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01:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

posted on December 20, 2016 by Scott Hanselman

At the end of October I announced that Maria from my team and I published a Microsoft Virtual Academy on ASP.NET Core. This Free ASP.NET Core 1.0 Training is up on Microsoft Virtual Academy now for you to watch and enjoy! I hope you like it, we worked very hard to bring it to you. Again, start with Introduction to ASP.NET Core 1.0, and explore this new technology even further in Intermediate A

So, fun fact, I didn't realize this, but alcohol does some magical crap when programming.
This crap is like productivity juice.
I'm going to become the most caffinated alcoholic, just you wait.
anyone here know much about redis and timeouts?
I implemented a simple redis cache for a webdav directory structure
and it seems to get regular timeouts
GetCollection.TimeoutException ==> Timeout performing SMEMBERS WebDAV:ProjectMonths:1015306.2015, inst: 24, mgr: ExecuteSelect, err: never, queue: 0, qu: 0, qs: 0, qc: 0, wr: 0, wq: 0, in: 0, ar: 0, clientName: BNE101W, IOCP: (Busy=0,Free=1000,Min=4,Max=1000), WORKER: (Busy=131,Free=32636,Min=4,Max=32767), Local-CPU: unavailable
I can't find anything really helpful in deciphering what all this means. Or what I should look at to start to fix this
there's a lot of azure redis help, but it appears the configuration is done differently on azure
3 hours later…
posted on December 20, 2016 by Scott Hanselman

My vacation continues. Yesterday I had shoulder surgery (adhesive capsulitis release) so today I'm messing around with Azure IoT Hub. I had some devices on my desk - some of which I had never really gotten around to exploring - and I thought I'd see if I could accomplish something. I've got a Particle Photon here, as well as a Tessel 2, a LattePanda, Funduino, and Onion Omega. A few days ago

2 hours later…
Stupid VS2013 won't start while the (un)installer for VS2015 is running.
Algorithm sanity check: I have a method that fetches X records from the DB (configurable). A new feature has been added that filters these records, but that filter can only occur on my server, not the DB.
So I'm thinking of the sanest way to do this. The naive method is "Get X records, filter, see if there are any missing, get more records, filter again, repeat until we have X".
A more sensible alternative would be to get more than X in the first place, filter and see if there are at least X left. If not, do the backfill, but again - retrieve more than is needed, to avoid more DB hits.
What costs more: Hitting the db multiple times, or running the filter multiple times?
Would it surprise you to know that running the filter includes reading rules from the DB? :)
But it's a much smaller DB hit than fetching the entities themselves, which can be 6-7MB each.
I don't have any suggestions. Seems like it will be pain either way :(
o ha you
It's a terribly tacked-on permissions system.
For each case retrieved, it's checked against a bunch of business rules, which either let it through as-is, let it through with a minimal set of data, or remove it from the result set completely.
@Ggalla1779 - In response to yesterdays message about what not all the balloon and whatever other entity i called it together. I think the balloon requires a toy to have been created. I'm not sure.. really pita debugging the bloody seed method of EF
Q: Binding ( Mapping ) Json in c# class

C SharperI have below Json :- { "EventMessageUId": "ef51b5a3-32b2-e611-baf9-fc3fdb446bd2", "Message": [{ "StoryID": 1, "StoryDesc": "xyzzzz" }], "ProjectUId": "00100000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "ProjectId": 1, "CreatedByUser": "system", "CreatedByApp": "m...

hey dude
your Message is an array
but in your model its presented as an object
Morn all
thus an array of message
@misha130 so what can be done in that case?
List of class?
or an array
List<Message> ??
@JARRRRG yeah you can add toy and then balloons at same time if that helps
yes that works
is there another way? I thought agrigation in this way will work
@JARRRRG you might also look at attach if you have closed contect that added toy
ie context.Ninjas.Attach(ninja);
change your json to have no array
or add a setter if you wish but I count it kind of extreme
@JARRRRG adding at same time looks like this
@Ggalla1779 - hey yeah that might be a way of doing it actually. Current issue is there is a validation error when doing the add. I've just stolen an extension method on DbContext so that I can SaveChanges with the errors showing up :E Hopefully I can figure out which poco is the broken one
there is free Power tools download that allows you to graph your classes and shows relationships
i thought it was kool
Finally some bloody errors on what's missing.
Let me show you what I mean
The answer with 34 votes is what I used : stackoverflow.com/questions/10219864/…
and now I have some nice errors in the package manager console
ah right yeah, I've got those power tools
I'm actually setting the Url field to "" 😬 going to try string.EMpty
I guess you can't just post "" to a required string field ? :(
How do I bring the values from the api table to perform calculation to what is passed to the ui i.e. (ConversionRate(UI) * Value (Api)) within the flowing line
ViewBag.TheResult = listCurrency.Where(c => c.FromCurrencyId == cur.FromCurrencyId && c.ToCurrencyId == cur.ToCurrencyId).FirstOrDefault().ConversionRate;
[Required(AllowEmptyStrings = true)] (Y)
This is the last bit in my program and trying to get it work ;-/
@JARRRRG yeah thats noce, am not sure why so many errors would be occurring but thats 1 way to deal with it
Well it was just the one single error, my field on the poco has [Required] so when I'm trying to set its value to string.Empty or "" it doesn't work.

By doing the above [Required(AllowEmptyStrings = true)] it fixes it :)
just put a ? in definition
I don't understand
cant you define a field as nullable by using ? in definition
then again you are using required
no, I actually want it to be required
just in this one single case I want to seed the db with a single record that has an empty Url
ok well then it shuld never be null
great design bad implementation
so seed it right and deal with it when it added proper
yeah, I'm going to remove the AllowEmptyStrings and fix it another way
and have a record marked as a particular type or have it in another table of its own :E
No point in having to fudge it like this
and have my code rely on a record that DOESNT have a url
thats mad your having to fudge it
cant you put in a check for no record found
or as you say that type doesnt have child
hmmm its a bit more complicated than that ;(
this fudge (having url as null) just needs to be removed
It's when a url the application is accessed with DOESNT have a subdomain
it would default to this
that's badddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
Tenant = new Tenant { Active = true, CssFile = "BRIT", Url = string.Empty },
So if you go to potato.localhost.com it would match to Url = "potato" on that entity
but obviously when you're not on a subdomain, you need it to match to something too.. bad designing. I've got a proper workaround in mind
just need to draw it out and put in
Uh.. why not leave that check in-code rather than forcing your DB?
if (hasSubdomain) {
  var tenant = context.Tenants.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Subdomain == subdomain);
  if (tenant == null) badRequest
  add styles/etc
the domain logic is slightly different. When there is no subdomain IE localhost.com with nothing in front. Then it means the User needs to login in as the "Master" Tenant
you know what.. that field isn't required....thats the design you should be going for...thats your model
The reason it needs to be required is because the Master Tenant can add these Tenants. Master Tenant needs to provide a Url.
so what I'm thinking is, having a single Master Tenant in it's own table or somethign
Master tenant, System tenant.. whatever it needs to be called
multi-tenancy is fun said no one ever
Hi all is it possible to develop website using c#?
I actually use something as outlined above.
😀 nice
Hi guys, I'm here to find out if want I want is possible in c# WPF/Forms. I want to have a window (overlay style) that can be shown on top of another window (not of my project, A windowed game in fact) The goal is : ctrl-c in game to get data, deal with the data in my c# app then show a window of that data processed at mouse position in the game without loosing focus on the game.
Multi-tenancy is no big deal if you've designed it right ;-)
@kaviarasan it is
@SebastienLemichez It's possible if the game isn't DX full screen
How about style sheets?
is it possible to make good web UI?
@kaviarasan The site you're on right now? StackOverflow and StackExchange network? All C#.
I'd say "Yes" is the appropriate answer.
okay thats cool
@RoelvanUden So having a window pop not gonna make loose focus of the game ?
@SebastienLemichez Just don't bring it into focus. You want to bring it into a 'on top of everything else' state, which is a nice little flag.
thanks for the input guys lemme look into it
Just FYI a lot of game cheats work like that.
@RoelvanUden ok ty gonna try to do it then
@RoelvanUden - First time I'm doing it. Hopefully next time round I'll know exagtly what to do.

For my master tenant, I'm going to create a SystemTenant table that has a 1-1 relationship with Tenant and then

if (hasSubdomain or whatever) {
} else {
tenantResolver.tenant = db.SystemTenant.First();

But that still doesn't eliminate my initial fudge of having no url for the system tenant.

That was the managers suggestion.. have the 1-1 relationship but actually I think the whole point of having the System tenant separate in its own table is so that you aren't h
What exactly do you define as 'the system tenant'? Can there be multiple?
There can not no
Then why do you even bother putting it into the DB?
to always populate the Tenant on the tenantResolver used throughout the app
Mock it ;-)
Then why even have a record for it and not just pop
if (hasSubdomain) {
  var tenant = context.Tenants.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Subdomain == subdomain);
  if (tenant == null) badRequest
  tenantResolver.Tenant = tenant;
else tenantResolver.Tenant = new Tenant(...);
You already know what it's gonna look like, just define it.
of course.. i'll go in with that and see what the manager says
You can also put back the restrictions on your DB :-)
this whole 1-1 relationship and mastertenant table is on a spec sheet which i have to fulfill :p
Because a mock doesn't need to be validated
true, restrictions I put back on.. can't go around having no allowemptystrings on the required attribute
Oh, you get technical requirements? :/
Who makes them?
my line manager and his line manager, both technical c# devs
should be alright though. this logic can go in the tenant resolver as a constant "master" tenant object.
Well, there might be a reason why they want it in the DB then, e.g. to mutate it on production environments, but if there isn't, there is no reason for the system tenant to be in the DB
alright, that makes sense
deploying node js websites to azure is the worst experience of my life
well at least now I've got a valid question to go and ask - cheers @RoelvanUden
@misha130 Really? Isn't that just git push azure?
Hey guys, in my appconfig I got the following string: ` <add name="Scratchpad" connectionString="Data Source=WouterPC;Initial Catalog=Wouter;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=15;Encrypt=False;TrustServerCertificate=True;ApplicationIntent=ReadWrite‌​;MultiSubnetFailover=False"/>`
Can I change this string, so every user here can execute this program and reach the database?
Define every user, on your local network?
The connection string, as written, relies on Windows authentication. If you want every user to connect, ensure your database gives every user permissions.
Admittedly, it's probably not the best idea to distribute apps that connect to a DB directly.
okay, i will try that, thanks
@RoelvanUden how should I do it then?
@RoelvanUden Yeah, but the connection string's name implies that it's not really a place for important data.
@wouterdejong Client App -> API -> DB. The API can enforce restrictions etc.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan he's a professional tho.
@RoelvanUden well its not working on remote, but works locally
and the fact that they didn't give me the link to the remote repository
until I went to their old portal
while making it in cli, adding deployment slots to git in their new portal (because their documentation on cli is outdate) and then moving to old portal to get the link
now I can't logs
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Could you give me a hint on how to give people permission. I am working with the standard SQL server in c# visual studio 2015
I've forked a project on github, but the pull requests from the source repo aren't in my fork. How can I get them?
@wouterdejong I know how to do it if you're using a full installation of SQL Server.
Don't know what comes with VS.
I wonder @scheien if you are supposed to get them
since they are specified to this specific branch
@scheien git fetch upstream?
Shouldnt they show in my fork on github?
This branch is even with aurelia:master.
but I don't have any pull requests, which are present in the source project
those are the ones I want :p
Those aren't commits.
They come from a different repo.
You'll have to add that repo as upstream and fetch from it if you want it
How can I see what kind of SQL server I am using tho in visual studio?
what are you doing on aurelia scheien?
@misha130 I need to cache viewmodels between routes.
and want to see what they got working so far
turns out there's a "open in github desktop" button when viewing changes to files.
Ahhhh. My "filter and then fill" problem from this morning is even more complicated than I thought. I need it to work with the current paging feature.
cant you use addin
anyone here heard of SVG before ?
@RoelvanUden what did you heard about it :P
its a picture with words
@misha130 are you sure
pretty sure
why are you so sure
Test, TEST or Tester may refer to: Test (assessment), an assessment intended to measure the respondents' knowledge or other abilities Medical test, to detect, diagnose, or monitor diseases == Science and technology == test (Unix), a Unix command for evaluating conditional expressions TEST (x86 instruction), an x86 assembly language instruction Experiment, a part of the scientific method Test (biology), the shell of sea urchins and certain microorganisms Test method, a definitive procedure that produces a test result Physical test Chemical test, a procedure designed to prove the existence of, or...
!!wiki SVG
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is an XML-based vector image format for two-dimensional graphics with support for interactivity and animation. The SVG specification is an open standard developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) since 1999. SVG images and their behaviors are defined in XML text files. This means that they can be searched, indexed, scripted, and compressed. As XML files, SVG images can be created and edited with any text editor, but are more often created with drawing software. All major modern web browsers—including Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Opera,...
because it says right here its xml based
@Mathematics Are you actually here to ask a question or to pose riddles?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan is it a bad practice ?
I thought it was fun sometimes
Guys how can I make my menu dropbox so, that when I hover over a button "Vergelijk met duplicates" it opens a combobox. Now I first have to hover and then after I have to press the arrow at the combobox the display the values. imgur.com/a/nLasy
LMAO ... @misha130 that was gold :)
@Mathematics When they're proper riddles, maybe. When they're "Do you know the commonly known and trivial X"? And when people say they do, you say "Do you? Do you really?" That's just annoying.
You're not adding information or posing a challenge. You're like an experiment in Rogersian psychotherapy, a human ELIZA machine.
At 10 buttons I run exactly the same function, but with another parameter. How can I do this smart? Or do I have to write this function with parameter in each buttoncall?
call Routine (button1)
Q: How do i pass variables to a buttons event method?

BildsoeI need to be able to pass along two objects to the method being fired when I click a button. How do i do this? So far i've been looking at creating a changed eventArgs: public class CompArgs : System.EventArgs { private object metode; private Type typen; public CompArgs(object...

something along lines of that
@Ggalla1779 you know EventArgs is just a base type for your custom stuff right?
menaing that you can pass any derived type to a a standard event handler
me bad
Guys I got a question. Is there anything "bad" or "wrong" with passing state info as argument rather than maintaining it in class member fields? Or is it just a matter of preference? I used to always do the member vars/properties/fields but I've been doing alot of C work lately and got used to passing as argument so was wondering if there's much difference?
Ofc in C its not really an option though
damn it architecturing enterprise systems is hard. I wish someone with more experience than me would have been doing this
@TeeSee Always choose the more readable/maintainable one.
If that means arguments, so be it. But it rarely does for anything more than 2~3 args.
look for office interop on how to make proper methods with arguements
if you aint doing it with 13 args then you aint microsofting enough
Office is a beast with decades of programming underneath. I wouldn't use it as an example for modern architecture or best practices.
@War but does that not mean its passing the uniquie button ? ie button 1 button 2?
@RoelvanUden good rule of thumb. C just made me think differently, so I couldn't help but wonder once I had my classes back!
@Ggalla1779 create a new button class then override the onclick event
tis but a jest Roel
@TeeSee In C, you can define blocks as well. Not really classes, but collections pointed at. Same principle there.
type Something {
int a
int b;

Something *x
class MyButton : Button
       public new Event CustomHandler OnClick;
like that @Ggalla1779
or is it x.a and x.b? not sure, been a while since I used c
does or just use the existing one
@RoelvanUden yeah usually I would have to pass the pointer in as argument though
no thats right its a pointer
sender will be the button object that was actually clicked
@TeeSee Yeah so &localSomething
Still, a lot more readable than
doStuff(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e)


doStuff(MyType *stuff)
So for example, instead of myObject.DoWork it would be doWork(Something *ptr) and then I can do ptr->a and ptr->b
Yeah exactly
@War ok then how does he get what button hes clicked
@Ggalla1779 the object sender is the button that was clicked
aha ok
Button b = sender as Button;
I did this kinda thing in VB6 never in .Net
I was just curious
omg sender as Button, the bringer of nightmares
How has vb leaked into this channel, what's going on
my apologies the past came back to me in a flashback
@JARRRRG What's wrong with that?
I did vb, once during comp science. Was not fun.
I think the one thing I've done right in my life is never touch VB6 from what I hear lol
VB6 was a great language.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan everyone rags on it like crazy
VB was great and was a foundation of programming
So, is it somehow possible to give 10 buttons the same function with another parameter in a for-loop or something like that?
@TeeSee Yeah, there was a lot of C++ snobbery, which was replaced by C# snobbery.
its possible to do anything but you have to know clearly what you want/ spec
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I actually have heard more crap about VB6 than PHP.... And that's pretty intense lol
yes I never bought into the C++ or C# snobs
@Ggalla1779 Well I want to call a function with a unique parameter for 10 buttons
perhaps use the Tag property?
When VB6 came out, its competition for building desktop applications was C++ with MFC. Delphi was already on its way down.
A hero of mine (in the VB community) gave talk in edinburgh for Linux users on Mono...they almost laughed at him
@wouterdejong yup and the code snippet War posted would do that
VB offered a modern, managed language and environment, the sort of thing we take for granted with C#, but has its roots in VB.
Then again, ppl now adays act like C is satan as well, and it's a very useful language that shaped everything. So yeah can't listen to those types I guess. Ah well, I didn't get into it either way!
And it offered a designer-based, event-driven UI framework that was the direct inspiration for WinForms, which was great for its time.
@Ggalla1779 Okay thanks
Yeah, it had its quirks, though many of them boiled down to "it's not like C" (1-based array indices! Oh, the humanity!)
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan one thing I gotta say is, I've programmed Windows in C on the actual Win32 API and boy, VB can't be that bad hahaha. It's not that it's bad at all, I find it fun, but it definitely shows you what .NET is doin for ya
All I gotta say is.... Handles.... Lots and lots of handles...
And it was messy, since it was similar to PHP or Javascript's "don't fail, try to make it work somehow" philosophy.
I got this now:

private void toolStripMenuItem7_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


private void toolStripMenuItem8_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


class MyClick : ToolStripMenuItem

I guess i dont understand the concept yet
And then VB.NET was, about 90% identical to C# just with different syntax, which, again, prompted language snobbery.
@wouterdejong Don't create a _Click event handler for each menu item. Create one (MenuItem_Click) and hook up all menu items to the same one.
Do I prefer C# syntax over VB syntax? Immensely. But it's just syntax.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan a type system slightly more rigorous than "eh, whatever" would have been nice
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Sorry, I dont really get the idea. Could you give a small example?
Variant I'm looking at you
every language has its strengths and weaknesses; they're all useful in some sense, in the right circumstances. except php. that's just awful.
@TomW VARIANT is a COM Automation type, used by both C++ and VB.
VB supported it natively, true, but it was an optional part of the type system, you didn't have to use it.
Yeah I know, playing it for laughs. Obviously wasn't that funny
With dynamic in C# 4.0, C# actually got more VBish.
@MichaelEdenfield lol
I encountered surprising resistance to var of all things
People aware of VB seemed to think it was like Variant
Presumably just because of the name
@TomW "Don't worry, var is just syntactic sugar. It's still statically typed, strictly compile-time and doesn't make your C# code loose, late-bound, dynamically-dispatched or wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey. That's what dynamic is for"
the funniest VB thing was goto command
goto definitely existed before VB
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan that implies that people inclined to make up false equivalences in the first place are prepared to believe you when you contradict their sincerely-held but wrong beliefs
prob but thats were I first met it
@MichaelEdenfield and after
@TomW But surely that is the case, and the world is a sane and rational place!
I'm still sore that JS doesn't have goto
"I'm pretty sure that...", meaning "I misunderstood how something worked once and have never been prepared to correct my false assumption" is a characteristic of mediocre-to-bad programmers, I've found. Happy bedfellows with "Well that's how we've always done it"
there are times for new things and a time for proven solutions
Like wrapping every single data access statement across a whole integration solution, in a stored procedure, "for security"?
Just queries mind, no updates.
@TomW I worked with a hardcore cargo-cult programmer once. All ritual, no understanding.
Haven't we all.
@TomW i've never understood that pattern of building out DB's
@War there's no understanding to be had; it's BS
As far as I can tell.
Someone never bothered to learn how SQL Server permissions worked
I recall having a huge debate with one of the devs of a new up and coming MMO once who said "it's more secure because you give the dev access to the sproc only not the tables"
Taught their ignorance to others
I was like ... WTF!!!
Anyone used this or can recommend something better/similar? x64dbg.com/#start
He was writing a client-side web app (this was before fancy HTML5, it was DHTML and VBScript in IE5). He would make AJAX calls to a web service, get data, and then immediately make another calls to the WS, with a special parameter that the server was designed to recognize and return null data.
well it depends why it was done... by security auditor ie bank or by someone that didnt look at all the options
Because he read somewhere that IE caches all data retrieved, so he would make a second call to make IE override the data from the first call with the new one, in the cache.
@Ggalla1779 the identity of the person making the decision is not a valid 'why'
lol yes it is
@Ggalla1779 it's presented as valid, but it isn't
It depends whos saying it
ie like you now
I disagree.
It's not a valid technical reason for a given course of action. It is a valid business/organizational reason.
Sometimes the right course of action is to take the lesser option, technically.
Security can have all sorts of reasons... I would not say I understand or know Security rules for DB/ network breaches
but imagine you read a report saying 90% breaches accessed the tables
I would implement a database wide standard then
OK well, I'd be delighted to see an explanation of why that's done, but my belief thus far is that there isn't one and it's a practice based on ignorance
@War That's not wrong?
just saying reasons arent always foolish or bad thoughts
@War I believe that's referred to as a 'best practice' ?
how to make an action when a toolStripMenuItem is pressed?
@wouterdejong google it...there will be video walkthrough to show you
@RoelvanUden @MichaelEdenfield why not just use a view, or column permissions? Both of those are no less securable, and as a developer I can write queries against them
Of course? Oh, for queries? I thought it was about mutation
Mutation through a sproc makes perfect sense if you want the DB to be the central responsible point
@TomW well, 1 ) that's not what he said, he said table access, and 2) because stored procs let you control who/what/how can insert and update into tables.
I agree with 2)
Views might be preferable for 1
we've also worked with vendors that don't want us writing queries against their data
That's perfectly reasonable as well?
because much of the data we want is either sensitive or computed at run-time or whatever; they give us stored procs or table-valued functions to run.
still, any of those options are more secure than just giving us db_datareader/db_datawriter
Sprocs for read are a complete pain in the ass to develop against
My last project they insisted that all data access, read and update, would all go through sprocs that would simply repeat the table structure 1:1
Great, now I can't join, unless I do it in memory on the app with the complete data set whether I want it or not
And the "data management team" are always behind, and if you want something changed or added you wait a week or more before you can start your work
Just use tables like a normal person and design your permissions structure properly
By the way this is for a backend process inside the DMZ running as a domain account
@RoelvanUden @MichaelEdenfield are you guys trolling me?
im with @TomW on this one
Views for reading and sprocs for mutations is fine
It's a reasonable choice that I understand
views for reading just adds load to your server surely?
that's like saying ... there's no need for entities only use dto's
or another place a friend of mine worked had a coding standard that said no class could contain more than 4 methods (no idea where that came from)
their inheritance trees were insane
i also reported to a CTO once that firmly believed that SQL was never needed as access could do everything he needed
until the day he got a table with 20 million rows in it
or my last boss who genuinely thought a good WebAPI was a web form POST that implemented 10k+ lines to do json parsing, as a standard all WebAPI's had to inherit that bloat and pass the request to it in order to get back the body of the post
good afternoon all
I got fired shortly after introducing him to the same solution in about 100 lines using WebAPI ... odd that it has that name right (I said during my exit form the building)?
01:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

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