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Check me on this. A UWP app can't run on anything lower than Windows 10, right?
it should be working on windows 8
bu i am doubt if anyone even using it anymore, since it forced you a lot to move on windows 10
Question folks _ writing a custom helper which returns mvc's AjaxHelper.BeginForm.
I'm trying to add a custom <input> element. What I'm doing currently is

return helper.AjaxHelper.BeginForm(actionName, controllerName, newValues, options, defaultAttributes);

This works to an extent, on the view it adds my custom element but OUTSIDE the form returend by the ajax helper.. I want my element to be in the form. What obvious thing am I missing?
is there a C chat room?
what u using c for
Having a problem with MVC routing i think... whenever i try to load /User/Login.cshtml i experience, I get a 404 error?
Although I try to preview it directly from Visual Studio rather than launching the entire project
Can you get the debugger in VS to trigger at a certain point in a loop or array?
I have this Silverlight website I need to convert to a Windows app. Thing is, clients are going to have to use it too, and there's no guarantee they'll have Windows 10.
I have an array that's 250 strings long and it stops at 210 but I don't want to run though the entire thing to see what's wrong
@BlueBarren Welcome to programming
No I dont have any server code on the page besides...
@using BetCentral.Classes.UserDatabase;
@model BetCentral.Models.UserLoginViewModel
Layout = "layouts/main.cshtml";
ViewBag.Title = "Login";
@Hypersapien I'll take that as I have to do it manually :/
And this...
@using (Html.BeginForm("Login", "Account", FormMethod.Post))

@Html.ValidationSummary(true,"", new { @class= "text-danger" })

<div class="form-group">
@Html.LabelFor(m => m.Identity);
@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.Identity);
<div class="form-group">
@Html.LabelFor(m => m.Password);
@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.Password);
<div class="form-group">
@Html.CheckBoxFor(m => m.rememberMe);
<div class="form-group">
<input type="submit" value="Sign In" class="btn-facebook" />
@BlueBarren Is the last one the one it's supposed to be?
@BlueBarren post code
@Hypersapien the contents at 210 is what it's supposed to be if that's what you're asking
you confirmed with array length that its 250?
@peterpep same code as yesterday :p just testing with a different input file that has less rows
@peterpep yes
i know at least 1 reason its not working
@BlueBarren use a conditional breakpoint that stops the code when the array is 209 lines long
@Hypersapien ah that's what I'm looking for!
with the code youre using, since its not a multiple of 15 youre gonna lose some values
stringArray[208] != null
@peterpep oh :/
gonna miss at least 1 row
that doesnt seem to be your issue though
youre only gonna see values from 1 to 240
@peterpep isn't it though? It would make sense
so need to add code to add an extra row
when you do content.length/15
you get 16
so 16 rows * 15 = 240
you need to check to do a check to add 1 row
but if youre seeing 210 rows
that doesnt seem to be the problem
So the thing you're talking about isn't my problem, it's something else?
I'm confused about something about WPF and UWP. Are these only for making desktop apps, or can they also be used to make apps that run in a browser?
@Hypersapien I didn't think they could unless Microsoft started doing something different
Ok, that's all I wanted to know.
@Hypersapien Neither
At least in the case of UWP
@peterpep putting the int totalRows = contents.length / 14; gets my entire length
but obviously that won't work if I have different files of varying lengths
so 14 needs to a value I can calculate
I have a problem that looks like Web API is randomly ignoring one of my requests and not routing it to my code, but rather returning a 404 after some kind of timeout. I realize the problem probably isn't what it looks like, but what can I do to find out more about what is going on?
23 mins ago, by JARRRRG
Question folks _ writing a custom helper which returns mvc's AjaxHelper.BeginForm.
I'm trying to add a custom <input> element. What I'm doing currently is

return helper.AjaxHelper.BeginForm(actionName, controllerName, newValues, options, defaultAttributes);

This works to an extent, on the view it adds my custom element but OUTSIDE the form returend by the ajax helper.. I want my element to be in the form. What obvious thing am I missing?
@KendallFrey debug?
or fiddler?
or is that how you found out it was ignoring the resquest
Oh yes, of course. What I definitely haven't been doing for the past two and a half hours. :P
@BlueBarren That's how I found out it was 1) returning a 404 and 2) doing so after several minutes
Does your webapi endpoint have any optional parameters @KendallFrey?
any parameters at all?
and have you looked at obvious things on the request such as if it's Post then is your endpoint also expecting a Post etc.
Yes, this one in particular has several query parameters and a body parameter
(not saying you havent, happens to the best)
Everything is setup for post
It's not fundamentally broken, since it works part of the time
somethings got to be changing on your request then for it not to work all the time
I'm pretty sure what looks like the problem isn't what's happening
I'm guessing it's some kind of race condition inside my post handler
hmm any action attributes ?
Only HttpPost and Route
ah good ole webapi 2.0
what you can do as the check is after the division do if (contents.length % 15 != 0) {totalRows++;}
@BlueBarren sorry for the delay
somebody pls help me with my custom html helper where I'm trying to return a form and append an input element to it :p
I'm going nuts
youll probably need to also have a break statement to exit the loop since you are doing a partial row and you dont want to have an out of bounds index error
if (index == contents.length - 1) {break;}
what would I be doing in that if?
oh I see
What are some resources for finding the popularity of different OS versions? Particularly in business environments?
Where have all the mvc experts gone
@JARRRRG What do you need?
@BlueBarren trying to give advice based off what i remember from the code from yesterday, dont blame me if i make a mistake :3
im still a bit unsure on why its stopping at 210 though
I've got a custom html helper in which I use Mvc's ajaxhelper.beginform to return a form in a razor view.

I need to add an input element to the form. So far ive only been able to add it before the form.
33 mins ago, by JARRRRG
Question folks _ writing a custom helper which returns mvc's AjaxHelper.BeginForm.
I'm trying to add a custom <input> element. What I'm doing currently is

return helper.AjaxHelper.BeginForm(actionName, controllerName, newValues, options, defaultAttributes);

This works to an extent, on the view it adds my custom element but OUTSIDE the form returend by the ajax helper.. I want my element to be in the form. What obvious thing am I missing?
@peterpep can't remember the code? Well here you go ;D
okay so that breakstatement should go after you do the contentsIndex++;
so if youre at column 14 and youre at the end of your contents array, it should exit the inner loop and the outer loop should be done too, so then itll just continue
I think it was missing a row yesterday?
I went back to the other file and it's at 23 now
lol so i was right about the outer loop
should <=
you told me that was wrong when i suggested that
yeah that was it
it's the little things @peterpep
I don't know why I doubt you
it also works for both file lengths
it was just the <=
are you still getting 210 instead of 250?
or did those things fix everything
And America just went full Russia. Rex Tillerson to be charged with treason.
@mikeTheLiar pro troll right here
someone from romania?
ma friend
have a nice weekend
@peterpep it's working, you're a real champ
@BlueBarren glad to help
@CiprianJijie I have colleagues in Romania. That's about as close as I get :)
nice @Squiggle you are from?
I'm from the UK, but work in Switzerland. And my Romanian colleagues are awesome :)
Anyone know why I'd be getting a 404?
:) have a nice day :) bye bye
@Aidan you will have to be a lot more specific than that
404 means what you're asking for isn't there
@Aidan something doesn't exist where either you or someone else is expecting the thing to exist.
Scroll up
ah, gotcha
45 mins ago, by Aidan
Having a problem with MVC routing i think... whenever i try to load /User/Login.cshtml i experience, I get a 404 error?
"Although I try to preview it directly from Visual Studio rather than launching the entire project"
I don't think you quite understand the difference between MVC and static sites.
someone can give some advice how to start to implement unit test in my project, thanks :)
@Aidan Your routes and your view templates are not the same thing.
@CiprianJijie step 1: Figure out what you want to test. Step 2: Write unit test. step 3: Done.
do you ever have trouble wording things in google?
@CiprianJijie but the thing to really learn is how to write code that is testable
because I'm having that issue right now
oh here we go I remembered how words work
@BlueBarren I have experience of that bad word issue very long all of time happens
@Squiggle haha, I enjoyed that
I don't think you understand the question, I wanted to preview and I get 404
but when i load homepage, runs fine..
Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly. +
@Aidan preview, like, the design view in Visual Studio?
^ in MVC?
I right click on the view I'm trying to preview -> View in Browser
Altenatively, you view it in MVC by running the server and loading the page
it brings me to the page i want but returns 404
yeah don't do that
why would that matter
homepage runs fine
I'm going to go do a weekend now. Cheerio! And good luck!
usually 404 means the page is not being hit
are you using MVC?
I got it fixed up...
i had to fix errors on other pages lol
Yeah i am using MVC
Anyone know if HttpWebRequest.GetResponse tries to get a fresh response each time, or whether it caches data?
Seems unlikely it would cache, but would explain some odd behaviour I'm seeing
why does the internet only like to read from excel and not write to it?
everything I'm searching for is the opposite of what I want
@MattThrower What behavior are you seeing?
@BlueBarren Try searching for what you do want
@Hypersapien using it in a loop to call the same address with different querystring parameters. Gets a 503 error. Code is configures to pause and try again. Always gets another 503 even though verifying via browser to paralell run shows server is live
@KendallFrey hmmm you may be on to something
5** errors normally indicate it's the server's fault, not yours
@Hypersapien It may be some peculiarity of the server I'm calling ... that's what I'm trying to figure out
@BlueBarren interop lol
what issue are you having writing to excel?
@KendallFrey Yeah: it's an external service and I've pushed it off to their support. But I'm kind of interested in how my code is behaving in response. Just seems hard to explain.
@peterpep we're too late for that now, there's no turning back
Feb 12 '14 at 22:12, by Tom W
colleague of mine put http codes like this:
1xx: Nothing to see here, move along
2xx: here it is
3xx: It's over there
4xx: You fucked up
5xx: We fucked up
I'm just trying to figure out how to only insert when rows are empty
@BlueBarren Have you seen this? epplus.codeplex.com
I done a famous
@BlueBarren why not read the cell and see if it has a value
if string.isnotemptyornull() then write
@peterpep I'm hoping there's an easier way so I haven't gotten to that point yet
you can test the CellValue == null
@mikeTheLiar OFC. But this is failing on random URI's ... why do I get the same back from the same one once it's been tried once? Just doesn't make much sense
@MattThrower What evidence is there that trying multiple times is actually doing that? Why not simply the fact that the server has an error each time?
FWIW I just found the class has a CachePolicy property. Going to have a quick dig ...
@KendallFrey because if I run this application in parallel, or try a browser, on the same request, I get a valid response.
So basically if you wait for the server to initialize, it works?
i dont get the hate on using interop for excel
@KendallFrey yes ... but having got a valid response from the server, if I go back to the original code, it still gives a 503
I don't understand "go back to the original code"
@KendallFrey hence my query regarding whether that result might be cached
@KendallFrey application runs, tries a particular URL, hits 503. The code is built to sleep for a short time, then try again, up to 30 times. Every one of those 30 times I get the same 503 error. While it's doing so, I can spin up another copy of the application (and a browser), call the same URL and get valid responses
Internet has gone down and I'm about to leave :(
@peterpep then I have to figure out how to go down another row when it's true
oh retry logic
Since when does SO support animated avatars? Is this something added by the dark theme?
AKA why the hell is @Hypersapien 's avatar spinning?
thats easy
if (cellValue == null) { continue;}
rather break;
that will exit the inner loop
which is dealing with columns
@mikeTheLiar I just uploaded it today. I didn't know that animated gifs hadn't been supported before.
the outer loop deals with rows
hmm okay
let's try this
                        Cell cell = new Cell();
                        if (cell.CellValue == null)
                            cell = InsertCellInWorksheet(desiredColumns[indexCol - 1].ToString(), indexRow, sheetPart);
                            if (IsNumeric(contents[contentsIndex]))
                                cell.DataType = new EnumValue<CellValues>(CellValues.Number);
                                cell.CellValue = new CellValue(contents[contentsIndex]);
@mikeTheLiar It's only spinning in the comment list, not in the user list on the sidebar or next to my textbox
so whats the issue with that?
@Hypersapien weird. Still spins without dark chat, doesn't spin in incognito
how different is aspnet 4 from 5?
@peterpep if you're asking it me the fact that it does nothing
ah i see issue
the code youre doing isnt checking a cell in your sheet
@peterpep it probably isn't
@Hypersapien I guarantee you that doesn't do what I want it to
if im getting into learning ASPNET should i look into 4.6 or core 1.0 (aspnet 5)? it looks core 1.0 doesnt support some features from 4.6 yet
I work with 4.6
I think xD
do you learn it with a book or online?
@peterpep they taught it to me in school
@SteveG thanks
making the change from desktop applications to web is daunting, so many things to learn, but its fun
Anyone here familiar with Xamarin?
i tried using Xamarin. I quit trying after 2 days
What was wrong with it?
basically, it wouldn't let me set up an emulator
or something, it was a while ago, i don't remember the exact details
god dammit, @RoelvanUden you got me again
you still need a mac to compile iOS; Xamarin Android 100% windows. Xamarin iOS needs windows + Mac unless you use native xamarin studio for mac
nah, was just trying to get android emulator set up on windows
ran into a ton of problems
so i said screw it, downloaded android studio, and had a blast
What specifically are you supposed to be able to do with Xamarin? Is it still just desktop/mobile apps?
write a mobile app, run it on windows phones/android phones/ios, is my understanding
Is it just for mobile devices?
as far as i know
but, like i said, i've only played with it for a couple days
the universal apps are the ones that are completely cross platform i think
but i haven't played with those at all, so i'm just rambling
what are you doing right at this very moment, be precise
well apparently I'm reading in all the cells
reading your message
that was a very
clever response
and accurately answered my question
cleaver vs clever, one kills one is smart
@peterpep I really wished I had listened to you now
I'm getting too annoyed with openxml
I just want to post the question on SO but I know I need to put more work
I'm really not giving enough effort at this point
quick imagine me hitting the TV to get it to work, that's what I'm doing with my code right now
thats too funny
i think weve all gone through that before
It's funny until I break the monitor
hi guys, i need to keep some settings locally for a small app
what should I do ? ini file is ok ?
what do you use ?
I use the built-in settings for the app.
Give me a sec to find it. Haven't used it in awhile.
<AppName>.Properties.Settings is what I usually use.
this is was the first aproach, but I need the user to be able to edit that settings
from what I know the properties are embeded in the AppName.exe
They can. It's not a hidden file, though it is somewhat tough to get to for people who aren't familiar with it.
Hex editor is not a solution :D
No, they're not embedded.
(i'm google-ing it )
User scoped settings would be, in Windows 8.x, <BaseDirectory, usually C:>\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\<AppName\>\<AppName.exe_some extra stuff>\<version>\user.config
sometimes it might be ...Local\<CompanyName>\<AppName.exe...
So technically, they're editable with a plain text editor. But of course you can always use any kind of file you want. An ini will work just fine.
lol editor is correct.
i made a setting containing "ABCD"
I get confused :P
then i searched for all files containing "ABCD" string
and i found myApp.exe :-/
Well yeah, because you put that string in the code, so chances are that it will show up in the compiled code of the exe.
Nope, I added it in Resources.resx file
and this is why i concluded the fact that is embedded
Do a search for user.config.
in AppData, right ?
I found zero
Can you add a reference to your app's namespace in the main class?
sorry, i don't understand
using YourAppName;
What kind of app are you creating?
console, phone, uwp, desktop?
Are you using VS?
Ok, under TipOfTheDay>Properties, there should be an option for Settings.settings.
Bring that up, and create a user setting.
snap !!
there was the place to put it ?
Those will be saved in the user.config file.
oh, my mistake :)
i used Resources.resx file
And in code, you just put a "using TipOfTheDay;" at the top of your classes with the other using statements. Then you can get ahold of the settings by using Settings.Default.<SettingName>
No worries. I searched around for awhile before I found it the first time, too.
thats how you do that?
lol ive been creating a text or bin file that i just serialize the settings to
I did the same at first, too, heh.
do those settings persist though?
between runtimes
They're saved behind AppData, so yes.
how do you clear it to default before the user made changes?
They're not 100% secure: they can be edited by anyone who finds them, so don't save anything important in there.
can get annoying if you have a lot of settings
and doing a bunch of testing
Sorry, AppName.Properties is what the using should be.
Yeah, it does get tedious when you're testing. I can't tell you how many times I crashed the first app I fond that o.
Had to write code to check if all the same properties were in there as are in the current distribution, and if they were different, then copy over the new ones only so as not to mess up the previously set ones.
thats why i kinda like writing to bin file
Oh, and to answer your previous question, I think it has a Reset() function.
i just delete it
Well, then you don't save the user's previous settings. I wanted to make sure all their old stuff got preserved. I know I find it annoying when I get an update and it completely undoes all my stuff.
@Codeman - Will the traffic be bad this weekend in Seattle?
@Codeman What are this week's lottery numbers?
@KendallFrey 42
as entropy increases in the universe, will there ever be a time when it decreases, such as the big crunch?
Statistically yes
That is the argument of big bang cycles
it is based on some arguments ?
Of course
has there ever been more than 1 big bang happening at a time, lets say, on the other end of the universe?
Entropy is about statistics, and it always has a non-zero chance of decreasing, but in the present when entropy is so astoundingly low, the chances of it decreasing further are astoundingly lower.
how do we know our big bang was all encompassing, and wasn't just a localized big bang
@SteveG The universe doesn't have ends
Not possible, the big bang spawned the universe from a single point
we dont steve. Since light is still travelling outwards
@SteveG It's nonsensical to assign the big bang to a localized position and time in space
how do we know there isn't another universe that spawned, 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999‌​999999999^9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 light years away
from their own single point
Because that distance away is still in our universe
Yeah, by definition, that is still in our universe.
in our visible universe
the ideea of universe simple means EVERITHING
The universe is everything.
@SteveG yeah every night at Kendall's mom's house
yes, i follow
there is only one universe, but i'm wording it funny

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