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00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 22:00

12:16 AM
Is there any sort of quick/dirty way to remove all MVC components from a project? Basically I have a MVC application and I no longer need the "ASP.NET MVC" parts (meaning the regular controllers and views and associated config stuff), I just need the Web API. Obviously the entities/DTOs and API controllers need to stay
right now Im trying out just starting a new Web API project in the solution and slowly moving the files over
my main concern is just screwing up the config somehow by deleting too much
Can default constraint used with null values, I want the default constraint to insert its value when null is inserted?
1 hour later…
1:42 AM
threads and tasks and async makes my head hurt
I can't describe the feeling when I'm stumped on a problem, can't quite wrap my head around it and it drives me bananas for a while then I go do something trivial for a while and it all just makes sense?
I think to myself, if I didn't do this menial task and magically come up with it, I wonder if I would've ever gotten it lol
Makes me feel powerless in a way.
yeah, I find I pull my hair out, write an SO question, walk away/go home and on the journey I figure it out in my head and quickly go delete my question so people don't think I'm stupid
Reason I try to avoid asking SO questions, because anytime I do, It sits for like 20 minutes then I figure it out, it's super simple, so I feel like a moron lol
1:47 AM
this is one of those times, I reckon
I am using ServiceController to query remote machines. I want to do the querying call in parallel, but I need to return the ServiceController[] to my original thread for output
but I can't seem to find any info on how to do that
I have it working where to goes off and does the processing in parallel, but returns all the output together at the end. It's okay, but not ideal.
2:22 AM
woo I think I did it
@hilli_micha does it have to be a NON-CODING menial task?
Ive always wondered that... Like can you switch projects and have that happen?
As long as youre not dealing what the actual coding issue
@Tee See - You know, to be honest, It seems to happen most when I walk away and pace or do like quick house chores (I work from home)
It can happen when I switch to a smaller coding task, but it really happens most when I walk away completely.
Interesting... Ive been thinking about this a lot too lately
I picked up on it last year during a big project that involved treading a lot of new waters, I paced around my house talking to myself and doing menial stuff to shift gears in my thinking, if you will lol
Again, it's unnerving because you never really have any control over whether or not the thought enters your mind, it just does.
@hsimah tasks and async makes my ***** *****
2:27 AM
so many stars
very nsfw
you dont work with me obviously
Task is literally my favourite pattern in C#
it's pretty cool, I will admit
I ditched async
It seems to be working as I expect. If I put a delay in one call, it prints the others out first
The main reason it's so awesome is because it's monadic :3
2:29 AM
now I just need to figure out what to do with exceptions
@hilli_micha another thing, Ive heard that a lot about programming
However, someone explain hackathons then, lol
@Tee See - Having someone right beside you to get an outside perspective is nearly as good as well.
The 'walk-away' strategy is for programmers, like me, who spend most their time coding alone lol
@hilli_micha true. I was surprised at my hackathon performance with 2 hours of sleep
(I spend most my time alone too. I work with ppl remotely mainly)
aside from meetings sometimes/skype
Yeah, I work with people remotely as well, but it's not quiite as soon, the quick, rapid-fire discussion can really keep you with an outside perspective. It helps a lot!
Sometimes it's those STUPID simple issues that get you tripped up, that someone else looking at would see almost instantly.
It's called overthinking it.
2:38 AM
Oh yeah! But when it's just you, you can't really control that, you know? Not until you break away and do a mental reset.
Hey btw does anyone know why Identity may not put custom props into the Db? It looks like I have it set up right for EF...
I imagine that's why pair programming is so popular in certain places.
public class AleHubDbContext :IdentityDbContext<BusinessAccount>
    public AleHubDbContext()
        : base("DefaultConnection", throwIfV1Schema: false)
public class BusinessAccount : IdentityUser
public string RepFirstName { get; set; }
public string RepLastName { get; set; }
None of those props are showing up in the Db, its weird
or in the migration I mean
(or the db for that matter lol)
3:24 AM
I'm missing something obvious with using google signin in an asp.net core app. Does anyone have experience there
4:01 AM
4:29 AM
hu giys
anyone know about socket programming
specifically on UDP protocol
not since uni, and I spent a lot of time drinking there
4:41 AM
@hsimah how to check if your server is reachable?
because it is connection less protocol
been a while mate, but I dont think you can
2 hours later…
6:34 AM
@MidTwo i think you can't.
You would have to implement that urself.
But if you need to know if the Packeges arrive why dont use TCP?
The difference in speed is nowadays negletable anyways
And Goood morning to ALl of you!
good evening
why am I still at work at 20 to 5 on a Friday
Why is it not 20 to 5 here?
Oh shiiieeeet
7:12 AM
the client wants UDP
@MidTwo #neverforgettoping
Tell him UDP sucks :D
but how can i check if we can establish connection to remote server
my plan is to send 0 byte
data and check if there is a response
the problem is the receive method is asynchronous
and the next plan is to wait for that method to finish
So I'm eyeing for Task.Run
now Task is not available in System.Threading
this project is quiet old
What version of .NET is it targeting?^^
Only solution i can think of off the head is sth like
Nah won't do any good.
what is sth like?
this is a vb6 project
not my task though
someone just asking for help
I would just check if the server is available bevor running the actual code
7:18 AM
posted on November 11, 2016 by Scott Hanselman

State Machines and business processes that describe a series of states seem like they'll be easy to code but you'll eventually regret trying to do it yourself. Sure, you'll start with a boolean, then two, then you'll need to manage three states and there will be an invalid state to avoid then you'll just consider quitting all together. ;) "Stateless" is a simple library for creating state mac

vb6 made me sad
    throw new NotConnectedToRemoteServerException();
who is this feeds?
Don't know
some robot I think,
wanting ask to migrate to .Net core
7:20 AM
Tzhats for sure^^
Hey feeds im currently digging your asp core project
Its unfair we cant mention you in message
what is actually ".Net core"?
a rewrite of .NET
To what use and by whom?
they're stripping out .net into modular parts
so you dont need the whole shebang to run a small console app
7:22 AM
that will run on multiple platform (MAC OS, Linux)
and it is using a new CLR
.Net CORE runtime
7:45 AM
And why are they developing .Net 6 and .Net core at the same time?
Hello, anyone worked with long running processes? how do you handler ProcessManager exception rollback, when process can live hours and if it fails on last hour?
i have one process manager who i StartedBy one event
event 1 => send command 1.2
event 1.2 => send command 2
event 2. => send command 2.1
event 2.1 => complete processes
each step persists data
how do you roll back whole process if event 2.1 fails to complete
i don't think its good idea to delete all persisted data since command 1.2 and re-run process
its better to re-publish 2.1 event?
Morn all
yeah they have been adding more and more into .net core
8:06 AM
Heyho o/
@Nerdintraining .NET6?
roel has updated his profile
Or 7? not sure nomore
looking good
'cough' asscrawler 'cough'
8:24 AM
@QuietNaN If you've got them all living in a message queue and the event data is marked for a step, then sure, you can just throw back in previous state to have it processed again. Do consider adding a counter of sorts, so you don't keep trying processing it forever.
@Nerdintraining to support old .net projects
.core is not yet stable
@Nerdintraining i'm just complementing senpai. as a good kouhei should do
shots fired
@Proxy suckup
I am sama senpais sensai sen-anythingthatfitshere favorit!
you should not address like that @Nerdintraining
like this
NerdInTraining inu desu
@Proxy It's Erin :-)
8:28 AM
roel-chan :P
I always never got this Japano-craze-stuff
what anime ? i'm not familiar :(
I am a bleeding Europeanish dude
We don't give a fuck about being polite
SwordArt online?
a vs is online
8:30 AM
@Proxy It is called Kemono no Souja Erin, or the Beast Tamer Erin. The profile picture is the lead protagonist, Erin, a little girl who starts of as a 9-year old in a rather cruel world.
2012 VS
@C4u you are not updated
@RoelvanUden How do you format just bits of your msg as code?
Put it between tildes
@RoelvanUden never heard of it? is it good?
Apostrophes you mean?
8:32 AM
back ticks
` <- that
not apostrophes
That's an "acent grav"
Atleast what I've been told
while (NerdIsFiguringOut) {}
Anyway thanks Sensai
8:33 AM
simply call it back ticks
@MidTwo unexpected System.TimeoutException() occured. System now shutting down.
@Nerdintraining catch (NoBackingOutException e) { }
@RoelvanUden like if it fails 3 times mark it as failed and don't auto-retry it, right?
i will change my name now
i will go back to sherlock
@Proxy Yeah. It is fantastic! The art is, however, a rather unique style and there is absolutely no "moe", accidental panty-shots, or anything of a more sexual nature. And the story is a little slow in the first few episodes, but it is one of the series where the protagonists really grows (literally and figuratively). I really love how they depicted Erin, who despite all the cruel things happen to her, grows to be a fantastic/loving lady that truly wishes humans and animals to live in peace.
8:36 AM
@Proxy It's in the same boat as Shin Sekai Yori (From The New World).
@MidTwo have you tried turning it off and back on again?
@RoelvanUden is that a porn> why panties are involved
@Nerdintraining yes
8:37 AM
@RoelvanUden superrrrrr. I'l watch it then the reviews seem to be good too
japanese pornstars always say this word
haiyaku haiyaku haiyaku
@MidTwo and whats that?
faster faster nerd
@MidTwo That's generally what happens if you've got an anime that revolves more about comedy and pairing guys/girls together, rather than on character/world building and story. Sexual tropes (like the panty shots) sell in Japan, so there.
8:38 AM
How can haiyaku mean fastrer and nerd at the same time?! oo
@Nerdintraining the nerd refers to you
haiyaku = faster
@MidTwo and then they go ikuuuuuuu ;)
@Nerdintraining in europe, is the anime aired mostly Japanese>
@RoelvanUden maniac lol
I freely admit I've seen a fair share of porn.
8:40 AM
@MidTwo nope
I found an example yesterday of how to use tuples... it actually was good and very clean
The internet is for porn sensai!
@Ggalla1779 enough
we already moved on
8:41 AM
never enough
@War @Ggalla1779 go fight with tuples
im sure war will be mad again
I was out at breakfast ddint see above
yyes i was i ncluded in the starboard
for the first time
9:08 AM
@MidTwo You just got the talkative, which is given after 10 stars
You just didn't realize
9:28 AM
@ntohl what?
@ntohl okay, but that badge seems like a negative one
negative? How comes?
someone just told me that using 'controller as' is not an angularjs way... what?
@MidTwo why did @ntohl write @Sherlock?!
9:36 AM
@Nerdintraining im both sherlock and midtwo
i changed my name remember
I know
but you still show as @MidTwo for me
@Sherlock doesnt work
yeah coz you havent logout yet
logging out is so 2005.
9:38 AM
+2 oldschool vs
@C4u you are a 2012 VS
So 2012
already 2016
Ooohm... no?
Im not!
Then use Community.
I love community
10:01 AM
I'm lovin' Mcdonalds
10:11 AM
has anyone ever stored a dynamic dashboard layout (i.e. tabs etc) in a db before? does anyone know of any links with table layouts? (save me having to think lol)
@MatthewFlynn go think,
@Sherlock thanks
@MatthewFlynn This seems very specific to your situation. I don't think a generic recommendation/approach is going to work here.
@RoelvanUden yeah i suppose, I thought that there maybe an existing solution out there, maybe something which stores the widget size, postion, etc, etc kinda like a windows metro layout.
@RoelvanUden I prefer the av too for what it worth.
How to open Publish wizard from c# code?
10:19 AM
@Viswa what?
how to publish a project you mean?
Yes, but I need to open Publish wizard from C# code at run time. Can i able to call publish wizard from C# code?
At Run time i need to publish my exe file to specific location.
Instead of designing the form for publish my exe . i decided to call the publish wizard directly at runtime. but i dont know is it possible or not?
Kindly reply me
What exactly are you publishing at run-time?
we have this web application with different standard forms, now end user wants ability to add custom fields to different forms.

we have tables in SQL server for forms and they do have some relationships.

now every client can add there own custom fields to forms,

problem: How should we go store these custom fields in database ?
how do you think you should do it?
I have one wpf application. My requirement is to publish(Copy) my bin folder content to specific location .Location may be in File system,Remote Server or FTP.
10:27 AM
it's a common problem
@Viswa msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa969776(v=vs.110).aspx use the tools Microsoft gives you
I can think of 2 ways, 1 is to have a single table which will have formId/areaId then userId then a JSON object with all fields and there values
2nd way I can think of is to create a tables to store fields and there values in columns
@Mathematics both are valid options. It depends if you want the end result to be queryable.
the 2nd way is probably optimal
@Squiggle Can anyone else think of anything better :)
the first would be slightly easier to implement, but gives you no guarantees of data consistency - i.e. what if the name of the field changed
bbiab. Rebooting.
@Mathematics: Thank you for your support
10:31 AM
@Viswa which support ? :S
11:25 AM
and everyone is back to sleep
11:46 AM
@RoelvanUden You troll.
@Sherlock noooo now your Sherlock
12:15 PM
now i can say i did some assembly at work
@Proxy What the fuck Proxy
i was assembling chairs and tables from ikea
the documentation is well written
Ahahahahahaha good one
12:35 PM
1:15 PM
Heyyo! Currently working with a table thats taking data from a List<> and, since I do define what column they should be on, is there a way to check what column they are on and if needed create empty divs before it? So example: I got a text saying HEADER1 on Row1, Column3, and it'd need to create 2 empty columns before creating the column containing HEADER1.
Disregard that
does anyone know the consolekey for left shift?
Ah. But Alt sounds like Alt. O.o
1:25 PM
I basically want to read a key, the left shift key
it's not like that
shift is not a read key by its self in a key down event
if something pressed with shift, than the event will occur. Shift is not enough
@S.Neut In what tech?
well I am writing a text adventure in c# (visual studio 2015)
you have key list
in c#
and I made a function that prints out a sentence letter by letter. I want that when you press the left shift key, the function speeds up
1:29 PM
console app
thatsnot listed
actually nothing with 'shift' in it is listed
But it would be weird to not being able to read a quite common key like shift right?
1:32 PM
in consolekeyinfo, there is only modifiers for shift
@Kieran correct!
Quick question
I've got a tcpclient/server setup going well and im trying to add functionality to be able to connect & disconnect without having to restart the entire app
because every time i close the connection to the server and then try to reconnect
it errors out because it can't connect to a disposed object, even if i re-define the ipendpoint
anyone have an idea as to why this is happening?
(If not i'll google some more)
there are some sharded information about what happens, if You have the time to filter it
"A client application may wish to know when the disconnect from the server has completed. One reason for this is to prevent a graceful disconnect from getting promoted to an abortive disconnect, which can happen if the client exits shortly after closing its socket. In this case, the client may Disconnect the socket before Closing it, and delay exiting the process until the Disconnect has completed."
also, is there a way to remove whitespace in a console.readline()?
1:43 PM
string.Replace(" ","");
all of it, or trim?
all of it
@C4u which does not work in that special case!
Hmm okay.
1:45 PM
if You don't press something with the shift, You don't have consolekeyinfo
@ntohl I am making a textadventure and when you press the spacebar, you go through the text faster but when the player has to input something, like their name, it reads all those spaces
You need to flush the buffer
than, there will be no spaces
how do i do that?
there is a hacky solution for the shift key. Check my answer here> stackoverflow.com/questions/34061004/…
I don't know if it works
someone uses
while (Console.KeyAvailable)
Console.Clear() is an option also, but someone said it clears the console too
yeah Console.Clear clears the whole console
But I fixed my issue with the .Trim() method
1:53 PM
@Kieran Still need help with that?
@DefinitelyMidTwo If you don't mind
My head will fall off otherwise haha
First idea:
On the serve side do :
Colon, Got it.
o i c
@DefinitelyMidTwo I should point out its only after i disconnect and try to reconnect the error occurs
the original connection works fine
1:59 PM
TcpListner server = new TcpListner (what ever parameters you pass);
     TcpClient client = server.AcceptTcpClient();
     { // dostuff with client  untill all are happy}
     { //always use protection }
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 22:00

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