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Lasse v. Karlsen, thank you for your help today, I put your name as original answerer : stackoverflow.com/questions/43221096/… thank you again
im having a brain fart
if I use an async method with an await and then a linq ForEach()
i might as well just use a synchronous method, right
2 hours later…
@KendallFrey this website is amazing.
how do you name your projects in visual studio
I want to know about dataaccess and business logic in specific
@Mathematics WpfApplication1
jokes aside, I name my projects with what they do, like "ShippingCostCalculator"
Solution: P.H.Progress
Project: BLEPrintingBIN
Project: CrescendHub
Project: COMLinkerBIN
your solution is called PHP? oO
I think right question is to why make separate projects for EF
is there a better way of displaying tips in your program than usind a tooltip?
P.H. is name of company.
PH Progress is name of whole project
then the abbr is PHP
run, run fast, run far
project each for library that using shared by build order.
it is convenient when referencing a lot of custom library.
@AdiMohan it's the best way most of the time because it's designed for this (and it's pretty good at it), but you can also use hidden labels that show on hover (which are still tooltips, but flush with the gui.), or a tip in the status bar.
hey @Proxy
what is the best book or video cource for wpf?
hi there @satibel
@user3373603 depends on where you are coming from
why wpf now?
if you have 15 years c#/winforms experience or if you just started programming and want a gui, the material will differ
use MS DOS instead. (///▽///)
Im coming form malaysia
@nyconing why use msdos when you can use punched cards?
@nyconing "Say hello Caroline"
"Hello Caroline"
I still use birds to send mails and postcards
so you tweet?
^ lol good one
I guess you can say the ancient people already knew how to tweet
@ngunha02 they also wrote on their wall.
@satibel Backs away slowly.
he is using php
can it even go fast?
but back away?
should have been back away fast!
@ngunha02 That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!Sudo make me a sandwitch
@satibel Okay.
@ngunha02 That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: java
@ngunha02 That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@satibel That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: C#!
!!tell ngunha02 sandbox
@ngunha02 Please go and play in the Sandbox
hello @RoelvanUdon
how would you feel if I start asking you question on a Monday morning ?

why separate EF pocos, configurations, Context etc.. into separate projects :)
@Mathematics I don't want to go into detail right now, sorry.
@Mathematics sepration of concern
Ask me again later. As in, in the afternoon.
^ lol
this is how I would feel.
i hate everyone on monday
/on monday//s
monday is good
I like coding
I dont like socials
Yesterday, I thought: Shit, I'll have to touch code again tomorrow.
True story.
After monday afternoon it becomes okay.
I prefer coding for myself.
@satibel i have 3 years of c# and asp.net mvc
@satibel Yeah, but even that becomes tedious as you spend 40+h/work
@RoelvanUden its ok lol
@RoelvanUden I've got my oscilloscope to debug, and some arduino cnc to make.
also some leather to make. and a kiln to build.
seems like a good start.
5.2 x12e mg of amplitude on 1/86 section 12s ?
has anyone seen the masterpiece(on starboard- lingscars) that kendall provided us yesterday?
I did like using Blend to designing WPF
Blend also make animations easy as cake.
@Proxy yup, this is corny, but you can laugh all you want, this guy has an 8 figures business
i'm amazed by it. also i think its a girl
@nyconing and in English that means?
← . ← its been english
@Proxy oops, my bad
@nyconing that was a joke, meaning that I didn't understand what you meant.
btw, Section 12S seems to refer to "Consent to abortion".
morn all
hello @Kieran
i hadn't even said it :c
no, you're not a ninja :p
God dammit
you couldn't have told me that before i bought the £500 ninja costume
you'll always be a pirate :p
Yo ho, a bottle of rum
@Kieran I bet you trusted the shoes that run fast.
Oh well
back to robbing people on the high seas
and by that
i mean pirating the shit out of everything
you should buy the program from the developper's website. (piratebay.com)
Guys, we're developers. We know how much time it costs to develop a piece of software. Entire teams working on something, full-time, sometimes for years. You're a piece of shit if you pirate things you like and/or find useful. Buy it! Someone needs that income.
TBH The last time I pirated something was a couple years ago
and even then it was a movie
but its not stealing. If i take a car from someone he does not have it, if i pirate a game he still has the original
that usually how things go
even coming from ppl who are developers as well
I play pirate game that pirated.
That's a shitty argument. So, the painter that painstakingly created his masterpiece over 2 years should be okay with everyone photographing his painting, leaving him unable to sell his goddamn painting and forces him into the streets.
But hey, nobody 'stole' it so it's fine, right?!
I am a bit slow on catching up, can someone explain what will be the execution order for the statement this.PatchAsync(id, patch, (i, p) => this.DomainManager.UpdateAsync(i, p));
i know but usually you can not explain it to people
@RoelvanUden the original is bought by some random milionaire because it's the original.
Theres none of originals from some contry.
because of gov tax
We all have to make a living. Making software isn't free. That's all I'm saying. Not thinking about your actions because 'meh piracy because it saves me money' is just as bad as tearing up someones home thinking 'meh it doesnt cost me money'. Direct or indirect, you're causing harm. That said, I don't condone all piracy because we've all been there.. download a movie/game, delete it after 5 minutes because it sucks. But if you like it or find it useful, for gods sake, buy it
the originals, are luxury items in some country.
I pirate stuff I wouldn't have bought.
yup i agree with you there senpai
but for movies it is difficult
otherelse, some fans of it buy it originals, but from international courrier, with intercurrency.
if you try to buy an obscure movie you cannot, cause no service provides it
because not worth for taxes.
Movies is a problem of service and availability.
Region locking, having 10 different subscriptions, etc, detracts from movies.
Also, no movie is worth $40
For games, you have shit like Steam which solves the entire problem.
For music, you have spotify and YT etc.
For movies.. nada.
@RoelvanUden netflix
@satibel Except it still has legion of problems, including region licensing
In the age of internet, regions are moot.
Nopes. That localized services not favored by some region.
they loved pirate it.
Movie providers like Netflix are a dying breed
simply because every studio is making their own shitty way of delievering their networks content
which means instead of paying 5.99 for one netflix subscription
you need 5.99 for netflix
for books you have amazon, where buying the ebook costs more than the paper book.
5.99 for abc, etc
pirate it, and localize it. sometimes.
For example, I love anime. Absolutely love it. I have hundreds of series, and I haven't paid for a single one. Why? Because the Netherlands is not loved enough. Japan or USA, that's where you can actually access content. Region locking is a terrible business practice that should die sooner rather than later.
@satibel That's because of weird tax systems and that should die, too.
yeah you cant subscribe to any service from here too
didn't japan want to ban export on video games?
I can subscribe, just not access 80% of the content.
@RoelvanUden why not crunchroll?
'Sorry, this series is not available in your region' kills me.
@Kieran see rant about region locking
Whats worse is when content from your country gets blocked in your country due to a content claim
oh, it was anime
which makes litterally 0 sense
This is a service problem. That's why people pirate.
Developers hates pirated and doing best on pirated controlling. But some big manufacturer has tired to doing, they given free access instead of it.
EA games, Criterion, now still on going to fight with pirated.
but cost on "full networking licensing control"
I won't buy anything from them. Steam? Sure. Anything else can die in a fire.
I pirated fable 3 because I bought it, and couldn't play.
I also regret doing that this way around, the game was meh at best, and microsoft xbox game thingy for windows is really annoying and deleted my saves.
An extra costing on high trafic licensing services.
And this is why I buy games from Steam. And not Origin, etc.
when you put something on steam, ffs, don't overlay your own (shitty)drm.
yah, that's an immediate refund
We all knows how we cant doing so much on licensing. Its deserved to be cracked when it is compile-able.
GoG is also good btw
@satibel Whats worse is when something is sold on steam (E.G. The Division) & STILL Requires you to run and have a third party (E.G. uplay) account
Refund immediately
gog are like "well, having to fuck around with anti piracy is too much work to delay it by a few days, so here's the games you can put on an usb key and play wherever you want."
nvm, we did has chance to witness on high latency networking in life.
its more diffucults to cracking network licensing.
seems like I broken VSTS release definition
what makes me laugh is the pathetic tries at anti piracy on DVD etc...
did anyone able to achieve this award ?
if you can see it, you can record it.
@satibel I can see the errors, but I got no clue :|
@Mathematics this was not for you :p
hi all
hi alone.
light has 133.6ms to turn around earth.
@nyconing Nah its still just code to disable
@RoelvanUden or a server to emulate.
@RoelvanUden then the content has failed to decrypted, and cant to continued.
Or that, but that can be impossible w/o binary modifications of the game
@nyconing Just unwrap it and replace it.
hot to decrypt it when key + salt on the cloud
there was a game which wouldn't start without internet, so I setup a webserver with the files it needed, redirected the server via the hosts file and got it running.
Look, it doesn't matter. If it eventually runs locally, you can dump it.
@satibel There apparently was no built in HTTPS client-cert in the game ;-)
DRM is always just making it harder, it's never impossible.
@RoelvanUden no, plain http, I just had to wget the files.
@satibel That's a pretty bad design :D (from the game dev)
@RoelvanUden the anti cheat was fooled by renaming cheat engine it the first releases.
run virtual
then, you needed to recompile it by replacing "cheat engine" by "kaspersky engine."
virtual machines does.
@satibel no need. just hide the proccess instead.
@nyconing I begin to think you don't fully grasp the finer details of DRM and memory manipulation
its still difficult on dump hundred of million encrypted resource
and the main proccess did needed to re-compiling
it is too extracost to crack it.
@nyconing it checks what tries to access it's memory, afaik.
Nothing can check what tries to access its memory w/o kernel drivers.
and it closes if it doesn't see one of the safe lines.
And you can still bypass that.
@satibel bypassing it +1. I have seen a lot of DLL bypassing anti-cheat engine
@nyconing Dumping the process after decryption and relinking the PE is often sufficient.
nProtect is most the victim of
@RoelvanUden yes it does, but how some content has not requesting to decrypted because not to using it.
still, s/cheat/kaspersky/g in the source and compiling is easy
@satibel bypassing is easy. just injecting DLL to process. I tested to worked before. Im playing Blade n Soul 劍靈 served by taiwan
@RoelvanUden requesting licensing service for key when every resource when needed.
if licensing down, resource has no key to decrypt.
for example
it been a long time when it released
Oh, like that. And every resource has a different key? That'll put a serious strain on the 'licensing service'. Then you need to get into the cache-check and serve the key, and/or bypass the decryption phase by dumping the resources manually and removing the entire decryption phase. It's annoying, but not impossible.
and yes. not cracked.
Does anyone has vsts here ?
Hi guys
@RoelvanUden yes, is it. Its can dome but over cost.
no body want to do it
Anybody here who have given exam for microsoft certification?
Does anyone else have some games crash all the time on steam?
think my overclocked PC is the fault
I have never overclocking since I v realize that stable is all the thing.
try reset it.
its stable with everything else
just the game crashes or the pc?
OC does crash only the program.
so you needs to reset it and debug
generally, when I had oc stability problems, that was windows crashing with a bsod.
or the driver crashing and being restarted.
it must be graphic card.
anyone got some experience with excel interop?
@AdiMohan me : "meh, it'll take too much time, I'll just take a csv"
@satibel maybe you have a suggestion for me, this has been driving me crazy... how can i properly loop through a column, and when i find a specific criteria, lets say "Crit1", copy that row along with the following Subcriteria "SubCrit", till it finds a new one (Crit1) and so on. i can find crit1, crit2, crit3 and so on, but my subcriteria is always SubCrit for any of the main criterias
make a dictionary or an array of tuples depending on what you want to mean.
Store your couples [[crit1,SubCrit1],[crit2,SubCrit2],[crit3,SubCrit3]] in it. then call your search function in a loop with each of the pairs.
@nyconing ahahahaahahah
Its on windows 10.... updated graphics card twice now... Ashes of Singularity
or directly take that dictionary/array/list in your search function, and when you search, loop over it to check which one it is.
Visual Studio Team System (VSTS) guru ?
@satibel i'm not sure how to do this, could I bother you for an example? (i know how to create a dictionary but i don't know how to use it in my excel file on my specific column)
mydict =  [[crit1,SubCrit1],[crit2,SubCrit2],[crit3,SubCrit3]]
loop over all rows{
	}else if(replacing && currentReplacingCriteria.matches(column[i].content)){
pseudocode. @AdiMohan
@satibel thank you very much, I'm gonna try and make it work and see what i get
there's probably a classy way to do it with linq, but I'm lazy.
trust me, after the day I've had, I'm not looking for classy, I'm thankful for the help. very much so
Currently got a database with a ID field where the values start from 1 and increment, which is pretty straight forward. The problem is, I need to join this table and this field with another table, that has the same "ID" field, but this field can contain "userinput-" BEFORE the ID and "-1" AFTER the ID. This number can also increment. A somewhat-visual of the tables would look like this (gist.github.com/anonymous/73f0bb6e938c015e6a575f83c49e3cb5)
As you can see, the number in the middle in the second table goes 1-5, that's the ID you also see in the first table. The userinput is simply a text that will always remain static and the last value is how many times it's gotten iterated, so can and will increment.
It's fully possible to hardcode the "userinput" and "-1" in the join clause, but it's not a solution
Why not have those as separate columns?
I..guess it could be one way around it
Hi all
Hello there! Who's feeling bored and wants to teach me something about many to many relationships in C#.Net using Entity Framework? :D I'd be very grateful
No decent google results?
@Dennis1679 Take a look at this: entityframeworktutorial.net/code-first/…
Plenty of them.. Just can't comprehend them *feelsstupid
Yes tried that, without succes @Alex
do you understand many to many relationship in sql?
^ that's the best way to understand them, IMHO
Yes I do, I believe haha.
Okay well, the problem isn't necessarily creating the M:M relationships
It's more or less building the controller and the viewmodels that go with it
Are you using code first?
I am @Steady

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