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@war 1. Part of my dynamic searchbox control, using Reactive collecitons as hinted by @ntohl.
2. I got it working, by magically restarting VS. So either I have a memory leak or somehow something got blocked
@AdiMohan it is but it's complex to do
Yet I have not experienced this issue ever since.
@KamilSolecki weird ... for me I would hook that up to a standard API call
for me though "stnadard" these days is OData
@war I'm gonna give it a few more tries, if not i also hear link is good at achieving this task
yeh LINQ is awesome for this
you just give it an IQueryable<T> and you can do amazing things
@war 1. It will be hooked up to an async call to DB, but responsive collections seem to make it easier to build a dynamic control that changes due to async data being pummeled at it
yeah LINQ is really cool
especially the push/pull enumerated/interpreted dual thing
@KamilSolecki does it subscribe to db notifications or something ?
Ever heard of IQbservable<T>? (Not a typo). If yes, have you ever seen it used for anything? I haven't.
@war Specifically a search box, that has a dynamic suggestion popup with data pulled from DB
@KamilSolecki i'd probably go down the route of putting a sevice bus in to my business layer then have a signalr hub subscribe to bus events for that
Kendo can bind to signalr sources too
gives you realtime changing sets of data on a page
Thats telerik tho
and the MVVM stuff means you can literally put a realtime view of a db table on to a web page
thats moneys to spend :(
Also, there is no webpage involved. Its a desktop app.
well if you don't mind building the data source and grid code some other way it can't be that hard to achieve
ah ok ... desktop stuff should be even easier
no http protocol getting in the way
you could use custom transports and what not
Im almost done with it actually, (no db call yet) and seemingly It takes 2 properties and 2 methods to get it running
So, quite code-cheap
Fk just dropped phone on concrete...
@war Never heard of custom transports, imma check that out
LOL, guess what we found in our tests
@KendallFrey marijuana?
So, this test first asserts that the default date of an entity is equal to DateTime.Today
Then it reassigns the date and then asserts that it is not equal to today
Guess what it reassigns the date to
is it today?
i bet its today
ding ding ding we have a winner
May 12
@War Reactive doesn't get in the way in any You have mentioned.
hardcoded may 12?
Ix does everything that Rx does just with IQueryable
@satibel yep
You can subscribe on anything
@ntohl neat :)
change it to june, it should work.
I have to admit ... it's been a long time since I did anything desktop app realted
just You don't have to implement a hoard of stuff
question: is it possible to build high performance games with WPF or should I use a game engine?
@KamilSolecki right
I was debating pulling in the raw GL / DX api's and building something from there
basically build out my own engine base
With my experience when I made a custom graphing calc
Just for the learning experience tbh
Dont ever go for any game
@War Depends what you're doing
There are inevitably things WPF does not do well
@KendallFrey think minecraft ... but way smaller voxels and larger scale (MMO player counts)
@KendallFrey one of them is drawing on canvas.
I would avoid WPF for any nontrivial 3D rendering
I also want to do things like compute stuff on the gpu
@KendallFrey ah ok ... thx
so ... dig right in to DX / GL directly then
@War Compute as in do math? Sounds like a job for OpenCL or CUDA or something
@War Would be much fun if you made a custom engine
@TomW Ix is the IQbservable. Yes
@KendallFrey compute as in mesh info ... given a function tree I need to execute the function tree to compute a set of voxels then off the voxelset compute mesh info
@KamilSolecki yeh that's what I ws thinking
if you want to make a game with c# I'd suggest using unity or XNA, but you loose the fun of making your own engine.
I tried in the past but failed ... but im way more experienced now so figured I might have better luck
given my new level of knowledge I would probably design it much better
That sounds CUDA much
@satibel it's gonna be C#
lol, I wrote a simple voxel mesh generator a couple days ago
small world
I did XNA as well
@KendallFrey I have a ton of older code running on unity already
but I find unity makes everything really slow
it was fairly simple
mainly because it's not async
the other idea I had was to use something like Xenko / XNA
but I figured what I want to d ois quite low level
As for the ready engines, UE4 beats Unity when it comes down to performance
Unity can be tuned heavily if you know what you're doing.
@KamilSolecki using C# in UE is a bit of a hack though is it not
@War XNA isn't too bad for fairly low-level stuff
@KendallFrey I did a raytracing render engine in java AWT, no excuses :p
you have to write a script to load the .Net stuff
It's not quite OpenGL level, so if you want GPGPU, go with something like CUDA
Even if thats the default scripting language there, it feels like it :)
@ntohl really? I can't see any evidence of that in the repository
@KendallFrey I was thinking that to get the performance level I need I would need to compute the mesh data o nthe gpu then make a render call and point it at the buffers I had generated in the compute calls
most engines rely on you having a mesh on the cpu to start with
I have no idea if that's something the GPU can do well
@KamilSolecki C# isn't the default scripting language in UE ... unless they changed something
I've never heard of that kind of calculation
@War I read unity, nevermind :)
maybe some shader trickery is in order
@KendallFrey The alternative is to do the computation on the cpu then send the results to the gpu
I have that working already in unity
it's slow AF
well, all things considered it's pretty fast ... but it's still slow AF
@KendallFrey yeh my plan is to do the computations based on a voxel resolution setting from the distance between the cam and the chunk that i'm computing
Wait, dynamically sized voxels?
@ntohl neat
@TomW checking. I thought it was that...
@KendallFrey no dynamically defined resolution on the compute functions
idk what that means
so voxels will have a size, and if the LOD in 1 step higher I comput the result of the mesh evaluating the set of verts for a block of 2x2x2 voxels at each "step"
make sense?
I've been programming for 10 years, not on the phone for 10 minutes. I can handle the technical details :P
@War yeah, sort of
so the gen function doesn't have to go as deep and the mesh compute gets less vertex data
I assume you have some criterion for what the bigger voxel meets for what it contains
I've noticed that appears to be what they are doing in stuff like Dual Universe and Voxelfarm
like, any 2x2x2 voxel with at least one populated voxel inside is populated?
yeh I would need to figure out the rules for that stuff but if the compute functions are fractal it should fall in to place
I've been trying to think about how I could write a function I could say "given the logic here compute "a voxel value for this whole volume as one value"
@TomW what I linked isn't really prove anything.
@War ohhhhh that's fantastic
then using recursion down to LOD per chunk I could say "now split that value for this portion fo the volume"
sort of top down computation
and because of the GPU I could compute many chunks in parralel
then forward all results in paralell in to the render process
with DX / GL directly I could asyn each chunk call if need be
so stuff would just be on screen as soon as it's ready
not everything has to be ready
I have a feeling the GPU could shade voxels without generating a mesh
@ntohl oh yeah, I have a decent idea where the type is defined, what I mean is applications of it
to actually solve a problem
yeh wondered that too
but then I thought
what I want to build will need to handle applying physics to the data too
I'm actually aware of one, only because Bart talks about it when he introduces it. Azure mobile notifications can use it apparently
so your app can define a query over all possible notifications it could receive, then push it to Azure and it's interpreted there
I have this as a string, 1h 0m
how can I convert it to TimeSpan ?
I want to treat the whole planet as a volume ... not just compute the surface but compute a view of a portion of it
I'm thinking we are a few years away from having this actually viable in home pc's but I want to build out some prototypes on a small scale then see how far I can optimise for when the tech catches up
gut feeling ... we are maybe 2 or 3 generations of gpu from handling that level of computation in realtime
@KendallFrey I took this in my current codebase: github.com/ricardojmendez/LibNoise.Unity
and then modified it ... I have it working on an api
so I have a web page I can use to construct the module trees
drag and drop front end (like a workflow designer)
@ntohl One thing I dont get (yet again). We declare:

IObservable<IEnumerable<ReminderBoxViewModel>> searchedStrings[...]

In the Constructor, and as expected, it fires only once, on load. What and where should make a call for it to update?
then the server does the computation
If I get this working on gpu's and allow it to be cloud hosted I could generate whole "to scale" solar systems
then stream sets of voxel data to clients over tcp / udp and pass that to the clients gpu which can then compute mesh info from it and render
If I could afford it my current cpu based prototype would actually be viable on the cloud spreading compute load over many machines to build a large world without too much trouble
@TomW I would review my codes if we use entity framework, if IQbservable can be used at some places. For example the same quick search function
but once computed the load drops
@TomW other think comes to my mind, is when scrolling on a map refreshes something queried from EF
I think you'd need a query provider that supports it, I dunno whether there are many
could build one that wraps a simpler query provider
so like EF supports turning LINQ statements into SQL, your IQbservable provider has to support turning queries into...something. Whatever the data source uses to do its work
@KamilSolecki you don't call update on it. It would be a Subject to do that. You are observing some events on that.
@TomW yeh either construct LINQ or something like OData queries
not sure of the architecture though
is it socket connected, direct to the db or over http / something
that could affect / limit the possibilities
@War does OData support writing a query that sends results back over a websocket, or something like that?
That would be a more notification-based model that you could use
@TomW don't think so
it's about stateless calls
@TomW I think there is a direct conversion from IQueryable to IQbservable. Behind the scenes async handling orchestration is added as a value. So IQueryable does the same as before.
@ntohl First I assumed that is what is supposed to happen, but the changes in searchedText (which I had tested for) don't seem to be reflected there, thus SearchForText never fires. OR, could it be that its caused by my SearchForText to run synchronously right now?
that's why i got thinking about using something like signalr then @ntohl mentioned he wasn't doing this as a web client thing
but there has to eb a similar thing to signalr for desktop clients
or does signalr support desktop?
@KamilSolecki did You subscribe the Observable? And doing things in the subscription?
@ntohl yes, they're duals of one another. But just wrapping one in the other doesn't actually give you the features intended for IQbservable. Just like making an IEnumerable into an IQueryable doesn't really do anything
that would provide the realtime feedback from the server ot the client(s)
@TomW the right example would be IEnumerable<> to IObservable<>, but that can be done.
@TomW I believe it's working the same from IQueryable to IQbservable
@ntohl Yes I did. But from my understanding thats unrelated, as subscription in my case is to call some ui updates, whereas the method that should pull the data from the db (which currently only returns VMs) doesn't ever fire.( there are changes in searchText ReactiveProperty)
@KamilSolecki hmm. It works for me. Yes it should be because of wrong async handling in the SearchForText()
K then, ill look into that.
@KamilSolecki just use for example return Task.FromResult(Enumerable.Range(1,100).Select(x => new VM(x));
that's a dummy
@KamilSolecki where VM is ReminderBoxViewModel
    @ntohl Weird as hell, but still no help:

    private async Task<IEnumerable<ReminderBoxViewModel>> SearchForText(string searchedText)
            return await Task.FromResult(Enumerable.Range(1, 100).Select(x => new ReminderBoxViewModel()));

It never gets to this method
@KamilSolecki You mentioned selectedText is changing. How? Code plz
@KamilSolecki don't await that
private async Task<IEnumerable<ReminderBoxViewModel>> SearchForText(string searchedText)
            return Task.FromResult(Enumerable.Range(1, 100).Select(x => new ReminderBoxViewModel()));
@ntohl I added a check for selectedText.value in the setter
Pops a message
ohh. Sorry
await it :D
Yeah i know ;)
@KamilSolecki what setter?
private ReactiveProperty<string> _searchText;
public ReactiveProperty<string> SearchText
    get { return _searchText; }
        _searchText = value;
And its bound as follows:
<usercontrols:SearchBox [...] Text="{Binding Path=SearchText, Mode=OneWayToSource, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" >
@KamilSolecki bind to SearchText.Value
ReactiveProperty is a wrapper around a property of type T (generic type). From there You can use the functionalities of Reactive through the wrapper, and the property itself (of type T) as wrapper.Value
Sadly is of no help. If I think about it, it must allow to bind to the wrapper itself and tunnels down the value, since without .Value it still popped me a messagebox with the correct string in it
so You could also fire the SearchText's modification by writing SearchText.Value = "foo";
@KamilSolecki that's because the wrapper is initialized. But that wrapper is something like a variable for an Event. You created the variable, but not using it anywhere.
Ah ok.
My last guess is that the IoC container could be somehow fucking with it?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@Kieran that was quick. ;)
also ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
try to directly fire it within the VM
Nothing. Never hit the breakpoint
(which is inside the method we tryna call ofc)
@KamilSolecki Ohh. I have 1 more idea. Maybe if there are no subscribers, it doesn't do anything? I'll check it on my code
@ntohl it has subscribers tho :D
Ill pop you my VM through pastebin, maybe I am not seeing something
@KamilSolecki ok. Also that is quirky, but ItemsSource should be binded to VM's ItemsSource ReactiveCollection, not ItemsSource.Value...
@ntohl yes, it is like that.
seems right
I put a breakpoint on return await Task [.....]
It has never been reached
test it with SearchText = new ReactiveProperty<string>(mode:ReactivePropertyMode.None);
btw subscription matters. If there are no subscribers(but You have), I haven't reached the same breakpoint
(cleverer than I thought)
Well, two things happened.
1. Nothing changed
That's 1 thing
2. My ItemsSource started crying that the collection isnt empty before initialization (i really wonder how)
So i unbound my view
leaving only the prop change thats in the Ctor, and thats where nothing happened. again.
@KamilSolecki wow. Try add ItemsSource.ClearOnScheduler(); before AddOnScheduler
bind it back, and remove the direct modification on SearchText.Value
what is Your UI framework btw?
Stupid question, but how are you not getting null on your ItemsSource? Your VM is initializing ItemsSource before it's declared. Am I missing something?
I think that your point might be ultra valuable @Kramb
Lemme restruct
ItemsSource = new ReactiveCollection<ReminderBoxViewModel>(); is in there
Yea, I think that's what I'm missing. I don't know the Reactive namespace
Side note; my Visual Studio shit itself and my color scheme is all funky.
Wait, I just remembered that its c# and code order usually does not matter
@ntohl although something is trying to add something to collection now, and Imma follow that path till it wont error out. Ill update you in a minute :D
@Kramb it's coming from nuget
@KamilSolecki code order DOES matter, but You did it right. ItemsSource = new ReactiveCollection<ReminderBoxViewModel>(); is in the constructor, before anything else. Even before UpdateUI might call modification on it
@ntohl that looks pretty cool
makes me wanna try it but I have no desktop projects on my backlog
@War :) I'm glad to show something fancy
^ that is my VM. Side note: if You include Fody.PropertyChanged from nuget, and add [ImplementPropertyChanged] before the class, You don't have to write OnPropertyChanged anywhere
it's very clever stuff
that was the first package I could advertise here with a great success >D every other package was too complex
@ntohl although something is trying to add something to collection now, and Imma follow that path till it wont error out. Ill update you in a minute :D

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