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i got some strawberries on my way home
how come? they are avalible here since 2 weeks ago
!!test this or test that
although its some weird kind
millions of peaches, peaches for me
@JABFreeware Das
Dude we had 15 cm of snow around 3rd may
!!stupid or dumb
@JABFreeware stupid
you are in poland
still snowing? well to be honest even here its been cold
so its possbile
nah, now its good
was around +15 tday
oh same as here then
the snow was gone in 2 days
but it snowstormed so hard that it broke everything
!!mexico or Canada
@JABFreeware mexico
trees, phone poles
!!jabFreeware or mods
@KamilSolecki mods
Did you just assume someone's gender?
strawberry has no gender
!!ban or whitelist
@JABFreeware The user will be thrown into mindjail in 1 more invocations
!!whitelist or ban
@JABFreeware ban
even the bot doesn't stand up for me
@Proxy ofc strawberry has genders
i'm gonna come over there and beat you with a strawberry
I'll beat off your strawberry
( อก° อœส– อก°)
@ndugger looks much better out of context on the board ->
@RoelvanUden yeh looks liek a good choice, think i've messed with that before too
I was thinking that GL or perhaps Vulkan might be better choices though as they are cross platform
The resources all seem to be dead projects though
or point at stuff like monogame and say "use that instead"
I would use unity but they are pissing me off with dangling fixes / upgrades ... it's been years and i'm fed up fighting the bugs in their engine
maybe something like xenko.com is the way to go
Well, their page looks cool.
I tinkered with it when it was in beta
but the main reason I was looking was because if the bugs in unity
Do you do modelling as well?
bugs in unity?
felt a bit like a dumb move to switch to a beta from a buggy engine to "get rid of bug issues"
@Proxy Yeh I had a habit of killing the Editor
huh weird
just use rpgmaker
the nature of what i'm trying to build is threaded ... and the unity API actively refuses it
it's the best game engine ever made
yeah i read they just started enabling that in unity
what are you working on if we may know?
I did 3D modeling briefly several years back. I was pretty good
A voxel engine system
but it's largely GPU based
my god that's tiny
nice and red though
@KendallFrey beat me to it
I think I made a sword too
you would love to meet the grandpa that was with us at college then :D @war
he was also working with voxels
3D modeling is dead simple
a sword with jagged edges
as long as you have good orthographic references and a good texture artist, you're golden
orthopedic ?
Yes, that's what I said
ur weird
@Proxy ?
there was a older student with us that talked about them a lot
and was working also on an engine or something
One of these days I'll get around to finishing my 2D JS engine
@Proxy I was a few years back then stopped ... i'm just considering my options before starting up again
@ndugger then a question if I may: What is the idea behind replaceable armor pieces in game dev? Do you create model parts for each body model with a certain piece on , and bring it all together?
I have been hoping that I can use .Net core and maybe a few nuget packages to build my framework on top the MS base that runs anywhere
I'm not sure what you're asking
yeah i know my comment was kind of useless... i don't know why i even brought it up lol
Or do you stack them on top of the base model and not give a shit about clipping? @ndugger
Like, lets say we have a character
Oh, I think I understand
That's a good question, and I don't know the best way to handle it. If you're like Diablo 2, you don't care about providing a unique mesh for every piece of armour. If you're like morrowind, you just let it all clip through and look like shit. I'm sure you could come up with a way to create meshes for all combinations, but that would be an absurd amount of work and an absurd file size.
Yeah thats what I thought
You could just have a base set of meshes and just texture them differently, though
that could help keep it all neat and tidy
Kinda, but i was thinking more about totally different pieces of armor
not just retextures
But thanks for the info.
I recall in Morrowind being able to wear a robe over your armour, and that shit clipped through like there was no tomorrow.
Afaik, cloth simulations in blender are quite ok, arent they?
Yep. One of the things that I miss about newer TES games.
You could also wear rings and gloves
RINGS! I just remembered baldurs gate
Morrowind definitely had its issues, but it's still the best TES game, in my opinion
I feel like I should find myself a copy of BGII and play it through once more
Skyrim takes second, and Oblivion with its potato faces can go die in a hole
Yeah morrowind takes the cake
The best part of Oblivion was the Adoring Fan
hey Guys I have an EFQuestion... I am not sure if I am searching bing for the right thing
but can a list be used as a where clause in entity framework
@ndugger Im trying to remember but I cant
I see all sorts of writeups using the all.keyword but they seem to be for making a list... I have my list made
Once you beat the Arena in the capitol, some dude with yellow jimmy neutron hair would follow you around.
@ndugger oke I just googled it now I know :D
Though I remember I played much more Morrowind than I had played Oblivion
because Oblivion had a horrible main questline that was just awful to even look at
Oblivion gates were the bane of my existence. I wanted to off myself every time I had to look at one
I found this :

var Data= from a in Db_table where(Search_option.contains(a.Field.Tostring())) select a;

Here... it seems to compile... but I am not getting the logic... seems backwards
@ndugger I ground points into speed so I could sprint through them and get the reward for closing the gate
I forget what the were called but the enchanting things
I was basically doing a TF2 Scout rush on Oblivion gates
I recall when I first played with the morrowind construction kit, I put down boots of blinding speed and some ring that removed curses and dieases which cured the blindness, and I glitched through the ghost gate; literally ran right through it
those were the days
wow this is cool, Xenko seems to have figured out a way to allow OOP in Compute shaders
or at least wrap it
@mikeTheLiar @ndugger Did you guys give a chance to NeverWinter Nights?
Not everything needs to be OOP, you C# turds
Object Orient All the Things!
@KamilSolecki nah, I never played it
@mikeTheLiar function all the things >:(
Functional programming, more like fucktional programming amirite?
@ndugger lol I know but it's cool
something something Haskell
@mikeTheLiar for me it was the first class based rpg that allowed you for so much character customization in terms of mix and match
something something your mom's a monad
That's actually plenty!
Microsoft uses Haskell for its production serialization system, Bond. Bond is broadly used at Microsoft in high scale services. Microsoft Research has, separately, been a key sponsor of Haskell development since the late 1990s.
the only MS product I've never heard of
yeh, I still stand by reasoning that no-one uses haskell for anything important
i'm seeing lots of words like "few" ... "small number of"
That's a pretty high definition of "important"
The Reddit page 72 would-be commercial Haskell users: what Haskell success stories we need to see has several stories of commercial Haskell users.
wow there's 72 of them now
@KendallFrey are you in that list?
I don't use it commercially
it's that good huh!
I don't decide what technologies my company uses
At least at that scale
lol haskell @ scale ... hilarious!
I better go
You know, you can criticize languages better after you've used them
So for ultimate ammunition, become proficient
I see what you did there
well it's not this bad at least ...
I had to double-check the date in that url, wtf
Why are you bashing Haskell?
that was 10 minutes ago
i've moved on to bashing IT in the nhs now
Does the elapsed time make my question any less relevant?
โ€œI do recognise that the IT systems that the NHS work with are significantly out of date,โ€ said Supreme Leader Theresa May.
No but seriously, how is that even possible xd
guys i declared an num1 as an int and i tried taking the input but i get an error with this line of code: num1 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Shouldn't it be Int32.Parse()?
@New_Racket_User What error?
@KamilSolecki ew, no
it says input string is not in correct format
i made the input 1
@New_Racket_User Are you sure?
no i did 1 2 3 4
it doesnt like spaces
@RoelvanUden probably not
is there a way to input all the numbers in one line
like i have num1 num2 num3 num4
is there a way i can input all 4 numbers on one lin
@New_Racket_User split the line into an array, and parse each part separately
i want to but this is a beginners class
You want to put them in separate variables, right?
and we havent learned arrays
separate variables
but i want the user to input like 1 2 3 4
so with spaces
And.. does your beginner class not explain the theory?
no because its an online class
Any way you do that without string.Split is probably going to give an orphan cancer.
@RoelvanUden come on, the dude is an ABSOLUTE beginner. I say let him ask whatever.
@JABFreeware WHAT!?
@New_Racket_User Well, I suggest you stick to the course material for now until you've learned the required skills to think about arrays and how to approach this problem without a bunch of guys randomly throwing unstructured code without any theory at you.
I mean, we could write it out, easy, but it's probably better to stick to structured learning.
@KendallFrey hi!
@RoelvanUden Unless the learning is structured such that problems require future knowledge to solve properly.
ok ill just take an input 1 by 1
@KendallFrey you were in a dream of mine
and press enter to separate each input
@KendallFrey I would imagine a course has some structure.
@JABFreeware oh jesus no
@New_Racket_User you might want to give String.Split() a read. Arrays as well.
@New_Racket_User That would work. Then go back later to make it nicer when you've learned about arrays, just for fun and practice ;-)
@KamilSolecki bit late to the party
i just read split string and ur right that would work
@KendallFrey sry it's hard to type when you are wiping your ass :)
it returns the substring
of the array
@KendallFrey yes. you were in person
I was in which person?
Your mom?
@KendallFrey that would have been a good dream if she wasn't enjoying it that is
but no
you were in person like physically in my dream
Okay. Example time. You want to learn to play the Piano. You know where the middle C is, because you've had one lesson. But why would you bother to learn about octaves, and sharps and flats? You want to jump right into making music, so you do that by copying what some online resource said. Great, muscle memory! Do you now know how to play the Piano? No, you're just further removed from understandng music theory. @New_Racket_User This is you right now :-P
Just stick to your course. Do more complex things later.
@KendallFrey it wasn't sexual
sorry to disappoint
What was it then
Your mom.
@KendallFrey I found you were the one that developed the program that was making me angry. Made you fix it. Then I woke up
it was weird
lol wat
I don't code in my sleep, much less yours
I code in everyones sleep
No, you're just having sex with a blow up doll in my dreams, @JABFreeware
Not coding at all..
@RoelvanUden arent you female?
would probably be normal to think about me in your dreams in a sexual way
I cant figure out why it wouldnt be a better draem though
I think you might defective
have you tried flipping your switch?
@JABFreeware When you wake up, does it hurt to be alive for the next day? ;D
@KamilSolecki problem is when I shoot myself i just wake up again. This one girl said something about finding her when I wake up but...
I mean, there must be a reason behind all this aggression. Tell me, what bothers you.
@KamilSolecki what are you a therapist?
want to ask me how that makes me feel?
answer is angry
We will ask questions later. For now, please focus on letting the emotions go.
I dont have emotions
maybe you're just sensitive
because I don't notice any anger
Now, now. Let me explain. Emotions are driving your behavior. They are the "engine" behind your actions. Being unaware of it is ok. Not wanting to admit to them, which I think is the case, is something we should work with.
oh this guy is good. But you don't have any water or anything for me to drink.
the seat is uncomfortable
I don't like the lighting
I'm very intune with my emotions okay? I wasn't angry until you started asking about my emotions
where did I say something mean?
I wasn't mean to anyone today who didn't deserve it
Let it go. All of it.
Thats our first step, you are doing great.
And I know what you are going to say now
ALL OF WHAT????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????‌​???????????????????
no you thought i was gonig to say fuck you
which I wanted to
but I knew that would be playing into your hand
dude why are you so mad
idk really. he wont stop bugging me about my "anger"
I think hes projecting
You built a wall, between your original self, and the "self" that you project to other people. That is why you are acting this way.
@KamilSolecki what makes you say that?
what gives you that vibe?
@KamilSolecki lol, you're like describing my life story, you're pretty good
Because I know, that behind that screen there sits a man who is emotional.
There sits a man, who created a character to display on the internet
@KamilSolecki look I ask a question. You just said "because you know". In orther for this to work we need to establish some trust
so we have to be honest answering questions both ways
so answer my question
@KamilSolecki keep going
@SteveG who invited you?
Go for it.
I did, he's describing me and it's weird and neat at the same time
I was invited by the person behind the screen. The real you.
@KamilSolecki my question is what makes you think this about me?
You see, people aren't that complex. We are, kinda like, machines. For the most part, we follow very simple principles and mechanisms
@KamilSolecki stop quoting your therapist
I awnt to speak to the person behind your metnal well being
not this projection
so transfer me to your therapist
Just please let me finish the sentence I started, and I will do so.
@KamilSolecki sure np
woah there
@SteveG what?
@KamilSolecki feel free to finish, i'm listening
@JABFreeware no more outbursts from you young man
@SteveG you dont know my age
[There sits a man, who created a character to display on the internet.]
Does he still enjoy it? Hard to tell. Probably. We all have our aliases that we present.
Especially during the times, when we talk through text - our medium is limited, so we have to bolden the emotions.
Now, you are probably thinking (actually not, you think you know the answer) as to why did I spew all the above shit here.
@KamilSolecki because you "care" or some shit?
probably more like you are trying feel important and like you have purpose or something because you are depressed and sad about life
I think I do know the answer, but I'm super interested in the real answer
which isn't my fault and I feel bad ofr you
@JABFreeware open your mind, let new thoughts and ideas flow in, like I did with your mother last night, but it wasn't her mind and it sure as hell wasn't thoughts and ideas
@SteveG you can let whatever chemicals you want flow into that bitch
I am now arriving at my concept: The idea of real people. Above, you played a role, I played a role. Fun times. But imagine what if none of us ever had to play any roles, when, in discussion, nobody would assume "racial, sexist etc." claims, where you could say Nigger to a black person, and he would know that you dont mean any bad. You just wanted to say waddup nigga as a hello.
That, I personally think, is what we all should work towards. A philosophy for life, where we can show the real us to anybody, and just get the same in return. Take it, if you like it, I just wanted to spread it ;)
you didn;t help
The best "funny" response to that would be: "That's gay", but i reserve that.
but in your concept you should know that when I say mean things its just a way of bonding so no worries right
dumb ass
"and he would know that you dont mean any bad."
I do, I do. The ealier was just to fuck around with you.
@KamilSolecki I knew you were dumb
and copying from your therapist
@SteveG sorry. We can do a real therapy session someday.
its okay though
now where is 007
I need someone to punish
hes been a bad boy
this close to kicking you: |
yes, that's 1 bar
This room was placed in timeout for 1 minute; steve needs a break from you
see? nothing wrong with me
I should make a therapy room
push me again...
why do all my I 's get capitalized
it's weird
@SteveG your weird
my neck hurts
someone snap it
snaps it
The only thing that differs a gypsy palm reader from a psychologist, is that they have the knowledge to build their claims upon.
lets play overwatch
Dont has
League of Legends EUNE?
@SteveG speaking to me?
then skype me
like a normal human being
we dont want them knowing about us
me normal
you're hilarious
I was going to correct to sane
but even that wouldnt work
words just dont describe you
Sane has its own scope
@SteveG is now thinking about life
lol I do that a lot regardless
..holding a gun
i love taking in new knowledge and views and stuff
@SteveG wanna learn some js?
@rlemon can me too?
everyone is welcome to learn js
@SteveG hang out in the js room. don't be like 007
knowledge will just sponge in.
the js room scares me
it's a lot saner than the c# room ๐Ÿ˜›
lol that's what scares me
Well ill quote me from above: Sane has its own scope
we accept Kendall. and me.
there is always that to consider.
true true
2+2=5 in js
!!> 2+2
@rlemon 4
that code subtracts one automatically
everyone knows that

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