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You know, browsing rooms like ASP.NET, it makes you appreciate how lively this room is.
I know hype when I see it
you're saying im high?
god I wish
I wonder if coding drunk is actually fun.
I've done it
depends on how intoxicated you are. Just buzzed at the right amount can give truely awesome results. More often though I drink too much. Think im fucking killing it and the most awesome code ever. It generally runs but when im sober I want to find the developer and kill him slowly.
@hilli_micha extensions for autocad eh?
Yup. AutoCAD MEP in particular, along with Revit.
what about solidworks?
Unfortunately no. My focus is BIM modeling software for HVAC contractors. in that field, AutoDesk products dominates.
used both a little. CAD definitely is not my calling but I've heard developing extensions especially for solidworks you can charge super high rates and companies will pay because of a shortage of developers
@hilli_micha ahhh gotcha
I thought HVAC contractors just used ductape :P
I agree, most of the guys using these types of softwares aren't the most tech savvy, if you will, they only know construction specifications, anything on the software side they get frustrated very easily.
Very blue collar people, if you will. So they'll pay someone to just write software they want LONG before they try and research solutions.
In regards to the duct tape comment, I wish. There is a shocking amount to hanging up sheet metal and moving air around, especially in Commercial/Industrial applications.
@hilli_micha Yeah thats a lot of people. I wrote some software that converted folders of images into a long pdf document. If you just google jpg to pdf converter you can find the solution under $20. My price? A few hundred
they had no problem paying
Knowledge is wealth haha
Yup. There's actually a funny example of that for Revit. In Revit, every year the file type (.rvt/.rfa) has to be upgraded to the new software version and becomes incompatible with previous years. (Files saved in 2017, for example, cannot be used in previous years).
A lot of firms and such will need to take all their working files (which can be numerous) and upgrade them whenever a new version comes out.
Here's the kicker, Revit actually comes with a batch file that will do this automatically for you. It's a little bit round-about, but you can take an entire folder at a time and upgrade.
Well, there's this guy who literally took that, made it in .NET, stuck a GUI on it and charges $100 USD for it on the AutoDesk Marketplace. He's still going today lol
I made a similar add-in for my personal needs in like an hour. I've debated on sticking it on GitHub to be nice, but I almost want to charge for it.
haha! yup thats awesome.
its amazing how the simplest tools people will buy
Yeah, it just gets me that Revit has that batch file there, even more so there's a "readme.txt" file in the folder in the install directory that teaches you how to use it, but nope, people will pay $100 bucks for that add-in.
back in highschool I wrote a program called Mouse Trapper. Its for multiscreen setups so unless you are pressing the hotkey you can move the mouse to the far right for example and it wont go to the secondary screen. I did almost no marketing and a lot of people have downloaded it all things considered.
I still use it even
funny thing was the major "selling" point was a cute GUI and easy to use
because there are other programs that do what mine does, they are just ugly
@hilli_micha well... how many people do you know who will actually browse into program files haha
wow thats still up? Thats one place. cnet is another etc etc.
like I said...cute GUI haha
was there a free version of installshield you used?
I uhh
have my methods
I wouldn't say free per se
I see.
So I downloaded it for gigges
What's the default hotkey to switch monitors? lol
I did a dumb dumb and skipped over the manual lol
lol yeah thats a bug I never noticed until after I lost the source code. It shouldn't start until you select one
its escape I think
you can change it to shift or ctrl
Shift is the default.
@hilli_micha the default is shift
:P does it work?
It actually works just fine. lol
I downloaded it for giggles and to see the GUI with the mouse lol
However, I use Aero Snap as my means of handing multi-monitor wrangling.
that version is probably oldd. I was really bad about not being organized back then. Hence how I lost the source code
yeah it can actually co exist with that.
@hilli_micha lol it took entirely too long and I used winforms shudder
lets just say winforms wasn't happy about the transparency
I haven't used WinForms once lol
I was brought in on WPF from the start
lucky you
WPF is so much better. I hate winforms now
I've heard the stories lol
but it was easier to learn
its like programming a website without jquery
insisting on writing your own methods lol
5 hours later…
G0o0o0o0od Mornin' Fellas
anyone Has knowledge of xamarin?
@Nerdintraining you have knowledge of xamarin?
posted on November 02, 2016 by Scott Hanselman

There's a LOT of interesting and intense arguments that have been made around how you should version your Web API. As soon as you say RESTful it turns into a religious argument where folks may just well quote from the original text. ;) Regardless of how you personally version your Web APIs, and side-stepping any arguments one way or the other, there's great new repository by Chris Martinez tha

o/ mornin', all
is there any SqlFunction/DbFunction to convert DateTime to string?
Won't ToString simply automatically map to it?
well Linq doesn't recognize it
Morn all
we need a stackoverflow NAME-THIS-CLASS website
You mean thesaurus.com?
Nah, class naming is an art.
What is the worst class name in Your code? Like MyStgManager?
why is there a My
i'm making a repository pattern, has class "Boss", but sometimes the Boss has employees, so, im thinking Boss and BossWithEmployees class? god this is horrible
so Get() GetWithEmployees()
what does it get?
^ Welcome to repositories. An escalating spiral of more and more methods for variations upon existing queries.
is the boss class a repository for bosses?
if so why wont boss have property of employees
well you dont always want to get all the employees do you ?
so an empty list...?
you just want all the bosses, and sometimes you want it with employees for those bosses
@user5322657 make the employee query lazy
and use the same class
that would be wasteful SQL-wise
see, for boss + employee's you would do a JOIN
get them quick, especially for a lot of records
if its lazy, you would be making a query for every boss
this is why we cant have nice things.com
I get the idea, but EF can do it like 1 select will have the .Include(boss.Employees), other not.
"For example, when using the Blog entity class defined below, the related Posts will be loaded the first time the Posts navigation property is accessed"
You may access the Employees only when needed. This way only than will be the join queried.
That works, but it essentially requires you to ditch your repositories in favor of unit-of-work pattern, and to use EF. I would highly recommend that because that's how you 'can have nice things'.
true true
would stick me to EF tho
(and im not using EF..)
also when i did use EF, i was going crazy why my weren't being populated
then i found out it was explicit
werent being populated* i mean
ah you can edit here, nice
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@user5322657 It depends on how you configure EF. It is lazy by-default, but you can make relations load explicitly.
yes i know that (now)
@user5322657 You're using raw SQL right now? You might want to take a peek at linq2db
but nonetheless.. an interesting approach
ye im on dapper atm
Yeah, linq2db is one step higher architecturally, that is you work with linq. Which would allow you to return a derivative of IQueryable<T> and expose eager loads without having to explicitly implement a method for that yourself.
the problem with these is that the SQL is built automatically, which is sometimes nice, sometimes.. not good
That's why you can still drop to SQL if there is ever need to.
(Although I have never needed to in years)
and my back-end is enterprise oracle, and boss/employee is obviously an example, for something much more complex usually, so i went for gogo dapper
ye i wish it was that easy, when was the last time you wrote some optimizer hints for your db server? :p
optimizer hints?
/*+ ORDERED */ etc
order by?
oracle lets you affect how it does things, like joins, hint who is the bigger table, what index is preferable + tons of stuff
Oh, no, I don't know that god-awful Oracle flavor of messy SQL shit.
that means, the order that i wrote my join statement, is the order you should use to join the tables (being, A to B etc. dont try to figure it out yourself)
That's just how you do an join, left, right, inner, left outer, etc.
if you have 1 table with 10 rows, and one with 1 million, should it start with the big one or the small one ?
either loop 10 times, or 1 million times
it usually does a good job figuring it out (thats what all RDBM's do) but sometimes, the SQL is complex enough that it can get it wrong, thats when you have to say "ok ok ill just tell you"
oracle hints are good things to have
but ANSI SQL doesnt have that sort of syntax, so you have hints
Right. I'm happy I don't work with Oracle.
you would be sad if you worked without them and had to live with slow performance cuz it loops 1 million times
but then again, if you have these sort of data-sets oracle is usually the choice anyway
I more like database creational hints. There is a ton of performance gain
Yeah, sounds like they introduced a whole new system of providing hints because they couldn't figure out how to make regular operations sane, predictable and performant. Oracle. :-)
if you talk about "looping" and "SQL" in the same sentence you're doing something Very Wrong
its called nested loop, all RDBM's sometimes do them, because they can be faster than index joins etc
its not that oracle is bad at optimizing, i dont think any RDBMs can compete with oracle at that (correct me if im wrong), but that they also provide the ability to "hit the manual mode"
90% of the time it would figure out , hey this table is so small it would be much faster to just loop on 10 rows
"hit the manual mode" - we do that in EF, not at the SQL Server level
but sometimes, sometimes it cant, for whatever reason, and its nice to have a "manual switch"
You can't have "manual mode" in EF at table creation time
when You know how will the table grow, and optimise on that
the problem with oracle is DBA's :P
too much training, too much self importance
@ntohl rly?
at Uni we had a ton of table/db creational hints we used
n/m I don't use a RDBMS anymore, and I'm happier for it
and I liked them
today: Implementing caching strategy in Azure
i tried using LightDB for some side project
got burned bad
its like an embedded NoSQL, lots of stars on github
but erm, it kept deadlocking, for no reason
just with plain inserts.. godamn
I'm still using MSSQL with EF. It's okay.
I want to go home...
@ntohl take off this uniform and leave the show?
this task... Brain killing
making a mapping between 12 property in one class (which is spread across 3800 lines of code) and ~72 property in other class, and check it manually if it works
because there are no tests
rest property should be filled with some value, which might be 0, null, or some extremal value
basically there was an old form (win form) left to rot, and a new form, where You could check deals. The new form uses a DealChecker with its own Data format. I have to transform the legacy shit into that format, and switch the viewport. So if it was a buy deal, it will be a sell deal...
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan btw I just realised I know the verse without googling it. Holy shit pink floyd is great.
@ntohl Hmm, maybe I'll put my non-stop all-Bowie playlist to rest for a bit and go listen to The Wall. Haven't done it in years.
Stupid Oracle EF provider claims it doesn't support EF 6.0, though it should.
Possibly because the Oracle Tools for Visual Studio use an old version.
Ha! The internet to the rescue.
i even did not notice where did he put the brackets lol
Ugh. I have a plugin DLL that requires app.config data (registering a managed provider for EF), but I don't want to have it edit the main EXE's app.config since it's an optional plugin.
Is there a code-based registartion method?
Yes, yes there is.
Thank you all. :)
You're welcome.
You're most welcome!
@RoelvanUden - oh snap
Hello, world!
Hi, really quick one, I have a console app that I do read line and parse the int, then subtract one... I'm a little confused as I had id=id--;, but, it seems it is delayed by a line or something as I get out of bounds... if I pause the app and go to immediate window, I can type the following:

if I typed 4:

it's confused me :/
id-- returns the old value of id, and id = id-- assigns that old value to id again. Write just id--; or id = id - 1.
ahh, feel silly... thanks
yeah, works now! lol... been away from programming too long :(
Where there is a wil, there is a way.
Id-- changes the value of id in the next step not immediately , but using --id changes the value of id immediately
It does it immediately, there is no notion of "steps".
It just remembers the old value and evaluates to that.
Every time I see a discussion on the exact nuances of --x vs. x--, I am convinced, yet again, never to use either of them.
I have that with side-effects in general.
Hey folks - does Visual Studio have any continuous testing tools (built-in or free) these days?
I used NCrunch before, and that was neat - but it's a bit overkill for what I have right now
they just announced dotnet watch for Core
probably not useful in VS
aye, I thought about that - but is it integrated with VS yet?
I could always use VS Code instead...
Makes simple things simple and complex things impossible :)
Tried vscode, didn't like it. Wouldn't compile, wouldn't debug
@TomW Well, you know, it's oriented towards language that don't really believe in compiling.
ahem C#?
I like the user experience of VSCode - but I have Visual Studio for C#, because multiple projects.
when hello-world doesn't work out of the box my patience is extremely limited
What mocking library do you folks use?
FakeItEasy looks quite nice, tbh
yeah I've used Moq loads of times, but it has always been quite verbose.
it gets the job done so i'm not complaining too muhc about it
didn't even think of that until you mentioned it
@TomW When was this?
last time I tried to use VS Code
That could be at launch
can't remember, months ago
@Nerdintraining I wanted to throw my opinion in there real quick as a Winforms dev, Winforms is "simple" sometimes but I've heard that WPF controls are less prone to flickering on update. I guess if I had the choice I'd try WPF next time.
See stackoverflow.com/search?q=flicker+[winforms] for a preview of the kind of stuff I've had to deal with. Even with updates capped at 2 "FPS", flickering can still happen if you're not careful.
I thought WPF was dying due to changes in Win 8 /10
hey everybody
Any of you good with guis and threads?
Holy crap! FakeItEasy is really nice
    public ImageService_SaveShould()
      mockFileService = A.Fake<IFileService>();
      imageService = new ImageService(A.Fake<IConfiguration>(), mockFileService, A.Fake<IImageProcessor>());

    public async void WriteToOriginalsFolder()
      await imageService.SaveImageAsync(new MemoryStream(), 1, "test.png", "original");

      A.CallTo(() => mockFileService.Save(
        A<MemoryStream>.That.Not.IsNull(), true))
pardon the spam, but that's perhaps the cleanest mock framework I've ever used
testing framework?
xUnit is the testing framework, FakeItEasy is the mocking framework.
i mock it
nice i hate doing to much mocking
A.Fake<IFileService>() creates a mock of my IFileService with default implementations; it handles async by default and tracks all calls without you having to set up handlers for them in advance of actually executing the code under test.
Anyone here who knows how to make the main thread execute something on a button click?
let's see if invoke works
Something like this?
private void BtnOK_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

private void Invoke(Action commit)
That throws an error that it's not the main thread calling on commit.

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