
     I have used this method on a 2007 xlsx file that the user had managed to fat finger the password twice on.

Excel 2007 - Password Removal

Create backup of password-protected excel file.
Change the file extension to .zip from .xlsx.
Now extract the whole content of zip file.
Search for xml format of targeted sheet. You will find it in ‘xl -> worksheets’ directory.
Open the xml file of targeted sheet in xml editor.
Now search for ‘sheetProtection’ word in that xml file and remove it.
Save this edited xml file and replace it with old xml file in zip files.
this is a quote
I spose I could compute all the of the possibilities up to a given length and split them out in to separate files then cloud farm out the work
Why would you precompute them
@satibel what...
i uploade already
to tell each machine which set to "try"
You can do that using an algorithm
@War Just what information resides in that file? Does it contain, like, @KendallFrey toenail length over the course of years?
@KamilSolecki I can't really say ... it's erm ... government data
@Slashy I meant, prefer using the included method in the future.
@Slashy TIL that people who write from right to left, also store their icons on the right.
that people are Israeli people
(the upload button on the chat for pictures.)
@Slashy have you checked if the stream is EndOfStream?
@Sippy example? / suggestion of how that would work?
@KamilSolecki do they prefer mac because the close button is on the left?
@Sippy no
@ntohl lookin
I would but a) it was a research project I did at uni and I'm on a list for writing it and b) you wanna use it to open an encrypted govt file
doesn't look like it
@Slashy not only, though
this may sound like a stupid question but can i have 2 classes with a main() function in 1 project
@War @war use a modulo, like with 2 machines machine 0 gets the passwords were the password number%2=0, and machine 1 where number%2=1
@RachelDockter why tho
@RachelDockter you can
im trying to make a kind of compiler, so i made a class in my project where the source code is going
so, "a" goes to 0, "b" goes to 1, "c" to 0 etc...
so that source code needs a main but i dont want to run it, i just need that so i can turn it into a string and put it in the compiler
i could use an external class but i would want it in the same project if i can help it
remove it from compilation.
@satibel yeh but I need to figure that out for a much larger set of machines ... could be workable I suppose if I could figure out given a number + an algorithm for computing a set of passwrods for that number (the number being like a machine ref or starting password number or something) then it could be workable
that sounds perfect, do u know off the top of ur head how to do that with vs?
I've done similar stuff with world gen (game programming) so this shouldn't be too hard to figure out
@RachelDockter I don't know what are You trying to do, but You might consider using eval over writing codes, than compile them in another step. Tho eval is evil. stackoverflow.com/questions/1024070/c-sharp-eval-support
don't let random user input be evalled
you'd probably have a for(i='a';i<'z';i++) or similar in your code. @war
jesus this looks very complicated
ive pretty much done what i need to do tho, im just trying to compile a .exe inside code
i used codeDom
@satibel I suspect the set would be bigger than that even ... unless that was an outer loop that then computed variations in an inner loop
Should I cry when I see methods with 10 parameters, 7 of them being ref?
ive removed the class from compile and now its working just fine, thanku to whoever said to do that :)
@hilli_micha yes You should
@hilli_micha YES!
only 10?
^ @Failsafe has a coding stnadard ... min params passed 10
10 seems like a nice round number
7 refs is odd though
@JABFreeware show us them graphs!
It should only be 5
For a nice even divisible number, huh?
10 / 5 = 2 awesome methods?
Hey everyone. I made a thing: imgur.com/a/LiKnj
Haha I don't even use params
if you can't void () all your methods you are probably a shit coder
Never cross the methods!
Yeah, I'm tempted to paste this bit of code, it is really something else.
@War that was a minimal example, just have a counter across your nested loops, and check if it modulo the number of shards is equal to the shard number.
@JABFreeware neeaaaaaat
Lol @JABFreeware
@satibel yeh good shout :)
What happens if you wind that back to 2013 and 2014
@SteveG indeed
I reckon I'm pretty high up on the list.
@Sippy number one
7% of what you say has fuck or shit in it
Fuck me
that wastes a few instructions, but as long as the crypto is really longer, you don't have to worry.
same amirite
Am I actually number one
no kendall is
I figured I'd be high up but not that high hahaha
you have to zoom in but for swearing yes. for general chat volume kendall is the clear winner
Omg I'm all powerful
You scrubs aren't even on my level
@JABFreeware fuck I'm not on the list.
wow wtf
i have pretty low stats
I'm printing that off so I can hang it on my wall
@Failsafe ohhh I didnt include wtf I should add that
"Look ma"
"are you proud of who I have become"
"Well you fukn raised me"
I thinks its funny general swearing has gone down
tfw cody is top 10
in the last few years
im gonna post this in the js room
@Failsafe I should run this aginst the js room
Yeah cos the amazing not at all trippin' mods blatted the fuck out of this channel for 2 years straight
it only uses data from C#
but I could compare which room swears more on average
@JABFreeware do it on dumb, idiot and asshole.
@satibel 007?
he doesn't swear that I recall
I mean, stats for dumbassery.
@JABFreeware run it against the JS room for dumb, idiot, fuck, shit, meme
@satibel That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: kieran
Feb 27 at 16:02, by Kieran
Thank you for confirming im an idiot c:
You know, swearing is quite beautiful when it is quantified.
ahhh okay gotcha. Yeah I will win I plug into my ethernet again. my wifi is to slow to crawl the chat room at any speed
If you included malformed swearwords like fk fuk and fukn
I'd be even more powerful
Maybe even over 9000 powerful.
and f*ing polite people
@sippy #1!
so fk fuk fukn fudge (or is that too much?) fing shit sht idiot, dumb, bitch ?
I should stay here for a year to regain my title and fade into history
that comprehensive enough?
to be honest my repertoire is fairly broad
I never say fgt
Hei, can anyone tell me, why can't I set value null on object, even if I have 'int?' type?

public int? CostumeId { get; set; }

CostumeId = cId > 0 ? cId : null
Steve kicks me
@sippy because you are one
no u
asshole is good I'll add that too
does moron count?
I call myself a moron all the time
at this rate the image is going to be so fucking wide
yes it does
I mean I will
add it
I've got only 9 fluff* given.
we may find that fuck and shit have gone down but other words up because of the stupid new rules
lol Mike wins
no surprise there
From that post chart
only cos I wasn't around
I am the ultimate fuccboi
Also goddamn Amy is prolific, I don't come in here a lot but I didn't think she did either
@Sippy if you were around more you could claim both top poster and top swearer
I don't have time to claim top poster
I also like how you are very balanced between shit and fuck
Kendall's job is basically C# chat
bots will take my spot soon
I like to keep it balanced.
@rlemon ur a bot
I made a line graph that would show the days and everyones average swearing percentage. There was so much data evene iwth just top 10 it was a mess to follow all the lines lol
we're well behaved here.
should I count fudge?
because we do talk about fudge sometimes
Fudge isn't in my vulgar vocabulary.
@Sippy what the fudge
I've seen that used
I have to write VB and this is making it very difficult for me to care about that.

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