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is anyone using VS2017?
im getting a weird thing with the nuget package manager and was wondering if its by design. nuget packages are listed under 'installed' but I have to click the download button to actually get them
oh no, it WAS downloading them, the UI just updated while I was typing lol
if it does not work at first wait longer
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
@BrandenBoucher 'can't' in what sense?
Morning :)
Ayo ayo ayo
I just ran my new Adwords campain, and oh boy i must have messed up
cause it ate all the day's funds in 2 hours
They must be the best words
Well my previous experience with adwords was that it spread the funds over the course of the whole day
Not dump it all at one go
@Proxy did you manage to solve your scraper problem?
Morn all
yeah the site was sometimes gzipped
Hello. o/
/me ignores roel van
its quiet down here.
Down where?
down here can't you see?
Get out from under that desk and get to work
i don't wannaaa!
That chat thing, ARrOw, is a rugged place. You ever go there, things might get nasty. Just.... Be careful.
good morning
Good morning!
Do you know a way to generate a C# expression from a string: "x => x.Color" ?
@Kamil, i'm a part of that chat thing since 2003. How dare you!
Color is a property of an object of type Car
I hoped it would come off as if said by a Sin City Character
@Teo you could do it with expression trees, but you would have to write a parser for the string
I do not have literary skills.
Something like Expression.Lambda(things).Compile()
Then you can call it as a delegate
hi baguette
You would have to write logic to split the string to say firstly, it contains the goes-to operator, then split the right hand side to find the property name, that is assuming that the string you get has approximately that syntax
@TomW I'm trying to do that but I'm in trouble
Then I'd reconsider whether you really want to do this
Aah, the Roslyn script interpreter might understand it blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/cdndevs/2015/12/01/…
Try that
It might not be a valid statement by itself, but that might work. I guess you ought to be able to look at the compilation result and dig out the resulting expression
I've never done it, if you get that to work let me know
If you do manually construct an expression, I think the arguments you want are ParameterExpression for x, and PropertyExpression taking that ParameterExpression and a property name
I've been always wondering which is a better practice - if we have a small small ViewModel, and everything that binds to View are pretty much 3 basic properties - do we still put them in the model or just put them in VM and have no model whatsoever?
No collections involved
I would skip the view model and bind directly to the model.
so like, talking IoC, have a getter in VM for the Model and retrieve it in View's codebind through VM.get()?
As there still are commands that need to be operated on
So I have two choices: put props in VM and skip model, or have a VM with .get() for a model, put regular properties and command properties there, and just have the commands handled in VM. Which one is it you think?
Thank you @TomW! I'm working on this code: https://pastebin.com/gA4hzg3L
I would avoid compiler cause of performance. It's called in a foreach of a razor view
@Teo but why
Why are you doing this in such a crazy way
@TomW It's the same question I'm answering every time... I was commissioned to generate razor forms dynamically. They pass me an array of strings representing the name of the properties to show and a structure that representings the positions (header, left column, right column, footer)... I have to get all and show the form in the view ... then manage the binding and the save!
I'm really in trouble.... I'm spending a lot of time trying different solutions....
Morning o/
I've not the skills to find a practicable and maintainable way
18 hours ago, by Kendall Frey
Write a program to slowly change the orientation of the mouse over the course of months
@TomW I've chosen MVC cause I had to create a small documents management... but now seems that they want a CMS too! :-D
I've developed a tool to design the form moving fields and sections with drag and drop... but now to manage the form (binding and saving) I'm a little in trouble -_-
Anybody here?
I have a problem with a SOAP Web Service and I can't find an answer.
@Kieran if you get the cursor rotating as well that would be quite fun :D
I believe thats the idea 😛 @SebastianL
Can you actually make the cursor rotate? Like, is it even an overridable thing?
Don't think so
@KamilSolecki you can override the input rotation
i do not know if its possible for the painted cursor
Reference for input override: hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA026826
you guys should upvote my answers and questions :/
i need points
Are they valuable enough?
for what purpose?
to fill my hunger of points.
@KamilSolecki , they damn are valuable!!
valid excuse :D
hahaha, sebastian. LOl
Thanks guys <3
@ARr0w honesty should be rewarded :P
thanks and you're the good man helping honest people!
@ARr0w here ya go buddy :D
@KamilSolecki ty buddy :D
do make the mods suspicous ;)
will do :]
Hey Guys
I have a question
In an MVC app, I want to append the path "api/" to all the incomming requests. Where Do I do that?
@CaptainHere You may be looking for routeconfig.cs
keiran :') i removed it. I don't know if he means Httphandler's request or ajax calls.
Have interview today not had 1 in awhile...its with HR person and IT manager
any questions you think will come up
Mvc's actionResult is abstract or concrete class?
@Kieran Okay. There I see a default value
routes.mapRoute(* some default stuff*)
Should I add the "api/" to each of the routes
there is like 300 of them
@Ggalla1779 what does 'acid' keyword (syntax) does in 'sql
@Ggalla1779 tell me about what is the purpose of static syntax in c# (related to oop)
@Ggalla1779 the most important question: what's the age of your wife?
@Ggalla1779 why you never see a .net guy at the eye doctor?
caption, because, he can c(see) ...sharp (#)?
@ARr0w Good Job. Now Ples answer me question
already did
Okay. There I see a default value
routes.mapRoute(* some default stuff*)
Should I add the "api/" to each of the routes
there is like 300 of them
@Ggalla1779 the favorite: Why should we hire you over other people
@Ggalla1779 Or another: What is your weak point?
- "I'm too honest."
"I don't think that's a weak point."
- "I don't give a shit what you think."
also how would your friends describe you?
what are you looking for a job?
why not what
@Ggalla1779 another favorite - how much do you wanna earn
@Ggalla1779 can you satisfy us all at same time? be sure!
@RoelvanUden I cannot tell if that is a serious salary or not tho :)
It is. If I wanted to change job, they'd have to pay a better salary than what I currently have.
And you can always negotiate down, not up.
"I would be happy with $2000 but would like $3000", you're gonna get that $2000
Start at $3500 and negotiate down to $3000.
Here in Polando, a starting salary for programmers is avg. 1000$ (junior) and around 2000-3000$ for senior. Obviously skill-dependent, it can go up much much more
But that is the average average
yeah they will always go for the lowest salary you have mentioned
can confirm
I have to listen carefully, ill have to hire one prob. next year
Fucked myself on two interviews because of that
so all info is appreciated
similar to croatia then, you get around 800$ for a junior
also, if anybody wanna do scripts for my eternal gratitude, you are absolutely welcome XD
you own a company?
Juniors are around $2000-2500, medior $2500-3500, senior $3500+
In my area.
blind guess netherlands?
Got it.
It's honestly not crazy in comparison with living costs.
I know, ive been there last year and i stumbled upon a real estate office.
Also, ive been to the shops there. Pretty expensive.
As I've heard, it's been like that since euro was introduced
At least thats what the locals told me
netherland is more expensive then germany/austria i assume
tl;dr the euro is bad
norway is pretty expensive.
so is iceland :)
Anyways, quick prog. question: Im doing a searchbox control right now. It will search through a db and have a popup with dynamic suggestions. Should I just fuk it and hardcode the logic into the control or do it the nice way and handle it inside ViewModel at shoot back at the control?\
iceland is expensive because it's an island.
My guess in 95% the second one, I just wanna be sure
@KamilSolecki Whichever way will give you less hassle in the long run
probably doing it the nice way
depends if you like clean, maintainable code or are doing a prototype.
Im going full-fledged MVVM with IoC (castle windsor)
Write a program to slowly change the orientation [...] over the course of months - Kendall Frey
Lives up to today's standards
@KamilSolecki That's a whole lot of bull. The Euro didn't change our buying power, but the economic crisis did. That said, our salaries are growing too little to compensate for inflation. That's the real problem. Other than that, it's real estate that had its house boom and then crashed, so real estate is the huge problem.
@RoelvanUden I see. So as always, I must have met the average Joe who knows as much about economy as he does about quaternion rotation, but still needs something to bitch about. thanks for clarifying tho.
I have used it with the combination of github.com/runceel/ReactiveProperty
so it's MVVM, because of ReactiveProperty wrapper
@KamilSolecki In general, the Dutch inhabitants are known for one exceptional skill - to bitch about everything. Especially those that refuse to see beyond our borders to make a more educated statement. Case in point, almost every parent will complain about how 'expensive education is for our child'. It costs about $1000 per year (University-level), which is of course peanuts.
        ItemsSource = new ReactiveCollection<SearchDisplay>();
        SearchText = new ReactiveProperty<string>();
        IObservable<IEnumerable<SearchDisplay>> searchedStrings = SearchText.
            Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).
what it basically does is when SearchText is modified (through binding), and not empty, when the textbox didn't change for 1 sec, and it's different from the previous text inputted, start SearchForText method to query for an IEnumerable of search display result. Whenever it is taking so long, so the user changes the search text, abandon the async SearchForText, and do it again for the new search text.
@KamilSolecki You can implement SearchForText for Your database query, and because it is async, You can use the async features of Your database as well
My database is non-existent yet
And im putting it off as much as I can
well. It's the most reactive google like search I have implemented yet
Thats awesome. Actually I was wondering while writing how will I implement the async dynamic callback to a query
You just solved this problem
Even the timer is in here
Reactive is awesome
By the way
Do any of you have any good writeups on databases to recommend?
I got the structure down, from what i had learned so far
But that will be about it
and I mean creation-wise, not interaction-wise
@ntohl Do you register the reactive properties normally through DP?
    <TextBox Text="{Binding SearchText.Value, Mode=OneWayToSource, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" />
    <ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding ItemsSource, Mode=OneWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" Grid.Row="1" SelectedValue="{Binding SelectedValue}"/>
^ through binding
I mean codebehind in the control :D
no codebehind needed.
So it acts as an attached property then?
Oh wait nvm me
I misread your code
Now I see it :)
Thanks for the hints.
Mornin' folks
good morning
you all want to hear a joke
Yes we do want to hear a joke
waves hand at others
@SteveG depends on the joke c:
do i look like a god damned comedian? go google that shit
see my jokes aren't funny, they're just mean, which i find comical, but i'm sure you all don't
@SteveG You just won an award for anti-climax.
thats what my gf always says
jk, i don't have a gf
Well it made me laugh
That is a ... slight progress.
I don't have a gf, but do you know what I do have?
HA! Late on that one, compiler went ape-shit
I have a pen.
I have a apple.
Unh! Apple pen.
I have a pen.
I have pineapple.
I have managed to go this long without seeing that thing.
Unh! Pineapple pen.
@KendallFrey stoooooooooooop
Apple pen... pineapple pen...
Pen pineapple apple pen.
i think if you throw bacon in there some where
it'll make it funny @KendallFrey
something something kendall's mother & bacon
who is being roasted here?
you know why kendalls mom can't eat bacon?
mad pig disease
I thought it was because cannibalism
@SteveG you are progressing. Keep it up.
lmao woooo
one day i'll be funny, by the strength of god
good morning all
Thats what Hitler thought, but he messed up the gas types
@SteveG how strong is that?
1.7 light years
if I keep adding appending into StringBuilder, can memory allocated to it fragmented? Or it should be one block?
1.7 .... strength. Units.
@Teomanshipahi I'm guessing it's one block
Don't quote me on that
@Teomanshipahi im pretty sure it allocates one big block, bigger than it think it needs and then when it fills up, it allocates another huge block
33 secs ago, by Kendall Frey
Don't quote me on that
ok thanks, so one follow up question. Is it by design, or it is not possible to have fragmented memory on large objects?
@Teomanshipahi They are just arrays, so they are a single block
@mikeTheLiar Thats what i was thinking about :D
But individual StringBuilders are separate blocks. So appending to a single SB should be single
@Teomanshipahi Windows always returns a single block from allocation, afaik. It's possible that some type could allocate multiple blocks itself though.
Ok, so seems like allocation manager keeps start and end address, but does not hold multiple address values.
at least for one single object
@Teomanshipahi A start address and length, probably
@Teomanshipahi If your StringBuilder capacity reaches its limit, it will create a new StringBuilder in the background. This new StringBuilder will be a seaparate block.
haha separate*
@Kramb Not a new StringBuilder. It's the same object, it just creates a bigger array for storage
@ntohl I still need to register a DP, as my listbox is inside my controls template. Is having that DP type as IEnumerable enough? cause it wont let me create a one of reactiveCollection type.
@KendallFrey Okay, I see. It reallocates its buffer.
like a realloc, if you're a C guy
I may have to work with php next week
if there is a god, he will be kind to me
please no
sorry bud :(
god speed
Ello ello
fun stuff : in english nictalopia is night blindness, in french nictalopie is night vision.
Here is a Fun Fact: in french nictalopie is night vision and in english nictalopia is night blindness.. I bet you did not know that satibel
He even swapped the order around! A true Bond. James Bond.
:) Yes... yes I did!
Hello children
Hey chef!
Good Nite Nathvi
I need urgent help!
Call the Medic
Hi I'm a Doctor
@satibel And both of those words stem from the Ancient Greek word νυκτάλωψ (nuktálōps)
I was back in 43
Need help with selecting the icon: flaticon.com/search?word=search
One of the simple ones
yes, seriously.
If nobody will help, it might take me an hour to pick one.
What's the context Kamil?
all of english stem from greek based on my study
Then your study is wrong
is it
why do you say?
@007 I'm currently eating a carrot: what's up, doc?
Because I know that all of English doesn't stem from Greek.
@kramb I just take long to decide. Thats why I dont go to McDonalds.
good be sure to wash it down with an apple
I think we need to have a language off!
What are the rules?
@SteveG how fast is that?
I think you need to double check that... I am not talk about modern english
@KendallFrey 12 newtons
the origin of language clearly states all english comes from greek
I thought Newton never had kids
Newton was a total neckbeard.
@007 No, that's a line from My Big Fat Greek Wedding
@mikeTheLiar lifelong virgin who invented calculus? uh, yeah
The rules are simple... 007 knows what is true... Nathvi does not :)
@KendallFrey you dissin' my boy Archimedes?
is it? I have never watched that movie
thems fightin words
romantic comedies are banned in my country
@KamilSolecki I suggest U+1F50D 🔍
How are you not banned in your country?
@007 you mean your planet.
@KendallFrey he's posting from Siberia
They should make a movie, 007 discovers the world where they show him all the popular human things
Kamil come on now... don;t let the group think set in... you and I could be.. buddies....
hahaha @007 The phrase you were looking for was "hive-mind"
ahh ok
@007 Sorry, just got a kick out of "group think"
so here is an off topic question...
@007 Of course we can be buddies! But you need to sign a contract.
show me where to sign
why do you guys make the screen beep when you type my name
I know how u do it... just wonder why u do it
Its really tempting to answer: down below, but i wont. Bottom of the page.
I have to turn down the audio to the computer
It's automatic
Because if you're on another tab and someone tags you, an asterisk will appear on the tab.
@007 Do you think anyone here had and part of writing the code for the chat room?
@007, you can turn off the sound notification
Look at the top right
There is a speaker
top riht
with the speaker icon
click it
do it now
I always just keep the headphones plugged in, even if I'm not using them.
@007 is it working?
@007 cause
@007 not sure
thank you so much!
You're welcome
Great so 007 can ignore us even harder now.
later folks
and thanks for the score once again :D
That was some illegal activity
so what do you guys do thats fun?
Fishing is no fun when you are on Heroin.
Sleeping with the fishes.
That's pretty wild.
oh the narcotic
I mis-read that
@007 You should play an instrument. That's fun. :-)
It's amazing how many great thinkers and artist did the narcotics
For real tho, It's gaming and guitar.

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