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2 hours later…
so parallel invoke uses all threadss available or what?
1 hour later…
@SteveG dont you like, sleep? :D
@RoelvanUden Oh boi, the plot intensifies!
lol no
Duh, I have to do at least 4 hours
hi guys
so if i use parallel.invoke does it use other threads?
if i invoke 3 methods in parallel, and there are 8 threads available, will it use 3 threads?
3 hours later…
Mornin folks
1 hour later…
in universal windows phone, where is the 'oneDrive' directory? i'd like to create a new file in the oneDrive directory
Hi all, wondering if someone could help me understand some unsafe code. I'm trying to re-create this code here (which works as it is, but need to make some changes): github.com/mjsabby/CopyOnWriteDump/blob/master/Program.cs I'd like to get rid of the unsafe blocks and basically do a process mem dump from a process snapshot.
I got the snapshot part working perfectly fine, but when I call MiniDumpWriteDump it throws an error. I'm passing IntPtr.Zero to the last param of MiniDumpWriteDump which is what I think is causing the issue
but I can't really understand what the callback on that code is doing
Colleagues, if the profile looks like this - dropbox.com/s/qn15k8j027zua27/… does it mean there is no further room for optimisations?
(other than finding entirely different algorithm)
@zerkms well it seems to be saying the bottleneck is in PathFinder.Find if I understand correctly - so I guess it depends what that looks like?
If it were spending most of its time in .net framework methods I'd agree with you as you can't change those
Find is a recursive and higly optimised function to find the longest path that satisfies the constraint
and the task being solved is a classical NP one
> Using the following selection of English Pokemon names, generate a sequence with the highest possible number of Pokemon names where the subsequent name starts with the final letter of the previous name.
do you have a % improvement you're aiming for?
me and friends of mine implement it in different languages here: github.com/LLGAssessment
and at the moment .net core c# behaves MUCH slower than java and C (that are the current winners)
MUCH slower is ~100ms vs ~20ms
Oh I see. Well that is troubling
Golang is at the 60ms mark (probably can be slightly tuned more).
You have some very simple method calls that might be inlined, but might not, e.g. IsVisited
if they're not inlined you're spending cycles pushing and popping stack frames just to enter that method
yep, but IsVisited is not even caught by a profiler
only the custom stack's Push
> if they're not inlined you're spending cycles pushing and popping stack frames
that's what I don't know how to profile
Good question, I don't either. I dunno whether they're not there because they're insignificant or because the profiler is showing you something different
before I used List<T> and Stack<T> intensively, but avoiding it in favour of arrays and a custom specialised stack gave doubled the performance
and the current result is the best I can get with the help of the built-in VS Community profiler tool
You have enumerables in there, they're not the quickest
in hot paths it's arrays everywhere, I hope
Enumerable.ToList and Enumerable.ToArray
bottom of the profiler trace
they take 0.02%
oh I see, there they are, yeah they don't look like they're on the hot path
I'm really surprised - the java version (and tbh every other language version) uses similar implementation
but jvm is ~5 times faster for this problem o_O
Do you expect Stack.ToList to be called a lot?
it's called ~20 times
and the number of iterations is millions
OK, another red herring
It'd be nice to get a line-level profile wouldn't it
yep :-)
out of curiosity: 634159545 that's the number of Find calls
and 26 is the number of Stack.ToList calls
> line-level profile
that's how I profiled Go actually
their profiler is great - shows both per-line time consumption + allocations
and thanks to that could improve the initial naive implementation by 500 times (in terms of time, and 0 allocations in terms of memory)
thanks for your time btw
no worries, although I'm not really helping
humour me, manually inline those one-line methods by just copying the statement into Find, wouldya?
even rubber-ducking helps
For my peace of mind I'd like to see whether I'm right or not
yep, that's what I'm doing atm
The difference is within statistical error
So it does not look it changes anything
The pizzeria I'm sitting in has just played a 10 minute loop of Yomaha yomoaso (you're my heart you're my soul)
Why would you do that
@TomW I just got another 40% improvement o_O
oh cool, how you manage that
so, seems like I need a lower level tool
and get my hands dirty with IL
since the VS profiler does not actually show the difference between the two :-(
and now c# is faster than Go (4.9s vs 5.8s), hooray
oh yeah, remove List if you can, if you really want speed
and java is at ~3.6s on the same machine with the same input... And C is ~2.4s
2 hours later…
@War ah. I see silence bothers you as well.
3 hours later…
2 hours later…
I can hear crickets....
@KendallFrey How's life treating you Kendall?
Kinda slow today, but can't complain
hi.i have 2 website in solution one is mvc other one is webforms.i want to build both of them in output but just webforms files is accessable from url,when do build all projects builds
It sounds like you have two applications in your solution, is that right?
no 2 c# project ,1 mvc web application and one webform website
right, so two applications
You can't serve two applications from one url
yes but i cant access mvc one files .mvc one is for api section
I mean, in theory you could
you mean if i copy it's content to webforms app folder it will work?
Ahoy hoy errybody
If anyone is Web API savvy (particularly the internals and extending it's fuckery) I'd appreciate your input:
Q: ASP.NET Web API overloads/params

DanThe tl;dr version is: Can I emulate params/overloading for Web API methods without having to implement a custom IHttpActionSelector? Params I was surprised to find that params isn't supported in Web API methods (and have since opened an issue in probably the wrong place) [HttpPost] [Route("T...

I can't speak to your issue but no, that is not possible right now.
In particular, the compiler syntax that conveniently creates the array for you in the C# compiler is not done by the routing mechanism.
@LasseV.Karlsen That was directed at me, right?
If I do implement a custom IHttpActionSelector, I might be able to accomplish this though, no? Via checking the deserialized parameters and for ParamArrayAttribute...
Or should I expect to be wasting my time? lol
@LasseV.Karlsen ^
That I don't know. I simply rewrote my API when I discovered this.
Ah, you encountered this too, eh?
I don't want to expose another endpoint...
I had the luxury of implementing both the client and the server, so I could change both without worries.
Assertion lib for roslyn stuff ^
@LasseV.Karlsen I have the same luxury for now, but I'll have 3rd party clients when this release is deployed
The primary client right now is an Angular app, so I'm just wrapping the service call that dispatches the HTTP to the API such that it calls _.ensureArray(param)
And I'm just exposing the collection endpoint.
Well, I'm bored. Anyone got an open source project that I could contribute to?
@LasseV.Karlsen Grab an issue from here
If you write WPF that is.
Sorry, I don't. I know I should but my work is on winforms since many years back so I've never delved into WPF :(
ok np, grab issues from here then :)
@LasseV.Karlsen oh my god i'm so sorry
The disposable parts will be split out into a separate analyzer
Making pull requests with failing tests is awesome also
@JohanLarsson What is that project? The readme file is not very descriptive about what this project is.
@KendallFrey I'm a backend programmer so I'm not really all that worried.
@LasseV.Karlsen this readme?
I even think it is pretty good :D
@JohanLarsson But what does the project do? Sorry if I'm being thick.
Do you have VS2015 + and some code available?
2017, and a class library of mine, yes
Install this then (add as nuget)
ok, hang on
commit any changes before so you can revert leaving no trace of it
It is safe btw
I don't have uncommitted changes, but thanks for the warning :)
With some luck the analyzer will find a bug or two
And you will probably find one or two bugs in the analyzer :D
I like it :)
It slows down build a bit, the disposable analyzers does pretty insane climbing of the ast
Only thing I don't like, and that has nothing to do with you your code or nuget package, is that I have to add it as a nuget package to a particular project
you can add it as vsix also
I just have not published it on the marketplace as I think it makes more sense as a nuget that follows the code
Yes, there are bugs.
in the analyzer?
or it could just be how ReSharper interacts with this, not sure yet
it added parameter names to some calls with Alt+Enter (which does invoke Visual Studio quick-fixes)
which ended up as build errors
yeah, there is a lag, usually you need to move cursor position for r# to pick up the roslyn warnings
@LasseV.Karlsen ew bug, can you repro?
not yet, let me fiddle around with it
this is what the tests look like btw
We should probably make that analyzer disabled by default
It is nice when using NewtonSoft.Json
but the fix should not generated broken code
To re-iterate my issue with it being a nuget package, and this is again not related to your code, just related to how Microsoft have decided to do this, is that if I release my package using your analyzers it will have a dependency on your analyzer nuget package
My project is a .NET Standard 1.0 class library
yeah but yu probably don't add an analyzer as a dependency
@LasseV.Karlsen that should work with an analyzer as the code in your lib does not touch it
The analyzer is just having a look at the code via roslyn
Yes, but my project is a .NET Standard class library
And if you ask Visual Studio to create a nugetpackage from it, it'll just ignorantly add every dependency as a nuget dependency.
ok, I use paket.exe for all my stuff
Then the nuspec looks like this
Nuget used to be such a pain, dunno what it is like now, have not used it much the last couple of years.
Heh, ok, my computer decided to freak out on me so I had to restart
So I asked git to revert all changes, then added your analyzer again.
Then I fixed all problem, but now the only one left is that the analyzer complains about ... itself
haha, screenie?
did it find any real bugs or just OCD things?
It does a decent job of spotting errors with IDisposable
It complains about my nuspec having a dependency on a prerelase dependency :)
no problems with IDisposable, only complained about unnamed boolean parameters.
Severity	Code	Description	Project	File	Line	Suppression State
Warning		Description: A stable release of a package should not have a prerelease dependency.	DiffLib	C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\MSBuild\Sdks\NuGet.Build.Tasks.Pack\build\NuGet.Build.Tasks.Pack.targets	104
Warning		Issue found with package 'DiffLib'.	DiffLib	C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\MSBuild\Sdks\NuGet.Build.Tasks.Pack\build\NuGet.Build.Tasks.Pack.targets	104
should be a way to exclude a dependency I feel
if not remove the analyzer or use paket
paket i not quite there when it comes to packing netstandard things yet though
We really need a code fix for the name boolean args one.
It generates huge numbers of nags and should be a trivial fix
It was a trivial fix for me, but perhaps that is just ReSharper
I could just hit Alt+Enter and pick the suggested entry on all the items...
yeah r# does a decent job at that
no fix all for project or sln though
as in naming all bool args in the project
Well, yes and no
It can add parameter names to all parameters in the solution but it doesn't discriminate against boolean arguments or not
So it added them all..................
yeah, probably not what you want most of the time
Not at all, but I share your dislike against boolean parameters/arguments :)
But now I want to find out how to submit an issue with the nuget package generator for VS2017 in regards to analyzers
same with null and number literals
Your package didn't add anything needed to compile my package, so why the nuget package dependend on it is a mystery to me.
I've submitted a bug report against VS2017 about this.

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