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Anyone has experience with Akka.net?
Another morning, another power outage during the night that left all PCs turned off.
I want to write some code which injects code randomly into my app's execution, checks if a method is running on the UI thread, and send a notification to the dev team saying "Are you sure this code should run on the UI thread?"
so how about them microsoft computer failures
What, the WannaCry business?
70% of russia got infected from the chart i saw
wait...that chart is just impossible
Which means 70% of Russia runs unpatched Windows.
The vulnerabilty was patched over a month ago.
yes they do
I imagine though some servers that are connected to the internet
running windows 2012 or something
can be affected
ok its my fantasy
From what I heard, the vector of attack required user action, so only servers that were used to read mail.
hmm well thats not really a dangerous thing then...
if it requires human action
I mean all you gotta do is not be silly
I'm hopeful it will be a good warning for future proponents for putting government-accessible backdoors for encryption.
Even if for some reason you trust the government not to misuse its access, you can never be sure that only the government will have access to it.
yes but the government does want the backdoors and they aren't really tech savvy people
politically governments did a lot more dangerous stuff throughout the years without batting an eye
The governments aren't the issue, it's the tech companies.
arent they giving them direct orders?
They can't give them orders. Tech companies aren't government employees. All they can do is exert pressure.
This pressure can and should be countered by pressure in the opposite direction.
well ok fair enough but consider the situation
you are a startup, a somewhat successful startup
and some officials come to your office and offer you 20 million
just to add one line of code to your codebase
For instance, the US government, as well as others, keep trying to subpeona user details from Twitter and Facebook, and they keep trying to keep those subpeonas secret. Facebook has historically been very cooperative, while Twitter has made efforts to publicize the cases where they complied with governmental information requests.
thats 20 million(exaggerated) in profit
@misha130 You are a startup, a somewhat successful startup. Someone comes to your office and offers you 20 million dollars to use your software to sell drugs. Do you accept?
There's always a moral choice.
As well as a practical one.
I think morals can be ignored when its like one line of code
the speed of the action * the morality of the person / money = result of the conscious mind
I mean to say you say you don't really dwell on it that much, and hey what kind of harm it might do, really? its just one some silly backdoor
by the way mark zuckerberg is planning to run for president 2020
@misha130 I worked for a year on a project that supplied civilian intelligence to governments - license plate tracking, facial recgonition, and so on.
The primary client for this product was a country that routinely uses it to fund terrorism and suppress civic rights.
Do I need to ignore that to get a paycheck?
I think the best example would be a company that pollutes the environment
and in 20 years they'll affect our enviornment
I don't think there's a very big difference between a company including a government-accessible backdoor for money, and a company including a hacker-accessible backdoor/malware for money.
logically no, there isnt much difference
Both for ideological reasons (the governments shouldn't be blindly trusted) and for practical reasons (government back doors, as we've seen recently, have a way of making they ways to other hands)
but psychologically
@misha130 Yeah, you can tell by how he's going around the country meeting people are denying that he's running for president.
the gist of what I am trying to say about the whole backdoor thing is that its really easy to ignore it
you don't work on it day out and day in
it'll only affect anyone after a long period of time
so its very easy to convince yourself that this is ok
Oh, of course it's easy to ignore it. It's also easy to work on weapons systems, for instance, and not think about where they're used. It's very easy when your work is on software backend.
Same as for gambling and pornography. You're just optimizing video compression for low-bandwidth scenarios! It has many uses! So what if you work for a company that doesn't really use it to make educational videos available in 3rd world countries.
I had a friend that worked for Conduit. They made money hand over fist, but the whole raise d'etre of the company is to install malware and redirect traffic to advertisers.
My point is that even back-end programmers have a responsibility to consider the morality of their company's choices.
Even if it's easy not to.
Well, let me just mention gov regulations and the state should control this kind of thing from happening
If I was offered a project like the one I did in 2012, I wouldn't take it today.
diminishing the free market, sigh, I really believe that
@misha130 But the state does it itself. The backdoors the NSA developed with Microsoft are no different than the ones Conduit developed for its advertisers.
You say that as if it's a bad thing, or an optional thing.
Everyone is motivated by ideals. It's just that for many people they're not their stated ideals.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan by the way wouldn't really consider porn unmoral
its just a natural thing that humanity does
Like prostitution, I think there's a huge difference between theory and practice. I don't think it's thoretically immoral, it's just that the porn industry is a violent and abusive industry.
but its necessary and again I am on the regulated by state train
Just like I don't think there's a moral problem with women willingly engaging in prostitution, I just think that 99.9% of prostitution isn't like that. It's abusive, rapey and murdery. And I think those .01% that have their right to free occupation limited don't justify the rest of the misery the industry creates.
I'd want to separate prostitution and porn but I realize the same issues exist in porn and fundamentally you are right
you know what, hopefully in a few years you'll get robot prostitutes and robot porn
2 hours later…
Any suggestion on how to store data along with creating forms without using inheritance and Tag property. i.e when I create an object of FrmAccount I want to send a string value
@MohamedAhmed Remember that we don't know what framework you're using.
Assuming it's Winforms, then your FrmAccount is a class. Just add a property to it.
WPF application .NET 4.5
So I'm guessing when you say "form" you mean "window".
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan the problem is that I have dozens of forms (UserControl)
@MohamedAhmed And what's the problem with the two standard approaches that you mentioned but rejected?
Tag can only store one object (which is OK now) but may be I want to send more data.
Tag is a bad, stopgap measure. Untyped and unsafe.
If this is WPF and they're user controls, meaning they're dependency objects, you can use attachedp roperties.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Yes, this is another reason why I'm looking for better alternative
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I'm new to WPF, what exactly I need to search for to get this approach, please ?
Ever wondered how <TextBlock Grid.Row="1"/> works?
TextBLock itself doesn't define a Row property, but Grid defines an attached property, meaning that TextBlock can store the value of Grid.Row.
TextBlock doesn't know what Grid.Row is. It doesn't need to. It just stores it.
When Grid attempts to layout its children, it reads the Grid.Row property from the TextBlock and uses it.
Similarly, you can define a FormMetadata attached property and add it to your controls.
This is awesome! I'll go for a try, thanks @AvnerShahar-Kashtan
This is similar to HTML5's Data attributes.
Though a bit more verbose and structured, as WPF tends to be.
Spotted a tweet the other day, announcing 'XAML Standard'. So it looks like WPF and Modern UI apps or whatever they're called are being standardised cross-platform
Presumably there isn't a XAML-based view engine for anything other than Windows yet
oh hey Xamarin Forms is XAML. Fair enough
Hello, guys!
@TomW I wonder if that means that Windows desktop, as one of the platforms, will also see some improvement.
WPF has been pretty much stagnant for years.
Nah, it seems like most of the work there is to standardize between UWP and Xamarin.
> Post specification plans include support of XAML standard in Xamarin.Forms and UWP.
Yeah, WPF is dead.
Hey guys,

How can I set text to a label while I have another operation running in the background?
@TonyBatista Winforms? WPF? WebForms? MVC?
MFC? WxWidgets? TCL/TK? OWL?
So you want your background thread to update the UI?
This is the problem. I have a login form and I want to indicate to the user that the application is processing the request once he/she clicks the submit button. The problem is that I am setting the labe1.TEXT = ""; when the form starts but I cannot get the program to set it to label.Text = "processing"; when the user clicks the submit button.
You're setting it and immediately start processing? You probably need to call Application.DoEvents so that the main UI message loop can handle the update.
Okay, so the "Application DoEvents" should be set inside the login button event, right?
Presumably, yes.
I just tried that but it dit not work.
After setting the label's text, you need the main UI loop to refresh the display. But it can't if your thread is still executing, since it won't allow the UI thread to do its job.
Is your processing happening in a different thread?
Yes, indeed the Thread is busy trying to open the main form when the submit button event is triggered.
I have no idea what you just said, but if you're trying to update hte UI from a background thread, you should dispatch the call to the UI thread:
Q: update a control in UI with running background Thread in Winforms

user1444231I am using Background Worker Thread in my Winform, inside my Do_Work Event I am calculating something, what I need the thing is that simultaneously I would like to update a label which is in main/UI thread ? how to achieve this? I want to update my label from Do_Work event...

I'm not sure but it sounds as though you're inverting the definitions of 'main' and 'background'
Yes, am not using the backgroud Thread but the main Thread.
So the long-running operation should run on a background thread, while the main thread should be kept free to make the UI responsive. So I think what you need to do is run the login process on a BackgroundWorker
Q: How to make a pictureBox visible and update a label text when the button click event is triggered?

Tony Batistahopefully, someone can help with this problem. I have a login form and I want to the let the user know that the application is processing his/her request once the submit button clicked. The problem is that I am setting the labe1.TEXT = ""; and the pictureBox2.Visible = false; when the form starts...

public void UpdateLabel(String text)
        if (label2.InvokeRequired)
            label2.Invoke(new Action<string>(UpdateLabel), text);
        label2.Text = text;
oh, hm OK I guess that could work
it just looks odd to call the update method within itself
@Tom I just posted the question to explain myself better
So where are you calling UpdateLabel?
oh duh yes I see it
Yes, for some reason it doesn't update still.
1 hour later…
Need some advice, is Microsofts AntiXss library still a valid library for sanitizing html form imput from users? Browsing the stack questions I mostly see posts dating from before 2014 for this library.
How would I convert this code to windforms?

    "var timer = new DispatcherTimer { Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10) };
            timer.Tick += delegate
                MessageBox.Show("Logoff trigger");
            InputManager.Current.PostProcessInput += delegate (object s, ProcessInputEventArgs r)
                if (r.StagingItem.Input is MouseButtonEventArgs || r.StagingItem.Input is KeyEventArgs)
Anyone familiar with Akka.net?
No worries, I figure it out.
the crust is the best part of pizza
1 hour later…
In a Windows Forms Dropdown, i have same item several times (only the display member). If I expand the dropdown, I can see them multiple times. But if I search in the dropdopwn, the item appears only once in the result. Is there any way to make the same display member (but different item) multiple time?
Never mind, I'll go ask it as a Question, thanks
perhaps you want to set the display members value
so you can determine which one was selected
1 hour later…
Anyone knows how to check for file signatures without using FindMimeFromData
I dont want to use any unmanaged code
I was looking at this implementation
@ShrtTth why don't you want to use the method specifically designed for that purpose?
which is ?
@TomW or ur referring to FindMimeFromData?
Why not use that, if that provides the functionality you need?
yes but it uses unmanaged code right?
can that lead to a vulnerability ?
@ShrtTth all that unmanaged code means is that runtime has no control over the execution of the code
Often times you would use that, when for ex. u use code from third party, ex. Math libs written in c++
They might have wrappers so that you can use them in c#
But they aren't manageable by the compiler
Meaning all you can do is to trust the lib to be written well.
okay so i have to trust the one who written the code
I think I wont have any problems
Yeah, but I say it's a safe bet.
The problem arises when there are memory leaks and stuff like that in the unmanged code right?
well yeah
Since you can't really do anything about them other than writing your own version of them with preventive measures for memory leaks
But again, just go with it
Yeah I dont think I would have any problem with that ddl
I think so as well, as a quick google search threw me tons of results
Yep been searchin for hours now XD
Always learning something new :)
That's programming my friend :)
yep love it !
As I said above, all good math libs aren't written in c# as for performance reasons
And they are used all the time
in c# or c++?
read that wrong lol
And if you were to write a program which is used to predict stuff/ml would it be better to write it in python or c++ ? for performance
@RoelvanUden omg I'm in love with erased. Not finished yet (tho close) but it's so pulling you in! Not that I have seen a lot of anime, but this one goes on my good list ;)
@ShrtTth ml as in?
Machine learning , Regression and stuff like that
all require math libs
@ShrtTth as for beginning in machine learning, you can choose both. As for performance, at this day c/c++ beats all in this topic (as far as I know, but I could be wrong). Python comes really close tho.
@ShrtTth I'm off now, gotta drive. Be back in an hour, so you can throw some questions in if you want.
@KamilSolecki awesome thanks for ur help man, enjoy the ride
1 hour later…
@ShrtTth Also, I can point you to some really good resources about neural networks:
Especially the second one - it's one of the best explanations I've ever seen
With dynamic charts and modules you can manipulate and see what's going on
1 hour later…
Which decision should I start with if I want to build my future, web or client Java development?
I want to build my own business,feeling exciting with mobile games(Learned C#,3ds) &studying Unity.i’m little afraid should i continue?will i fall down?people says mobile games is big world, you can’t create a game alone. should i choose this way?or should i search for another chance in web world
@KamilSolecki next watch legend of galactic heroes or nana, and ascend to the next level
@Jason4Ever what would you like to do in the future? develop games, work on mobile app s etc? Its something only you know :P.
whatever you want to accomplish will mostly take a lot of time (few years). As if you will fail, yeah that's quite possible but you will learn a lot along the way
@KamilSolecki Gradually, you too, shall become an anime addict. Once you see that there are different types of worthwhile stories not seen in other media, you will fall for it. Deeply and forever. Glad you're enjoying Erased! :-)
@Jason4Ever There is only one possible future in the long term, and that future is the web. That means JavaScript, and learning all about the possibilities it entails, from technologies like Node and React and Angular, all the way to employing WebSockets and WebRTC. That doesn't mean other skills or frameworks are bad, not at all. Learn everything you can, you will only get smarter. And you sure can create games alone, but it's much harder. But that's okay. You can do it if you really try.
@Jason4Ever tbh, trial and failure will still push you forward - a lot. In the end, every single thing you learn You will have an opportunity to use someday. So I'd never worry about failure, just do it and see how far you get :)
Unless you learn how to chat with people in binary. Don't do this one.
@RoelvanUden So I shall! Now, off towards completion of the series!
hey guys
what's up
Nuthin much

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