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What should I do: I have a class myClass with a constructor which accepts a key. Now I need to make sure that each object of this class has an unique key. So what is the best action if the user tries to "create a new copy based on an already existing key"?
Throw an exception? Or return a reference to the already existing object?
@paul23 Sounds like you really don't want a constructor
Well even in a factory method (urgh, yuk!) this could be something I doubt about. Or is there some pattern you know of I miss?
@paul23 How about use this stackoverflow.com/questions/8477664/…
do not accept key, just generate.
he might have a key already
from another service perhaps
Oh, It could be, I didn't think that
Well I could do it: at the moment the "key" also binds together multiple facets. So the overbearing should generate it. - As this is (so far) the only one where I really can't have duplicates, I make this smaller object create the GUID.
But that would mean that this small object always needs to be the first one to be declared in the overbearing object.
Sorry for unthinking answer.
I create a class for this as i understood.
class myClass
public static Dictionary<string, object> dicOfKeys = new Dictionary<string, object>();
private string uniqueKey;
private object value;

public myClass(string key, object value)
object outValue;
if (!dicOfKeys.TryGetValue(key, out outValue))
dicOfKeys.Add(key, value);
this.uniqueKey = key;
this.value = value;

public myClass(string key)
object outValue;
if (!dicOfKeys.TryGetValue(key, out outValue))
dicOfKeys.Add(key, value);
this.uniqueKey = key;
use like this
		private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
			myClass mc = new myClass(textBox1.Text);
!!tell TonyJang format
@TonyJang Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
Guys im getting confused with my dgv content
I outputted my dgv row count -1 and it says 5. but when I transfer the value into another variable there is a 0 value which is the 6th row of dgv but I initiated the loop for only 5 rows.
    For a As Integer = 0 To DataGridView1.RowCount - 1
        allnum(a) = Val(DataGridView1.Rows(a).Cells(3).Value)
        MsgBox("Transferring of Value: " + allnum(a))
here is the exact code.
Dim allnum(DataGridView1.RowCount - 1) As String
@EarvinNillCastillo Try that after DataGridView's AllowUserToAddRows property set false.
alright will try. I also rowcount-2 to remove the excess value but in my program alerts me with obj not set to referencehaha.
@EarvinNillCastillo like this
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        DataGridView1.AllowUserToAddRows = False
        DataGridView1.Columns.Add("test", "test")
        Dim rand As New Random()
        For i As Integer = 0 To 4
        For i As Integer = 0 To DataGridView1.RowCount - 1
            DataGridView1(0, i).Value = rand.NextDouble()
    End Sub
i set the allowusertoaddrows to false in its property
is it ok? or it must be set to false in my code behind?
what i;ve been doing really is to get the stdev.
      Private Sub getStDev()
        Dim meanminusdata(DataGridView1.RowCount - 1) As String
        Dim allnum(DataGridView1.RowCount - 1) As String
        Dim summation As String = 0

        For a As Integer = 0 To DataGridView1.RowCount - 1
            allnum(a) = Val(DataGridView1.Rows(a).Cells(3).Value)
            MsgBox("Transferring of Value: " + allnum(a))

        For b As Integer = 0 To allnum.Length - 1
            MsgBox("Before minus operation of value and mean: " + allnum(b).ToString + "-" + lblmean.Text)
i edited my post for transparency
Mean Value:3.655
Values: 3.655

STDEV: 0.000707107
 Private Sub getStDev()
        Dim meanminusdata(DataGridView1.RowCount - 1) As String
        Dim allnum(DataGridView1.RowCount - 1) As String
        Dim summation As String = 0

        'transfer the values of dgv to variable
        For a As Integer = 0 To DataGridView1.RowCount - 1
            allnum(a) = Val(DataGridView1.Rows(a).Cells(3).Value)
            MsgBox("Transferring of Value: " + allnum(a))

        'minus the value to mean. the mean is (3.655)
        For b As Integer = 0 To allnum.Length - 1
When I used my stdev function i can't get the stdev. and like i said, the data that I must be receiving is 5 only. but when the loop triggers in transferring of values of dgv to variable, it sends 6 data to the variable
Hey can anyone help me understand a simple task with HangFire?
I need to update an MVC view every minute. Simple task.
@EarvinNillCastillo here is fullcode that has no error
 Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        DataGridView1.AllowUserToAddRows = False
        Dim rand As New Random()
        For i As Integer = 0 To 4
            DataGridView1.Columns.Add(i.ToString, i.ToString)
        For row As Integer = 0 To DataGridView1.RowCount - 1
            For col = 0 To DataGridView1.ColumnCount - 1
                DataGridView1(col, row).Value = rand.NextDouble()
can you explain me @TonyJang what did you do?
ohh ok i understand your code now
thanks i just got back from break
take your time to try
Hi @TonyJang, still the same output
It's just there is an excess number
it is occuring it in here
          'minus the value to mean. the mean is (3.655)
        For b As Integer = 0 To allnum.Length - 1
            MsgBox("Before minus operation of value and mean: " + allnum(b).ToString + "-" + lblmean.Text)
            allnum(b) = (allnum(b) - Val(lblmean.Text))
            allnum(b) = allnum(b) ^ 2
            MsgBox("Data After minus: " + allnum(b))

@EarvinNillCastillo it loops just five times in my case. Is that wrong?
When i debug allum.Length is 5 so b is 0 to 4
how is the size of string array(allum) when you debug?
I think there is no chance that loop has excess number
@TonyJang just came back. wait ill debug it then will get back to you regardingon these. Thanks
I get it. it has 6 rows
but how
the data Inside my dgv is only 6 rows including the blank row
@jrh to answer your question, I work on visual studio team services. No free lunch, it is subsidized and there are tons of options and they are quite good (better than random lunch restaurants generally), around $8, usually.
@EarvinNillCastillo Because of that blank row you must to be set like next
DataGridView1.AllowUserToAddRows = False
that code will remove blank row
if you create blank row on purpose, all index numbers have to change
Q: Is C# a regular language?

CodemanI'm writing some static analysis tools and have been trying to avoid doing full-on compilation style string parsing, and that brought me to this question. Is C# a regular language? Why or why not?

@KendallFrey and other nerds
I hate merging migrations at end of sprint
what is a regular language?
@TonyJang aight wiill try now
@Pedram hi
var test=(from item in recordlist
select new myclass()
field1=new SelectListItem(){Value=item.value,Test=item.Name},
field2=new SelectListItem(){Value=item.value2,Test=item.Name2}
This is my linq sample statement.It takes TotalMilliseconds = 3359.1371000000004 .I was test with stopwatch.
But when i add condition it take less time.var test=(from item in recordlist
select new myclass()
field1=new SelectListItem(){Value=item.value,Test=item.Name},
field2=new SelectListItem(){Value=item.value2,Test=item.Name2}
}).ToList().Where(S=>S.field1!=null && S.field2!=null).ToList();
TotalMilliseconds = 2880.2272000000003
I though condition checker will add some time to linq statement time.but why it take low time than normal linq statement?
@EarvinNillCastillo Hi
Hi all... :D my first chat message after previllage
Good morning.
Morning @AvnerShahar-Kashtan
mornin' guys
@Jze now flip the 2 versions. Measure the second one, than the first one
@ntohl hi
gOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd morning my fellow brothers
when you think your IT security is bad.
@satibel kek
@Jze You're doing two ToList calls there, that's plain silly. Do you where BEFORE the select and ToList AFTER only if you need it
Fucks sake
Five stars on me calling myself stupid
This is what happens when you realize something important @Kieran
Everyone is happy for you.
We express our love with stars.
that is science
everyone who relates to You want to give You a star for being self aware
Now I'm starring your comment on people starring your comment calling yourself stupid. Because as much as I love declarations of self-stupidity, I love meta-commentary even more.
Gotta love the meta.
oh god dammit
don't worry, you're not the first idiot here. (there are about 923 other idiots according to a research using the c# room search box.)
We're all idiots pretending to be professionals that have a clue.
I aint pretending
you don't have a job? @misha130
@Kieran 5 stars for calling attenton on that aswell^^
@ntohl 7
@satibel oh yea, pretending :^)
you are right
before being in IT I thought all people there were super serious and dedicated to their job.
after being in IT I noticed almost everybody works more on their pet projects than their actual work (unless the project is viable enough to also be the work).
I wish this was true for me
I can see that happening in big orgs.
And then there are people that spend too much time reading news, Facebook, and yes, SO. :P
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan in Nokia it depended. There were robots, and us...
@RoelvanUden that too
SO is making you a "(((better developer)))"
so thats ok
I kinda want to burn a forest down, especially our AD one.
hello guy
@RoelvanUden So u mean ToList should be only one times in one linq statement?
If possible, don't EVER use ToList if you don't have a darn good reason for it
@Jze When working with EF, all LINQ queries you construct are only executed once you actually need the data. When you call ToList, you're saying "enough filtering, now give me the data".
So you're essentially getting ALL items, building a List for them in memory, then executing a second filter, and building a List for the items after that as well.
Instead of chaining all relevant filters, and only then building a list for the results.
leave announced and cancelled :(
Thanks @RoelvanUden Why?please can you explain for that.
@Jze See @AvnerShahar-Kashtan answer.
Thanks @AvnerShahar-Kashtan .why linq statement with filter take less time than normal statement?
I was understand avner's answer is=> Two ToList will take two place in memory instead of filter one.right?If wrong,Please can you share something link or book for more detail.Thanks you two.
Thanks @RoelvanUden .Thats my homework.:D
anyone here has an idea why I can't access my serv...
ooooh, the firewall.
all your traffic are belong to us [The firewall]
-> I'm tired
-> drink 1l of tea
-> I'm tired AND need to pee.
-> I'm tired
-> drink 1l of coffee

*FTFY @satibel
Caffeinated != not tired
It's just high-energy fatigue.
High-functioning sleepwalker.
Which is another reason i don't like drinking caffeinated beverages #spelling
tea is caffeinated, right?
@Codeman Oh no, C# is far too complex to be regular
@satibel ??
that's what IT sounds like to non IT guys
oh my god
> malleable logarithm casing
@satibel What.
> sigmoid rumbling below the belt line
the craziness of a french man
it's not cheap but I'm sure the government will buy it
Hello all. I'm trying to work with Windows Forms, something I last did about ten years ago. Is there a name for the sort of control where you've got two lists and you can map values from one list to values in the other?
And is there such a control in the default toolkit or in NuGet?
even firefox says I should sleep ><
@MattThrower AutoMapper? Not sure what You want
Basicallly two listboxes, and a button that adds a KeyValuePair to a dictionary from the selected item in each?
I'm not sure there's a standard control for that.
I'm after something like this ... hmmm, not sure how to get images into the feed
In that box you can drag connecting lines between the left-hand list and the right-hand one to create an association
search for node editor
!!tell MattThrower ddg Node Editor winforms
@CapricaSix Thanks, will take a look at that.
@satibel Thanks also
!!tell MattThrower help
@MattThrower Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
caprica is a bot
@satibel Aha
Why are there IE/Edge bug reports on chromium.org?
google's 90 day time limit expired
rat tat tat tat
your cat got hijacked
Why are sticky notes crap at their sole purpose of sticking to things
@Kieran C.A. glue ftw
Their purpose is actually to stick weakly to things.
> A unique low-tack pressure-sensitive adhesive allows the notes to be easily attached, removed and even re-posted elsewhere without leaving residue.
God dammit
But this also means i keep having to re-stick it to my board
And occasionally hunting for ones that have fallen and gone between the wall and my desk
virtual board ftw
Pins? Thumbtacks?
@Kieran The inventor of the postit note was trying to develop a new glue, but instead ended up with something only mildly sticky. He realized he could use it to temporarily stick light objects to something, and the postit note was born.
What a Parker square, amirite?
"Throughout this book, you'll run into things you might disagree with. It could be things in naming the classes or methods in C#, for instance, at times, I like to drop camel casing, both upper and lower, and just separate the words with underscores yielding "some_type_with_spaces"."
not sure if i want to keep reading this book or not
"Most annoyingly, you might see that I drop scoping for single line statements following an IF or FOR. Don't worry, this is my personal style; you can do as you please. All I'm asking is that you don't judge me by how my code looks."
oh i'm judging the guy
I don't have a problem with unscoped single-line if statements.
im not judging him for that
i'm judging him because he basically says he has no naming convention and just names things however he feels in the moment, lol
Yeah, that's just horrible.
@RoelvanUden HTTP/1.1 418
Does anyone know if there is a way to see a list of users who have recently connected to a SQL server db?
do you keep logs on your db?
I'm not sure
probabbly not
where would the logs be?
@SteveG That's how I ended up with my naming second child, myKid_2
@satibel Oh, yes we do backup transaction logs.
then you should have the transactions users did, maybe?
nice picture @Kieran
probably blocked or something
no idea
its basically saying PHP developers don't count to the quota of employees with disabilities
If you click on the image it'll load.
One-box broke for some reason.
whatever, I reloaded the page, and it displays the right one now
my code has intellisense errors, but it compiles, weird
@satibel Using Resharper? Sometime its caches get corrupted.
yup, but those are semi legit errors (like can't put a void * in a char *).
(this is c++ code)
Yeah, I figured by the pointers.
!!giffy give me a pointer
@SteveG That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: gfy, gif, giphy
!!giphy give me a pointer
can You imagine this joke to be told, and not linked?
zero x three A two eight two one three A
@satibel Hahahaha I actually laughed at a xkcd
@satibel oh look ... a reference to a joke about pointers, gotta love xkcd
@SteveG must you ping me every time I say something?
be a good boy steve
Hey guys I have a request.form where i have a word with comma like teststreet,13 if i use request form it will separate them
how can i make it 1 word
wit comma
without been separated
So management has passed down three decrees which I need to satisfy simultaneously:

1) Get the project to stop emitting the warning "CA2100: Review SQL queries for security vulnerabilities" that is currently occurring because we're populating our System.Data.OracleClient.OracleCommand's CommandText property using a string passed in from another context via function parameter.
2) Don't manually suppress any warnings using the project's settings and/or config files.
3) Don't use any ORMs.

Let's assume that there's no "real" security problem here - I've verified that the string can't be infl
@War i was just sayin hi
@Kevin :( sry
The rule description page suggests a stored procedure, a parameterized query, or "Validate the user input for both type and content before you build the command string." I'm happy to use parameters, but when I do, the warning doesn't go away.
lets see some code
I assume the third approach would have the same problem. Static code analysis isn't going to be able to confirm that I validated the command string.
See the Code Save the World
@SteveG Ok, sure. Here is a minimal example of some code that emits the warning despite using a parameterized query.
Granted, the query doesn't have any parameters to begin with, but I doubt VS can detect that at runtime
OracleParameter should that not take a DbType, and the name?
(new OracleParameter("lastIdParam", OracleDbType.Varchar2)
I'm using the string parameterName, object obj overload, which I assume does some kind of fancy type inference to figure out the dbtype.
But nevermind that. I'm happy to provide the DbType manually. Let's see... When I change it to var pNames = new OracleParameter("lastIdParam", OracleDbType.Varchar2);, I still get the warning.
What if you move the s query in to the command line
  --command.CommandText = s;--
command.CommandText =  "select * from USERS where NAME = 'Foo'";
guess you can't strike in a code snippt
@Kevin whack the attrib on the method to tell it to ignore the warning
@juanvan If I do that, then the warning goes away. But this approach may prove impractical in my actual non-mcve code .
that would o it without settings or config
@Kevin so you want to pass the QueryString via parameter
could set it to ignore the warning
or could use a delegate?
Request.Form("Places").split(",").Count-1 guys i have a place like amsterdam,netherlands if i do this it will make 2 arrays how can i make sur that he will get the data in 1 array
the data comes from sql database
@War What does "whack" mean in this context? Do you mean something like "use reflection trickery to set the attribute without actually doing command.CommandText = something, so the code analyzer doesn't notice"?
Because I did that for a different unrelated warning, and it worked, but I wasn't proud of it.
@Kevin no lets say you have a method like this ...
void DoSomethingFunkyInSQL(int foo, string bar) { ... }
that method constructs the Oracle command you are having this warning come up for
you can add an attribute to it
Attributes, as in, the things that go in square brackets above a function name?
I tend to do that when I have code that would normally produce a warning but has other code in there that checks or confirms that the warning is not likely to pose a problem
it's a bit of a red flag in some cases but if you're sure the warning isn't valid because the code is "fixed" then you can supress it
Ok, so you're saying I can suppress the warning at the function level, which can be done without modifying the project's properties or configuration files, so it follows the letter of the management mandate, if not the spirit.
That might work, or it might get me in hot water, so I'm going to put it firmly in the "maybe" column
well the only other way is to satisfy the compiler that the code is not in a state that it generates the warning in the first place
perhaps replace the string construction with a static string that has param refrences in it then build a parameterised commmand
If I change command.CommandText = query to command.GetType().GetProperty("CommandText", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance).SetValue(command, query); then the warning doesn't occur. But that's some dark magic right there.
@Kevin what if You put s into new OracleCommand(s);? Also what if You use some type safe version of var pNames = new OracleParameter("thisParameterDoesntActuallyExist", "foo");?
@ntohl Warning still occurs if I try either or both.
which line is the source of the warnin?
Line 22, OracleCommand command = new OracleCommand(s);
It seems to me that the "right" way to do this is: the string that comprises the commandText must be fully created in the same function that creates the OracleCommand.
OracleCommand command = new OracleCommand(s); does just that
so I'm confused
Well, no, s was created in Main and the OracleCommand was created in parameterizedQuery
just curious, what if the parameterizedQuery is not static. Shouldn't be problem tho
then would have to make a class of it
but that won't fix that error
so what you should do is
It's not impossible for me to keep it all in one function, but it leads to code duplication because I have functions like
public void doThing1(){
    string query = "some query goes here";
    //set up the oracle command, set up the oracleconnection, blah blah blah...

public void doThing2(){
    string query = "some other query goes here";
    //set up the oracle command, set up the oracleconnection, blah blah blah...
Where the "setup" is like twenty lines of code.
So I was hoping I could cut the code size in half by putting the setup in its own function and instead do
public void doThing1(){
    MySqlUtilityClass.doQuery("some query goes here");

public void doThing2(){
    MySqlUtilityClass.doQuery("some other query goes here");
pass the OracleCommand as the parameter
can't get the error if you follow the rules
@juanvan Hmm, that may be an acceptable approach.
Ok, yeah... it works for my MCVE, and should work for the majority of the warnings emitted in my actual code. The rest I'll have to address some other way, but that was always going to be the case.
Thanks for the assistance, everyone :-)
@Kevin oracleconnection setup still can be in 1 function
@mikeTheLiar I want to say something about Haskell here
just a small town girl
@Kevin if it were me i'd use an ORM but since you already said that your boss is a moron and rejects the whole idea of an ORM I would creat a component that implemented IQueryable and a few other functions just like an ORM does then use that everywhere ... worst case then, that component would be the only thing breaking any rules
it also puts all this building SQL statements type stuff in 1 place
@SteveG living in a lonely world
took the midnight train
going Any<Where>();
To be fair, management didn't forbid the use of an ORM outright. It just has to be an ORM that produces queries that are human readable and exactly as efficient as a query carefully handcrafted by a person.
@Kevin I can get that from EF
ask it a stupid question though and EF will do some nutty stuff
If you're thinking "but sometimes computer generated queries are faster than the fastest query a human could have conceived of", that's unfortunately not the case in my specific circumstances
but look at your queries very carefully and you can get awesome SQL out of it
@KendallFrey I'm sure Kevin wants to say something about Python
all be it a bit weirdly named
> all be it
"Albeit" is what you're looking for
"weirdly named" is the problem. Our DBA throws a fit if they see anything strange in the logs.
but the whole idea of having an ORM is that you don't have to worry about how the SQL looks ... all you care baout is getting the complex functionality at a decent perf point
@Kevin we are only talking baout queries here
DBA's have a strange idea about what's "good SQL" it's the equivelent of a programmer saying "that code is shit because all your vars are just letters var a var b var c"
Certainly I only care about getting complex functionality at a decent performance cost, but I also have to appeal to the sense of aesthetics of the guy who can expire our database credentials if he's in a bad mood
so its like being totally against minification in js
I put a hook in to all ym EF contexts so I can emit useful more clearly laid out log info than what they might get from the SQL logs
or being totally for vanilla javascript
I can then (through config) choose weather or not to dump that data in to the db
I guess it comes down to who the business values most ... DBA's or the devs?
I built a stack that requires no DBA ... I write everything as a code first model and EF handles it
@War Minified code is just a form of compiled code. It doesn't matter what it looks like.
@KendallFrey so is an EF generated SQL statement in my mind
EF has optimised the shit out of it, it's not meant to look pretty it's just meant to answer the question you asked
and quickly!
stupid SO Help page
you didn't help me at all
Don't be happy
be high
i like you more
I'm heading home
laters o/
@war o/ whats going on
God, tasks are the worst
LongRunning doesn't mean that there will be a new thread created. Fuuuuuuuuuuuu
As in System.Threading.Task? That's my favourite class in all of the .NET framework.
@Nathvi Why should it?
if you don't like it you won't ever finish it
hey guys :) How hard is it to write an own api for a program which you dont have the source code of?
hard? :P
i dont understand your question
you mean you have program x, you want to wrap it in an api call?
i actually have a big program which you can use for industrial technic. Its a program of Siemens.
Now they also have another "tool" which you can download from their site. With this program you can generate code in the big program
I want to know how this "tool" imports data into the big program
best explination ever? :P
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