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posted on February 08, 2017 by Scott Hanselman

I just got back from Kenya and South Africa and had a great time speaking at NexTech Africa and the Microsoft Tech Summit in Johannesburg. I also got to hang out with my wife's family a bunch. While I was there I was reminded (as one is when one travels) how spoiled many of us with being always connected. Depending on how far out of town you get the quality of internet varies. There's not just

6 hours later…
oh, hello there
good morning.
every time you say that @Proxy I imagine you running outside to school with toast in your mouth
Gooooooooood Mornin' Folks
if only :( @misha130
@misha130 lol
@misha130 Thanks. Now that picture will be stuck with me.
@RoelvanUden how can you picture it when you don't know how i look :P?
maybe it is like this?
You're wearing weird pajamas with animal ears and a bit of hair is sticking out at the front of your hoodie.
Or this.
i see nothing wrong with that either
we can play with makeup later @RoelvanUden
Sensai, i haz great mobile-coding-findtherightalgorithm-game-app and i can't find solution to one lvl
you made that app?
or you are just playing?
@Proxy playing
what...a gui in visual basic..to see how to track the IP..
mind just blown
TV series writers are often so bad in technology it's hilarious (or sad) to watch
@RoelvanUden lovely
i do wonder how they came up with that line
soundy funcky?
A tech nerd wanted a good laugh?
"lets just ask my 13 year old son for a witty line, he is a wiz at computers"
@misha130 i luike your version more^^
he knows at 13 more then i did for sure
Anyway back to the important things of life, my game problem.
I found the solution online but it doesn't work for some bizzar reason.
The method truns the *input* -> *output*
[[2],[3]] --> [5]
[[1, 2], [1, 9]] --> [3, 1]
[[3], [1, 2]] --> [1, 5]

Any1 any idea? I am searching for an algorithm that processes the input in that evry way.
God my english burnt down fast there...
@RoelvanUden I'll take cinematic over realistic any day. Real tech looks bad on TV.
And you have Gell-Mann amnesia happening there anyway.
Also, there's no narrative, cinematic or aesthetic value for using real tech. It doesn't have to compile, it has to convey an artistic, emotional, narrative or entertaining imperative to the viewer.
I mean, I'm not saying all this crappy tech on TV necessarily makes for a good artistic, emotional, narrative or entertaining product - most TV is crap, as we know, regardless of the tech used - but I disagree that TV should even strive for perfectly realistic technology.
@RoelvanUden one of the best representation is sadly in a (soft) porno
it's basically a tutorial on nmap with a stripper.
for research purpose what is the name of the movie?
Ignore me!
snepai @RoelvanUden, how is the book progressing?
Hi guys, I have a simple question about factory design pattern. Until now I've used it to generate new entity object in my services (instead of creating it by new Product() for example).
Now I need to create new instance for my another classes (not entities!).
Should I create new factory?
Or just add new methods to already exists factory?
A new factory.
There is a good reason for the factory, yes? You aren't just adding a factory for factory's sake?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan: the main reason for adding factory are the unit tests - I can't test method if I created new instance of object inside this method.
Honestly, I would like to keep creating it by new keyword but like I said earlier - I can't because of tests :/
It would be much easier to use an IoC container as your factory, in that case.
When you say "factory", I think "a class that encapsulates instantiation logic, such as choosing the relevant subclass or performing initialization in the right order".
When you say "IoC container", I think "a class that allows registering of components so that they can be replaced by alternate implementations in production/unit-test/whatever environment".
Even though, strictly speaking, they're both expose a similar "Give me an instance of the thing" interface.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan: thanks for some explanations. It's seems you're right - I need just IoC container, not whole factory.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan: are you still here? :P I have a question about IoC container - every article which I found tell about DI - I know how to inject dependency in constructor (I use it for inject services into controllers for example) but I still don't know how to build my container.
Have you got some good tuts or examples?
I use Ninject but examples with any others framework shouldn't be a problem
Creating a container is the first step in any tutorial for a DI/IoC framework. I haven't used ninject, but I assume it's similar - you have a Bootstrapper that runs on startup and registers the types in the container. In Autofac, it's a ContainerBuilder object. You register, then generate the actual Container. From then on, you instantiate types from the container.
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
var container = builder.Build();

using(var scope = container.BeginLifetimeScope())
  var service = scope.Resolve<IService>();
Replaced with a simpler example.
Ninject is similar
ninject and webapi is kind of iffy
We use autofac and webapi, but we didn't really bother integrating them particularly well.
Our controllers are generated normally by WebAPI, and they use scope.Resolve<> to get a reference to the BL service that actually has logic.
you have to add an extra file to your configuration NinjectWebCommon or something
and its exactly that file
I also switched to autofac and its much nicer
@Proxy I'm stalled a bit. I want to write the next chapter, but I haven't been able to really sit down and write with the concentration I need. I intend to continue writing soon, I want to get to the where the adventure really starts soon :)
oh just take the required time :P. I refresh the page here and there to see if anything new is avalible
I've used ninject with Nancy. Really nice to use.
@misha130: @tmutton: please see this example: http://stackoverflow.com/a/41338505/1385292
Author create IoC and inject service into controller with DI. Ok, I can do it. But now I need to create instance of Product entity (for example) - it's simple class which hasn't interface (because it don't need it).
@1_bug In that case, why do you need to create it via a factory?
Product is more a data class, right?
I mean, in your unit tests, you still need to create the same class, right?
So just create it.
and not a service
@misha130: no, it's just a class like :
class Product {
int id {get;set;}
string name {get;set}
as avner said just create it
@Proxy :-D I think you'll like it when it starts going crazy. I'll let you know. :D
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan @misha130 but I can't doing it by `new Product()' inside my method because Moq can't do this and will fail
@RoelvanUden Any quick way to remove the first index out of a List<string>?
I only seem to be able to remove a certain string out of that list.
@1_bug Why would it fail?
@RoelvanUden okay nvm sensai i am stupido
ty :)
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan because it can't create new object - it need some mocked object with dummies data - and I can't insert my mocked object into testing method if I created new object "in time"
i hope so :P
@1_bug Nope, still don't understand what you mean. You have a unit test that tests a method. That method creates an instance of a Product?
Remember that DI is about dependencies. A service instance - say, a ConfigurationService or a Logger - is a dependency. Your code depends on it, it doesn't own it.
But if your method is there to create a new product, that's the code that owns the new Product instance. It doesn't have to receive it from outside.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan let's call my method UpdateProduct(ProductViewModel) - if it find product by id in DB it's just update it. If cannot find it should create new product and add to DB.
morn all
jeez...lots of anime
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan UpdateProduct(ProductViewModel model) - sorry, my bad
@1_bug Ok, still, what's the problem with having it create a new Product itself?
I assume you have a mock IRepository or whatever that handles the DB access.
@Ggalla1779 Anime, where?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan: please see this exaple of my method - pastebin.com/MknaFDJa
@1_bug I still don't see the problem.
Since you're testing UpdateProduct, not your DB, I assume that _db is a mock implementation. Depending on your test scenario, you would either tell it to return true to the first check, or false in another test. And you would add an expectation that Add is called with a Product containing the required name and date.
But the Product instance isn't a mock. It's a real Product - there really isn't such a thing as a mock data class, since it would be... the same data class.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan But Moq can't create new instance of Product. I need give it to him in some way and allow him to add this fake newProduct to fake (mocked) _db - then just check if Products table count is higher by 1
It will be proof that updating goes in correct way
Like you see I use _db which is instanced by Ninject and inject in constructor - I can build service in my test by:
var _db = new Mock<ApplicationDbContext>();
var service = new ProductService(_db.Object);
It create mocked _db, inject it into service and use it during test - when my method call db.Add(...) Moq call my mocked dummies _db.Add() for real.
I need do same thing with Product instances. |And this is my problem.
@RoelvanUden when i was lokoing over the room chat... 3 images of anime
You're not mocking the right things.
You don't need a fake product - you need a real product passed to a fake Add method.
When you code calls _db.Products.Add, there shouldn't be real code at the end of that - the Add method should be fake, and your unit test should check that it was called.
@Ggalla1779 That's not a lot
i say apples you say pears so Roel'n
remind me if I added a cs file in ftp
where its a webforms project
will it detect it and auto compile it?
or will I have to physically download it build and replace the dlls
why the fuck can't I access the damn sysvol folder? è.é
@misha130 I... don't remember.
I remember webforms compiles on the fly, but I still think it only compiles files in the csproj, doesn't it?
IIS something compiles when files are changed oh fuck it I just downloaded the project and thats it
New file or modified? Modified files should be automatically picked up and compiled.
it didn't, maybe it was because of some configuration
fuck it, I gave myself full admin rights.
sudo rm -rf ./ @satibel
@misha130 sudo is not a valid command, executable, or script file name.
oh windows, I love you not
!!sudo be my valentine.
@satibel Okay.
could anyone tell me how to solve this? imgur.com/a/SMnRD
Learn to codez bro.
maybe give a small tip
Implement the missing interface members
Look, it says so right there.
I don't think the default usage would be to implement that interface. Find something, that implements it already
ye, but should I implement every member?
and use that
if it's an interface, than it's an interface...
it says so, so yes
@wouterdejong have an IUpdateServer instance in Your class, and initialize it with GetUpdateServer()
call those methods on the interface, if You need to
thank you, this will solve it
Hello everyone!
I need to disable the Lazy Loading entirely from my application, where should I put context.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false ?
1 last question
In the constructor of the context.
why wont this work:
            IUpdateServer obj;
            obj = AdminProxy.GetUpdateServer();
            string[] x = obj.GetComputerTargetGroups;
You really need to read compiler errors
really really really read them
@RoelvanUden Hey, in this case it can be a bit confusing, with words like "method groups" thrown around.
"Cannot convert methodmethod group to a non-delegate type". Confusing.
If it's once, yes, sure. But @wouterdejong keeps asking about fucking compiler errors he totally neglects to actually read and try to comprehend.
If you can't read, or don't want to read, don't become a software dev.
It would be well served to change the second sentence in that compiler error from "Did you intend to invoke the method" to "Did you intend to invoke the method but forgot to put in empty parentheses".
Or you could just launch a single fucking google search
roel on fire
He's a goddamn professional. Not even a student.
So yes, ffs, read.
I'm sorry to put it so bluntly but there is no nicer way to say you should get your shit together and move on from basic compiling questions and on to questions that actually have any form of substance.
how to code pls assist
well sorry
no, you did not say anything wrong, i just like when you get in mood <3
how to ask pls assist
@RoelvanUden what is a professional now days even
Someone who gets paid.
lets just assume for a second he picked up this job on an off hand offer
and had no prior education
or experience
stumbles upon this stuff first time in his life as he is
@RoelvanUden i get paid. So that makes me a professional? ^^
works this way
string x = obj.GetComputerTargetGroups().ToString();
what kind of standards are you setting here
@Nerdintraining Yes. By definition.
you mean here:

public ApplicationDbContext()
: base("ApplicationIdentity", throwIfV1Schema: false)
Remember that "professional" doesn't mean "good at your job". Just "is held up to standards of professionalism".
@misha130 "Hello, welcome to SoCheapAlmostFree flight from Amsterdam to Tokyo. I am your pilot, Roel van Uden. I have no prior experience, so please stick with me as I try to navigate to Tokyo. Please enjoy your flight"
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Yeahy! \o/ I know stuff and can teach little misha's how to code :D
@wouterdejong I'm 100% certain it doesn't "work". It compiles, and doesn't throw an exception, but it won't work.
@Nerdintraining Yes.
@RoelvanUden And you is my Sensai, making you a uber-professional?
@RoelvanUden well whos fault is this, really except the management
or date i say it, a professional professional?
That still doesn't mean he can't pick up a goddamn book and read.
@wouterdejong Because your string x will contain the text "Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.ComputerTargetGroupCollection", which is probably not what you were after.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan youre right it throwed an wsusinvaledserverexception
@Nerdintraining If I'd get pay^2 yes
Alas, I am a Junior by definition
damn your company must be savage
i finished school 3months ago
sorry that im so bad at coding
@RoelvanUden damn, still i can learn much from youz
I'd like to think that, after 13 years of software development, I've reached some form of mastery. So I hope you can learn from me, yes. I just get extremely annoyed when I don't get paid for helping and the questions are literally google'able in one go.
That might be more my problem than anything else
So anyone seen any signs of the end of centralised databases...due to Blockchain?
True true,
But what i often do, i ask the C# chat, then **brain kicks in:** (<-- bold | italic -->) *hey why dont ask google?*
Then i google it and find the answer in a jiff^^
not really your problem
How am I still called Junior? I'm glad you asked. Here in the Netherlands anyone with < 3 years of experience is, by definition, called Junior. So, one more month.
harsh treatment is always welcome
@Ggalla1779 Not yet, most people aren't ready for it
that reflects on salary as well @RoelvanUden or just the official title?
so i need some advice on lists and a linq? (not sure if it would be a linq query)
@RoelvanUden gogogo Netherland 2nd!
my brother in law says its started
but I have just seen working groups on LinkedIn
i have a very large list that i want to break into a bunch of smaller lists as soon as the value of a pair of values in the list changes
@Proxy My company is great, they don't call me Junior. And I've been bumping salary along the way, I'm near what it should be for 'Medior' so it shouldn't be too much of a hassle
Also, my company gives me the same autonomy you'd expect from Seniors
So nothing to complain there.
that is "okay" if it only official title you have although that is also a bit sad
then could you give me a tip on what to google here?
@RoelvanUden that is very nice.
What do yoi get paid if you don't mind me asking ask @RoelvanUden?
oh i thought u would have more
@RoelvanUden that is equivalent to a senior dev here in south africa
I actually thoguth, "nice"
whats the average pay @Roel?
I know that my company will properly give ma an offer over 2.000€/month when i am finished i think^^
@misha130 Modal in NL is € 2.846
ur from germany @Nerdintraining ?
So I exceed that. Average for ~3y of experience as software dev is 3100+ euro/month
you are a junior too?
thats really weird...
@Nerdintraining 2000 in Germany sounds pretty low.
@Proxy in training (ausbildung)
our averages are 4k euros
If it was SA sure.
@RoelvanUden it is, average starter is 2.500 but i don't excpect my company to make me that offer^^
I guess things are much more expenssive
i got a friend who went to munich a few months ago, he was offered 3.8k
or its much more profitable to be a software dev in israel
I am in an internal (?) IT department of a company that do shipments so i don't think they will pay to much
@Nerdintraining You may want to switch.
If the job is fun and you're okay with the pay, fine. But if it's fun and you're severely underpaid, really, get out.
If it's not fun and you're underpaid, run, run run
@RoelvanUden I want to go to university afterwards so i would only be here for maybe 2 or 8 months, so it might not be worth while searching for a new company
@RoelvanUden and thanks for that advice :D
first jobs are always crappy
oh that is nice you get a chance to work before university
i made the move from a dev position in an insurance company to a consultant in the mining industry.
best decision ever.
pay is tripple
and i still do dev every day
@misha130 hey, this is my first job, i laik
@Rijnhardt But is it fun?
an exception to the rule
@RoelvanUden you have no idea
Hence I ask
@RoelvanUden i am finally playing around with big data. like i wanted to back in the insurance gig
Roel what is your age if you dont mind me asking?
42! say 42!
@wouterdejong 42 - 14
@RoelvanUden okay im way younger
@RoelvanUden gotta go now again, will talk to you laters
cya sensai
And at the job we program PLC's en not C# :)
@Nerdintraining Later man :-)
thats why i dont understand shit of it
what language are you using for plc? plus roel was not attacking you, there is a lot of material available out there, especially for total beginners
I know, im just trying to search some help here too
Step7 and PCS7
Is there a way to make this C# method generic, so it can take any class? This is my attempt at it...
Did anyone ever used Excel to get data from SQL ?
public static string GetDisplayName<T>(T parameter, string propertyName)
	return (typeof(parameter).GetProperty(propertyName).GetCustomAttribute(typeof(DisplayNameAttribute)) as DisplayNameAttribute)?.DisplayName ?? "";
@Mathematics have a look at vba
But my attempt gives an exception when trying to use parameter: "Cannot resolve symbol 'parameter'."
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan So what did I forget? Did I not invoke it correctly?
@Rijnhardt I want to automate it though
I can get sql data like this in excel - youtube.com/watch?v=VQrKg0GgZR0
but can it do data validations too ?
like linking sheets/tables
i am not understanding what you want to do
@wouterdejong Your original code didn't have () after the method - instead of calling the method, you attempted to put a pointer to it into a string[].
@Rijnhardt Let say I have categories and product tables which I export to excel as in that video...
now we have 2 tabs 1 for category and 1 for products
Your second code did call the GetTargetComputers() method, which returns an object of type TargetComputerCollection, but then took that object and called ToString() on it, which isn't a very meaningful thing to do.
i cannot watch that video now
It's a collection of objects, chances are ToString won't do anything particularly useful. Now you have a string - now what?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Okay I understand this part
So I should use obj.GetComputerTargetGroups(); at least
Yes. You can check out the MSDN documentation or VS's intellisense to see what object it returns.
So I dont need to do a ToString but something else, right?
Do you need a string?
Roel was right. You have to get Your shit together.
how would we know, you need ToString, or not...
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan it returns an computertargetcollection if im correct
You have to know that
linq is fucking amazing
it is
Praise the linq
i swear to god, ever since learning it, i FEEL THE POWA!
Oh, yeah. Linq is fantastic. Loops are implementation details - hide them! Hide them from me!
would this be an accurate description of when to use linq and loops.

LINQ: Find something
Loop: Do something
i know super dumbed down, but you get the idea
ComputerTargetGroupCollection x = obj.GetComputerTargetGroups(); =D
so with linq i get my elements. and with the loop i do something with the elements
I view LINQ like I view all FP - as a series of transformations between values (let's call them functions)
@peterpep Loop is a lower level construct. "Here are items, now perform this block of code on each one". You can do a lot with it - go over numbers and find the ones that are even, for instance or create a new item mapped for each loop element. But it's a primitive construct - the fact that you're filtering or mapping isn't explicit in the loop.
LINQ is a higher level of abstraction. "Filter" and "Map" are expressly and explicitly stated in the calls.
I should reimplement LINQ with the Y combinator
:35653766 Yes I need a string[], I tried this:
            IUpdateServer obj;
            obj = AdminProxy.GetUpdateServer();
            ComputerTargetGroupCollection x = obj.GetComputerTargetGroups();
            label1.Text = x.ToString();
Use the debugger.
alright can i get some design feedback?

I have my chemical database (really started to work on it, got my add function in, db set up etc).

So on my home/index page, i want to display unique instances of chemicals (ie there might be 5 instances of chemical X, so only display X once and it will be a hyperlink). Clicking the hyperlink will take you to a page that has all instances of that chemical (based on my previous example, there would be 5).

My current plan to handle this is to just use a linq query groupby (c => c.Name).Select(g => g.First()) and then passing that to a new view.
@wouterdejong You have an object which is a collection of computers, or something. You need a string. Which string is it? What do you expect to get when you call ToString() on that collection of objects?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I expect to get a string[] or list with all the names of the computers groups
@wouterdejong Ok. Then you can't really expect that calling ToString() on a collection will return a string[]. That's simply not what ToString does.
So you'll have to go over the collection, and for each computer group, extract its name and store it in an array.
So in something like a foreach loop for example, right?
That's the simplest approach. Create a temporary List<string>, add to it in every iteration of the loop, and then call ToArray() on the list to get an array from it.
@peterpep No, that's a common enough idiom to get only one element in a group.
EF is smart enough to only retrieve the one item, not the whole group.
wont that get a list of all elements with unique Names
so itll return a list of X (really 5 instances), Y (2 instances), Z (10 instances)
but itll be a list with 3 elements
Yeah. That's what you want, isn't it? A list of all elements with unique names.
but i just realized i have issue with doing that
so each instance has a property called Quantity
on the home/index page, i want to display the sum of all Quantity properties PER instance. so for X (i want to do x1.Quantity + x2.Quantity + ... + xN.Quantity)
not sure how i should go about summing that
because if i have a large list of unique names, i dont know how to do that while preserving performance
:35654231 What about this?
            List<string> mijnlist = new List<string>();
            IUpdateServer obj;
            obj = AdminProxy.GetUpdateServer();
            ComputerTargetGroupCollection x = obj.GetComputerTargetGroups();
            foreach (var y in obj.GetComputerTargetGroups())
            label1.Text = mijnlist[0];
That's useful. Now you got a ToString of the first element
If there is one. or it might explode.
going to explode after launch
ye i was just testing if it was working
But I get an error: An unhandled exception of type 'Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.WsusInvalidServerException' occurred in Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.dll @ obj = AdminProxy.GetUpdateServer();
@wouterdejong Ok. What do you think the exception means?
Means Broken
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I think the code cant get to the Server
Maybe because it needs admin rights?
Dunno. I never used WSUS. But it's obvious there's an error connecting to the server, way before the whole ComputerTarget code is even reached. Fix that first.
From the name of the exception, I'd guess more along the lines of a wrong server name/IP, rather than bad credentials.
Hey :)
I need an awesome suggestions :)
I'm going to switch on real time database entries and fetching of details.
I'm using the default crud which uses load page of the Asp.net MVC
and I'm going to switch on real time.
There are so many choices . Spa, Ajax, Angular.JS etc.
What should I need to choose? :)
I need professional advices from you guys :)
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan @RoelvanUden :) What do you say? :)

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