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12:35 AM
Windows HiDPI support is something else isn't it?
6 hours later…
6:28 AM
Hi Guys
6:48 AM
How to call btn1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
in the btn_Leave Event()
in winforms
7:21 AM
Good morning.
Wanted to show someone bash running on Win10, but it turns out we switched our machines to the LTSB branch (the stable, supported enterprise branch), and that doesn't support the linux subsystem. Great.
Not that I was doing anything with it, but it was nice to show.
@tHiNk_OuT_oF_bOx The first step is not to have logic in event handlers. Event handlers should be minimal and contain only the code required for actual event handling. Any business logic should be extracted to a separate method for reuse.
So if you have a btnSave_Click method that saves the data, have it just call a separate SaveData() method. That way you can call SaveData from btnLeave_Click() as well.
WinForms is a very outdated platform in many respects, one of which is that it doesn't encourage you to separate view logic from business logic, but there's no reason not to use common sense and discipline to ensure that your code is properly structured.
A method should either perform business logic (save data, load entities, whatever) or UI logic (update control visibility, etc), but not both. This will make it easier for you to reuse business logic from different UI scenarios and use cases, and make reasoning about your code easier.
7:39 AM
In a single web server I have a Page Old damn.aspx which works but OldDamn2.aspx gives an error 405 (HTTP POST Verb is not allowed). What could be the Issue ?
its too damn old
haha .. Legacy has to be maintained
Any idea guys ?
yeah, sorry never worked with web forms
8:04 AM
no, wait.
Morn all
the day before friday
The despondency of being alone here on Sunday, a work day, is more than offset by bidding you off a good Friday at the office and heading home for the weekend every Thursday afternoon.
Also, I think it's the first time I've had a good excuse to use "despondency" in a live conversation, so for that I am also thankful.
8:18 AM
I moved to a new flat, internet still not up... I dont look forward to weekends
I didnt know they dropped a Linux into Wind 10 Ann edition
@Ggalla1779 You missed it? It made the rounds in all the tech news sites a few months back.
It's still officially in beta, which is why the enterprise branch doesn't have it, but it looks pretty solid.
Also very useful, potentially. We're planning on migrating some of our server processes to .NET Core to run them on linux, and being able to test it on my Windows dev machine is good.
Good mornin Felllaaas
Hahahahahah I just noticed, the discription of the Channel has changed to "NO POLITICS!" :')
I assume the intention was "No US presidential politics", as opposed to the politics of non-nullable reference types. :)
8:34 AM
Hehe :D
How ya doin?
Greatly enjoying the coming of fall and the many, many allergic reactions it brings with it.
Haha :D
A true nerd you are
Good Mornin' Sensai o/
8:41 AM
* whispers * Hey @Squiggle i think nobody will come
<whispers> really? Just wait...
Sigh.. I just hit a browser bug. Lovely.
If you XHR via CORS and get a 401, the XHR status is... 0.
deep sigh
8:48 AM
@Squiggle <whispers> It's not really working, some one is talking but not about sth totally different </whispers>
@RoelvanUden lolwhat?
is that as per spec? or just some implementation quirk?
Seems like it might be spec since both IE and Chrome do it. Will dig further.
You get a 401 by default if the CORS fails, right?
Oh, the server isn't setting the CORS header on 401.
Stupid server.
8:54 AM
This is gonna take months to propagate. Double sigh.
For the next two months Roel be like
Well, the CORS header was added when 'OnActionExecuted'
Auth kills that way before.
Double sigh.
re-order your middleware?
Haha, middleware he says. Haha, like we're using .NET Core. Haha.
Trans-focus the authentication pipes! Splice the configuration! Localise the processing context!
Ctrl+A, Del, Ctrl+S, Alt+F4, git add ** && git commit && git push --force
or something
9:02 AM
git push
git push -harder
git push --evenharder
@RoelvanUden from my app init code ...
public static void Configure(HttpConfiguration config)
   config.EnableCors(new EnableCorsAttribute(origins: "*", headers: "*", methods: "*"));
seems to be enough to work for me
is something else breaking it?
Yeah, some custom application-wide authentication.
9:09 AM
that's good enough for testing, @War
wouldn't you lock it down a bit in prod?
@Squiggle nope ... but we are a cloud service provider ... most our API's are available to anyone
Our endpoints are totally open but our business logic has to be shit hot
it's a bloody nightmare
dotnet publish --configuration $(BuildConfiguration) --output $(PublishOutput)/App_Data/jobs/triggered/$(WebJobsProjectName)
^ how to deploy a dotnet core webjob inside an azure webapp :(
Oh, looks my colleague made a hook that I can use in this auth system.
9:21 AM
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Yeah we had a kid about then...other things to do! lol
@Ggalla1779 A good enough reason, I suppose. :)
So say I had used NotifyIcon in an app to show new records added in Windows tray, lets say I moved an applicatiion to website MVC ASP.... what would I use for NotifyIcon there? ie pop up a bubble new records available
You could use browser/desktop notifications
Or have an alerts button/tab thing
I would like a popup like I had in Windows app
All bubble tray notifications are now action center notifications IIRC.
9:33 AM
yeah but that would be just for windows 10
Yeah? Isn't that what you're after?
I think my new client doesnt have windows 10
ideally something that would work on any mvc/ asp site
on any os
@Ggalla1779 Browser desktop notifications are probably the way to go. They require the user giving explicit permissions for it, but it's still much easier than deploying a client.
@Ggalla1779 I agree with @AvnerShahar-Kashtan
if you wanted notifications on the webpage
thats quite nice
I would prefer users didnt have to do anything, it comes with site
9:37 AM
@Ggalla1779 @Kieran's solution is great for in-page notifications. It's breaking out of the browser ghetto that requires explicit permissions. And that's a good thing.
yeah, HTML5 notifications API is pretty simple
@Kieran thanks Kieran that's just great... love fade out
Not a problem c:
It was included in a style template thing i was using a while back for a client
That was the nicest looking one
lemme see if i cant find you a few more
the options are mad... force user to click ok say if its an urgent thing
@Ggalla1779 It's a one time thing. TweetDeck, for instance, shows an annoying banner when you open the app reminding you to enable it for notifications.
9:41 AM
Thats another
but no demo :c
it styled kinda like the windows 10 alerts though
but on your browser ofc
Thats another
Quite a few nice alert api's
But if you wanted to go all out, you could always make your own ;)
so can I click these then open my app?
how do you mean now?
well in my windows app I would do popup alert...you click it it brings up application
The bootstrap 1 you showed has a target url
You could always include a view button or something and have it link to specific pages if you wanted to
i guess
ie 2 new sales alert...click it takes you to new sales screen
9:45 AM
you could do that
don't see any reason why you couldn't
great exactly what I want
10:03 AM
I have a collection that needs processing. I want to process each item in a new thread. I want to write to console (on parent thread) each time processing completes, and I want to catch exceptions in the parent thread too (these are written to stderr as they are thrown). Is this possible and how would I do it?
Currently I have a Parallel.ForEach() and keep all output until the collection is finished and write it out then
but the user is left hanging for a while. I am the user, so that's okay, but I'd like to learn more about threading and async calls
What do you expect to happen if two different threads throw exceptions at different times?
The first one will already send you to the catch block.
well, I guess that's why threads have aggregate exeptions
I'm pretty new to threading so I'm still trying the flesh it out
Tasks have aggregate exceptions, not threads. It's important to be comfortable with the differences between them./
are tasks handled in parallel?
I assume so
10:15 AM
I will read up on Tasks - does that sound like what I want
They're a unit of work that can be easily parallelized and consumed asynchronously.
okay cool, I think that sounds like what I need/want
@Ggalla1779 thanks for that - I will give it a read, too
cheers guys
I got lost for a bit trying to work out if I was daft or the article
whats faster 0.0121128 or 0.0539537
first 1 right?
If the number is of milliseconds, then yes.
article is saying latter is faster
thats just weird
10:22 AM
"Parallel.ForEach loop is slower than Traditional Foreach loop."
it's saying the first one is faster.
@MarkPhillips But the caption below the images says the opposite.
> Example 2: Parallel.ForEach loop is faster than Traditional Foreach loop.
Ah, I see the problem.
The page has the captions above the images, not below. Confusing.
That's for the example below it
Yeah the document is not well formatted
aha ok I read it wrong
The Example 2 line should be a formatted as a new section header, but it reads like a caption.
10:27 AM
We should collectively write a letter of complaint
Dear csharp corner, if that's even your real name - your website is proper pants.

Totally this page: http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/uploadfile/efa3cf/parallel-foreach-vs-foreach-loop-in-c-sharp/

Plz fix it nows, otherwise we will ddos you.

Any improvements are welcome
@MarkPhillips I would replace the dash in the first line with a colon. Otherwise - top notch constructive criticism.
Ah i was never great at grammar :(
However @AvnerShahar-Kashtan, you used a dash also.
Hi can I have one single model for multiple partial view
@Jilu if it makes sense, sure - but the model(s) should represent that view exactly.
10:34 AM
@MarkPhillips Hey, I'm not dashphobic.
It's just that a colon made more sense there.
if the models differ at all, avoid having stuff like "this property is null when using it here, but not here..."
@Squiggle what i'm trying to do is, I've two partial view let say persnoal info and contact info... both using the same model and both partial views are being called under one main view...
Greeting to everyone. I have a question concerning cycling through parameters in VS. Here is a proper question stackoverflow.com/questions/39806164/…
Has anyone seen a way to do this, maybe with some plugin?
@Jilu if it's the same data, sure. You can reuse it.
Resharper is your friend.
10:42 AM
I'm just saying that if the model doesn't exactly match both views (i.e. you have more information when showing PersonalInfo) then it probably makes sense to back each view with a separate model
@Daniel that was for you by the way. Resharper tha tis.
Oh then I'll have to separate it will two different model
because both are having different datas
@MarkPhillips thank you :)
nps bud
10:54 AM
@Jilu do that :)
11:37 AM
why no politics ?
Because it's an unproductive area of discussion that can only lead to things getting heated and ugly. No point.
what is the first rule about fight club?
that's the answer to your question
@Daniel no fight
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan unproductive ? most politicians are well wealthy though
@Mathematics How is that at all relevant to discussions of politics in a C# chatroom?
"NO POLITICS" isn't a call to end the political system. It's a call to end political discussions in the room, if that wasn't clear.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan it made room so quiet. there is politics in C# as well
11:43 AM
Quiet > Ugly.
You can discuss C# politics freely.
as far as question can't be answered with yes/no, some sort of politics gets involved
@Mathematics Now you're being needlessly pedantic, and again, unproductive.
You're expanding the scope of the term "politics" far beyond any reasonable interpretation in context.
^ yes I am like that sometimes, specially when fixing boring bugs :)
why is there java-hate tag?
11:58 AM
because Java is awesome and we envy it
@Daniel because of java hate.
It's not a very passionate java hate. It's just that when we started coding in C#, we signed a contract stating we had to hate java. It's very... perfunctory. Automatic. Hate by default.
Not up to us. *shrug*.
I see ...
is well deserved, though.
yeah, php can go do one
TBH Java would be fine if not for two things:
1. The supporting frameworks just aren't as good as .Net
2. It's controlled by Oracle
Java's main drawbacks, for me, is their ultra-conservative roadmap. It's a good thing for many of their customers, but it feels like programming in 1995 half the time.
12:08 PM
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan compared to .Net it crawls
Doubly so when compared to dotnet core.
I remember them getting screamed at by the community for not having generics some rediculous number of years after .Net
that is, for speed of development
and Core is a whole new rethink of the entire .Net framework ... not ever seen that from Java
12:10 PM
@War And when they did add generics, they added it in a way that is more backwards compatible, but a lot more limited.
yeh ... FUBAR or what
They are basically killing their own product by not keeping up with the times
programmers today would be crazy to take on Java rather than .Net from what I can tell ... Java does still have a bit of a platform reach advantage though that gap is closing
more so with Microsoft buying companies like Xamarin who are all about cross platform compat
@War Not necessarily. There's a whole class of customers - large banks, enterprises, regulated government projects - that see the dynamic pace of .NET development as a drawback.
plus the cross-platform dotnet runtime
and everything is going cloud now anyhow
Check out this question, for instance (and yes, my answer to it):
Q: Developing web applications for long lifespan (20+ years)

DanI'm currently developing a web application for government land planning. The application runs mostly in the browser, using ajax to load and save data. I will do the initial development, and then graduate (it's a student job). After this, the rest of the team will add the occasional feature as ne...

@AvnerShahar-Kashtan even that is changing, though. Most of the banks that I know really like .Net
12:13 PM
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan yeh but the reason for that fear of tech / risk
I work in finance myself and have a .Net 4.6 stack that's pretty close to being core convertible with very little work
Credit Suisse and UBS have offices full of .Net developers
It seems to me that Banking though ... is its own worst enemy and gets a lot wrong
it'll learn over time though
@War Exactly. Java offers less risk for long-term projects. There's a good chance that JS devs in 5 years would have a hard time maintaining JS code written today, because of technology churn. C# has less churn, so it's more dependable. Java - even less so.
@War depends entirely on the institution. Some banks have the best, most responsive development teams I know of - but that's mostly due to trading floor requirements
"Make this happen within 2 weeks or else we're breaking the law. I don't care how much it costs."
Banks are "fun"
depends how you look at churn I guess ... but I have seen what you are saying from our clients ... you get those that see any change / progress as being risky thus won't take it on but over time as more technologies and practices handle risk I think that attitude will change
12:16 PM
and then there's those nerds who engineer high-frequency trading services. That's scary.
@Squiggle trading is a brutal tech area IMO
yeah it really is
profitable, though!
I know guys that have standard 90 hour weeks and think that it's normal
they say stuff like "oh but it pays well" ... and i'm like "but really, does it ... "
In the UK once you get over about 40k the gov take 50% of every pound you earn
Well yeah, it does - if you don't mind having no life, you can pay off your London mortgage in under a couple of years.
so doing 90 hours even at double the normal salary is still a rip off imo
12:19 PM
hey don't forget the bonuses
say a standard week is 40 hours and for arguments sake lets say a standard dev gets 40k for those 40 hours a week
if I do an 80 hour week for 90k I'm worse off
yeah, I know how it breaks down.
You can hand your notice in and get 3 months gardening leave though. 👍
in other words i'd have to earn something like 120k to do roughly 60 to 70 hours for it really to make any difference
120k isn't unusual in those roles
plus 50% salary bonuses
and the banks figure "well i'll throw in a bonus of a few k if you make this happen" and it becomes a "standard thing" (seen it all to often) and that then basically means you're working at least 26 hours per day to deliver
12:22 PM
sure it's not a life I'd fancy
at that point you literally have no life and probably get about 4 to 6 hours sleep a night
tax would kill you
that's not long term sutainable
and yeh the tax ... just makes it a joke
yu need company to max tax benefits
what I have seen work though ... friend of mine got buried in a ton of debt ... disappeared off to london for a 3 month contract
basically lived in aa sleeping bag in his office
came back debt free and enough in the bank for a deposit on a house
claimed he would never do it again but was glad he did
12:24 PM
got him out a fix
senior dev, contract work, for an investment bank ... I think he took something like 100k from it
he said "but there were times when I thought I was gonna die I drank so much red bull and coffeee"
just to deliver
100k from a 3-month contract?
Yeh somehow managed to get an early completion bonus
there was a crazy clause that said something like "10k per day if project is early"
I don't know what the exact numbers were he never said but it was stupid high
so he got the 60k or something for the contract + 40k bonus or something like that
It was a long time ago ... I think it was to make a system written in something shit like cobol y2k ready or something daft
I know guys that got paid something like 3k just to watch servers tick over midnight that year
tbh though ... what's a 100k to a bank ... certainly not the mullions they would lose if their systems went down following the mellenium
12:40 PM
you're unlikely to get a 100% salary Christmas bonus these days, but they still pay well.
@War so 100k.... 60% tax...40k in year
I think the industry is changing tbh ... programmers used to be few and far apart and those were only hardcore people that really wanted to do this kind of thing so did it round the clock
Hi, is it possible to have a partial model to be used in two different partial views
I pretty much go home and start again on pet projects, luckily for me there's a lot of overlap between my work and hobbies so I can basically get a lot of wins at home for work stuff
and the other way
these days though ... there are people that have got in to it because it pays well, it's their passion really, and they want 9 to 5
like having 2 models inside a single model..
2 partial view in a single main view
12:44 PM
that then puts a lot of "crap talent" on the market which companies are seeing more and moer of giving developers a bad name
so the value is dropping
@Jilu yes it is ... make the partial html helper call twice and pass in the same model object
model 1.1 for partial view 1
model 1.2 for partial view 2
@Ggalla1779 I currently pay about 26k a year in tax ... it sucks
thats not much!!
i'm not on london investment banking money though lol
I paid 40k in 2012
12:47 PM
got paid? or paid in tax?
i'm perma
contracting course
yeh contracting pays a ton better but you do pay more tax as a result
nice to be able to expense some of your living costs though
swings and roundabouts
you have to pick your path
I fell into contracting never left
Yeh I have often wondered if I should ... most perma roles have ended too fast
day one: "We've got tons of work for you to do"
day 90: "wow you covered a lot"
day 180: "do you want a job in support now you did all our dev work"
happens way too much IMO
I told myself if this job doesn't last then I'm probably going to start contracting
just don't fancy wasting all that time / money on handling my own tax returns though
that's project-based work for ya
12:52 PM
@War Sorry, can give me an exaple how
well thats kinda short
yeh a lot of IT managers don't think baout long term company plans
everything is 1 project at a time
I dont think a full time dev role should ever be that short
better suited to contractors IMO
@model SitefinityWebApp.Mvc.Models.MyDetailsModel

12:55 PM
I think once you realise that your replaceable and that employer doesnt care much...its easier to contract
@Ggalla1779 I had a classic example, I worked for the local council ... they talked about how they had all these projects that neede to be done ... I signed up, put ina biztalk server to get all their systems connected, then gov announced data centralisation plans ... so I hooked biztalk up to the main datacenters and job done ... nothing left for a dev
MyDetailsModel has model for personal info and contact info model
Also I like picking what I learn...picking work can sometimes go my way but not always
totally with you on that @Ggalla1779
luckily here i'm the archtect too ... and building a cloud platform is one of my personal goals in life
so I get a lot o freedom to do what I want and only report to the board of directors
the models will be loaded with values but as soon as its reaches the view nothing cud be seen
12:57 PM
@Jilu you can google this you know
@model SitefinityWebApp.Mvc.Models.MyDetailsModel

@Html.Partial("_PersonalInfoPartialView", Model)
@Html.Partial("_ContactInfoPartialView", Model)
something like that
Jeez I hate BizTalk thats a very much in demand skill
been a while since I tinkered with MVC
@Ggalla1779 yeh it is ... no idea why though ... it's horribly complex for what it actually does
@War ok thanks
come to dublin war
omg dublin!!! that would be awesome ... isn't the tech hub there
all the big players / data centers
12:59 PM
I'm hoping to setup my own middleware platform that connects companies together
built a web based workflow engine that allows the user to design a business process that they feed data to using OData endpoints
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