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i have a question
.Where(a => a.AttendeeId == userId)
.Select(a => a.Gig)
.Include(a => a.Artist)
.Include(a => a.Genre)

in this example does it matter if all the lambda expressions are "a", would the results change if i kept some as "a" and changed others to "b"?
@peterpep No, each a is a name local to that lambda
2 hours later…
Can anyone give suggestions how to route Webforms pages placed inside separate MVC area? The main project is in MVC, and I need to create route from legacy Webforms pages based on area URL pattern with rewriting (such like /Document/Forms/ProductDetail, for ProductDetail.aspx). I can use "MapPageRoute" but I can't figure out what should I do next.
2 hours later…
What's wrong with this line of code when global controller is Home?

                                    @Html.ActionLink("Manage User Branch", "mngBranchUser", "branchUser", new { @class = "btn btn-default" })
@Proxy oh hey you
hey there :)
Why is this ActionLink routing to "Home" controller which is global and not routing to "branchUser" as specified?
Hey everyone! Anyone out there work remotely as a .net developer?
me not
@schulzey techincally I do, but only sometimes.
I wonder if there is a way to get a part-time position (long-term internship) while I'm going through school to get more experience in .net. I love C# and it would be great if I could do actual coding every day, even when I'm not working on my own stuff or school work
I forgot to add it would be great if this was a remote situation, considering the fact that my school and family schedules are pretty hectic
Considering junior devs easily make $30-40 per hour starting out where I am. I would be happy to work somewhere for a fraction of that if anyone here has ever heard of a situation like this.
check out job boards, you can find work there for missions. If you are good enough (e.g. you can deliver something that works in time.), it's 300-500$ per day
@schulzey where are you from :O?
I'm a year into a 2-year software dev degree
but lately I've been supplementing with lots of udemy courses, etc
@Html.ActionLink("Manage User Branch", "mngBranchUser", "branchUser", new { @class = "btn btn-default" })
@satibel I doubt I'm good enough to do full project stuff yet without some guidance. That's why it would have to be an internship sort of situation.
which controller should this line of code route?
@sa what 500$ per day???
I work my a@@ off though and I've learned far more than most of my classmates. I know I could do well if given a chance somewhere
@Proxy that's what I find on freelance job postings.
keep in mind you need to pay full taxes on that.
that seems too high. maybe if you are really good you can get that
@Proxy Wisconsin USA. I have an opportunity for an internship at a very large company where I live. They are all oracle database, java, etc. I would love to stick with c# and goa little less corporate
so here in france it's like 200$ of taxes.
@schulzey that seems like a nice starting rate
@Proxy what seems like a nice starting rate?
$30-40 per hour
junior dev positions start around $30 full time employment where I am. I would work for $15/20 if I could find a position that was remote.
@Proxy dunno, I heard you can get up to 100$ per hour if you are really good.
It would need to be an internship like situation though. That's my problem. I'm only a year in.
yeah it looks like a nice start @schulzey
@Proxy You think $30/40 for someone still in school
but that's like 60$ really, if you count the taxes.
@satibel yup if you are really good then yes :P
no, i think its good for a starter @schulzey
well i'm not from usa so i don't know that exact economy
@Proxy so 40-60$ per hour is not that expansive.
alright, so I should just blanket resume they US? lol What do you guys think?
but from what i have read and talked with people
@satibel yeah that is reasonable if you know what are you doing :)
(meh) tech support takes 47€ per hour.
so 50$
what is the avarage salary in france :O
What is the most likely position to be offered remotely? It seems like web dev.
asp.net etc
that's 400$ per day if you work 8 hours, 500$ if you work 10 .
without taxes i assume?
@satibel how would they ever know you're working?
If I was working remotely, it would be hard for me to ever stop
As in forgetting about work at the end of the day
@Proxy yup
anybody home?
@schulzey when i freelanced you get a task and when you have to finish it
i am but i have not worked with aspnet mvc too much @RehanKhan
don't forget those hours are not the real time you spend, you also need to do the "management stuff" (paperwork, finding offers ...), that's why it's more expensive.
@Proxy and I cant find a room specific for ASP.NET MVC but thanks for replying.
I see. I don't really think I'm interested in free-lance. I'm looking more for like a "pay me cheap while I'm interning/working my way into a good position are your company" kind of situation
@schulzey generally, it's by mission, so you might get a 10k mission, but it should be completed by the end of the month. If not, you are payed less.
Right now it's like information overload in school because there are so many choices for specialties. I want to be told, get crazy proficient in doing this in c#, sql server, asp.net etc etc
i guess it would target branchUser controller and mngBranchUser methid
morning nerd.
just apply to some c# company then
not many around where I am. Where do you guys suggest finding a position like this?
@Proxy everyone is Java. And that's okay I guess, but they are all big corporate stuffy. I interviewed at a place (it went very well) but the employees were damn miserable that I spoke with
I think the java : c# numbers are accurate. 3 to 1 ratio seems about right where I am
i guess you could send resume to remote company as well
Yeah, but that's not really going to come up in a job search. I'm just wondering how to target resume the right kinds of places
shotgun your cv to companies, and see what sticks, probably one or two will need a tool, and would pay you for it .
@satibel This might be dumb, but what's a cv?
A curriculum vitae (English pronunciation: /kəˈrɪkjᵿləm ˈviːtaɪ/, /ˈwiːtaɪ/, or /ˈvaɪtiː/) (CV or vita) is a written overview of a person's experience and other qualifications for a job opportunity. In some countries, a CV is typically the first item that a potential employer encounters regarding the job seeker and is typically used to screen applicants, often followed by an interview. CVs may also be requested for applicants to postsecondary programs, scholarships, grants and bursaries. In the 2010s, some applicants provide an electronic text of their CV to employers using email, an online...
Wow, looked it up. How have I never heard of cv before?
@satibel are you from usa?
nah, france. Résumé might be the name in the US.
@satibel bloddy french :P
basically, tell your skills, and ask if they need them.
gotcha gotcha
I was feeling very ignorant there for a moment.
So, while a few of you are up and at em (it's late here for me), do you guys still love your job?
I know some devs that love it and others that hate it. I wonder if it's just them, or if it's situation specific
depends on my last company i did not like it
they were all good but i only did bug fixes
after 2-3 months i psychically drained me out
how can i store PersianCalendar as property in entity framework?
and 2 months later i quit my job,
ouch, that doesn't sound fun. In real world you sit around using breakpoints and step intos like we do in school?
@schulzey yup
i did not learn much, neither was i happy. But i made mistakes as well i should have complained more
man, that would get rough.
but was my first job so i thought it was normal
@Proxy You working somewhere else now?
yyeah, but its better now :P
@Proxy where are you from?
right on right on
me it's good except needing to wake up early because bus.
buses are not fun. I don't think a lot of americans can relate to that.
However, spending a lot of time driving is not fun either
Since you guys are from overseas, any chance you saw the fed nadal match?
nobody in the usa cares. Sorry to go off topic, but it was awesome!
gonna get an RV sometime.
nah i don't like to watch tennis, boring :P
@Proxy gotcha. But not federer
meh, its fun to play but watching it... not my thing
do not get an RV. please.
there's a stigma where I'm from. lol
nah, But I know france won handball
handball is an actual sport?
I know what it is, but I thought it was just a kids game
its popular in europe...
you are an odd bunch. jk
I think that's what the world is saying about us these days
we have been saying that the entire time :P
french are good with their hands on balls. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
lol alright good night fellas. Or morning or whatever it is for ya
naï naï ~
see, you scared him with that balls joke @satibel
@Nerdintraining teh ceiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii‌​iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii‌​iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing
@satibel awww shiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeet you right dawg
oh shiieeeeeeet
@Nerdintraining You good @ MVC?
@RehanKhan I have bad memories with you, so no
And no in general
Good morning.
morning :)
Morning Anver.
I just met you?
and this is crazy?
But here's my number?
Morn all
I have a question about git. I read that a git commit stores a hash to it's parent commit.
But then I said to myself, what about the very first commit that doesn't have a parent?
@Ogen its empty? why shouldnt it?
just checkin
@Nerdintraining one?
Good morning everyone.
good morning
Can you experienced guys recommend a library to connect through IMAP to a mail-account?
@satibel u good @ MVC?
Wasted my time on the last random picked one (lumisoft).
1 1 was a race horse 2 2 was 1 2, 1 1 1 1 race and 2 2 1 1 2!

Decode that!
@RehanKhan nope
@Nerdintraining wanwan was a race horse, toutou was one too, wanwan won one race and toutou won one too!
niice but close :D

one one was a race horse, two two was one too, one one won one race and two two won one too!
isn't it "too"?
It is.
You'r right.
and the name of the horses don't matter.
points at @satibel and shreiks Unbliever!
Hi there all. I want to create a entity model using entity framework 6 and database is on MySQL version Server version: 5.5.52-cll - MySQL Community Server (GPL). But i cant. I cannot create a connection to database please help.
@satibel XD
@MuhammadSaqlain on topic discussion? get out of here!
@satibel you're a witch thats what you are!
(I'm joking, but I don't know the answer.)
Unhelpful group of ppl here today.
@Nerdintraining the machine spirit shall purge you, heretic!
@satibel Everytime i read purge i think of rick and morty
Now i am thinking of Pocket Morties
Gotta catch them all!
@MuhammadSaqlain What doesn't work?
Can you connect to the server at all? From visual studio's Server Explorer, for instance?
anybody coded against office 365? Like create an email in code?
@Ggalla1779 I used Exchange's API, which should be similar.
ok thanks
Wait, are you talking about interfacing with Outlook online or with Exchange online?
client has Lotus Notes at moment (Shudder!) and they are moving to Office 365
so they have alot of code that creates emails...never mind uses Excel
So yeah, EWS is probably the API you want.
so it would be switching all that to Office 365
Q: Connection to Office 365 by EWS API

MuflixI am using EWS API in my console application to process mailbox items and my connection script looks like ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2007_SP1); service.UseDefaultCredentials = true; service.AutodiscoverUrl("[email protected]"); But i found that ...

I see they are saying I need a Office 365 Developer site
As to that, I have no idea.
Dev /UAT environment sounds good to me!
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Yes i cannot connect server at all. I have hosting of ipage and on phpmyadmin Server version: 5.5.52-cll - MySQL Community Server (GPL)
Hey guys an quick question I have many function where i found out that I have to add Server As System.Web.HttpServerUtility and when i call it in aspx i have to add server in the parameter But one of my file has more than 200 function is there a way to fix it without touching the function parameters ?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan see the image
@MuhammadSaqlain And you're sure the DB is accessible from your dev machine? A lot of hosting providers have their DB available only internally to hosted apps.
hi children
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan yes its accessible
Hi I'm trying to empty a List of entities of an entity using this code:
                entity.Tabs = new List<BaseTab>();
                context.Entry(entity).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
but the count still the same?
What? That question made no sense whatsoever.
1. You create an empty list.
2. You do something completely unrelated to the list.
3. You wonder why the list is still empty.
@MuhammadSaqlain Fire up database tool see if you can connect....it might be Database service is turned off/ disabled
@RoelvanUden I've no time to search and learn, my company is fu**ed by the RESULTS only :(
@RoelvanUden SENSAI IS BACK!!! ♥,♥
@MohamedAhmed Well then both you and your company are fucked. Good day.
@Nerdintraining KOUHAI-CHAN
I am so secure in japan things :D
@MohamedAhmed fueled?
@Nerdintraining Desu desu
Look at us weebos go.
I have to brag abit - sorry folks -

I only got 1's (A's) in my report (that thing what you get at the end of a year).
Im still looking forward for someone who's recommending me a good library for IMAP-operations. In detail I only need to login and download mails. Any ideas? Lumisoft was a big fail. Wasted hours with it.
--> i can shorten my trainingship by half a year :D
Sweet. Congrats :-3
@RoelvanUden I'll leave it
@C4u We use github.com/andyedinborough/aenetmail but I haven't used it myself, so can't recommend it explicitly.
Uh. Funny. Both the same.
Anyone knows best practice for "Navigation Menus from Database" for MVC? is it ok if i will store menu items in static list and access it from layout?
@RoelvanUden where's your crew at? Still planting Border-radiuses I bet .
@C4u It worked, thanks
@RoelvanUden ty sama senpai
@satibel I bet my crew is lurking.
@QuietNaN Q is a little vague, but sure, you can store data in the DB that you then rebuild into a navigation menu. But, don't query from the view, make a ViewModel for it
Hey guys Is there a way to make a function new function like function sum ( a,b,c) as new function sum(a,b) but it takes the c in it as wel
@QuietNaN Paul Sheriff
Good morning
@Jrprogrammeur You said the word function too many times in a row for this to make sense.
sorry @AvnerShahar-Kashtan i will try to explain it better
void f(int a,int b,int c=0)
that may be what you want
you can call f(1,2) and it would be the same as calling f(1,2,0)
@Jrprogrammeur i don't get it
@Jrprogrammeur I think you are looking for this: public static int sum(a, b, c = 0, d = 0) { return a + b + c + d; }
the = 0 assigns a default value (0) to the variable.
@satibel and know i reada your answer :DDD
How about we let @Jrprogrammeur explain what he needs, instead of trying to guess? :)
i have a function
and somethimes i have to change it
because i switch from classic asp
to asp.net
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan i like guessing! but i will shut up and work again now :)
my question is is there a method to add something to a function without changing the function it self
Hang on. What?
        public static int sum(int a, int b, params int[] paramList)
            return a + b + paramList.Sum();
function a (b,d) and the new function is function a (b,d , x)
So basically you have a function and you want to pass any parameters into it?
but i dont want to add 10 functions ( i have many files )
I don't think that's a good design
what do u suggest
What is the problem here?
What is driving this problem?
the switch from classic asp is pain in the ass :(
Instead of a,b,c, try giving us the real names of the functions, because right now it makes no sense.
oke sorry
public static int Program(params int[] args)
            int Sum = 0;
            foreach(int Value in args)
                Sum += Value;
            return Sum;
Forget the technology
This is OOP
Forget methodology too, explain what you're trying to accomplish.
@ntohl oops, didn't see you there.
@satibel Beat ya with a superb solution :D
Morning o/
@ntohl I admit, I forgot you can use .Sum() .
Do any one have ipage hosting experience
Hey there. I have a problem with debugging with Visual Studio 2015. I want to jump over the following line:
if (userId == null || code == null || user == null)
.. and Visual studio tells me "executioncontext.cs" not found.
on F5 I get and exception message caused by a code line 30 lines after my last F10.
Whats happening here? Seems like VS just jumped over 30 lines of code by hitting F10.
are you in release mode @tom?
Yes >.>
Are you using async await by any chance?
then here's why : you are debugging in release mode, so optimization happens and the program doesn't match your code anymore.
Yes. You should be debugging in debug mode.
@tmutton yes one line before..
sorry guys. works in debugging mode :D
is there a bitcoin address in the description?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Works very nice. And easy to use. Thank you!
@RoelvanUden i looked at ChildActionOnly / ViewComponent attributes, liked them, now in my asp.net core project ViewComponent handles navigation menu loading on layout page
Q: how to Integrate Google Maps MarkerClusterer using asp.net c#

Ivin RajAm using below code.It's displaying individual map markers locations,instead of that i want to display Marker Clustering . For Example Expected results Google Marker Clustering.... <script async defer src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=AIzaSyAV8AiebjdcoS-Ratewz-HDkFt7XCq3zOM&l...

Please help me ?
hi sir
sorry guys had to go off my place

I am gonna try to explain (sorry for my english)

I have a function in my user control:

Function workers (naam , lastname)

I found out that i have to add an extra parameter (for example age)

But if i add the extra parameter to let it work I have to change it on more
than 50 pages And on many other functions.

Now is my question can i do something where i dont have to change everywhere

like function workers as new function
something like this
Sorry that i had to go off
"title": 'John Doe                                                                                            ',
                 "lat": '28.704059',
                 "lng": '77.102490',
                 "description": 'Basically am a Neuro Surgeon Doctor',
there's an error here, it shoud be 'Basically, I hate Border-Radius and javascript'
@Jrprogrammeur And where did age come from?
@Jrprogrammeur And what about those 50 places that currently don't pass an age parameter - what's supposed to happen there?
workers (naam, lastname, age=-1)
might work, if you handle an age of -1 correctly.
@satibel Better yet, add int? age.
I'm leaning towards just using a viewmodel...
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan what does int? do?
@Nerdintraining Nullable<int>
@Nerdintraining basically, an int you can set to null.
Just beware you will have to handle that
catch (NullReferenceException ex)
    throw new YouAreDoingItWrongException(ex);
Me? I don't ever see a NullReferenceException in production.
just when you think you have seen the worst, you have a hidden label that is used instead of a variable.
Is that the baguette language?
I wish this was a joke T_T
You can create your own Optional<int> if you'd like.
@RoelvanUden yup Baguette++
ChaîneSupprime removes characters from a string.
so ChaîneSupprime(Libellé2,"") removes NOTHING from Libellé2 (which is an invisible label used to store data)
@satibel invisible baguettes are not useful at all
@Kieran Sure they are. You can eat in secret.
yeah, but how do you know where it starts and where it finishes
more to the point, where it is
although i suppose you don't have to worry about people seeing your crumbs
@Kieran Follow your nose.
A good, fresh baguette should be easy to locate with your eyes closed.
@Kieran invisible crumbs in the shirt are really the worst.
@satibel i can imagine
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan that would work, if my nose allowed me to smell
which it does not
stupid nose
so you don't smell the secretary that makes the room smell like a bordello? cool.
Unless its incredibly strong and right under my nose, I wont smell it
@Kieran so you can smell french cheese :p
hello all
Why don't i have the inotify code snippet in my VS 2015?!
Did i do sth wrong?^^
Or is it not implemented automatically in vs 2015?

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