he knew a ton more about low-level stuff than I do, thing is - I'm now a consultant developer and people think I'm a genius with the specific tools I use
Of course if it's not intentional, you're stuck. They're often the kind of people who see only their way and nothing else and what they had in mind is impossible to guess. Those courses tend to be very hard, because completing the work is much more guesswork than they expected
I've been a sometime mentor to a relatively new compsci grad before, what he told me was that they did next to nothing about things like how to use source control in a team, how to talk at standups, how to plan work and so on.
I am facing a big problem at work where my team (BI dashboard) gets totally blindsided because some people told the CEO that data are all ready, while they are not.
I was in a meeting today where some executive bloke that hasn't done any software developing in his life kept screaming at us how we should just get the data from the database and its simple as that
A manager here tries to divide a dashboard project into "backend" and "frontend". I am like, dude, there are 5 backends - client data source, our ETL system, our internal database, our SQL queries to pull data into dashboards, which backend are you talking about?!
I have been working for five months for a big French company building great things, a good product with trend methodologies.
I've just learned from an internal coworker (technical expert) that I will likely be let go because there's a too huge of a gap between me and other developers in terms o...
@Gigitex consider that to be a learning experience. To fix him, you need to be far more knowledgeable in coding than him to correct him enough of times. Yes, it's possible, but it's hard.
I am not sure if that makes me a good developer or not, but for the 8-10 years I have in my experience, I don't spend all of them in programming. When I do, I have to split among C#, database, dashboard design, even front end js, HTML, CSS, so I never consider myself to be superb at programming.
@Gigitex: there are also cases where people on SO answer, your way is definitely not the way to go, while in a certain business case, or in a certain technical setup, it's the only viable solution.
I remarked to a colleague the other day that when, at standup, I have to describe a problem I have, the explanation of what the problem is takes several minutes
I'm a dozen levels deep already and the constraints on the problem are now so tight that anyone else happening to know the answer is a very slim likelihood indeed
I had one this week. A TFS release suddenly started sitting on one step forever, until the agent dropped the connection and aborted, took several hours
After a day and a half of research I found that one of our scripts that uses sqlplus to install an Oracle package had for no apparent reason begun throwing permissions errors
and sqlplus when it hits an error just sits there and waits for input, which the script can never give
Well another problem is my company has never done BI before. They want us to start building reports when data schema is not at a sound stage. Oh they also refuse to listen.
Ah, don't want to go back to work on Monday... trying to quit this month.
I have 2 tables. Table User and Table Day. Table User has a column with a default of 3200. Table Day has a column with some random integers. I have to count al columns of table Day and do 3200 minus those colums.
User contains all the information of the user. Product contains of all the information of the eaten products. Day is a 'linktable' (don't know the English name of it ) for User and Product
Day contains a column called UserID and one called ProductID
Both are foreign keys from the other 2 tables
Day contains also 1 last table called Calories
The user table contains a default table called Caloriesleft with an integer of 3200
So let's say I have eaten a banana 300 cal and a potato 400 cal And my Caloriesleft is 3200. It should do something like this: Caloriesleft = Caloriesleft - All Rows of Column Calories for User ID.
Well, if it's left join, you would get rows for user_id even when there's no matching rows in linktable and Product. If it's inner, you only get the intersect.
@Gigitex: yup, didn't know you just want to calculate for one user in an application; thought you want overall :P