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how can I make 2 context presenters in a button?
i want to have content and content1 for example in button properties
for now I use Uid property, but is there better way to do it?
also posted in WPF chat but there only 4 users there and 3 of them inactive right now...
has anyone ever worked on a VM which was in a computecenter miles away?
worked as in developed on? published to?
@slashNburn developed. I am considering to create a VM so i can work with a lowspec pc from everywhere but i am not sure if the performance (of the VM / the connection) will be good enough
@SebastianL I can't say I've actually developed on a VM. What specs were you thinking? How big of a project?
And what's the value add by developing on a VM? Accessibility? Consistency?
if you work in a software company do you also design the views? or coding it only?
Depends on the company and the project. At a big shop, probably not, they'll have UI/UX Designers that do most of that work. For smaller shops and smaller projects, you may have an engineer that's comfortable enough to take on the design work.
@slashNburn for private use, for all projects that will eventually come. And to have a stable system with enough power to run VS+Tools comfortably from anywhere
@SebastianL I don't think the resources or the fact that it's a VM would be an issue - I just feel like programming through an RDP session would get annoying; would there be anyway to use more than 1 monitor?
@slashNburn i dont know if its possible i just thought it could be nice so i dont have to carry my 5kg Laptop anywhere to have a decent workmachine
5kg isn't that much...
or buy newer laptop and it will weight 2.5kg or less...
I'm sure it's possible and it's probably worth a try. I develop on 2 machines (home desktop & work laptop); projects stay sync'd via Github corporate acct. You could probably test out a similar setup. Just pull all source onto the VM and give it a try.
you dont use TFS?
1 hour later…
i have this line in my SQLite query:
(SELECT (CASE WHEN ((SELECT 1 FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='Users') = 1) THEN (SELECT COUNT(uID) FROM Users) ELSE ('') END)) AS users,
I want to check if table 'Users' exists and if yes I want to count how many users I got there, but I get "no such table..." error, why?
11 hours later…
So, lonely
A I doing it wrong?! i.sstatic.net/NWPOQ.png
context cant find leadType
Yes, I got it
This from MSDN, I got it wrong
I use use ViewModel instead
So, why there is Add when it should be in the context :/ ?
Also from the MSDN the blog may not be exist in the context?
Q: When should I specify a state of entity as Added when it should be in the database first?

Mohamed AhmedI'm trying to apply this practice from MSDN in my application: public static JsonViewData AddOrUpdate(ModelDBContext context, CRMLeadTypeViewModel leadtypeModel) var leadType = context.LeadTypes.Find(leadtypeModel.Id); context.Entry(leadType).State = leadType ...

2 hours later…
@MohamedAhmed it is saying the leadType is Null
I need to initialize it first, so var leadType = new CRMLeadType();
1 hour later…
well then you are using some part of it, to save and there is no Object to save, what does leadType come back as, a bunch of nulls or a filled object
1 hour later…
I found an old book from '05 on WPF, but it looks like the XAML schema isn't working right, does anybody know if xmlsn="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/avalon/2005"was just depreciated or something?
@jrh Avalon is a really really old name for WPF. I doubt a 12-year-old book is very accurate anymore.
interesting, I didn't know WPF used to be called Avalon
also I'm not planning on using this book's code samples for production code or anything
ya I would not be using that book
anyone know what can cause textbox in wpf to get focus but I cant type in it, have to click on it again?
I used: FocusManager.FocusedElement="{Binding ElementName=txtClientSearch, Mode=OneTime}"
hmm added Select(0,0) now its seems to work...
Q: Keyboard focus vs logical focus in WPF

FirozWhat is the difference by Keyboard focus and logical focus in WPF? and how WPF focus is different from the focus in winform ?

but I can only set focus
textbox receive focus it should also get keyboard focus
wtf is that? why cant I just set focus ffs :\
I think you need to understand how focus works in WPF
lol now textbox broke I cant type in it anymore :D
spent the whole day fighting this fu**** textbox!
ok even if I dont understand, textbox got method SelectAll, and Select why it wont work?
why cant it do what it claim to do and select the text :\
what does your textbox look like in xaml
<TextBox x:Name="txtClientSearch" ContextMenu="{x:Null}" Height="34" Margin="61,8,10,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" FontWeight="Bold" FontSize="18" BorderThickness="0,0,0,1" Background="White" Padding="4,1" VerticalContentAlignment="Center" BorderBrush="#FFC5C5C5" KeyUp="txtClientSearch_KeyUp" GotFocus="txtClientSearch_GotFocus"/>
Keyboard.Focus(txtClientSearch); also wont work :D
it something in my app that cause this problem, checked this in empty project and it works fine .Focus() on textbox
i will never find this problem :(
OK I give up, user will have to click on the textbox if he want to search :\ FML
 _logger.Info(DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString() + "Started Post: " + ControllerContext.ControllerDescriptor.ControllerName);
            var type = Type.GetType(
          "ShibutzHativotAPI.Models." + ControllerContext.ControllerDescriptor.ControllerName, false, true);
            if (type == null) return false;
            // dal preparations
            MethodInfo method = _dal.GetType().GetMethods().FirstOrDefault(met => met.Name == "Insert" && met.IsGenericMethod);
            MethodInfo generic = method.MakeGenericMethod(type);
truely the worst code i have written in all my life
fuck impossible deadlines
ShibutzHativotAPI LOL
why cant you use english title for this?
1 hour later…
I didn't gave up after all :D
all I had to do is to set focus() in txtClientSearch_Loaded method and not in usercontrol constructor lol
btw, can you give me a link to c# project on github so I can look at good code and learn?
I prefer wpf app

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