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I don't know if I'm explaining this clearly.
man hole covers have sensors?
ya for bombs
and turtles
got to know where those turtles are
Yeah, they have a sensor that measures the flow, velocity, level, of the water travelling through the system.
In my area they have red lights that come on when the system is over loaded
But I get your problem, you Run sproc, get list ID, then run those Ids in another sproc for the data
Oh, in my area we have real time monitoring. So every 5 minutes it pings a cell network with the measurements. Then once it hits one of our specified thresholds then we send an alarm email to the crews.
ya I would hate to be on that crew, going to check it out
@Greg sounds like a dirty job
what do they do if the sewer gets too full? tell people to stop shitting? (i've never lived in a big city)
thats so gross
It is quite a bit more complicated than that. It is all pushed to a Treatment Facility.
just the thought of rivers of feces running under cities is... cringe
but i suppose it's better than running in the cities
My county, is one of the best in the nation so we don't have those issues. We have a really strong infrastructure, but Salem, OR had to much inflow of rain water flooding their system, so they had to dump raw sewage directly into the river to keep up.
Which is a huge no, no. Really bad.
enjoy that west coast fish, boys
@SteveG Your remark is illogical. The ocean is riddled with fecal matter, when you flush the toilet the fecal matter is transported even.
@SteveG You can't escape fecal matter, it is almost every where.
google how dirty your cell phone is
be prepared to be surprised
its filthy as shit
@Greg when i flush my toilet, it goes into a septic tank, where microbes eat it
not into our drinking water, or fishing water. lol.
thats what they want you to believe
There are items in nature that clean the fecal matter in nature. Over time.
cities are f'n gross
@peterpep He is correct about drinking water. They pull from a lake, for instance. Then they treat the water, to ensure that bacteria for instance is removed. Then push through their system.
i was being sarcastic
thought that was clear when i reference illuminati
Sewage and Storm water is supposed to try and be placed back in the river without bacteria and at all the natural parameters of the river, lake, and etc.
human sewage leads to illnesses, sickness, diseases
@SteveG Thus the reason it is taken so serious.
we shouldn't have sewage
yeah, but lets just dump it in the rivers
sounds healthy
@SteveG They don't. If they do, it is incredibly rare.
thats what leads to super bugs
excuse me what is Dev ops?
sounds funny
we have dev ops, but from what i hear, we don't do it right
but basically, people responsible for putting out fires?
I imagined geeks in black suits with keyboards
superbugs are happening because we prescribe antibiotics like god damn candy
cuz patients bitch that they need antibiotics
i do that
then i flush them all down the toilet
jk, i don't do that
source: my mother and my wife are doctors
im in a pissy mood
they say its a travesty how much they see other people get antibiotics
we have antibacterial soap
that shit is terrible
and wall paint too now
like, we really need our wall paint to be antibacterial lol
yea the big problem also is due to government regulations (cuz of prices) no one wants to develop new antibiotics (theres no money in it) so no one has been doing research in it for decades
actually we do
look up the last time a new antibiotics was released
a new bubonic plague is in the works
so? earth is over populated already, so we doing fine
yea the people in bumblefuck, USA will be fine
the rest of us in civilization will be fucked
lo siento if youre in bumblefuck, usa
what is bumblefuck?
a side effect of bubblebee tuna
ah og googles it
it means middle of nowhere
could have created better work for it
nah its a great word
just say it out loud
just rooooollls off the tongue so effortlessly
english is not my native so it will sound awful :D
what is your native?
i should marry a doctor
a fellow slav
im macedonian
dont let the greeks hear me say that
or theyll try to kill me
one started a fight with me
and i didnt know the person
they just overheard me say im macedonian, but not greek
i am a direct descendant of plato
she legit started screaming at me
because of naming dispute
because there is a region in greece referred to as macedonia
so they say we stole it
:D ah ok
so whenever one of those people tries yelling at me, i say alexander the great was one of us just to piss them off
he was greek, not slav
and i watch as their heads explode
i used to love reading about alexander the great when i was young
macedonia built like 150 statues i think just to piss greece off
those people :\
but im pretty sure it was due to money laundering
but i like to believe it was a giant f you
greeks don't pay taxes, then protest + riot when their gov't fiscally collapses almost
for example, greece blocked macedonia from joining EU due to naming dispute
in case anyone is interested in reading more
@SteveG I mean the US is probably responsible for greece collapsing
macedonia pro at trolling greece: "To the annoyance of next-door Greece, which has long claimed the conqueror as its own, Macedonia has anointed Alexander its national hero. The government has renamed the international airport here in his honor, as well as the main highway to Greece. Soon to come: a 72-foot-tall marble colossus of Alexander astride his favorite warhorse, Bucephalus, which will dominate the skyline of the capital, Skopje."
LOL, it's a national past time for them to try to escape paying taxes
some trying to blame the US
they have an economy based on tourism
and their debt to GDP ratio was like 190+%
well, they should spend their money better, and should force people to pay taxes
wow they all got nothing better to do?
countries like germany bail them out, and then they complain like they're the victims
well, go fucking bankrupt bitch
"As the country tries to clamber out of its debts, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has said more than half of homes are paying zero income tax."
good job, greece, good job
thats what i'm talking about
i remember them complaining about the austerity measures
i was laughing
Greece has no tech industry.. that makes them a third world country.
portugual, italy, etc that accepted those measures managed to turn around
@peterpep me too
greece's economy is just tourism
for the most part
Yeah, mostly
But it isn't a large tourist destination by comparison of other places.
and paying taxes that government will steal from you is better?
If you pay taxes, how did they get stolen?
politicians take the money etc
yea damn that pesky infrastructure shit
theyre just stealing from us
I don't believe you.
so you feed thoss bastards
I think you are a liar.
lmao, i've never seen Travis that forward before
greece is about to run out of money again
so Macedonia will be able to buy their name?
the pain
macedonia aint in great shape
@TravisJ you doing alright man?
my pride was in 2008 coca cola said macedonia made the best taasting coke
@SteveG - The nice is being beaten out of me by the world I think.
must be
welcome to the internet age
the world is ending
I know how to check country status: in google maps zoom out and country with more orange "veins" doing the best
Questions... say I have two instances of an object that have to share the same tcp socket... is there a good / standard way of doing this, other than just making some sort of queue that the instances just put requests on?
you make them battle to the death, and the winner goes through
@Nathvi - Isn't that what different ports are for?
@Nathvi IoC/DI
@TravisJ, if it was me, I would do that.... This is dependency of a shit api I have to work with
lets go back to making fun of greeks again, i don't think i had my fill
You are a nuuuurd
just never say that to a greek
theyll fight you
all of us in the balkans are nationalistic as fuck
@KendallFrey - Injecting the socket connection?
I like Greek food, we need more Greek restaurants
yea it really is
big thumbs up
i honestly dont know if i can read anymore politics anymore
this shit is too much circus now for me to handle
falafel, baklava, lemon soup, feta kalamata salads, tapenade, boba ganoush, all that
oh, and those slab of spinning meat gyros
speaking of gyros, fyi its pronounce gee-row
not ji-row
not the same as gyroscope
@KendallFrey - How would the injector know which object to use though? As in, how would it know which data type was coming through without inspecting it?
can't help it, if knowing gee-row I still read it is as ji-row
@peterpep i didn't know, i called it gi-row
I have also considered thinking of it as yi-row
@TravisJ You're asking questions that aren't answerable or relevant given the information I have.
@TravisJ thats really the best pronounciation (yee-row)
@KendallFrey - You suggested using DI to handle the TCP port for two different objects. How is asking how to determine which object will get injected with the socket connection not relevant?
I don't even know how to answer that, because it makes no sense to me
okay, well, yee-row then I suppose
fuck i want to go buy some ajvar
roasted pepper spread
shit is the bomb
eat it with pita?
pita, bread, whatever
It looks good
i make sandwiches with it
its fantastic
I think it should be pretty straight forward. Each instance enqueues a request on static class. On the initialization of an instance, it asks if there is already a message pump to send out the tcp requests / commands
if you ever try to buy it, buy the Vava brand
how the hell can I find job as programmer if no one want noobs??
pronounced wa-wa
I would make it on my bbq
@Mr.Noob intern
@Mr.Noob - Plenty of people take noobs for programming jobs.
@Mr.Noob stop being a noob, apparently
Yeah, intern, twitter pays almost 6 figures for some interns
shit how havent i found a job
resume bad?
interviewing skills bad?
background is in engineering
breath bad?
idk I can't find any, no one ever called me after receiving CV
need to get more experience on my resume
theres such a dev/engineer shortage
been volunteering to do projects for other groups to beef up my resume
craziest field to be in, treated like kings
hence why im working on that chemical inventory management webpage
NY is savage, too many people to compete with
Have you tried using a .com to post your resume?
what do you mean?
like jobs website?
the problem is my title and most of my experience isnt currently in programming
and my UG degree is in engineering
so im just working on projects at work to make resume better
like i try to hear problems other groups have and develop solutions
at least you got a degree
indeed.com is a pretty good site for job posting
ive been getting some messages on linkedin from recruiters
but comes down to not enough experience, lo siento beyotch
im like thanks for wasting my time
i think if i can get this web page deployed at work it will be a huge plus on the ole cv
Do you have a github account?
its gonna come down to my solution versus external vendor that is 50k + yearly licensing fees
its pretty shameful
but will they use it?
Keeping those populated is a good way to bolster your resume
im confident that im gonna come up with a really good solution
everything I do is useless
idk bad timing I guess
first thing you need to do is stay optimistic, cuz otherwise pessimism is gonna bleed into everything you do
it did already...
aye things might not be great, but need to look always for the silver lining
:D I don't believe in silver lining
having that optimism is gonna help push you the extra mile and be more productive
if you dont believe in yourself, no one else will. and if you get interviews, people will spot that in a second
yes, but after 12 hours at cardboard factory its hard to stay optimist
Everyone has to start somewhere
trust me, i dislike the things that i do at work currently as well. but you need to keep looking for ways to improve. if you dont try to fix it, nothings gonna change man
try reaching out to people in different departments and seeing if they have any complaints that can be solved with an application
work on it on your spare time and youre building experience
I washed small glass containers for below minimum wage for a year once. It sucked, but it doesn't define who you are.
thats what im trying to do at least
I don't think I have any future...
no ones gonna help someone that isnt willing to help themselves man
yes I know, but I just told a fact
i think is not a fact
@Mr.Noob the biggest dreamkiller is self doubt, the biggest thing holding you back is you, an old african proverb says: if there is no enemy within, the enemy outside cannot hurt you
or something along those lines
seriously, it's all in your head, if you tell yourself you can't do it, then you can't, but if you convince yourself that you can, you will
I don't have any dream/goal
sure sounds like you want to be a programmer
you know, this isn't a cardboard factory chat room
i feel like shit, complete and utter shit
We all have a dreams, cold beer
i just want to go sleep
@SteveG - Are you sick?
most of the places I have been at people simply not ready for that technology, they prefer excel
so make excel macro
@TravisJ i don't think so, just exhausted, hot, frustrated, tired and lazy
my head hurts
someone in this chat told me that a lot of applications they eventually developed started off as an excel macro
i am over excel
look at what theyre doing in excel and see if you can make an application that does stuff better
yes but they will use excel anyway because people afraid of changes
Excel is a huge time waster for most large projects. If it gets to over 200 lines something went wrong
the project im working on now is something i developed for them first as an excel macro and they loved it
@SteveG - I have been sick for like 6 weeks now =/
they came back and wanted all these other features
so now im making an aspnet web app for them
@TravisJ oh man, that sounds awful, with what?
@SteveG - Various flu's apparently
All sorts of people got sick in CA this season
man, thats the worst, and for 6 weeks
kill me plz
Haven't had any scotch this whole year
that cool to see your program/code being used
yea but it came from me to seek out people that had problems
and then to try to come up with a solution
no one came to me and was like here can you do this?
you find a problem and pitch a solution
I did it once, at another factory where I worked, this app could save like 40% of time but the guy who is in charge of IT there told me that its not working, I couldn't check it by myself because I left that job before I was able to test it by myself
keep doing that
find problem, solve
I think he just wanted to have his name under this useless text editor he made for them to use
holy fuck
Strangely the thing I like about Excel is the VBA interface. I guess because it reminds me of QuickBasic that was distributed with DOS versions.
i just checked my 401k for the first time in close to 6 months
They even kept the really weird stuff in the language like 'On Error GoTo 0' haha.
I created works log app in excel once, and then I decided that I won't touch excel anymore
posted on February 14, 2017 by Phil Haack

Yesterday was the 15th anniversary of .NET’s debut to the world. And Visual Studio was first released twenty years ago! In a recent episode of On .NET, I went to the Channel 9 studios to talk a bit about the history of .NET, my work at GitHub, and challenges to .NET’s future success among other random diversions.

why they chose Trump if they hate him so much?
I have unreasonable hate for Excel. Probably cause I work with engineers and they try to do EVERYTHING in Excel.
not only engineers...
Engineers are the worst
Ya engineers are a PITA
Woohoo SlowCheetah is released for Visual Studio 15/17
wtf is that?
Web.Config transformations on Debug
so you can Debug in Release/Staging/Debug what ever configuration transformation you want with out having to Publish
Is it free?
I have db interaction class, where I have a lot of methods, should I rewrite the class and make only CRUD methods that will get query string?
You should use EF
A rewrite is very expensive
@Nathvi yep
:D not for me i am working for free
Then write it in assembly
Work is never free
If anybody says otherwise, they're a communist
@Nathvi - Or they are the benefactor of said free work ;)
Like I said, a communist
"Where does the capitalist have his breakfast?" How Soviet students learnt English in 1959. https://t.co/oimD5DpyjG
have you ever organized a meeting for all c# chat users irl?
I think it would be epic
We would all have to be drunk
I've only ever seen one person from chat IRL
one day to chat irl, I think it would be one of the best days
you live in the same city or something?
and then nobody shows up
well I mean if people would show up
I met with Spencer once, it was fun
Had some lunch, a beer, poked around town
you live in the same town?
No he was just passing through and I told him I would show him the sights
It would be fun to organize an actual conference, but to be honest attending those things (and setting them up) is so expensive it wouldn't be very inclusive
yes but it could be great fun I think
Nothing wrong with some fun, although, it is hard to find time to get away from work for most people just for fun
work wont go nowhere...
modern slavery can wait...
don't work just play all day
don't play just work all day
have to sleep probably, bye bye!
I was able to write a program which makes a web request and reads the data, but somehow it seems too complicated. Why do I need all this stuff. I mean I understand what each line means, but what is the logic for all of these different things. I need to create a WebResponse object, then make a WebRequest, then get a "response stream", cast it to a Stream base class, use that to create a StreamReader and finally from that I can read some data that was received.
string uri = "http://localhost/foo";
WebResponse res;
    WebRequest req = WebRequest.Create(uri);
    res = req.GetResponse();
catch (Exception e)
    Console.WriteLine("e: {0}", e.Message);
Stream str = res.GetResponseStream();
StreamReader rdr = new StreamReader(str);
string lin = rdr.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("lin: {0}", lin);
@Brandin maybe you'd prefer something like WebClient
Well, I'm actually trying to understand why the above is actually useful?
I mean why they set it up so that is the way to do it. Is there a hidden beauty I am missing
@Brandin How else would one do it?
Just as an example, here is an equivalent in Python 2:
import requests
uri = "http://localhost/foo"
res = requests.get(uri)
iter = res.iter_lines()
for lin in res.iter_lines():
    print "lin: %s" % lin
I know what you mean @Brandin
it seems like there should be something shorter to do that
does it need to be a c# application? Invoke-WebRequest in powershell is very simple to get data
I would probably just use wget or something. But I was trying to figure out what is the big advantage of having separate 'Stream' and 'StreamReader' objects for this. Is it somehow useful? For example, the Python version has an extra iterator object that the C# does not have, but at least I can see how that is a useful thing to have.
streams are useful
eg we stream data from a web service straight into the filestream in our sql server db
so i dont get the file, parse the file, save the file. it just streams straight into the db
as Kendall said there's a WebClient which has functions like DownloadString and stuff
I mean how is it useful to have a separate 'Stream' and 'StreamReader'. If I designed it I would probably just make it a stream and leave it at that. Include operations like 'get a line' from the stream and so on.
A stream reader reads the stream
you might not want to read the stream, you might just want it as a stream
its an option
I guess I don't see the point. And where to draw the line. For example, we have a Stream, and then we make a StreamReeader. Why not also create a StreamLineReader from the StreamReader, from which I can read lines? Or, say, let's create a StreamByteReader from the StreamReader from which I can read bytes, etc.
At a certain point you have to put your foot down and say it is too confusing.
@Brandin Stream is a sequence of bytes. StreamReader is a type of TextReader that reads strings from a Stream.
TextReader is a class that reads strings
It's not about just adding abstractions on top of each other
And this has nothing to do with networking
What is the advantage of separating it out? Why can't I just say stream.ReadLine() from a Stream directly?

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