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I give up. jk
dont worry about it
most of the time you want a get and a set
private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
eventually you will come across something that you need to keep private etc
Isn't this one method, two parameters? Or are you just referring to being able to make events that have multiple methods?
I was referring to the fact than an event is a pair of add/remove methods
This is a somewhat little-known fact
How is this?
One method to add an event handler, and one to remove
Where is that in the code?
What code?
My example above of a button click. Where is the add and remove methods
The code you posted doesn't contain an event, only a method signature that looks like it's probably an event handler
Wait are you talking about this thing:
Button1.Click += new EventHandler(this.GreetingBtn_Click);
That is one of the other sticky points with me learning c#. I get that:
That calls the add method inside the Click event
int myNum = 1;

myNum +- 1;
Yes, that's the same syntax for two completely different things.
I get that this adds one to itself. But I find the syntax confusing for the click event. The event above looks like it reads... button click = button click plus new greeting button clikc
Yeah. I've used it for creating programs but I've never fully understood that either.
When I made a checkers game I had to use that to make all the boxes click events whenever a valid square was clicked.
@schulzey You can think of it that way, but it doesn't actually work exactly like that
Yeah, how does that work?
3 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
That calls the add method inside the Click event
If you don't mind. Since we are already going over all of my most painful learning points today
The default add method for an event simply adds the handler to the list of handlers
Button1.Click += new EventHandler(this.GreetingBtn_Click);
This is addinng the add method for an event? huh
It adds a new event handler
I'm reading this english. It says to me then, button 1 click = button 1 click plus a new event handler
And usually that's the effect
So take away the extra click parameter, because I just grabbed that as an example off google quick. I've had it call a method before inside the eventhandler if I remember correctly
I think I've used like:
Ah nevermind. That's enough learning for one day. I'll come back tomorrow and bug you guys. thanks
is there a way to read website data without downloading it?
or atleast download a string tht matches your criteria, but not download the entire text from a web page?
@AdanRamirez Only if the website lets you
what is the method name?
what's the command name
What command?
il google search
Hello, Can somebody tell me how can I get a sound play when I hit a MouseClick area?
why dont you process.start your audio file when click occurs?
@AdanRamirez I´m trying to use System.Media and the Mouse Click method, in an area that I have previously defined, but I didn´t had much success in putting the command for playing the file within the mouse click area.
@AdanRamirez An example of what I´m trying to do: " SoundPlayer variable = new SoundPlayer(Resources.filename);
are you making a wfa or wpf application?
if so, in youtube theres a tutorial on make a custom music player and in that player a click can invoke an audio file to be played in the player itself and not a default windows application
@AdanRamirez what you mean with wfa or wpf?
@AdanRamirez I know Youtube has some tutorials, but none shows me what to do when I don´t have "button´s" and don´t want the music to start when the windows form opens
@AdanRamirez I just really want the music to start when I click within the zone where the "start" lettering is.
WFA = Windows Forms Application, WPF = Windows Presentation Foundation
@jhmckimm Thank you
@AdanRamirez I´m making a wfa
ok then in youtube type: wfa music player
and you will find some code that runs a music file without any of the windows default applications
@AdanRamirez I already have the code, I sent you the code, but it doesn´t work when I click the area using MouseClick
in your project, double click the button thats in your wfa
it will automaticallyt ake you to a 'button clicked' event handler, inside the code put your code
@AdanRamirez I don´t have buttons
@AdanRamirez I just have a zone that is defined by X and Y coordenates
on your left in visual studio, theres a 'toolbox'
expand it and there should be a 'button' control
click-drag it onto your wfa
@AdanRamirez I don´t want to use buttons
if it's a wfa application you have to put the code in a class where the code starts when you run the app
i think you have your audio code in teh wrong .cs file
you want a wfa app that when you run it, it automaticlaly runs a song?
I want a wfa app that runs the code when I click in a X and Y area defined by coordinates
yet you dont want a button?
why not drag-drop a button and make it invisible, but it's still a button?
that's how buttons work
you place them in ur wfa and if clicked --> click event handler
@AdanRamirez that could be an option
make it invisible to the user
you could hard program an x/y thing
but it's a lot of code, it's complicated
and a button does the exact same thing
but will it not interfere with my click-able area defined by x/y
already did the x/y hard programming
so it´s just a manner of making it work the way I need
if you did x/y hard programming, why wont the audio run?
i mean, what are you trying to do?
I´m inserting the command for audio playing the variable.Play(), but when I click the x,y area it doesn´t play the sound
your app has to continuously check where your mouse is, once it's in the right location it has to continously check if a user clicked it
since you are hard programming it, create a 'click' event args on the x/y spot
however, i just told you that the easiest way to do this is to add an invisible button with no text
and double click it so it automatically generates button event args for you
then you put your main code in that
 private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

@AdanRamirez Ok, I´ll try the invisible button method, thanks for your help
How do I ensure a type I am passing to a generic inherits a certain asbtract class?
Oh it just works with the constraints. Nice.
3 hours later…
Working with MVC, I've a model as:

    namespace HRMS.Models
        public class branch
            public int idBranch { get; set; }

            [Required(ErrorMessage = "Branch type must be specified.")]
            [Display(Name = "Branch Type")]
            public string BranchType { get; set; }
I'm having problems with @Html.ValidationSummary(). It's working on Create Form but not working on Edit Form as:
Create Form code is:
@model HRMS.Models.branch
    ViewBag.Title = "Manage branches";
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_layoutOne.cshtml";

<h2>Create Branch</h2>

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Create Branch</title>

@using (Html.BeginForm())
    <div class="form-horizontal">
        <h4> Add a branch</h4>
        <hr />
        @Html.ValidationSummary(true, "", new { @class = "text-danger" })

        <div class="form-group">
            @Html.LabelFor(model => model.BranchType, htmlAttributes: new { @class = "control-label col-md-2" })
Edit Form code is:
@model HRMS.Models.branch

    ViewBag.Title = "EditBranch";
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_layoutOne.cshtml";

<h2>Edit Branch</h2>

@using (Html.BeginForm())
        <div class="form-horizontal">
            <hr />
            @Html.ValidationSummary(false, "", new { @class = "text-danger" })

            <div class="form-group">
                @Html.LabelFor(model => model.BranchType, htmlAttributes: new { @class = "control-label- col-md-2" })
Create Form is firing validation messages if I don't select anything in BranchType dropdownlist but on edit it is not. Can someone please see what's going wrong?
hi there
Goood mornin' folks
morning bro
morning rehan
morning to the WHOLE WORLD
morning arrow. welcome
i'm not the new guy here
tell him @AvnerShahar-Kashtan that i've been a pain in the ass for you people for sometime now :D
morning :)
haha. who says you only welcome new people. You can welcome anyone anytime you like.
morning Seb
Good morning.
What's happening?
School teaches me, that java is masterrace
what happens to those who never go to school? something wrong with them?
Hello all!
or those who don't fit into this fit-world and this fit-world declares them miss-fit or mental? isn't it just that they don't think java is important for their life. who must then be crazy - one who thinks java is important or one who thinks its not? :)
or no one. its just the difference of minds.
then why this world approves one and disapproves another ~
Java is good for learning. C# is good for doing.
can i ask question here?
0 Welcome to the C# chat! Please review the room guidelines and tips. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
java is like buttsecks, it works on all genders, but it's not like this solves all problems
Keep in mind, that while the room may not always be active, asking can get a response hours later from those who look back at the transcript
How can i know my session is ref or not?
@Jze That made no sense.
What's a "session"?
What does "ref" mean.
Context. You gotta give us context.
ref? In c# there is only one place in memory an object resides, and all variables that use that object share the same memory which means it is the same for all of them
@Jze i assume youre talking about a httpsession?
@RehanKhan They don't know that java is masterrace
@Jze you can always compare the pointers of two objects, but i am not sure if thats wht you want
@TravisJ +1
I have one main session. I dont want change session user until save. so i clone session.problem is when i change data in clone session.I always change in main session.why?
@Jze What is "session"? An object of your own?
session is HttpSession @Avner
class A { public string word { get; set ;}

 A first = new A();
 first.word = "hello";
 A second = first;
 second.word = "world";
 Console.WriteLine(first.word);//this will be "world"
That make me headache 2 day :(
@Nerdintraining you know you can change the way you think/feel and become a total different person to who you're right now.
Guys bare with me, is there any difference in the way the two line work?
string[] s = new string[0];
string[] s = {};
I always thought that this is EXACTLY the same
I don't have an IDE handy to inspect, although if {} manages to make some sort of default sized array, then they could be different.
@Jze And how are you cloning it?
Seems like they should be the same though from just eyeing it
Remember that HttpSession is an object that is managed by the ASP.NET runtime.
@Yoda Should be the same, yes.
@Yoda why do even want to know such a thing, who needs to create an empty array?
@Jze Ah, so you're cloning a specific session variable.
What type is this variable?
@Yoda Yeah, checked - they both compile down to the exact same IL.
Customize class @Avner
I want to know because collegue states that when he changed my code to new string[0] some runtime error went away. And it is not one step build to see who is right.
@Jze When you assign Session["Clone"] = Session["Main"], you're not cloning. You're just copying the reference. Both will point to teh same instance.
If you want to clone it, your custom class has to supply its cloning logic - either with a Clone() method, or maybe a copy constructor.
Ok,I will try again.
var viewmodel=Session["Main"] as myviewmodel;
myviewmodel myview=viewmodel;
@Jze No difference.
Go read up on C#'s Reference Types vs. Value Types.
var test=Session["Main"];
test also null
@RehanKhan like actually believing that java is masterrace?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan the only difference is the ret statement I see
What does it do?
@Yoda The ret statement is merely the implicit return at the end of the method.
Actually, this is a more representative example, since in the previous IL optimizations were on and the arrays weren't actually stored in any variable:
IL_0000:  nop
IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
IL_0002:  newarr      System.String
IL_0007:  stloc.0     // s1
IL_0008:  ldc.i4.0
IL_0009:  newarr      System.String
IL_000E:  stloc.1     // s2
IL_000F:  ret
Morn all
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Thanks
@Nerdintraining No and it isn't unfortunate for me.
@Nerdintraining Do you like believing that java is masterrace?
@RehanKhan coconuts are tasty!
@Nerdintraining put the lime in the coconut!
@ntohl shiieeet where do i knwo that from?! :DD
@Nerdintraining But some people might not like coconut way you do?
@Nerdintraining Do you know the reason behind you liking coconut and someone who doesn't? This answer might fascinate me more than the Java, Strings and ILs in questions.
@RehanKhan early childhood indoctrination and conditioning. Haven't you read Orwell?
growing up burdens are definitely heavier to carry. You please carry on.
I want to go backwards to innocence cause back then I used to be found of finding reasons behind everything and just not take things because everyone else around me has taken them.
cause I bet everyone in the room can try but no one knows for sure the reason why one likes coconut if he does and why one doesn't if he doesn't. what is this difference - and why is this difference and can we switch in between.
Rather than investing my time in Java, I've just began to realize that I should invest my time more into studying about this science - a whole system - that has surrounded us from all 4 directions but we are almost blind to it.
and I know why one likes java if he likes java and why one doesn't - if he doesn't and hence I know what can help people to like java and what can help people not to like java.
I once used to be mad about liking java - without knowing why.
@Nerdintraining a hint: Tarantino
i know i like peaches
that is enough for me
and ever since I have found out why - I have lost my likeness for Java and I have grown my likeness for knowing reasons behind everything we do or can-do on planet.
I used to be a very bright student for the world when I used to like Java - and now I've become almost a dull person for the world :) cause I have lost likeness for java - LoL
who says we don't live in a crazy world.
why don't you like it anymore (java)?
Good question @Proxy
cause I've started fasting
@RehanKhan you've transcended to a new form of existence , from where your viewpoint changed to the likes of socrates
by fasting I changed the way I eat. I mean I've stopped eating during the daytime and I only eat when there is no sun. It has brought a big change in my attitude towards this world.
Like unlike most of the people, I've stopped liking worldly desires - dreams
Like I've stopped liking cars - big houses - girls - fun etc.,
so you don't like anything?
They are not as important to me as they once used to - I sometime wonder to myself how it happened.
he just got enlightened
so you only lost interest in those things
i'm sure there is stuff out there that excites you
@Proxy I never said I don't like "anything". I don't like things what are normally "liked" by most of our world.
"normal" is a very unspecific word
@Proxy when you don't take much input from the world - you stop liking much of the world. When you take too much input from the world - like you pay all your attention to getting more and more from the world and you invest all your attention and time to affairs of this world - you start to grow an interest - a likeness for the world.
I walked on an almost opposite way - and hence I received the opposite results inside me.
This is how I've lost interest in Java.
so as i said you got new interests
I know if I start following the same path I've left - like start eating normally and stop fasting... I will begin to like java within days :)
lol what are you eating now
This is how I gained the knowledge for 'liking' something or 'not liking' something and also how can we 'switch in-between'.
I eat everything that I used to eat before. Only the timings are changed. I don't eat and drink as long as sun is out. thats all.
@SebastianL Your own journey is always more interesting than if you have someone who tells you about his. :)
that's cool
@Proxy now my whole family is mad at me. lol. don't try it on yourself . haha
all of them want me to get back into world.
lol . that I tried so hard to get out of.
well that depends what makes you happy
do that
but you still have to take responsibility's you have
or walk away
I've 3 kids but my wife has gone with them to her parents place without my consent. she has no communication with my whatsoever. he cell is switched off. my parents are rich. they have given me a house and some property with rent coming
its been almost over 2 years since I slept with my wife. arranged marriage.
hence both are us are still strangers to each other. good in a way and bad when it comes to kids. i personally don't like her cause she shouldn't set the kids apart from their dad especially when they are only 2-3 years old.
i m sure she doesn't like me either but i m not looking forward to that. i am in for the kids not for her and demand her just the same but she doesn't understand this liberalism and takes it as my weakness.
you seem like a proper educated man, why does arranged marriage still exists? (i'd like to hear your opinion)
and hence she thinks she can walk over me and take my kids with her too since they are very young and cant live without their mother.
@SebastianL I agree. Emotions take over your senses sometimes. Your parents here in the east know how to make you emotional and get things done. That's how it happened.
well isnt there a rule for this? Arranged marriage wife leaves husband with kids?
what normally happens
@Ggalla1779 She can't take them forever. I'm sacrificing for the kids for they are very young. my newborn is only 1 years old. and elder two are twins - both 3 years old. Once they start going to school I can lodge a case in the court for them and let the court decide if things get worse.
that sucks
can't you do anything now?
yes can. get stuck with it.
I mean cant her parents tell her to return to your home?
and the twins arent hers right?
or are they hers?
no her parents are worse than her. When I try to speak to them about it, they tell me - "you both have to sort things out yourself."
they are.
I m not sorry for whatever is going on. I m sorry cause I've lost likeness in my wife
and I can't dump her cause shes my kid's mother and my kids will suffer if i do.
hence I know i won't and will live with it forever - however.
This is what made me go following 'fasting'
Yeah its a bad situation...not the worst I have heard or lived
and 'fasting' did pull me out of 'thinking about it for all the times'.
so you have to make up with her...am sure she doesnt enjoy living with parents
@Ggalla1779 girls here in the east always live with their parents till they get married.
regardless how old they get till they marry.
she loves living at her parents
thats what is making her run away from responsibilities that she has towards me and her children.
and if something go wrong with their marriage- their parents family look after them.
a whole different system
i don't know if the customs of your culture allow it, but isn't it possible to let her be, if she let's you see and interact with your children?
@RehanKhan well, you can dump her but still care for the kids, no?
dont you have family or firends you can discuss this with?
@SebastianL I can see and interact with my children but that will be at her place where I don't want to go. I feel it against me. When I don't relate to her, I don't relate to anything that is hers. Secondly, when I see my children I get more attached to them and they also get very attached to me and it becomes hard to go away from each other for all of us.
this is why I avoid going to her place at the moment.
@satibel Yes.
in short
we have a family system here
while in west, its 'you are your own' system.
after or at 18
@Ggalla1779 My dad lives in a separate house with his second wife. my mom (his first wife) has died. My dad listens to my second mom who doesn't have anything to with me or my affairs.
All this is being done to me cause God wants me to live alone.
wow, rehan khan. You are in a bad situation there.
Ya. This is all from God.
look a way around it? it can be a test ?
Cause he thinks - living alone for me is best.
it is always about faith my friend.
I sometimes think when we don't have an answer, we run to God
but thanks to God we are finally well off
no stress for the money. it comes like water
if you become far apart from your faith during a problem in life. It is a punishment to you.
if your faith increases during a problem in life. It is because, he wants you to turn to him, pray to him.
I want to turn to him too but I want to like him before I do it.
these thing what keeps a man from going and not giving up. Keeps a person in a hope. Better option then committing stupid actions, such as; suicide?
my elder brother has already committed suicide last year.
actually it was in april 2014.
not last year.
cant keep track of years either
due to family problems
i wish i was as strong as him too.
"whenever I need something to work I pray to all the gods (and a few demons, just to be sure)"
Looks like it got deep in here.
not because he was my brother, but i have never met a stronger person than him in my life so far.
lol @satibel
Writing libraries to cover multiple situations or possibilities is kinda difficult, I realize.
@jhmckimm which situations are you talking about? i once had to do something like this for different OS's and it was a pain in the butt ^^
Writing a series of classes that I can reuse in other projects.
One is a generic that acts as a basic socket server for communicating with clients. It accepts a type that inherits its ClientConnection abstract. But I need to instantiate it in such a way that its parameters cannot be modified externally. There's probably a simple solution staring me straight in the face.
@jhmckimm public string param {get;}
doesn't this work?
@jhmckimm make sure all params implement ICloneable?

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