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@hilli_micha not sure if it's on your list, but manipulating enumerables inside loops is also frowned upon
Yup, it is. It also makes mention of manipulating data in a foreach loop, which I believe the compiler doesn't actually allow anyway.
And yeah, generally: Dont concatenate strings inside loops
i don't think any serious programmers do that tho
Unless for quick debug purposes
The guide does mention avoiding concatenating strings, instead using String.Format();
String concatenation is the job of templating on the front end, or the client, or whatever it is you're using to display the information.
The best thing about string concatenation is that you can do this: connectionString = "Server=" + serverName + ";Password=" + password;
Admittedly in the past - this software add-in I made had a lot of string concating for file locations because they were in fixed locations. E.g., if I needed a template file for something, I'd just use string string version = 2014; fileLoc = @"C:\Software\ + version + "\TemplateStyle\Template.tmp"
I hope that is readable, I can't quite find the line break character here in chat. Either way, yeah, it works, but I have no qualms with saying it is ugly as sin.
Happens to the best of us.
I did conn string concat when I was doing my first db based programs
But I was 15 at the time, so I hope it's justified :D
gosh you programmed at 15?
someone on here yesterday said they where still in Secondary which
shocked me
I started when I was 10, though back then it was just html and css for me. I didn't learn how to actually program until I was 20
Well, more like 19, I think
I forgot I used to do php...
> programming
> lists markup languages
> I didn't learn how to actually program until I was 20
mike pls
read pls
I noted the difference
i has a regret
i fist u
Don't threaten me with a good time.
Similarly for me @ndugger. My father showed me Delphi when I was about 9-12, so I picked it up cause it was cool. Then I went on to garrysmod, and that's pretty much where I learned the basics. Then I started learning c# when I was around 17 and been doing so since
I only have 2 cigarettes left. I need to stop and buy more on the way home
Jokes on you, got a new pack
I need to quit again. I picked it up again a few weeks ago when I was in denial about how bad my depression was. Now that I'm on the up and up, I feel much better and can probably ditch them again soon
but yes, \//\ for sure
I should get a new istick
Fuck that reminds me I'm supposed to call a psyche nurse today.
does she have a sister?
@mikeTheLiar just turn yourself in
dafuq is \//\?
@Kramb meme bullshit
Vape Nation
Ethan Klein is my spirit animal
papa bless
\\// ||\\|| seems more identifiable
Which is better, I think I already know though. I have a class, right now it has a Clone() method that uses a completely blank constructor so it can successfully clone. Shouldn't I just make an constructor that just accepts the item I want to clone as a parameter and create my object that way from the get-go? Here is code for visual ref. gist.github.com/anonymous/94916521b381246ff9874297b5e2ec7b
!!giphy vape nation
yea. idk
sometimes happens
!!giphy h3h3
ddank loading gif
Should use that as an ajax loading overlay
Yeeey, Im going to make my first MVC project now!
@ndugger this physically discomforts me.
I finished my Add-User module. It's a beautiful thing. Start typing last name, javascript has a 1s timeout to avoid querying with single character. Ajax call to method that checks AD for users and returns results based on search query. Results are appended to table and selecting the AD user fills the Add User form for them.
@Kramb thats pretty much how I want my dynamic searchbox in my desktop app to behave
You on a domain?
With AD that is.
tfw go into js room and this is starred:
posted on May 16, 2017 by Phil Haack

One of my goals at GitHub is to make GitHub more approachable to developers. If you use GitHub, I want you to have tools that complement the way you work and help you to be more effective. In some cases that’s integrating directly in your Editor or IDE of choice. In other cases, it’s offering tools that work side-by-side with your existing tools.

Ye, tonight in js room was.... rough
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@KamilSolecki I can show you what I've got and you can tweak it as needed if you'd like.
@Kramb 1. Arent you doing a web-app?
2. Im actually almost done with mine, all thats left to do is to push the data to the models
Thanks anyways :D
@KamilSolecki Oh nice. And yes, I'm building an enterprise mvc application for our intranet.
Yeah, Im doing a desktop only app in WPF
Ah, I gotcha.
I'm also working on a data-migration Win-Form app. But I'm avoiding it like the plague.
I just started building a db today, and Im already slightly boggled with what I should and should not have
just use java
use java for what
just use it
oke, lets go: <script>Java</script>
Kamil what do you think of mvc so far?
No you've got it all wrong, it's <java>script</java>
did you get to the view model part yet?
@007 nothing really, i just set up a little db and opened a project
Hi all
I uh....took one class in programming before I dropped out of college. I went from the beginning of that class to 3 years ago thinking the class was javasciprt.
installed and configed EF
It was just Java...
Most people do
ya can't code shit with out java
I have a book for Java, that clearly stated on the first page that its NOT javascript
I'm trying to implement Win Identity Framework in an ASP.NET MVC app, following instructions from here: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh291061(v=vs.110).aspx
When I was looking for a new job, my wife kept sending me links to jobs requiring Java. No matter how many times I told her that I don't know Java, just javascript.
The challenge is to determine values for this chunk of code:
            <add value="http://localhost:28503/" />
        <issuerNameRegistry type="System.IdentityModel.Tokens.ConfigurationBasedIssuerNameRegistry, System.IdentityModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089">
                <add thumbprint="1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234" name="YourSTSName" />
ok cool kamil.. it will be nice to hear the point of view of someone new when you get to that
If you know C#, you can pick up Java quick enough
I've started to pick up on that @ndugger
it is the biggest mystery to me... I have real volumes on the topic and it is still magic to me
Hell, if you know one GCed language, you can learn them all pretty fast
lua is another story tho
so annoying to type all the stuff
@KamilSolecki dude fuck LUA. I tried scripting in Garry's Mod and failed miserably.
I did scripts for official Wiremod
@KamilSolecki That's awesome, I loved Wiremod
For some e2 funcs
Esp. ones that do with quaternions
@Alex Do you have an STS URL?
tho to this day I dont understand why nobody wanted to introduce NLERP()
as we had SLERP and LERP
@Kramb Java is short for JavaScript
@Kramb We have AD in our organization, would that be the same thing?
Could you imagine someone in here lurking reading that @mikeTheLiar
@Kramb actually I got into that, because the server I played on gathered lots of different coding personas from Gmod world lol
@Alex You just want the ability to use AD with an MVC app?
I wish that MSDN tutorial was more fleshed out
Yup, to do authentication/authorization
in JavaScript. Not Java Script or Java Scripting.. JavaScript!, Jun 15 '16 at 21:07, by Captain Giraffe
I've always wanted to learn Java. Is node a good graphics library?
@Alex Do you want users to type in user and login or have them authenticate when they hit a landing page?
@Kramb Nope. For it to be seamless
So if they are part of AD groups defined in app, to let them in
Then limit them on the Controllers/Actions levels with authorization
I would just create a ViewModel that all other ViewModels implement and then check against the AD with PrincipalContext
I say I would, but that's literally what I'm doing right now.
Using a custom attribute
That'd be nice. Just query AD for user sAMAccountName and use that as a foreign key to your Role DB
But as far as the Identity Model is concerned, I have no idea. I don't use it.
Is your technique better than the custom attribute way? I don't want to build this out and realize it's got security holes :)
I'm not asking for guarantees -- just to see if my approach is sound
Oh dude, I am no expert at this. I couldn't tell you honestly.
Thanks anyway, @Kramb :)
The way I handle it to have a User table in my DB. That table contains the user's sAMAccountName ("Alias") and other pertinent information. I have a ViewModel that all ViewModels implement that checks AD using PrincipalContext and UserPrincipal. I grab the current users LogonUserIdentity.Name through HttpContext and splice off the Domain. That gets checked against the DB and either grants or blocks access.
My technique is a little different... apply the custom attribute to all controllers or actions, with the roles allowed to run it. In the override of AuthorizeCore(), it fetches the user's roles from db and checks against the ones on the attribute for this object
Yea, when I looked through your code I immediately second-guessed my current route. I may implement something similar to what you've got. It looks good IMHO.
Thanks :)
can I ask an Entity Frame work expert a question?
Had to look high and low for that solution
@007 Nope
@Alex Yea, it's hard to find a consistant answer for handling AD users.
the question is on using a list in the where clause
You're still on about that?
Hint - you have to share some code and actually explain what you're trying to do
@Kramb No kidding. There must be 5000 ways of doing this
what I used has compiled just fine but it does no return any results
Someone tell him if his next post isn't code that I'm going to kick him.
@007 Show us your code and we can help, otherwise it's shooting in the dark.
understood... let me clean it and I will send it over
@007 at least add this above your LINQ to get the SQL in the output window in debug: db.Database.Log = s => System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(s);
Then run the SQL in Management Studio
Does it return any results?
ok let me do that
That can guide you in adjusting your LINQ
Keep tweaking it and looking at the SQL
Plus give us the LINQ query please
ok Iwill use this... it is pretty neat!
yes I am working on that now
code code
@juanvan That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: coke
Anyone else ever get in a groove just to be interrupted by the extreme need to urinate but you fight it for as long as you can to the point of barely containing it?
!!learn code Someone tell him if his next post isn't code that I'm going to kick him.
@KamilSolecki Command code learned
@007 !!code
I don't think that's going to work the way you think it will
@Kramb have forgotten that I had to pee
@mikeTheLiar Input not matching /tell/. Help: User-taught command: him Someone
!!forget code
@mikeTheLiar You are not authorized to delete the command code
code coooooode
!!forget code
@SteveG You are not authorized to delete the command code
@KamilSolecki can you execute the forget command?
Wait wut. i thought caprica something yesterday and it worked fine
!!learn code Stop
!!forget code
as I was preping the code...
!!info code
@KamilSolecki You are not authorized to delete the command code
@juanvan Command code learned
to share I saw that I was searching the wrong field
@rlemon Command code, created by juanvan on Tue, 16 May 2017 18:29:56 GMT
I don't think that's what's supposed to happen.
lol. she has legacy bugs
@007 That'll do it.
I think caprica is acting up
it was a mistake in the where clause... I made the change... and it runs tip top!
!!info CODE
@rlemon Command code, created by juanvan on Tue, 16 May 2017 18:29:56 GMT
@rlemon can you nuke that command for us?
so odd for all these hours I did not realize that until just now... :(
!!forget code
@rlemon Command code forgotten.
@007 coooode
!!learn code <>http://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/37131413#37131413
@mikeTheLiar Command code learned
it works now steve
@mikeTheLiar Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
I had the wrong field in the where clause
Oh we lost that one? 😬
Ah, so <> stands for params as in @someone?
<> escapes the reply
><> is a fish
Red fish blue fish
Thank you for that diagnostic code Alex!
@Proxy That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
that is going in the tool box of stuffs
Is there any way to keep the model browser from auto hiding when you click away from the edmx file? It wouldn't mind but it also collapses the tree.
@007 are you still chasing some babushkas in your free time?
Around the geriatric home... All Day!
They Call me Dr. Shagwell
Врач. Shagwell
Др. Шагwелл
asj urvue owj iovhwuv oiwheh ueiepz
haha @KamilSolecki That doesn't work in Russian. It's either
Врач or доктор
I think the dugs is having a stroke.
cut the shit, this room is english or Klingon
Anyone play sports?
@Failsafe 💩.slice()
@Failsafe ubj nobhg ebg13?
code is not a sport
Combining two non sports doesn't give you a sport.
you know what they say, 2 hands is worth a bush and a bird
2 hands in the bush is worth 1 hand in the bird
Jeb! Bush and Larry Bird?
2 hands in 1 bird is worth 1 hand in the bush
@mikeTheLiar no Jeb Kerman
we can make anything a sport
2 handing a Zweihander is worth 10 points in dex.
1 hand in 2 birds is a glove
@mikeTheLiar Not enough (STR) to wield this weapon
This is too heavy for you.
i think stackoverflow needs to use more xml
XML for all JSON for NONE
idk where
but more xml is needed for sure
what did you guys do to get madara in here
you fkn jabrones
also kicking someone
kick me
!!google linq nested query in predicate
there are adults over there that just don;t behave very nice... I wish I understood the mindset better...
of course you won't return anything google, you have some form of mental retardation
Someone kick 007
I'm falling asleep at my desk over here
I need caffeine
Don't die
i got some caffeine
make me RO
fite me
Sorry I don't believe in Narcan everyone deserves to die
make me JS RO
RO for RO
@kremb haha i know, i just made a direct character conversion :D
play nice guys
Now we're all best friends
im just waiting for somebody to say "YOU CAN'T DO THAT"
well you can't
Don't JS ROs get admin access to Cap?
quiet you
I think so? But that doesn't mean much
I'd like access to undo and the forget hammer but I can't justify making me a JS RO for reals.
this is the first time i've been in js in like 3 or 4 months
see, my real plan was, get JS room owner, then remove ndugger as RO's from both
@SteveG make all C# ROs also JS ROs
Then we can remove all JS ROs
this is all inviting drama
They won't be able to keep up
im okay if you remove me from JS RO, but i'm not going to screw with their stuff
not drama, hilarity
We will prevail
Steve is the regulator around here... nice
steve is the man
I think they would all find it funny
Why doesn't my ajax .done(e) return anything in e?
Quick, ROs are sleeping, post Java code!
they all stopped typing when he went over there...
they all can't believe somebody made me RO
it's group shock
I feel safe now...
Aw, I wanted to kick him
I wish I could star a kick
why u kicked him now lol
He felt safe. Gotta keep him on his toes.
i feel 007 is some kind of ruberduck in this room
He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector
what is a ruberduck?
A duck...made of....rubber.
nvm. I C what you did there
I C# what you did there

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