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@techspider up
that's only 2d direction though
if you want 3d direction you need vectors
@Failsafe not sure what you mean by; Can you point me to an example?
although vectors exist in 2d space as well
3d vectors exist in space defined by x y z
you can figure out the direction of a vector by using the direction cosines
which are 3 separate cosines
say you have vector AB
@Failsafe are you human or spam?
with unit vector C
c = u1 i + u2 j + u3 k
ijk are unit vectors in their respective xyz directions
@techspider either a smart bot, or a dumb human, we haven't figured out which yet
α is the angle between u and the x-axis
β is the angle between u and the y-axis
γ is the angle between u and the z-axis
C = cos α i + cos β j + cos γ k
and now you have direction using 3 unit vector cosines in 3d space
Wow. What's with all the flags?
who's getting flagged?
Failsafe is
Just came in to see what is going on. Everything alright?
@techspider flagging is to be used for serious matters
just fyi
I am explaining direction of vectors in 3d
using direction cosines
everybody in every chat room gets notified of your flags
@SteveG sorry
no worries
live and learn
shit forgot you can't do it here
@NathanOliver tl;dr i was being sarcastic and i got carried away
also someone check my math
not sure if i did that right
@techspider i looked at your question and was unable to answer it
but it looks like somebody else was able to
OK. Well I'm off then
@SteveG No, someone misunderstood.
@RoelvanUden Damnit Roel... Every freaking time.
Cya @NathanOliver, thanks
@SteveG I want to pass column name dynamically to Eval, but it looks like Eval accepts static column name enclosed in "" but not a dynamic string output
I'm even not sure how to achieve this through any alternative method
i'm not sure to be honest
@SteveG no problem, thanks for your try
maybe you can sucker @Failsafe into helping you since he screwed with you so hard
i didn't screw with anyone
math is important
>Math is important
TIL: Failsafe is a nerd
@techspider the syntax is <%# Eval("...") %>
isnt that what he has?
Did you even look at the question
@Failsafe I know it; please see my question; my context is different. I want to pass "...." dynamically to Eval
i did look at the question
and it clearly has <%# Eval("") %>
the quotes are missing
oh you're looking at the first code block
@SteveG How do I put my String.Format function inside " "
@techspider your second error is caused by a missing #
@techspider i haven't worked in webforms in so long, i'm not sure
@Failsafe Please see the first error when I use #
I am
I have v1_vendor_name, v2_vendor_name in the my datatable bound to this repeater; Instead of using Eval("v1_vendor_name") and Eval("v2_vendor_name"), I'm trying to use a loop so the column in Eval is dynamically applied
I have to do this dynamically since I have no control over the number of columns.. It could go v10_vendor_name
@techspider So you have an entity, and that entity can have multiple vendors?
@techspider I kind of agree with the first answer.
Are you trying to get the value of v1_vendor_name
@techspider <%# will run in different scope that cannot access your forloop local variables
@Failsafe Yes,
ahh i see
define index in your form
@tweray That's exactly correct; My intention of question is to know if there is any different approach
> define index in your form
@tweray Sorry. I have not got it. Can you throw an example?
var index;
for(var index ...
public int index
in your code behind
src="~/imagesPortfolio/@item.ObjId .jpg"> how do I get it so razor would print in the view 123.jpg?
@Failsafe This has the error same as first error on my question
@BriOnH pass the name of the picture as a query parameter
@tweray How do I get my index variable accessible inside my repeater? How
aka ?img=123.jpg
@SteveG think thats it!
i should read better
i totally thought at first glance you were <a> to another page
thank you @SteveG , no worries @Failsafe appreciate response
no problemo
@Failsafe I did it and assigned this.Index = 1 before for loop and I get to see 0 still. It seems my assignment is not take; not sure how to assign this value and increment it in ASPX
class YourPageName: Page {
public int Index {get;set;}

protected void Page_Load() { ... }
but the good news is Eval is accepting dynamic argument now and looking v0_vendor_name. So, if we know how to assign and increment this.index here in ASPX, the problem is solved
@tweray Yes, this is exactly what I tried; but it is not taking my assignment
`<% this.index = 1;
for (; index < mycount; this.index++)
{ %>`
just for (this.index = 0; index < mycount; this.index++)
or 1
and there is specific asp repeater class there
not sure why you have to use a for loop
@tweray I tried it but it doesn't assign value 1 here... DataBinding: 'System.Data.DataRowView' does not contain a property with the name 'v0_vendor_name'.
@tweray you want !!shrug
!!tell tweray shrug
@tweray ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<asp:repeater id="rptRepeater" runat="server">
<%# Eval(string.Format("Yourstuff{0}", Container.ItemIndex + 1)) %>
@tweray Not sure if you read my question completely, This is inside a repeater, I'm trying to generate controls dynamically for dynamic columns in the datatable bound to that repeater
i read it completely, it's you need to read my code completely
So is there a room where people can just shoot the breeze?
and things are not so formal
@tweray I have columns in my datatable- ID, Description, v1_vendor, v2_vendor, v3_vendor (dynamic number of columns).
@007 you can do that here but don't be racist
or whatever
ya know
<insert border-radius>
@Failsafe Don't go around saying things like "I hate all whatever race failsafe belongs to" or anything like that (even if you do think it)
Oh man you guys are tuff on friendship LOL
we have plenty of friendship
Implying failsafe is human and not a surprisingly intelligent slug
but little free speech
we have to respect the fact that this room represents the SO community
but how do you guys like stackoverflow... I am not a fan
well you're on it right now
I find the some of the question editors to be very unfriendly
I wet myself a little when I get a stackoverflow.
get that shit out of here @mikeTheLiar
I accidentally the whole call stack... Is this bad?
some of you are alright, don't go to c# chat tomorrow
But then again some people are nice
@Sidney you would have a real problem if you were a c developer
it's like only a few bad fruits
if you wet yourself every time you get a SO exception
you would be programming in a pool of piss created because you write shit code
Last SO exception I got we had to break up.
i don't think you broke up correctly
try rebuilding
This one didn't throw an exception
So any of you guys play any computer games or write any games?
I'm trying to bind the content of a label to a numerical value, specifically the itemcount of a GridView. I have the ContentStringFormat value set, but if the GridView doesn't have anything in it, nothing shows up at all even though I have the TargetNullValue set.
<Label Content="{Binding ElementName=lsvResults, Path=ItemsSource.Count, TargetNullValue='Search'}" ContentStringFormat="Search ({0})" />
@007 Failsafe levels dex
fuck off
I'm pretty sure I know why, but I'm not sure how to fix it.
get rekt
@007 That way lies madness
tfw im softbanned from ds2
ahh ok
cuz u lvl dex fgt
@techspider no one is stopping you from wrap a repeater inside a repeater, you only need to think twice if it worth that much trouble
its cuz the game glitched
everyone in majora died
I play a lot of simulations
game though i hacked it
I usta work on this flight sim called Falcon 4 back in the day
but now I just play games... I would like to make a game... but what's the point
im making a game right now with my roommate
@007 the point is to learn
Yeah what is it call failsafe... whats the concept
!!afk meeting
meh on leaning
wouldn't you like to know
@mikeTheLiar no one cares
well yeah I would if you can share
if you can't I understand that as wll
@Hypersapien Silly question (I know next to nothing about what you're talking about) but when the Gridview is empty, do you hit a null reference exception or something in trying to get it's count? Try wrapping your call to update the value in a naive try/catch and see if anything comes out.
im not telling anyone until it's already been out for 2 years
learning is pointless, it's left wing brain-washing, it makes you a sheep, you should not learn anything ever, be like us republicans
@007 "meh on learning"
I hate whatever race Steve G belongs to
@Sidney don't hate yourself fam
cool... put it on steam when I't ready... Ill play it and be like... I bet my good buddy failsafe made this awesome game! Good job lad good job and God Speed!!
@007 it'll be more like "wow this game is a piece of hot florida garbage. whoever made this should probably consider suicide"
@Failsafe Are you assuming my race?
[trigger intensifies]
ohhhhh now I see why people saying what they are saying Failsafe... I got your back nephew
thanks familio
umm hmmm
next topic Movies... do you see them?
I have not ever seen a movie in my life good sir.
I have not been to theater since Skyfall
what's a movie?
Wait... I did see the Star Trek film with Khan
A movie is a moving picture with or with out sound...
its mostly made up from pR0n.... Mostly!
Oh, it's like the pictures in harry potter. Dude, that's just a book, pictures don't actually move.
For example Star Wars... there is a battle star named Galatica Star and It's trying to get to Hoft or some type of warm hole using a Mitsubishi Eclipse... Vin Gasoline is in it Me thinks
... I have been out trolled.
i breathed slightly more air out of my nose than usual
He plays Derrick Vadurst
Something like that... ok back to C# for a few then I take another break... be back in 25 seconds...
nice work ethic
Hey I did what I do because I can
S@$ts gotta compile... then it has to do computer stuff to make go... I test one line of code at a time
Bu I am not a fan of C# I like vb.net better and I have no love for mvc @ all
it's like a the worst thing ever in my opinion... the code is hard to troubleshoot because the trouble shoots back...
eye twitching
you like vb huh
where's my torch
screams internally
but I do it to fill my hours... sadly I wish I couls spend my days in the lilac fields picking daisies
yeah vb is cool... it is very verbose not of this short cut junk
I have what they have done with the if logic in c#
it's unreadable... to me
screaming internally intensifies
what don;t you like about vb just wondering
I code in both so
its existence
it's just syntax
so the answer is you have not rational reason.. and thats okay...
That's what they said about Java and look where we are now.
because you are good enuff and dog on it people like you
1.5 billion devices run Java
that means there are 1.5 billion retarded devices out there
Who is gonna help those devices?
not my taxdollars
stop faulting devices!
they don't have choice
I think VB is cool... it is easy to understand and you don;t have all that extrac {}; crap like you have in c
pointless stuffs
but then when I write in C that stuff sorta fads in the the noise of the code and it does not matter much
see you're a c# programmer and you don't even know it
but to each his or her own is what I say
well I code in C3 Vb.net Vba which is my fav... I love MS Access
I know of one other who codes in VB. He's basically the worst person I know.
you were doing so well
well... know you know me...
I Betcha The Donald codes in VB
VB is the spawn of satan
@Failsafe somewhere between 3 and 5 million illegal devices
send them back to .net
damn illegal devices
we're gonna build that firewall
and make oracle pay for it
hi, if i have a small question, may i ask it here.?
Guys, guys, these are all alternative pointers
@GreenTree That's what we're here for (and also possibly spam posting), but in general, just ask, don't ask if you can ask (and this is a recursive rule)
@Sidney We don't want fake views
like MVC
any highcharts/maps gurus around?
define maps
i'm trying to do a world map in highcharts
@Failsafe they usually show landmasses, sometime bodies of water
the map itself draws, but it's not reading the data for some reason
@mikeTheLiar im talking about maps not pics of your mother
the data is in the format [[{hc_key: "US", value: 19019},{hc_key: "RU", value: 69 }]
so i'd expect the us to be really bright, russia to be slightly bright and everything else to be bland
why when i disassemble an .exe file into intermediate language, the dumped file is smaller then exe.? is it because statically linked code is not included.?
@GreenTree Without knowing the answer, that seems like a reasonable assumption.
Your decompiler sees system.windows.forms and say "Oh, I don't need that" and doesn't decompile it.
@Sidney That's not statically linked
btw, where can i find, what code is included into exe by default.? is it described as standard for all compilers or it is implementation defined.?
afaik, it's only the code that you compile into it
Unless you use something like ILMerge
Is there any way to change a project type? Just realized I've set it to .NET Core instead of .NET Framework.

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