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@SteveG 🌮
all of the above
May 4 '16 at 14:23, by Caprica Six
Jan 12 at 16:55, by Markus Werner
to all stupid put all "Panini" in your asshole
actually. a real question
What is the easiest way to link to the current page from the current page if you (the designer) doesn't know about it at design time. eg, something like <a href="\">click</a>won't work as it will take you to the root. something like <a href="#">click</a> doesn't force a post back
Or is it easier to do it with javascript and reload?
im having an interesting problem
i created a dropdownfor in my view using a new SelectList(model.list, "name", "name"), but it only takes the first word of the model.list
so example Chemistry Lab
Are you use theList< SelectListItem>
Or List<string>
it displays it correctly on my form
but when i try to display the object on a different page, it only shows Chemistry, not Chemistry Lab
I'd opt for List<SelectListItem> , part of web.mvc I think
so i should change my viewmodel then
This is a great explanation. Simple to understand etc and one I still refer back to @)
that doesnt answer my question though. The SelectList class is really designed to perform the conversion we did earlier (with the extension method), but it uses late binding reflection. The following would work, because we tell the SelectList where to find the text and value fields:

model.Albums = new SelectList(
_repository.FindAllAlbums(), "ID", "Name"
it does not require the convert to selectlistitem if you specify the text value and data value
Sorry, I didn't read properly
ill need to run my debugger to see whats actually happening when i have a chance. i dont think thats the problem, because the dropdownlist is being properly displayed
it SHOWS the full word
both words*
its just on save its for some reason to saving both words, only first word
Hang on
How are you rendering it
what do you mean?
so i have an html.beginform that is being used to create the object and store in DB
then i have a data table that is in a different view to display the data
its in that data table that its only showing 1 word
Your drop down list, is [email protected](
And in what order are the params?
I often put the selected value and list in the wrong way round :S
one sec, opening my github to get the code
son of a bitch, i didnt push my last round of changes
if i recall correctly it was @html.dropdownlistfor(c => c.Location, new selectList(...), new {@class ...})
it should be something list that
May be ask a question. I can't help any more as I have to leave. Sorry. Good luck
your previous link though did help me understand more about the dropdownlist, i think i have an idea on how to fix
mvc question: I have a details page and I want to have two partial views on this page both use for data entry to 2 different storage tables.. how would setup two different models?
to be passed to those partial views
can can a partial view have a partial view with in it?
i really should learn mvc better
I'm not a fan of it
thats because you don't know it well enough
I know it well enuff to do what I do
but I do find it overly complicated
you can be a expert in something and not like it
the problem with webforms was everything was tightly coupled together so you couldn't unit test very well, it was a pain to maintain
so while it seems complex for simple projects, it's a lot more simple for complex projects
that can be said for anything
any code
but you're not an expert in it
and if you were, you wouldn't claim webforms is better
I am not and I don't want to be
because it's def. not
never said it was better
just said I don;t like mvc
I like webfroms better
to each his own baby boy...
are you in college?
no I dropped out of primary... never learned to read
funny guy
or girl
or both
there are no girls on the internet, they're all guys
that's funny
but no seriously, webforms is fine for simple things, but when it even remotely gets complex the maintainability goes straight to the shitter
@SteveG you shut your mouth
not opinion, fact. Thats why MS went from webforms -> mvc
@mikeTheLiar don't lie, you want it open
@SteveG you keep talking like that about webforms and I'll give you something to fill it
but if you recall... these same guru's wrong gigabytes of code in books and training aids stating how good this or that is...
you take the next big thing with the big grains of salt lad
it all changes
it's from experience
not listening to guru's
it's opinion my friend
it's not.
have you ever flown an aeroplane?
you're not experienced enough to realize that yet, and i don't mean that as an insult
i can't be insulted...
good :)
I respect your opinion just as much as my own
again, not opinion
but have you ever flown an aircraft?
i have not
Ok... that's my point
When I created a project and put it in TFS, when someone else pulls it down, it doesnt seem to contain all the necesarry references. How do i go about fixing that ?
that point makes no sense
Spot on old chum... spot on
mvc was developed to fix the short comings of webforms, it's not opinion, it has been stated openly by msft
@Michael don't use TFS, use git like a reasonable, well adjusted person in the 21st century
@mikeTheLiar like thats and option...
I doubt that... mvc is what it is...
you're right, web forms is better than mvc, and microsoft knows this
again never said that
nah bro you're right
none of this stuff is better to me... hell I which I could say computer Build this app... wake me when you are done...
MSFT came out with mvc because people thought webforms was too easy and they wanted to screw with ppl
@SteveG that completely makes sense
look you are a programmer I am not...
i'm absolutely sure they had no other drive for it
war knows whats up
you have your strong set of core beliefs.. I have none... I just do this mess part time
I bet they sat in a baord room together and the conversation went "rigth everyone gets how to do this web stuff now, lets give them something that looks awesome but drowns them in niggly issues"
should I be including the Bin folder in my solution?
so you will not get any fight out of me...
I don't think so...
the bin folder gets generated when you build
what do you mean including it in your solution, you mean source control?
@SteveG both
well.. I mean include it in the project
the answer is no to both
I think I must be missing something simple here. Is it possible for this Name setter to raise a null reference exception?
public virtual string Name
    get { return Name; }
    set { Name = (value!=null && value.Length <= 6) ? value : null; }
but the bin has all the references
bin holds all the binaries after a build
that doesn't belong in source control
so where are the references before the build?
references to what? nugets?
@SteveG yeah
theres a nuget file
which lists what nugets each solution should have
there does not appear to be a nuget file
@Kevin shouldn't be
@SteveG packages.config
yeah that
thanks war
I see a packages folder
value != null will short circuit
i couldn't remember the name
or it might be json in core
not sure
@War I think they might've abandoned that plan but I'm not sure
@Michael the packages folder actually contains all the nuget fetched files
I bet whats happening in that, someone else pulls down the project from TFS and they get reference errors because they havent done a proper Build to place references in the bin folder?
@mikeTheLiar I hope so ... its been a bit of bug bearer of mine
@Michael exactly
json just isn't "strongly typed" enough to fit the C# ecosystem for something so important
I do love the dynamic nature of project configuration with it though
@SteveG thanks!
Hey. I think I may have found an obscure bug in VS2015. Is there somewhere I should report it for investigation?
@MattThrower there's a feedback button in VS
Looks like a smiley face
@mikeTheLiar thanks
According to one of our esteemed colleagues who actually works at MS someone does actually read those
@MattThrower go on?
@War Custom SSIS packages with customised output components added to SSDT packaged targetted at Sql Server 2014 throw a bizarre error - but they work in SSDT 2013
Oh that
:) Given this is the first time SSDT has been backward compatible, it wouldn't surprise me it wasn't watertight.
@mikeTheLiar You say that but it's cost me half a week's work trying to work out what the hell was going on
they probably know about it ... have you checked on connect
@War Nope. I do know that the error message I'm getting returns almost no search results except for questions I've posted :)
yeh ... thats probably obscure then ... "as above by mike" I guess
It'd be nice to get some confirmation it is actual an environment problem and not just me being a fool.
It's normally me being a fool
@mikeTheLiar ironic
@KendallFrey iron tonic
argh, again an "arbitrary limitation".
@SteveG irotic
eron tonic
lets play a game
Is C# still driven by the implementation? I thought a language's features aren't determined by "what is hard to implement" (though a compilers specifics might) - but rather an official theoretical document without any reference to compilers?
knows all the 'well, technically' crap
But I don't know what the hell the question means
@paul23 are you asking if there's a language specification?
Well yes... - Or well if you read above blog post to me it seems like "we do not allow a totally logical feature to have - because it won't be used and it's hard to implement"
That's not a logical feature, then
This blog post is also 8 years old and Lippert moved on from MS quite a while ago IIRC.
Well - "anonymous functions are functions" -> "functions can return an iterator with yield return..." -> "so anonymous functions/lambdas should also have yield return ...". - But no, the language has this not allowed.
ive never used yield return, some day hopefully
For the reason: "it's not used often (correct)" "easy to circumvent (correct)", and "hard to implement" (I don't know). Yet above reasons shouldn't be a reason why the LANGUAGE doesn't have something, it might be that a certain implementation doesn't support the language's feature completely (like have visual C++ still doesn't support everything from C++14).
It's not like they implemented yield and then turned it off for lambdas
@KendallFrey implementation comes after you fully define a language. And the definition shouldn't depend on implementation - or at least that's what I hope?
@paul23 The reason the language doesn't have it is because a certain implementation (.NET's) doesn't support it.
I've programmed in the past perfectly fine in purely theoretical languages which haven't even got an implementation.
@paul23 Feel free to define an impossible language. It's not going to be useful in any way
@KendallFrey C++ has features that most compilers don't support (yet), doesn't limit people from using it. Or the standard committee of going further with those features.
It's OK to have features that aren't globally supported, but features that aren't supported at all are kind of pointless
Especially in a language like C# that only has one noteworthy implementation
I've designed a programming language that allows you determine whether P=NP or not. No, you can't see it. None of the extant compilers support this part of the specification yet.
Let me guess, it's called Haskell
And no, there are no extant compilers. Feel free to write one.
using asp.net core, how would I call a controller / view with an Ajax div update? (is that worthy of an actual post?) i.e.:
!!tell brion format
@brion Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
Also that's the weirdest looking C# I've ever seen.
@KendallFrey whats Lexical structure
presumably structure in a lexical context
im trying to figure out why he said he's posting to a controller and then gives js that points to an html file
well instead of mypage2.html - ow would I call the page?
@mikeTheLiar Haven't you any true interest in actual language theory
just the path?
@SteveG You don't know it's a file
i.e. /home/_UpdateGallery ?
I'm really really only interested in learning the theory behind c# - once I understand that and how that influences the way you program I "move on" to the next language.
@paul23 no I actually program for a living. Navel gazing doesn't pay the bills.
@paul23 problem is then you really never get good at a language Imo I am always shuffling around
Language theory don't deliver features.
@mikeTheLiar Well the whole idea of "object oriented" is in first place "just a theoretic model". It's not that you have to use that model always, it's just a model that influences how you program. By learning different models you can more easily judge which model is best for a given task. And hence you could use a different language for each part of your application.
@SteveG Really? What do you return then if you have "something that can be iterated over"? Just the contained list?
Could be almost anything
I don't know if I've ever used yield return for anything nontrivial
yep, IEnumerable
is iteration and enumeration the same thing?
kind of maybe
Evening. Do we know what monad means yet?
@garfbradaz Male reproductive organs which do not have a fixed home.
Best answer ^
mike, man, you're a riot
Hi again all... ok I am confused about the mvc controller I havea details form in my mvc application. In this form I am trying use it to save information back to the database via partial views... I am getting the feeling that this cant be done because there is no httppost section in the details... and when I try to add a [httpPost] action for details it thows an error.
is this not doable?
i don't believe in spacetime @KendallFrey
@SteveG What about the evidence for spacetime isn't convincing?
they're two separate, unrelated things, the part that isn't convincing is the claim that they are
what about the evidence do you find most convincing?
what do you think @TravisJ
@SteveG The claim that they are yielded accurate predictions of the orbit of Mercury, the lensing of light by massive objects, and the desynchronization of clocks on orbiting spacecraft.
you disagree with kendall too?
If space is changing over time, how can you measure space without time?
@KendallFrey thats all just coincidence
@TravisJ you can measure time without space, easy
@BriOnH - That looks like it should work to me.
Even if it is, there's no reason to believe it's not, and pretending space and time are linked has proven helpful, so it would be detrimental to abandon the idea.
@SteveG - What is the distance between the Earth and the Sun?
you're supposed to help me screw with kendall @TravisJ, let me down
Sorry @SteveG...
Your getting your ass absolutely handed to you no matter who helps :)
The earth is flat, spacetime is a fool's notion @KendallFray.
Time in an illusion, spacetime doubly so.
and yes, the earth is indeed flat
@mikeTheLiar I prefer "emergent phenomenon"
everybody all around the glove knows the earth is flat, except for mr fry
time doesn't exist
If the glove don't fit, the earth must be flat. That was literally the saying.
G Love?
i figured it out
Steve G Love?
time is not a thing
Time is a tool you can put on the wall
Or wear it on your wrist
The past is far behind us
The future doesn't exist
Thyme is an illusion.
Thyme is such a pain to get off the stem.. honestly, not worth it.
ok here is another question the @Html.Editor thingy.... can I give this thing a ID or name?
@TravisJ the trick is infused oils
@mikeTheLiar Thanks, I think you're right. We're pretty sure the null reference is happening in production because their code isn't yet up-to-date with dev.
My wild goose chase would have gone on another half hour or so if I hadn't gotten a push in the right direction
I thought you were talking about infused thyme oil for a second and I was extremely confused.
We're pretty sure the null reference is happening in production because someone drizzled the server with infused thyme oils, causing zeroes to be written where they shouldn't have been.
I can see why that would be a problem.
We're going to address this race condition by only drizzling the server with oils when there aren't any pending user requests.
Of course if any infused oil would cause a race condition, it would be thyme, wouldn't it.
Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Thyme
Thyme is a harsh mistress. nods
can I not check more than one role for users with User.IsInRole()?
i tried User.IsInRole("Administrators","Home Medical","Payroll")
i think I see it
@Skullomania - Roles.GetAllRoles().Where(r => r == "A" || r == "HM" || r == "P" )
Who invented spacetime?
the universe?
we invented time, so space was the universe
I was going to say the cookie monster myself.
Hi, I need help with ASP.NET. Issue is that I want to upload/display a product image.The image is being stored into the database into byte[] but then for some reason it's not displaying the image
what is the code to display the image?
what's up ladies and gents

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