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I dare you to not star that.
trying soo Hard... Oh look Candy..
Hey yo
Wondering if anyone can help me understand how to build a non-blocking method in asp.net.
@SeventhSon Presumably you mean the same kind as in general, where you return a Task.
Doing some research, I just discovered await and SendMailAsync.
await is one way to write async code, but by no means the best way in all situations.
I have a mailing app and a method that does some mailing. I want the method to be called by the button handler and return code immediately to the page, and then show progress as it is logged in a DB.
return control immediately to the page without blocking it
I mean
I've looked at a lot of examples. Just looking for some guidance, mayne a good link.
If you want to use progress, you may find it useful to look into Observable
They all seem overly complex.
@SeventhSon await is probably the simplest way for someone used to normal imperative programming, since it reads almost the same.
Can recommend a really simple example that uses SendMailAsync (if prudent), immediately returns control to the page despite running a send loop, and secondarily another way to demonstrate progress/number of sends by reading a value incremented in the loop and updating the page, OR by polling/reading the results from a database?
I once did something like the second part using a timer, but I think that was a hack.
The first problem is probably as simple as await SendMailAsync()
progress is a bit more complex since Task doesn't include such a concept
OK, forget the second problem for a moment.
So I have a button click event handler. It contains a call to a method that contains a loop. The method won't return to the page until it's done, right?
So I don't understand how awaiting each mail sent to the SMTP server is going to help.
If by "done" you mean returns, then yes.
But if you mean the task is complete, no
Hmmmm. what?
Help me understand.
await doesn't block. That's the fundamental thing about it.
I've done some reading and would be glad to do more, but was hoping a discussion might help me.
But the await is, it seems you're suggesting, only one ONE send.
I have to await the entire method.
And also, it seems like the verb is BACKWARD. I don't want to wait. lol
I'm guessing you want to wait, but not block
Wait until finished to run the rest of the task
I don't want to block, really. I don't understand the await concept yet.
Right, and await doesn't block.
It only postpones the rest of the method until the awaited task completes
I want to launch the method containing the loop and return immediately, without blocking. Right.
Oh, I see, so isn't that always the way methods work?
The method itself returns on the first await
Every loop awaits.
and the caller can then continue
but the rest of the async method runs once the task completes
Really, the first await?
I hadn't read that yet.
@SeventhSon Most of the time, though there are exceptions
Do you understand what ContinueWith does?
Is there a scratch pad for code that you can use to show me?
ContinueWith is just another kind of await
I could go write a simple method and paste it in here but...
await is to LINQ query syntax as ContinueWith is to method syntax
I need a demo.
I have looked at 10 examples but they were too complex or... for .Net winforms instead of Asp.Net
And apparently there's a difference.
I'm actually using WebForms, in case that matters.
gosh our dependency injection has gotten so out of control
just because it's easy to inject stuff into controllers doesn't mean you should
that said, I'm probably guilty of it too. some of these have my name on them lol
can someone help me with this?
With what Peter?
var test = _context.Gigs.Where(g => g.ID == id).Select(a => a.Artist.Name).ToList();

this will result in only one artistName (that should be apparent from the query). But how do i actually get the string that is Artist.Name
i had to do test[0] to get the value
but i know theres an actual way to do it
@peterpep Single()?
didnt realize you could do single wihtout parameters
You don't need to in this case
it works!
sorry for the silly question
_context.Gigs.Single(g => g.ID == id).Artist.Name
stlil getting the hang of this querying business
Peter is working on the same project as me. lol.
you at the beginning of the 3rd tutorial?
no aspnet tutorial
onplural sight
No, I just have the same project in motion. Gigs, bands, etc.
I didn't know it was a tutorial. Gee, I could just copy and paste.
Not the same project I'm working on now.
So Kendall?
Any good link to a simple tutorial or a code scratchpad?
3 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
@SeventhSon https://dotnetfiddle.net/ZCUHTF
Oh sorry
I'm using asp.net though
@SeventhSon Why does that matter?
@peterpep That's my name
_context.Gigs.Where(g => g.ID == id).Select(a => a.Artist.Name).Single();
this worked but _context.Gigs.Single(g => g.ID == id).Artist.Name;
said in 2nd case that null reference
Some of the tutorials I read said it's different.
And my attempts failed.
But then, it was 3 in the morning...
@SeventhSon There are nuances, but in general, async is the same
OK, I'm going to try it now.
seventhson you said you are trying ot build a gig/band website project?
i can link you to the aspnet tutorial im following on. the example hes using is straight up about making a social media website surrounding gigs
but its on pluralsigh
you want me to send link?
It's really just because I'm sick of texting people back and forth.
he has 3 courses
and all 3 is about developing it
Hey you around tonight? OK, let me reach out to jimmy. OK Jimmy said 7 oclock. yadda yadda
How much does pluralsight cost?
Oh I see. $30 a month, $300 a year
Not too bad I guess.
if you sign up through devessentials
you get 3 months fo free
thats what i did
no CC required
@KendallFrey Is the code you provided supposed to run?
Oh I see... duh
I still do not understand. I don't want anything to wait. I don't want it to block.
I need the simplest example. Let me try to adjust your code. I appreciate the help!
How do I clear the console?
@SeventhSon In dotnetfiddle? Just re-run
do you need to rebuild if you change properties on a viewmodel?
@KendallFrey It won't let me save without an account
Doing this...
public static void Main()
Task task = FooAsync();

static async Task FooAsync()
await Task.Delay(3000);
Can I paste here? Is that OK or bad?
i cant build my solution
says parameter is incorrect????
@SeventhSon fine, as long as you don't dump a huge obtrusive chunk
!!tell SeventhSon format
@SeventhSon Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
@KendallFrey So running this code in the program, the "Task" never shows up
so VS crashed while i was building my solution
now it says i cant build anymore
That's because the program exits before the task completes
I see, that's really what I want, eh?
Just not intuitive to me.
@KendallFrey Testing in my app now, using SendMailAsynch
@KendallFrey It does not appear to work the same in ASp>net
Or I'm missing a step.
Is it possible to choose specific cell value in excel and pass it on textbox
I have a program that input's value to db. A user ask me if it is possible to transfer the specific value in excel by clicking it then it will transfer to the textbox in my program.
@EarvinNillCastillo I think you need to use OLEDB, something like this for VB.
Q: How to import all the Excel sheets to DataSet in C#

TarikI've searched internet for this and couldn't really find a question like it. Everyone was looking for a way to import an individual sheet in the excel file but what I want is to import all the sheets in the file to DataTable's in DataSet without knowing the sheet names. I've not done much things...

Once you understand that you should be able to parse out the data you need from the sheet.
@SeventhSon I need specific value sir.
Yes, you'll have to iterate through, I believe.
Yes you do or call the Range(row,column) to get that value
@EarvinNillCastillo Here this might be better?
Q: How to select a cell A3 in Excel using VB.net?

Yugal JindleI want to select the Cell A3 using VB.net.. I tried doing this by: sheet.Range("A3:A3").Select() But this gives an exception = Select method of Range Class Failed ! What is the problem and how to do it ? Please help.. I am waiting for the reply !

hmm how about i wanted to select any of the cell in excel then it will transfer it to my program?
Any of the cells that have .Value2?
I would suggest you try a few things
i have an idea if it is possible. to create a program that will get the value from excel then paste it to my program. like it will paste to any other textarea that can be paste. so there will be no modification in my existing program
that is more a macro program then a c# program
yeah you would do that in VBA in excel
and that's not a fun day at the keyboard
its like i can paste it to notepad
like that or to the text area in windows start menu
what exactly do you want to do?
you have a spreadsheet with some data in a cell
marco is where you have a mouse do a set of actions so you don't have to
well that is what I was saying at least
lol VBA modules in Excel are called macros too
ya, but it sounds like
he has some program (not his code) and wants values from an excel into that program
so a mouse macro would be the only way I think
you could use powershell to open the spreadsheet and pipe the data to the clipboard, which would let you paste it into... the start menu
of he could do a mouse macro and copy paste push the excel sheet up, check for WhiteSpace, do action in program
seems easier from a IDon'tCode start
and Excel is not fun to learn
it's not
I wish MS brought out something better for it
VBA was cool in the 90s
but now it is old, inflexible and just plain crap
it works tho, and that is the important thing
any idea on how to get the ValidationMessage into the Area it is validating?
Morning All
good morning indeed
Hi everyone. I'm working on importing and saving data in database from excel file. I wonder what if an user puts different file say for example csv or text format. it definatly throws an error. I want to use validation/regular expression in model to show error message that the file you have selected in in different format. Kindly select excel format. How can I achieve this?
can you check the file type when they upload it?
Does anyone have any idea how to create a pivot table in excel via C#?
Huh, greetings.
Hi guys sorry for late response
yeah not my program but im the one modifying it @juanvan. I just want to paste the specific excel value to the textbox of the program
Hi guys
I am having below sql query :
Hi guy
with Cte as
  select ...
  where swn.stocknode_id = @v
  union all
  select ...
select * from Cte
Now i would like to inject a select from the top which will select top 10 records from this whole result
something like this :
select top 10 from (
with Cte as
  select ...
  where swn.stocknode_id = @v
  union all
  select ...
select * from Cte )
Is this possible?
with Cte as
  select ...
  where swn.stocknode_id = @v
  union all
  select ...
select top 10 from Cte
should work
Scenario is like user will write this query and i want to show preview of this query
so i would like to inject an extra select statement from the top wwhich will always select top 10 records from the result
> user will write this query
are you sure about that?
User will copy paste the query like below :
with Cte as
  select ...
  where swn.stocknode_id = @v
  union all
  select ...
select * from Cte
that is kinda dangerous
Now we are showing the preview of this query i.e result
In the preview we are showing only 10 records by executing the query
the user has access to the DB by other means?
though, selecting the top 10 should work.
but something like
User dont have access to db
select * from Cte join Cte join Cte join Cte join Cte join Cte join Cte join Cte join Cte join Cte join Cte join Cte
User would be using our interface to create queries
can cause the db to crash
not crash, but take so long to answer that it's as good as crashed
So this is not possibl to inject an extra select from the top which will select only top 10 records from the final result(i.e from the user query)??
it should be
the problem is the user entering an unfiltered request in the first place.
also I could enter
select * from Cte); delete from Cte where (1=1
so that would select the top 10 from Cte, then delete everything in that table.
The user will be technical so he wont do anything such
as because he knows the importance of data :)
so it's ok for them to have full access to the DB?
no they dont have access to the db.they can just query the db but through our interface
where user will create the query.execute the query and see the result(top 10 only) of the query
keep in mind that unchecked sql means full access to the DB.
even if it's through your program.
@TomW I bought it ;)
@Proxy oh-hey-you
@scheien good to hear
@Learning at the very least, check for balanced parenthesis.
Do any of you have experience in transposing VB code into C# code by any chance?
As in, converting?
VB6 or VB.NET?
vb6 i believe
morning :)
I'm having trouble with converting some pivot table code into c#
Good Morning Folks!
Tomorrow i will be back the usual way - hopefully
gist: 65108e0059abfe73685b36f99f26fc31, 2017-02-08 07:46:37Z
Sub PivotTable()

Dim PSheet As Worksheet
Dim DSheet As Worksheet
Dim PCache As PivotCache
Dim PTable As PivotTable
Dim PRange As Range
Dim lastROW As Long
Dim LastCol As Long

On Error Resume Next
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Worksheets("Pivot Sheet").delete
Sheets.Add Before:=ActiveSheet
ActiveSheet.Name = "Pivot Sheet"
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Set PSheet = Worksheets("Pivot Sheet")
Set DSheet = Worksheets("Whole Scrap")

lastROW = DSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
LastCol = DSheet.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
Set PRange = DSheet.Cells(1, 1).Resize(lastROW, LastCol)

Set PCache = ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Create _
(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:=PRange). _

CreatePivotTable(TableDestination:=PSheet.Cells(2, 2), _

Set PTable = PCache.CreatePivotTable_(TableDestination:=PSheet.Cells(1, 1), TableName:="PivotTable1")

With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("It.Gr.")
 .Orientation = xlRowField
 .Position = 1
End With

ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").AddDataField ActiveSheet.PivotTables( _
        "PivotTable1").PivotFields(" Act - Net Val"), "Sum of  Act - Net Val", xlSum
    ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").AddDataField ActiveSheet.PivotTables( _
        "PivotTable1").PivotFields("  Net Value   "), "Sum of   Net Value   ", xlSum

ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").ShowTableStyleRowStripes = True
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").TableStyle2 = "PivotStyleMedium9"

Dim num1, num2, result As Double

Cells(Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Select
num1 = ActiveCell.Value
Cells(Rows.Count, 4).End(xlUp).Select
num2 = ActiveCell.Value

Cells(Rows.Count, 4).End(xlUp).Offset(0, 1).Select
result = num1 / num2
ActiveCell.Value = result
ActiveCell.Style = "Percent"
@AdiMohan thats vb not c#
@SebastianL Yes, it's what i was asking about when I asked if somebody knows how to convert it properly to C#, so far I haven't been able to get it down right, only parts of it
@AdiMohan isn't OfficeInterop the same for vb and c#?
That's VBA, probably.
@AdiMohan (On Error Resume Next joke) start with
static void Main(string[] args)
// remaining c# code
              } catch(Exception) {}
doesn't matter since the com interface should be very similar
@AdiMohan So ask about the bits that don't work.
Right now it's a huge block of code that I really don't have the time to read and understand. Ask specifics.
@AdiMohan you should be able to do this as this isn't to hard to convert
@AdiMohan Start by converting it line by line into a c# console application
is it better to do it in console application rather than in a button click event?
@AdiMohan Shouldn't matter.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I've been converting a macro but this part has me stumped as i haven't really found proper documentation.
hello @Jze
I don't know It's a crazy but I want to know.
Can i ask?
!!welcome-c# jze
@jze Welcome to the C# chat! Please review the room guidelines and tips. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Ok.I want to create keyboard.I mean when you type "a" in keyboard with arial font.It show "a" words.
Nope. Didn't understand. Try again. Are you talking about a keyboard layout, or an on-screen keyboard?
My's keyboard is use my customize font and when type a key it will show associated word in my customize font.
Ok Let me explain.
You have US keyboard right? Can i create Jze Keyboard?
Ok, so you're talking about a keyboard layout. Not a keyboard that's shown onscreen.
Yep no osk.
A keyboard layout is just a mapping between a physical key pressed (scancode) and the character that's pushed by the OS. It can't pop up a dialog or anything, and it doesn't know anything about fonts.
But a keyboard layout could map physical keys to, say, greek or hebrew characters, right
Is that what you mean @Jze?
Now, 2 font use for our mother language in our environment. One of then is non unicode and one is unicode. Most people use non-unicode font because I was developed before unicode.
Do you mean something like a phone keyboard's auto-suggest?
Sry.Most prople use non-unicode font because It was developed before unicode.
can anyone here help me with angular ui router nested ui-view/
When i buy a new computer,It already has our unicode font but no one use it.because if use unicode,cant see true type font for non-unicode font.
my nested view is not showing up
I have an index page with this div: <div class="content-area" ui-view=""></div>
Ok. And you want to encourage people to switch to the unicode font?
then in one of my child page, I called surveyQuestions.html, I have this div: <div ui-view="q1"></div>
and the config is like this:
.state('surveyquestions', {
                            url: '/surveyquestions',
                            controller: 'surveyQuestionsController as vm',
                            templateUrl: 'app/SurveyQuestions/surveyQuestions.html'
                        .state('surveyquestions.q1', {
                            url: '',
                            views: {
                                'q1@surveyquestions': {
                                    templateUrl: 'app/SurveyQuestions/question.html'
Most of IT people in our environment know this problem.but They cant force to use unicode font to end user.
@ngunha02 You can press Ctrl-K to format code in chat.
senior IT guy in our environment already created font and keyboard for unicode.But just create.Nothing Upgrade and just for show.
@Jze Ok. Now we have more context. Let's go back to the question.
So i want to create app for window with one click installation to change non-unicode to unicode.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan: me?
@ngunha02 No, @Jze
Ok @Avner
@Jze I'm not well versed with east-asian typography, but generally speaking, fonts are selected per-application, not per-keyboard layout (or per desktop)
Ok, @Avner
Keep talking.
My plan in app is-
1- Check computer font list
2- If computer has non-unicode font,uninstall It.or delete it.
#2 seems harsh.
3- Install unicode font and keyboard.
Ok, and are you asking how to implement those steps?
Is impossible?huuh.
It sounds like a group policy type of task
I already think for step 1 and step 2.but for step 3.I dont know.
no one is interested in helping me with angular :P
Yeah, @TomW's right. IT departments have tools for managing that.
So I dont known my idea is crazy or not. @Avner
definitely crazy
First of all, removing a user's font without his express permission is probably bad. It might make existing apps or documents stop displaying properly.
Secondly, if this is inside an organization, you should probably use organizational tools such as group policies to disable or install fonts or keyboard layouts.
And this should probably be an org-wide push that's accompanied by some user education. Users might be confused when things start working differnently.
Depends if the users have already been asked to use the preferred font for company business and have failed to comply
If they won't do as theyre asked you have to force them
the problem comes when you have that bar code font, and after applying your program/group policy, it can't be accessed, and you now print squares instead of bar codes.
Hi guys, I've a question about C# and Entity Framework:
I'm overriding the SaveChanges method, and like a lot do that, even I want to edit here the ModificationDate of the entity it's going to save.
I enumerate the ChangeTracker entities, than assign to the ModificationDate property the "nowDate" value.
It's goes without errors but the information is not persisted to the database.
If I debug the object after the ModificationDate assignement I can see two properties of Modification Date:
- ModificationDate (MyNamespace.Data.Model.BaseEntity) -> it is setted with "nowDate"
@Teo Show code.
Yep.Now we push to use unicode with org But we can't force. Unicode installation is still not user friendly And Now facebook also support non-unicode.
ohh, lol I redirected to the wrong state ._.

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