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@KamilSolecki If 4 out of 5 people SUFFER from diarrhea…does that mean that 1 enjoys it? - George Carlin
5 hours later…
Good morning.
Good morning
How are you man !
Long time no see .
Yeah, I've been away for a while.
I want to post some data to a web service which is written in C#
When I call it , I am getting this message .
Object moved to <a href="/Error.aspx?aspxerrorpath=/httpapi/sendsms">here
How can I resolve this error ?
Why do I get this message ?
Any idea ?
Hard to say. The service is redirecting you to an Error.aspx page instead of, you know, actually giving you the error message.
Are you in control of the API side of things?
It looks like the error handling is done by WebForms and is doing the standard thing for when a browser makes a bad request.
I do not have any control in API .
I have this web service from another company
Yeah . I am making a bad request .
Thanks man .
@satibel , which country are you from ?
morning :)
@007 so you drink windex? (obscure quebequistanese reference.)
@IccheGuri the country with the white flag :p
name ?
baguette land
just noticed 007 has the monopoly on the starboard.
slowly he has infiltrated and overtaken this room
i know c# i want to lean MVC5 could anyone suggest me some good books or online resource ?
I was woken up today by supa strong cramps in my leg
right after it let go, followed another one
I still feel it
@RoelvanUden you there?
I think VS Blend might be a cool tool, but all I use it for is converting vector images to paths :D
@KamilSolecki I hate waking up from charley-horses.
It hurts for hours afterwards.
The worst is the moment you get them
And you are like rolling all over hoping the pain goes away
and there comes another one
know c# i want to lean MVC5 could anyone suggest me some good books or online resource ?
Had one the other morning, just as I was about to get up. Shouted in pain. My wife leaped up and massaged my calf, and saved me about 90% of the pain. Immediate care works.
The best possible way to learn something new is to think of a project.... and just do it. You will much more on the way than you ever will going through textbooks @DeepakJain
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I just try to stretch is as much as possible
@DeepakJain A good reference is docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/mvc/mvc5, though it's more a reference than a tutorial.
Books are usually a terrible way to learn something as volatile and changing as MVC.
@DeepakJain you just need to start working, and when you stumble upon a problem - go online and try to find a solution
Your first few projects will prob look like shit
But its okay
thats the learning process
I do not know how you learn, but I started learning programming with books - and I had the theory, I just had no idea what is going on. Writing code is the single best teacher you can get.
@SebastianL Yeah.
Say, @RoelvanUden, would you be theoretically interested in, ummm, a certain link to a certain torrent of a certain movie? Theoretically, of course.
Theoretically, sure, yeah, I would have in theory, interest, in that.
Thats.... theoretically legal.
Does anyone know why you can use dynamic resource in generic.xaml but not static resource?
I'll destroy the link later:
Got it. In theory.
@RoelvanUden yay o/ i just need a little programming structure advice ^^

In ajax i tried all the possible functions and the hit still won't go to the server. There is no error.
Browser doesn't stop at the debugging point either.
Nor does the VS stops at its debugger point on start of the action method.
@ARr0w What HTTP response does the .ajax call return?
MOrn all
@ARr0w in datareceived.
thanks for interview questions yesterday
I already told them what I earned
return Json(new { Response = "Invalid Username or Password." });
@RoelvanUden i want to code an interface *IExport* with a method *ExportToFile(someType someParams)*.
In my environment i have a ServiceProvider which can collect all Services based on Interfaces, Constructor and or Name.
For different exporttypes *ExportToFile* has different parameters, what is the best way to implement this so it still is *IExport* ?
inb4 Thanks ^^
good morning
@SebastianL Really confused about your question
@ARr0w So the JS does receive the error from the C# code?
no, nothing. No errors, no pauses on debugger points
@SebastianL You want to have different implementations of IExport.ExportToFile(params) have different params?
not even
this error occurs from ajax:
error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
$("#loginError").text("Error encountered while logging in");
i have a interface method with one or more parameters depending on the implementing class, but for reasons i can't use multiple interfaces
see ajax, i think ajax is not being hit on button click
@ARr0w Ok. And what's the thrownError?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan something like that yes
@SebastianL That's usually a mess when dealing with polymorphic calls. How does the caller know which params to pass to the implementation, without knowing what type it is?
@SebastianL Isn't IExport.ExportToFile<T>(T someParamWithATypeContainingAllParams) enough?
i figured object[] parameters would be bad so i'm a bit clueless
@RoelvanUden thanks for your interview questions yesterday..... lots of HR questions ...Yawn
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan , see jquery ajax, please. I tried all possible ways to try the button click to hit that jquery function. But on button click the hit doesn't go to ajax at all that is why 'nothing is happening'
Basically, you have an object that is an IExport, but knowing it's an IExport doesn't tell you all you need to know about how to use it.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan :

$("button[type=submit]").on("click", function () {
//$("button[type=submit]").onClick(function () {
//$("#login_btn").on("click", function () {
//$("#login_btn").onClick(function () {
var User = new user();
@ARr0w Ah, didn't see the "not even" there.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan it is like a PlugIn system where anyone can add stuff, but some exports require extrainformation
and i do not know how to implement this
@SebastianL And what mechanism collects this extra information?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan , okay, so why the jquery functions are not working for button click?
any idea?
 IExport[] exporters = GetAllExporters();
 foreach (var exporter in exporters)
       exporter.ExportToFile(...?); // how does the provider know what to pass here?
Let's try to find a way:
 IExport[] exporters = GetAllExporters();
 foreach (var exporter in exporters)
       var exportData = BuildExportData(exporter.Type);
Is this about right?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan For Example if i want to export addresses i will call AddressManager.Export(typeOfExport t,someType extraInformation)
@SebastianL But that requires you to know the concrete type AddressManager, not IExport.
AddressManager.Export will collect all classes that implement IExport and determine which is suitable for the Export based on the users choices
so in Pseudocode something like:
Will it only collect IExports that support the specific param set?
    var ServicesThatCanExportAddresses = ModuleProvider.GetServices<IExport, AddressManager>().All();
    ServicesThatCanExportAddresses.Where(x => x.Type == t).ExportToFile(params);
I think @ntohl's solution is good. Instead of IExport, have an IExport<TParameters>. Now build a parameter object - AddressExportParameters, and have your service implement IExport<AddressExportParameters>, and your Export method be defined as void Export(TParameters parameters).
Now your code explicitly defines what input parameters it requires.
It might make it a bit more complicated to have a class be able to export more than one type, but that's probably a good thing.
And you can get past that by using explicit interface implementation.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan @ntohl thanks for your suggestions i will try that :)
A slightly less elegant but simpler alternative is to have Export() receive an ExportParameters object, which is a base class of AddressExportParameters (or whatever), and the Export implementation will attempt to downcast it.
It's a lot less typesafe, since the compiler doesn't know if you're passing a ProductExportParameters to something that expects AddressExportParameters.
I used that sometimes ^
The reason the generic version is a bit more complicated is that IExport<AddressParameters> and IExport<ProductParameters> are different types, and you can't have a typed collection that holds them both.
with double dispatch it can also be made somewhat more typesafe
but the code will be a lot more unmaintanable
You'll probably have to have IExport<T> derive from IExport and have GetServices return an IEnumerable<IExport>, and downcast that to IExport<T>.
var ServicesThatCanExportAddresses = ModuleProvider.GetServices<IExport, AddressManager>().All().Cast<IExport<AddressExportParameters>>();
Morning o/
another day another architectural document no one will read but I gotta fill 20 pages with mumbo jumbo
@misha130 reports?
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whew lad
(I just picked up a random essay generator online for ya)
WPF templates hate him. He make 1000000 errors in just 5 days [see how]
<ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type local:SearchBox}">
<Border x:Name="Border"
Background="{TemplateBinding Background}"
BorderBrush="{TemplateBinding BorderBrush}"
BorderThickness="{TemplateBinding BorderThickness}">
<Grid x:Name="LayoutGrid">

<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<Label x:Name="LabelText"
Foreground="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource TemplatedParent},
Content="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource TemplatedParent},
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan you have no idea is the reason you ignored?
@ARr0w Oh, got sidetracked by the architecture question.
jQuery is a finicky thing.
true that
Don't do it
its a trap
Anybody can guess why Image is not showing up
Is it possible you're running the code to attach the click handler too early, before the button is rendered?
Exampleabove (sry bad formating)
@KamilSolecki Edit the text and press Ctrl-K to format.
I tried, but as I did that it was too late to edit.
do <pre> code <code>
No the tags dont work
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan that's possible.
Imoved the script to the bottom inside the <body> tag.
@ARr0w Is it surrounded with a
$(function() {
//code here
If you try and run jquery before a page is loaded it has some wierdness too it
@ARr0w Try just getting var btn = $("#submit_btn"); console.log(btn) and see if it resolves.
okay, @AvnerShahar-Kashtan bro
@Kieran , i've added this to jquery now. Let's see
$(function() {
//code here
Ctrl+K doesnt work either wth
@KamilSolecki Worked fine, actually.
@ARr0w You need to place whatever you are wanting to do on page load inside that
What was the problem with the control template?
<ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type local:SearchBox}">
                    <Border x:Name="Border"
                  Background="{TemplateBinding Background}"
                  BorderBrush="{TemplateBinding BorderBrush}"
                  BorderThickness="{TemplateBinding BorderThickness}">
                        <Grid x:Name="LayoutGrid">

                            <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
                                <Label x:Name="LabelText"
The thing is
Image doesnt show up
the geometry is fine i tested it elsewhere
this is what i received:

it detected the button
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan wow fixed.
but nothing is happening on click event -_- its not even going to the click event
It was Stretch=none
@Kieran , okay bro thanks <3 :0
@KamilSolecki Ahhh.
@ARr0w no worries
And the geometry itself probably doesn't specify a default size.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan YEY
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan hint its the magnifying glass
that's... very yellow :)
Debugging purposes
I like it
didnt appear ealier
so i made it super yellow
as for the rest of the window
That is how i do most of my apps :D
Friend of mine in college
just overheard this in his tutoring session
"HTML has many different data types as C#"
I cannot begin to understand why someone would think that
html has data.. types?
by the tutor or by some student?
if that was a tutor i'd be seriously worried
So i've just noticed something
007 is the only person on the starboard right now
there are weird people with weird opinions ^^
ever tried a gender studies lecture?
i also have no idea what that is
i left 15min after i went in
The fuck is gender studies
"Hmm, Well you have a penis"
google it,
"Ahh, You have a vagina!"
This makes sense
that would be considered offensive if you said that during the lecture ^^
gender studies is for those people who cannot bear the existence other opinions
Their revelation is probably similar to mine when I discovered snapToDevicePixels()
oh and they don't get a job
@SebastianL Let me just stop you right there and say that this is wrong, hateful and an extremely annoying claim.
I've studied some gender studies classes. I have my reservations, but this blanket statement merely shows you have no understanding of what the field actually involves.
i don't claim to know everything about gender studies, it's just my personal experience
It's about as reasoned and accurate as saying "studying mathematics is for people who don't understand human interactions". It's a mix of social stereotypes and ignorance.
Cant tell ig avner is trolling him right now or he does know that stuff and is right.
as long as you can discuss some controversal topics without autistic screeching, i don't consider you into that group ;)
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan but there are many academic degrees which are quite shallow
a degree in journalism
or art(lol)
@SebastianL Ah, but you didn't say that. You did claim to describe the field in general, and its members.
@misha130 There's a difference between a degree and a field. Yeah, you can finish a degree in gender studies, or art, or journalism, knowing nothing but buzzwords and empty statements.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan yeah you are right. Sorry for that, but thats my general impression on people who are into gender studies
But that doesn't mean that gender studies, or art studies, is an empty field with nothing but buzzwords and empty statements.
@SebastianL And how many people have you actually talked to about their studies? Have you ever actually tried to read any texts? Do you know what the curriculum involves?
Or are you taking some stereotypes, usually made up, of "feminazis" and projecting those onto the field?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan as mentioned above i tried to check some lectures on genderstudies, but those can be described as follows: Professor says something, everyone agrees, if someone does not, someone will shout at him/her for being offensive
a normal discussion just was not possible
it may not be the case for all gender studies lectures
but this was my experience
I am against academics in general I dont care if its gender studies or not :^)
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan since you do know more about genderstudies than me, what kind of job does someone tries to get after studying genderstudies?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan If I were to blind guess, I imagine gender studies (in the way you describe it) to be a mix of psychology and sociology, basically human interaction from the perspectives of male and female
Is that any correct?
@SebastianL A degree in humanities or social sciences usually isn't linked up to a job. Academia isn't trade school.
@SebastianL btw academics don't always have to lead towards a good-paying job, or any job at all
@KamilSolecki Mostly sociology. It's the study of how gender is represented in our society and culture.
For example, I'd really consider picking psychology after im done with IT, just cause it interests me
Not that i ever ever want to be a psychologist
And it helps a lot when you are a magician :D
Maybe i need to change my question: What job can you try to get with genderstudies, that is directly related?
SJW ;)
My bachelor's degree was a major in history, with a scattered humanities minor (linguistics, sociology and english lit). None of this prepared me for a job. All of it enriched me with general understanding of our world.
i think most SJW don't hae a clue about genderstudies
I have a bachelors in Computer Games Development (C++)
@SebastianL Most people who use the term SJW understand even less.
And then got a job doing nothing to do with that and using c#
@Kieran why yall picking social justice warrior? Why none of you wants to be a Social justice mage or social justice paladin?
Warrior has the best stats
A degree in GS doesn't prepare you for a job, but it informs your views of the world, and that is represented in things you do. It's represented in anything you create - from books to journalism, to video-game design.
Just like studying history, for example, will enrich and inform your undertstand of the world, which in turn affects anything you create.
All university gave me was anxiety
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan studying is pretty expensive ^^ so if it doesn't prepare for a job isn't that pretty hard to justify to study that?
@SebastianL Justify to who?
@SebastianL how so?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan to yourself
i mean this is without doubt a capitalistic world
We spend a large chunk of our time and money on things that aren't geared towards a career path and material gain.
without capital you can't achieve your dreams
Every time you read a book, you're spending time on enriching yourself instead of your career.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan but i don't spent 40000€ on books
What you're saying is that there's no role for humanities faculties in a capitalistic society. It's not a unique claim but one I disagree with.
@SebastianL The problem here is that academia is so expensive, then. :)
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan sadly it is ... ^^
I think my total expenditure on my BA, even when stretched over 6 years because I had a full time job at the same time, wasn't nearly that, including tuition and all.
Come to poland! Its free!
Free studying for yall!
@SebastianL And this means that people who study it will mostly be people with preexisting means of support. Which is a terrible state of affairs.
@KamilSolecki thats cool
But consider that not everyone can be, or should be, a programmer or lawyer or accountant.
That means two things: a lot of universities are shit
The good ones are really hard to get to
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan yeah most of them is, i'm one of the few which try to work in parallel
You need people who write or draw or direct or generally create. This is, as things stand in the world, something they do in addiition to their day job, at least at first.
So you get a job to pay the bills, and do your creative work on the side, and hope to have your art develop enough to support you later on.
Now, a humanities or arts degree fits right into that model. You get a job to pay the bills and do your studying, hoping that this studying will inform your creative work, which hopefully will develop enough to support you later on.
Introduce a basic income solves all the problems!
@RoelvanUden yes, that would be good
@RoelvanUden Stalin heard ya, hes awake
By the way, being a multidiscplinary guy myself, I believe that it's not just creative arts that are informed by studying humanities. I feel that everything is interlinked. Linguistics and gender studies and computer science and neuroscience.
in most countries it's even less expensive than the current social support (at least in the EU)
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan it sure is to some extend
@SebastianL Exactly. I would like a basic income.
I think a basic income system is actually a lot closer to capitalistic ideals than many existing social systems, like subsidies, public housing, etc.
The practice of it, not necessarily the guiding principle.
The liberal-capitalist ideal is "I don't want socialized medicine or socialized housing or socialized anything, just let the market find the best solution". So a basic income scheme is moving the social security mechanism to the market. "Here's money, now go find the free-market-generated ideal use for it".
that was tried to be introduced to swiss but as i can remember wast majority was against it
(Personally, I feel that a government-scale actor is often a much more efficient player than the free-market that capitalist-liberals espouse, but that's just me)
Am I allowed to bring attention to my question in here?
Allowance granted
Q: SOAP service client generated with WSDL produces unnecessary signature

LukeI have a client for a web service that I have developed using a Visual Studio service reference via WSDL. It is configured to sign requests with a certificate and can send requests to the service fine, however the service replies with a 400 - Bad Request error, as there is an extra signature in a...

I'm really struggling with this
As long as you're not spamming a link again and again and demanding help.
Oh no. If nobody can help then so be it.
I'm out unfortunately. Can't help ya
@Luke Hmm. I've never tried to add signing to a SOAP-based WCF call, I'm afraid. I'll give you a consolation upvote, though. :)
Can you add the actual SOAP envelope that's sent, highlighting the bit that shouldn't be there?
Do you have some bindingBehavior defined somewhere?
I am not sure what that is
I edited the question
Is Microsoft Graph is new version of OData ?
Hey yo people. Yesterday @ntohl linked me to reactive extensions .NET
and he provided me with some sample code
Its so good!
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan still not click event is not working on the button man. Even though it detects the button :'(
@ARr0w Where are you defining your click event?
They won't work if they aren't inside a document.ready//that code i gave you before
$(document).ready(function () {

    $("#submit_btn").click(function () {
        var User = new user();

            url: '/Home/Login',
            data: JSON.stringify(User),
            type: "POST",
            cache: false,
            contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8;",
            success: function (datareceived) {
                if (datareceived.Response) {
                    location.href = "~/UserPortal/Index.cshtml";
                else {
this is the current ajax (updated)
throw debugger; at the top of your .click function
Open dev tools and see if it actually hits the method
You'll know if it works
done, tried
not pausing
on debugger.
i added above
I'm sending multiple commands to cmd with StandardInput and read it to a textbox with StandardOutput, but it won't read anything until all commands are executed in cmd and closed, can I make it read text right as it's written or do I have to wait for the hole process to end?
anyone got a tutorial for R
I can learn cause i am a tad bored
@misha130 that's something i'd like to know too
the ones i tried where so boring i just forgot to resume them
Anyone here experience on Code 128 barcode generation in SSRS ?
Please let me know
I know that my company bought a font for a 100$
@tHiNk_OuT_oF_bOx just ask your question
to print barcodes 128 in SSRS
If someone knows they'll answer, if they don't, they won't
@Luke I might be able to help but I'm busy now, I may get to it today
I love how im able to figure out how to do some kinda complex dynamic shit
but when it comes to static code
my brain goes blank
Its 12:37
where is 007 tho XD
Off seducing some lady so he can steal plans from a super villan
He is 007 after all
@TomW Thanks Tom!
i have a split container within a form
i need to set the form width to match the splitcontainer width
as the splitcontainer splitlength gets modified and is set to dock
i tried this.Width = splitContainer1.Width;
in the form load even .. this is not working
what im i doing wrong?
what does this mean? -Experience using Inversion of Control and dependency injection frameworks
what kind of frameworks?
Must be Java.. Spring..
but they call for C# / vis studio
@JoJo Ninject, Unity, ect
google them, understand them, then come back
@war Castle windsor ftw
Yes, this ninject
they also have a webpage, where they describe how it works (i think)?

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