Triggering happens because the kid wasn't told "Fucking shut up/go away/grow up/figure it out" when they were young. They got no backbone. now as an adult, they don't have a mommy to cry to so they blame society
@MikeAsdf IDK what you mean? the table of users may contain atmost 10 users but the table of stockes may hold a million of stockes but only one user works on the app at a time
Okay. My problem then is that my EFRepository seems to be expecting the data type from Model A. When I put in a method using Model B, it gives me a type error
DDoS is rather easy to prevent though in most sophisticated sites. All you really need to do is ensure, if traffic reaches super saturation, that the referrer comes from a whitelist of internal site pages and google searches sorted by traffic history for priority much like pagerank on google - and then use a denial of response on anything no in the whitelist.
Put the toaster on the wifi they said, make your toast from your phone they said... yeah, and now my fridge is off DDoS'ing some poor souls website while I sleep.
My coffee maker is having an affair!!??>> That bitch is supposed to serve me coffee, not go down on some website to fullfill some zitty teenagers sick fantasy.
@RyanTernier come on you can't expect her to stay faithful. All you do is take take take for her. When is the last time you cleaned her or didn't use cheap filters?
Back in 1995 when we had to use these things called modems to dial into the internet, everyone got a single IP and was part of a group network - like at work. For example, our home IP would be . Using windows explorer, we would type in \\ and keep going down the list until we connected to a computer
we'd see EVERYTHING on their machine... back in the day windows 95 had 0 security for this simple stuff.
People would have c:\home security password.txt, c:\credit cards.txt... it was quite scary
@JABFreeware Unfortunately that's me. I notice every f'n thing, and it gets me in trouble. Babe, why didn't you wear your engagement ring today? babe, you're talking to your ex offly long on the phone
So yea, they have to talk. he played hide the salami with a bunch of women he trained (he's a Mr. Universe trainer), and he was confused on why he's divorced now. Idiot.
But he's the smoothest person you'd ever meet. Knows exactly what to say and how to say things to girls to get them to do what he wants. I've only had 3 talks to him on the subject of "stay away from my girl". One day he's going to beat the piss out of me because i'll punch him in the face
dang, I still can't get this to work. Sorry guys I'm a newbie. If I have two models, each saved through separate API controllers. How do I handle that at the repository level?
Hi, I'm new to GitHub, Is there a way to create a file in VS 2015 that doesn't get synced with GitHub while the project is synced and changed are committed? I want to create a config file with sensitive data and I will point to it from the web.config file?