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That's your problem.
You created a property on the Form2 OBJECT, not the class name.
You have to keep a reference to the Form2 object that you created (wherever you called new Form2() in your code).
so then how do I call selected combo value?
What form actually creates and shows Form2?
Form1 haha
@heinst Not everything gets called. In this case you want to get the property.
string str = myForm2Variable.SelectedComboValue;
Ok, so make a private variable Form2 _form, when you create/show Form2, you'll set it (_form = new Form2(); _form.Show()), and when you need the value you'll check if it's non-null: if(_form != null) { ... _form.SelectedComboValue ... }
Properties are like fields, they do not get called, just used.
DateTime.Today, "someText".Length, etc.
Methods, on the other hand, are called: string.Replace(), _form.Show(), etc.
oh! ok...i see
When you declare methods, you will know because you will include parentheses in the declaration: public string SomeMethod() {}, private void NothingMethod(string instr) {}, etc.
@heinst The other thing you have to worry about is whether Form2 is disposed or not, because then you will get additional issues if trying to access it after it's been closed.
In that case, you'd change the SelectedComboValue altogether and set it in your comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged event.
public string SelectedComboValue { get; private set; }
public void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

string selectedPath = comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString();
SelectedComboValue = selectedPath;
So going off of what @KendallFrey said about calling the Form2.SelectedComboValue Im getting an error An object reference is required
yeah I should probably put it in form1 just in case
No, keep it in form 2.
hello ladies and gents. Anyone with EF experience knows if EF can do this? stackoverflow.com/questions/10584341/…
Unless the property/method is declared static (which you shouldn't do), you have to use it on an instance.
@heinst The whole problem is that you're not maintaining your reference to Form2 after you create and show it.
Can you copy/paste the lines that create and show Form2?
You can probably just do a search for new Form2( and get it that way.
@heinst It will do you good to sit down and just learn OOP.
@heinst What sort of background are you coming from?
Programming wise.
1 Highschool class
In java...I already knew all the things in the class
A big problem many people have is trying to use GUI objects without understanding the OOP basics.
So basically I taught myself everything I know
@heinst Java to C# is one of the easiest transitions.
yeah it is
@SPFiredrake Debatable...
@KendallFrey OOP wise, yes.
but....i only know the basics of java
and Ive only been using c# for 5 days now
public void commentbutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Form2 form2 = new Form2();
theres the lines that created form2
@heinst In that case, I strongly urge you get experience with just C# using console applications. Once you really understand C#, then start making GUI stuff.
@heinst You need to save the form2 reference there. You're using it in a local scope, so your Form1 has no concept of this form2 variable anymore.
Make form2 a field (class-scoped variable)
private Form2 form2;
public void commentbutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if(form2 == null)
        form2 = new Form2();
more errors....
For example?
An object reference is required
Its just on this one line of code
string namePath = Form2.SelectedComboValue;
form2 not Form2
form2 does not exist in the current context
is that line in Form1.cs?
Form 1 you click the comment button which pulls up Form2
It needs to be in the same class as @SPFiredrake's snippet. Specifically, the form that you are showing Form2 from.
Form2 you type in your comment and if theres already a comment in the specified folder Form3 pops up
Then you click open comment...but I need to tell what file notepad needs to open
the file needs to be the user selected one
I'm confused. What is on what form? You have Form1, Form2, and Form3, correct?
Where is the combobox?
no no no
sorry Form2 in this case
(I have 2 of them)
And which form are you in when you are trying to get the value?
Im trying to get the value into Form3 so that the code and notepad know what the name of the Comment is so that it can open it
so, does form2 show form3 or the other way around?
correct you click a button on form2 and if theres already a comment form3 shows up
ok, you need to forget that last snippet from spfiredrake.
In the Form3 constructor:
Form2 form2 = null;
public Form3(Form2 parentForm2)
    form2 = parentForm2;
Then anywhere in Form3 you should be able to go:
string str = form2.SelectedComboValue;
OMG it compiled....lets test
It highlighted string namePath = form2.SelectedComboValue; yellow
and said Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Oops forgot to mention:
When you call form3.Show() in Form2.cs,
change it to form3.Show(this);
ok it still had the same issue
public void opencomment_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string namePath = form2.SelectedComboValue;
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("notepad.exe", namePath + "_COMMENT.txt");
Which issue?
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
That is in Form3?
@KendallFrey Close!
In form2, when you call new Form3(), change it to new Form3(this)
Oh, yeah, oops.
Yes, Form3 form3 = new Form3(this); form3.Show();
form3 doesnt come up...it does but its just a blank form
In Form3, change the new constructor to this:
public Form3(Form2 parentForm2) : this()
    form2 = parentForm2;
Oh, yeah lol oops again.
I need a mental IDE.
That technique is called constructor chaining.
Constructor chaining?
Derp, brain fart.
Thank you @KendallFrey :P
Pair programming at it's finest
LOL lets go into business
I cannot thank you enough
@heinst The main point you need to get from this is to know WHEN to maintain references to instantiated objects.
@KendallFrey what did you fix there .. :S
i will read up on that
thanks again
im seriously eternally grateful to both of you for helping me
@heinst Also, learn the terminology and what it means.
@heinst Pass it on by teaching someone else.
And yes, spend some time learning OOP. (The terminology will come with it).
@heinst And finally, learn how OOP works. Remember that objects can do just about anything you want them to do
In mother Russia, objects dictate you!
That's why programmers are in such high demand, because even with a little bit of understanding you can accomplish a lot.
With a lot of understanding...
@KendallFrey With a lot of understanding, you can make complex systems.
With a little understanding, you can still do something productive.
Well put.
with only a little understanding.. you often get code that makes no sense at all
sadly true
But it makes sense to the person writing it.
sadlier true
I often feel that the best programmers aren't the ones that can make obscure solutions to difficult problems, but the ones who write something with future maintainability in mind.
true again (but not sad)
but then some guy who's heard of that comes along, writes a beautifully maintainable piece of code, and you can throw it right away because it's several orders of magnitude too slow
@harold Is it right? Does it work?
Does speed really matter in that particular situation?
I hope that never happens. Fast code doesn't have to be unmaintainable. Slow code can also be refactored.
If it's maintainable, then it can be improved upon without too much work.
The main point is that the groundwork has been lain, and now there's something to work with.
And anyone getting into it can (hopefully) understand the workflow and possible problems.
Our main product at my current place has probably 500k lines of code spanning over 12 years of development.
It happens though. I've even been guilty of it myself, especially when I just learned about LINQ
@jcolebrand no worries buddy, Hopefully someone on SO will be able to point me in the right direction (im sure it didnt help that i tried to edit to original post and then it said it was too long/too late)
thanks for ur time though
Things have changed, but the base stuff is so highly documented that no one has problems working with it.
@harold Absolutely.
@HansRudel haha, changing rooms messed me up there :p
My last job, my boss was trying to dynamically build our entire catalog layout using LINQ and recursion.
Problem was, his method iterated over the ENTIRE collection numerous times and it was slower than dirt on startup (about 5 minutes).
@jcolebrand i saw you were finally in here so decided to switch incase someone complained.
This was for a front facing site.
hahaha, people have only to ping me, I tend to pop in here every few days.
@jcolebrand thanks for the link btw, i just saw it so ill check it out
Ultimately, the solution was to build out the heirarchy on the DB side.
Improved it all from 5 minutes to about 20 seconds by building it out before it even got to the application.
Gotta love FOR XML PATH('') to build out comma separated lists :)
for xml path???
Oh yeah :D
I remember building a parser for an xml document mostly out of XPath query - looked nice, but wasn't so nice.
converted it to use XmlReader, not so pretty, but at least it actually completed before the predicted death of the sun
SELECT outer.[x], STUFF((SELECT ',' + DISTINCT CAST([y] AS VARCHAR(MAX)) FROM [Table] inner WHERE inner.[x] = outer.[x] FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '') FROM [Table] outer WHERE <some condition> GROUP BY outer.[x]
my bwain huwts
Ultimately uses FOR XML PATH to get all matching records as a single XML value, and prepends the column value with the delimiter (in this case, a comma). Stuff takes a string and replaces from the start index a number of characters with the given string (empty string).
SELECT STUFF((SELECT ',' + DISTINCT CAST([x] AS VARCHAR(MAX)) FROM [Table] FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '') will get all Table.x values and create a comma separated string.
SQL is why I don't do databases.
So by using that, I was able to get the Product -> Breadcrumb mappings, all Category ID -> Sub Category ID's, etc.
All on the DB side.
VBA is why I don't do Access.
so guys, what are the topicality guidelines around here? faq isn't helpful on that front
Generally stick to C#-related stuff.
in c.l.c's "only related to the language, not about anything you happen to implement in that language"-way or less strict than that?
You can talk about anything you want, but C# is generally the topic of discussion. View old transcripts for an idea.
Anything related to C# is a great topic.
ok thanks
@harold here's the concept:
If it's generally related to C#, or .NET, or the CLR, or MSIL, or VS, or SharpEdit, or Mono, or IIS6+, or possibly even VB.NET, it's pretty much on topic and welcome here.
If it's about a SO Q about one of those, then it's fine
note that also includes MVC3/Razor, WebForms, WebAPI, etc
If it's about javascript, and not how that javascript interfaces with C# or .NET, then it probably doesn't belong
if it's about the fakeness of the moon landing, and the room has been dead for six hours, and you're a regular, and there's nobody in here asking about a legitimate Q, then that should be ok
but if someone shows up with a legitimate Q, and the room is full of idle banter, the room should attend to that person fairly quickly, and directly, and resume banter at a later time (just be courteous)
@jcolebrand lol maybe
I hate MVVM
@harold There is a fine example of a good topic. @LewsTherin: Care to elaborate?
@KendallFrey I have an element I bound to ViewModel. But the fecking element isn't updating when I update the ViewModel property. The only way I get it to update is to reference the element in the ViewModel. And do element.Dispatcher.Invoke
Which defeats the point.
I suppose you bound everything properly? What ViewModel property are you referring to?
@KendallFrey Yes I did. It's binding to an observablecollection<observablecollection>.
can someone help me out?
@SPFiredrake can you help me?
@Javier: good question
@Javier That's why we're here. Post up your question and hopefully someone can answer.
I bet I can help you Javier
The only problem is I failed Mind Reading 101
@SPFiredrake remember me from before, and im creating the game called "Qbert"
@Lews: What ViewModel property?
What's up?
@SPFiredrake can you teamviewer me and look at what i have so far?
Can't, sorry.
I'm at work, just describe what's going on and maybe we can help.
youtube.com/watch?v=karPYs22ACc okay this is the game im making
i need help with the movement on the squares i got a part of it working
@KendallFrey ViewModel.ObservableCollection<ObservableCollection> ParticleObjectCollection
Otherwise I have no idea what you mean.
@SPFiredrake did you look at that video?
And you are binding to ViewModel.ParticleObjectCollection?
@KendallFrey Yeah
@SPFiredrake when you get home can you help me?
Alright, so what have you done? What have you tried? What are you expecting vs what are you experiencing?
@Lews: Sounds ok to me. I don't know what the problem is.
@SPFiredrake i drew the sprite, I drew the blocks, i made methods for calculating to get to the next block
@SPFiredrake can i pastebin my code?
ill pastebin all of it
var ParticleWrapperCollection = new ObservableCollection<ObservableCollection<Body>>();
ParticleWrapperCollection.Add(new Body())
This updates a Body - a Body is made up of particles.
But when I do
var body = new Body() ;
       body.Add(new Particle()) ;
It doesn't update the particle to screen... until all particles has been added to a body.. Which baffles me
im just trying to make it so
if i go down a block, i can move back to the previous block
next time use gist.github.com
it allows file-level pastes here in the room (so you can post several related files) and can be forked
should i use that now?
@Lews: I think I see the problem now. The child ObservableCollection doesn't update the parent ObservableCollection.
@KendallFrey Yes exactly.
@Javier nah, I'll just do this so you can see it:
gist: 2696169, 2012-05-14 19:53:35Z
@SPFiredrake i did amazing on that snake game
@Javier You want my advice? Scrap your method for declaring the game state. Instead, use the the "diagonals" as your "levels" from the top. So the top of the pyramid is located at [0,0], next level will be [0,1] and [1,0], etc.
@Lews: This may help:
Q: Grid of ObservableCollection of ObservableCollection

ShawnThis is an interesting case to which I haven't been able to find any info online. I am trying to create a grid and need to bind an ObservableCollection of ObservableCollection to it. Imagine a model such as this: public class App { private ObservableCollection<MyNewCollection> collect...

@SPFiredrake so a sparse array?
the way i have isnt good then @SPFiredrake?
he could invert that you know, and make pyramid[n-1] be the nth level, and have it be sparse on the bottom right
@jcolebrand Yeah, that's what I'm talking about.
So for a 3 level pyramid, it will be {1,1,1}{1,1,0}{1,0,0}
In computer science, a sparse array is an array in which most of the elements have the same value (known as the default value—usually 0 or null). The occurrence of zero elements in a large array is inefficient for both computation and storage. An array in which there are a large number of zero elements is referred to as being sparse. In the case of sparse arrays, we can ask for a value from an "empty" array position. If we do this, then for array of numbers, it should return zero, and for array of objects, it should return null. A naive implementation of an array may allocate space f...
It's already sparse, but it's just poorly designed because it's hard to work in it.
is it better to change it?
i dont know how to make it better than what i have
1 1 1
1 1 0
1 0 0
The element at [0,0] is the top of your pyramid.
thats for the board right?
@KendallFrey @KendallFrey Mmn thanks I will let you know how it goes. I hope it goes well
additionally, a sparse matrix is better suited as a List<List<Int32>> (or whatever object you want over Int32) than as a Int32[][]
You just have to make sure your drawing code transforms your "game" coordinates into "world" coordinates.
@SPFiredrake ehh, top or bottom?
ooooh, nm
I see what you mean
that's more complex than what I was thinking
im so confused
technically, however, javascript works much better for sparse matrices
@Javier you probably want to ignore my talk of sparse matrices
do i have to change the board @SPFiredrake ?

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