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routers are pretty easy to implement tbh. React doesn't force much control over that shit
it is, after all, just a library.
you're a library
@ndugger @rlemon Tho I have some friends working at front and, and all they say is that people tend to have a 2000s worth idea of their perfect site
Is that any true for you?
I don't work for shops like that anymore; I work at Target, doing internal software
so no
@KamilSolecki no
I tell my clients what they want
we sell a product, not a service.
So its more of a "make me a website" than "i tell you what I want" and then you procede to tell them thats not what they want, huh?
no, it's more like "here is your webapp. use it and like it"
@rlemon hire me?
Thats comfy :D
it has its ups and downs.
too much corn
I have no spec, and very little requirements.
but they do still have expectations.
actually i don't like that
I just go get their data needs and design based on that. The liberty is mine essentially.
everytime i have no req's im always wrong
and the process just becomes longer
I basically get to do what I want, and use any libs or technologies that I want, as long as I get the work done. It's a refreshing contrast to what I've done previously.
I'm a dev of one working on a semi-medium-large app (for one dude)
so no spec makes my job harder as time goes on
good thing I like spaghetti
@ndugger how do you standardize/maintain when dev's can use anything?
@Failsafe It's internal software built and maintained by a single team. We do communicate to other teams what we're using, but there are no restrictions put on us
i've never seen something like that work long term before
not saying what you are doing is wrong
We'll see
im just speaking from experience at where i am now
Could someone take a moment and give me some input? I'm rebuilding a big component of our software and wanted to take a moment and really lay down some more concrete coding standards - gist.github.com/anonymous/9fb3ea9d968f852b1f1e470d98477205 This is the first file, it won't functionally make sense I don't believe, but it should paint a picture of what the code will look like in its native enviornment. There are a couple of notes in regards to style choices, it's not a long file.
In active directory, my domain context is too broad and I need to narrow it down to just my agency. If I want to refine my LDAP to just include my agency, do I use the distinguishedName?
@hilli_micha no interfaces/repositories
bold move
douchy startups would shake their heads disapprovingly at you
I'll take that as a compliment! My main goal is just to make this clean and readable, so it's not a nightmare to figure out anytime I need to revisit it.
reference params
personally, i am not a fan of ref
i mean everyone's different tho
It has been a habit, the Revit API (big Autodesk product) makes extremely liberal use of Ref/Out parameters.
I'm kind of blind to them, they come naturally, but I do realize quite a few people would rather have the functionality of ref just happening in the object itself.
My c# program accepts System.Console.WriteLine("Full name:" +fullName); and Console.WriteLine("Full name:" +fullName); and i was wondering why does it accept the second option?
Because based on what References you have imported, the compiler may automatically know that by using Console.WriteLine, you're actually referring to System.Console.WriteLine.
u mean using?
i have using System; defined
oh ok
Exactly, if you have System defined, and no other Namespaces that have 'Console', there is no confusion if the compiler just uses System.Console
For example, if you have System and TmpNameSpace and they both have System.Console and TmpNamespace.Console, Intellisense and the Compiler are going you tell you to specify to avoid ambiguity.
kramb you are a double genius! The chtml was a good choice it also keeps the look of the site... the dev will just have to convert all the old html pages,

i asked in js room but i got ignored
does react work with internet explorer 4? I mean is there any way to compile it there using something?
> IE 4
Good God man
hey i was just as astonished as you are
I was about to say the same thing, but didn't want to sound silly.
IE4 touched me inappropriately
Does Javascript work with IE 4?
dont we have like
IE 11 and edge
yeah i also have no idea why ie4
Wow IE4 is Win 95 stuff, who the hell is using that?! I'm interested in who this person is and what they are trying to do.
@hilli_micha retro stuff :D
i don't know, basically it was a small side job. They want to convert they js to react
so are they worried that it wont run on IE4?
its a simple js code, so i thought i would take it since i want to see a bit of react
So, let me get this straight, despite being a small job, this is something someone intends to use professionally in anyway?
i have no idea, and i guess the guy who proposed it does not know either
Thats the only thing that comes to my mind :P @Proxy
But sounds retarded nonetheless
Unless hes deploying in NK
Nah, the North Koreans use Red Star OS, which is way more up-to-date than Win 95 lol.
I thought u were kidding, but it actually is a thing.
Them tuned up Linux kernel
They basically took Mac OS and plastered their country all over it. It's kind of wild because they actually got some of the applications straight from OS X working in it. There is a series of videos on youtube that tours it, it's more impressive than you'd imagine from a knock-off like that.
Isn't their web browser a fork of Firefox?
That only has access to their intranet though.
@mikeTheLiar I use Google Ultron
@KendallFrey be sure to update Adobe Reader.
@KendallFrey ahahahah my friend who knows it installed us these
@KendallFrey so much faster than chrome
mike, make me ro pls. i will paypal you $2
it's a trap, he means zimbabwe dollars
kendoll pls
@ndugger Ken Doll*
gosh the only way to write a query where I have to join tables from more than one database is to use view models :(
Using jQuery to write SQL queries? Legit.
Oh, I totally read that wrong
that would be pretty funny
I really need to find me a gf named Barbie
Unfortunately I don't live in the 1940s
I know a barbara; It's not that uncommon of a name quite yet
found an example... question answered... using ef
How old is she (or he)
@ndugger only if you're going to use it to kick Kendall
oh no
@KamilSolecki Input not matching /armosphere/. Help: User-taught command: inside This
He actually did it, the absolute madman!
Now we need to come together to campaign to make me an SO moderator
Or instead
How about
We don't do that.
But moooooom
May 5 '16 at 15:17, by BoltClock
don't kick kendall
kendall was abusing me
@JohanLarsson kick me senpai
Kendall actually enjoys Cheese Curds, I concur.
wow what happened
2 mins ago, by mikeTheLiar
@ndugger only if you're going to use it to kick Kendall
@hilli_micha Who doesn't?
oh okay
@KendallFrey people who have never had a good poutine
cheese curds are good in other forms too
i could go for some big cheddar curds right now
I've had a terrible one, and it was my only one. Hockey game tho, so I dodnt expect much.
does the green number call out work in mobile mode?
@007 I lost track of the naming conventions :)
i like
coney dogs
"green number call out" lmfao
@KamilSolecki does the green number call out work in mobile mode?
lots of chili
@mikeTheLiar htm is basic for java
@mikeTheLiar 2 days ago it was called a red number message.
if u don't know java then it's not my fault
Also I notice that my controller does not have htmlget just httppost but the app works ok...is that okay?
@KendallFrey Is Node a good graphics library for Java?
Yes very astounding nice.
All the green text does not give tab indications.. I am liking this mode
but u can't edit mistakes... :(
I can edit you right out, fam
@ndugger horrible stuff. It probably was a yeast infection. Ugh
you sick fuck
Because it was funny
Im more suprised with the user having 7 points after that many downvotes.
You can't go below 1
So if you get 100 down votes followed by 1 up vote, you'll be at 6
Only the most shameful Stack Overflow questions/answers -- Send me screenshots; I will retweet them.
54 tweets, 17 followers, following 1 users
this one is really funny
@ndugger this one can be at least partially justified
partially, sure, but at the same time, no
the link i posted
^this ones good
the dude straight up wrote JAVA in an html <script> tag
and didn't know why it wasn't working
I remember that one too
pretty good stuff
@SteveG goddamn it Steve
Java is not an acronym.
i was using capitals to emphasize
@SteveG That's more salad than cipher
@mikeTheLiar you lil fucker
getting my plastic knife out, better watch your back
java in a script tag == java script
@SteveG god DES MOINES it
@SteveG why? they haven't even won a cup
capitals never won a cup? seriously?
Why did someone star the Swedish word for six?
is there a print method in c#
like not using System.console
Google "C# standard out"
im shocked the capitals never won a cup, didn't they have the sadeek twins (sp)
@New_Racket_User using what, then?
@KendallFrey oh sorry, I though you were talking about your mom
@SteveG Sadeek, Sedin, close enough
isnt that java
@mikeTheLiar im jk i ly
@New_Racket_User its <script>Java</script>
@New_Racket_User seriously though, what are you trying to do?
@New_Racket_User Console.WriteLine?
oh my friend was asking if i could use print in c#
Is Console.Write not good enough for some reason?
like the print() method
is it a console app?
but i dont think theres a method
@mikeTheLiar mode=oneWayToSource
you mean print to console, or access a printer device driver to send a document to the printer?
print to a console
@New_Racket_User System.Console
Be sure to actually open a console window first @New_Racket_User
And add a Console.Read() at the end
Assuming you want to window to stay open that is.
@New_Racket_User if you ARENT using a console app, you can always print to debug with Debug.Write()
it works in console apps too btw
Anyone here used OpenGL in .Net ?
I was under the impression that the OpenTK library was the one to use but it appears to have died since it's creator walked away from it ... is OpenGL still a good choice for a new project or should I use something else?
@War SharpDX? It's Direct-X but last I checked very much alive.
I'm trying to figure out how to put icons on a WPF TabItem. Like this: blog.gib.me/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/oz_r6.png
I really can't figure it out though.
@jhmckimm build a datatemplate, where you can define how you want your tabItem to look like.
Reached my free ServiceSTack redis limit
I'm new to WPF, but it all seems overly complicated just to put an icon on it, no?
Whoever made the framework was a moron.
@jhmckimm Yes and no. It might seem weird / complicated to do it at first, but the plus side is that it gives you absolute control over how you want your tabitem to look like
Should have been made type safe... fuck that xml shit
It kinda looks/feels like CSS classes... Which I suppose is... Neat?
@jhmckimm yyyh, wouldnt really compare XAML to CSS
@jhmckimm its MUCH closer to html
The syntax, yeah. But the notion of declaring a "style" and then just referencing it... Screams CSS to me.
@jhmckimm this seems like an easy solution tho
That'll do nicely. Thank you, kind person.
Btw, you dont need to reference a style. You can put it just under control, as in:

You're welcome
@ndugger I love choo choo.
I choo choo-se you
@jhmckimm the reason to reference it is to keep it separate from the View's code not to make a mess there
As it can get pretty messy sometimes
The bigger your project gets
Relatively small project though, so I'm not too worried. :)
So, general rule, put stuff like styles in resource dictionaries and reference them in app.xaml
Still, its better to do it the proper way than to slack it off.
app.xaml is cancer
@jhmckimm also, I assume you arent doing MVVM?
@Nathvi you just put refs to your dicts there
to keep it cleaaan
@jhmckimm Well, you are in for a treat when it comes to "provisionally over-complicated code". Something you should absolutely learn and use though.
im back
@JABFreeware yay, my favorite angry person!
@KamilSolecki yeah the stupid mods suspended my account last for two days
when I called them stupid fuckers
Wonder why :D
I have no regrets
and I'd say it again
whats up
The sky.
is blue
Mar 23 at 14:44, by jhmckimm
It melted through the grill in the oven. Like... The dough. Melted.
nice you know caprica
@jhmckimm has just learned that "over complicated code in Wpf" is the way to go
@jhmckimm i dont get the reference?
@KamilSolecki what?
dont ping me for no reason
I'm on phone @JABFreeware
hello senpai :)
He is lurking.
@RoelvanUden I know wherey ou live
Here's a nice short anime-video. It's actually kind of good.
@JABFreeware You do?
Ye he got your dynamic ip and shit
she waits longer for a message then me :(
the girl in the video
I don't mind if you know my physical address. Hell, here it is for the world to know: 40-8D-5C-4B-24-11
@RoelvanUden yeah
I know your real address
@JABFreeware just throwing this out there, but maybe you should take a hint?
@mikeTheLiar what I wasn't threatening them?
"Threatening physical harm" is hardly the only thing that's a bannable offense on SE.
@mikeTheLiar everyone knows im just fucking around
I never hurt a packet in my life
I was referring to the "stupid fuckers" message.
@Proxy I feel for her.
To early to get all emotional, boys.
@mikeTheLiar meh I don't do well with authority in case you didn't notice. Of course I got the "hint"
@mikeTheLiar What if I ask for it
....and it's Mos Eisley all over again.
@RoelvanUden @Proxy Straighten up, wipe the tears, walk towards the closest Pier
settle down, sip the beer, now its time to let the feels.
@ndugger baby hurt me more
wait wrong lyrics wrong song
!!strawberry or peach
@Proxy strawberry
i'm out of peaches anyway
@Proxy i only has grapes :/
No season for Strawberries here yet

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