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Does everyone have this annoying white line at the top in their emulators? imgur.com/a/KeJKg
@betarunex - I don't code to one, but I'd guess that that's where the phone's status bar goes?
@Bobson Ah ok thanks. I see it when I start sliding it down now thanks. Odd that it doesn't stay there though... :/
It's just a guess. I may be totally off base, but it's in the right spot... I don't know why it wouldn't stay, though.
wow.... Everytime I go back to the page i designed in the emulator, it changes itself
Hello, World!
3 hours later…
@JakobMillah: Didn't look at the code, but it sucks that you couldn't get it to compile :( Have they given any response after the test?
what is your opinion about using enum vs table in EF?
using table seems easier for me
That depends on what applications that use the database, and if the enumerations are in a shared library you use across multiple applications.
Using a lookup table doesn't force you to recompile when adding new values though.
yeah, this is going to be a lookup table
but for now, it only holds 3 or 4 values
so i thought of enum, but then it will take a bit of effort
hello o/
Morning @AvnerShahar-Kashtan
hello lads
good morgen
Trying to get a consistent development environment set up for SPA development is harder than it should be
good (ugt) morning
plus the VS tooling is still really young
o/ @ntohl :)
SPA = single page app?
class Tea { void Drink(); } void Main () { Tea tea = new Tea(); tea.Drink(); } <- drink tea with class.
var tea = new TeaBuilder().Using(new Blend(Assam, Darjeeling)).WaterTemperature(85).BrewTime(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(4)).WithMilk().S‌​erve();
yeah. That's even more classy
<- drink coffee with sugar
> Tea, Earl Grey, Hot.
@RoelvanUden what's that? Lua?
You're so bad at this.
so what do you people actually think of the builder pattern?
they build things. That's what I think
you kind of end up with huge objects
I think it's awkward and unnecessary 99% of the times. At the rare 1% it's elegant and classy.
if the business requirement needs complex solution, than it's good.
my cpu is just dieing
I've seen fluent builder implementations which were nice at first glance, but ultimately I felt they weren't really necessary.
What was that scheduling library? Quartz.NET? That had complicated fluent builders.
                // Trigger the job to run now, and then repeat every 10 seconds
                ITrigger trigger = TriggerBuilder.Create()
                    .WithIdentity("trigger1", "group1")
                    .WithSimpleSchedule(x => x
Not sure how much clearer this is.
I couldn't win + L. Nor start a command line
everything went banana
I don't even remember what Win+L does.
And I don't have a Win key on this keyboard, unfortunately.
locks screen
first key combination, when leaving the keyboard You learn
Ah, right.
I usually just do Ctrl-alt-del -> Enter
@Squiggle I have just checked, but Assam, and Darjeeling are different regions. You can't brew Assam and Darjeeling tea
That's why he called .Blend
oh. My english was bad. I thought blend is just the tea-bag
thanks Tom :)
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I quite like fluent syntax, but yeah it's easy to produce a bad implementation.
Trust a Brit to be officious and pedantic about something they stole from someone else ;)
Isn't that the British way of life?
I'm not pedantic. I'm particular.
in other news, Robbie Williams is releasing a new album in November <3
Didn't he commit suicide? huehuehuehuehuehuehue
morn all
Robbie Williams, the Justin Bieber of the 90's
Don't be so offensive. Robbie Williams was great in Flubber! huehuehuehuehuehuehue
why this chat is always out of topic from c#?
Because we already know it all yo
Because we have nothing left to learn man
Hello Coding World...
@Hamza_L NO. Robbie Williams was and still is a great entertainer. Bieber is a baby-faced wazzock.
hahaha roel noob
C# Chat. The Home of Humility.
Can anyone know the way to convert an uneven Text File(.txt) to excel format..?
hello Coding Raja
@RajaA define "uneven text file"
Robbie Williams has actually good songs. Justin Bieber doesn't, and Justin Bieber is just annoying all 'round (particularly his fans).
I read something about him once that said he wanted to be in a punk band but his voice was too wimpy. I guess nobody told him about emo.
so you are good creator song roel? i thing you need refreshing
Which is Not delimited by any character like (Space , Tab or something)...
@RajaA Unstructured is the word you're looking for.
You want to convert an unstructured or semi-structured file to a structured format like Excel. By what logic do you want to do that?
@RajaA you need some way to delimit the values. Are the columns fixed-width, perhaps?
@yosafat Here's the fun part about being a critic: You can criticize others but you don't need to have the ability to out-do them.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan YES i guess.
Take a sample line of text and figure out how it needs to look in the end.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan One Min bro..
@yosafat, are you defending Justin Bieber ?
no, i am not justin bieber fans. i am fans of israel houghton
don't know him
Perhaps the text file is delimited, but with some invisible character?
@Squiggle yeah, someone thought they were being 'helpful'
in a form of a kitten
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan , ihave got some images but i don't know how to post it over
aaaagh no images
use pastebin or gist
see the room description
0 Welcome to the C# chat! Please review the room guidelines and tips. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
the 'Send' button in most messaging apps now looks like a paper aeroplane. I'm not sure how I feel about this.
is that what it is...
Personal data? Thankssss
@RoelvanUden oh man the first time I saw that <3
Still love the Portal songs :3
@RoelvanUden Portal!!! <3
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan This is how my text file looks like.
I managed to avoid spoilers for both Portals. Totally awesome endings, both times.
Please post it on gist/pastebin or somewhere. Posting it here breaks lines and makes it hard to understand.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan, this how i need the excel output. Can you pls help
I specifically asked him to do that and was obviously ignored
@Squiggle Oh, it's a paper airplane? Great. Now I know what it is at least
And yes I'm sure Jane Doe would be delighted to know you're sharing her insurance details in public
ROs can erase those lines, can't they?
No, unfortunately. We can bin it, but not edit it.
And binning it just moves it to another room. We have to ask a mod
and edits remain in the room history IIRC
It's tab-delimited at least
@TomW But probably not in google results.
Regulars, flag chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/33086470#33086470 as inappropriate to get a mod attention. We just want personal data erased, he can catch up quickly now.
Hello mod. @RajaA has been posting a few messages with personal data of some lady we totally don't want to see. Can you remove these please?
Ohh, flagging is an automatic system?
I still don't know how it works :(
Try flagging his other message containing that ladies name, too.
Didn't get the scrum job because of the test I did last week
fucking new it
Might get removed automagically.
oh yeah that was me, sorry
You can edit a message of another user?
I mean I mentioned the full name
flagged it as well
Let's hope there's no automatic ban on flags.
@JakobMillah Sorry to hear it man
Wouldn't that be a great loss
@RajaA OK thanks for sharing :) but you should take better care with sensitive information
@JakobMillah booooo! It's totally their loss.
what was the test?
@RoelvanUden Kinda sucks, because that test was EZ AF and it was rather BS
Easy test...
I don't know. Guess I havn't been challenged with my programming for a year and therefor my head is working a bit too slow. I know programming, just that there wasn't enough time to solve the logic and then write the code.
@JakobMillah so what else is on the horizon for ya?
A company wants me as Java developer
I'm like...nah...Especially after this test
Doxxing in chat?
self-confidence at the bottom
@JakobMillah I like how you corrected yourself when you saw a mod in the room :D
@MadaraUchiha it can be scrubbed, right?
@MadaraUchiha You can talk directly to me
I'm here
And I see your message
@Squiggle Yeah
A few raw HTTP requests should do the trick, I'm already on it.
@MadaraUchiha Thanks.
cool. 👍
As you can read, I had a pretty bad start of the day. I am hanging around here more than you do so they all know me
Thanks Madara :3
@JakobMillah nobody's having a go at you, maaaaan. You rule. Get busy, code something, prove to yourself you're as good as we know you are.
I literally showed him the app we are working on.
He was rather impressed.
No... A stressing test where the interface itself was rather confusing is going to judge it all.
Alright, history purged, user suspended. Thanks for that flags guys :)
@MadaraUchiha no need to suspend the user, surely?
@Squiggle Doxxing is a serious offense.
I'm not sure suspension was really necessary, unless it's SO rules?
Aight! Thanks for the quick response :3
I prefer erring on the side of harshness here
It appeared to be accidental through lack of thought rather than malicious but sure, OK
If it was faked test data he could have said that right away and didn't, so
certainly not malicious - I don't think he even knows why the data he's handling is sensitive
he just wanted help parsing a tab-delimited text file
Well, if nothing else, he'll be more careful next time.
Worst case, he gets a 7 day break, better case, he responds to explain himself and his suspension is lifted, no harm done
We asked for a sample. Turns out he's handling US insurance details. Lol.
And I thought the mod entered the chat for me. I am all confused.
Once bitten, twice shy.
@JakobMillah you wish <3
Oh well, time to give up programming then
@JakobMillah I did (let him dream guys)
Here I come, mcdonalds
@JakobMillah Na, you dropped in right after this one dude was posting what looked like insurance data of some lady.
@RoelvanUden Ohh. That's bad
also how do you get a job handling that kind of data without basic skills?
@TomW Surprised? Hack companies with no standards regularly get access to sensitive information.
@TomW Indian outsourcing.
^ exactly
Yeah. It was a rhetorical question
I'm sorry.
@misha130 I don't know. I am too plebby programmer?

Don't want a GF, but seeing a girl that has waifu-potential, if that counts? I want to be single for another 5-10 years though :P
just read design patterns
and you'll become a best
@JakobMillah Waifu? Pics!
Also, if that was UK data then even letting it out of the country that could be illegal
@RoelvanUden Talking about sensitive data, huh?
Too many people don't care about security and sensitive data.
It's an uphill battle if I try to get attention for security of our apps
I guess that's how it is in most places.
@JakobMillah Wait, is this waifu 3D?
@RoelvanUden Yes - Kappa
@JakobMillah You pleb. 2D is love, 2D is life.
let me tell you about security
my manager refuses to hash the passwords
in all the projects we do
fight me
@RoelvanUden Until there's a security breach. Then they'll blame everyone.
That's what I expect.
@misha130 refuses?
On what grounds?
that he doesn't understand the need for it?
@misha130 You need a cryptographically strong hashing.. we use SHA-1. Yeah...
as a DBA originally
That's a reason not to do it, but not to actively oppose it.
On performance grounds?
there is no clear reason
he saw me do it on one project and flat told me to remove it
We currently use Microsoft's Identity Framework v2, which means our passwords are hashed with SHA-1. We need to upgrade to v3.
Why are you even handling passwords yourself?
I used asp identity too
SHA-1 hash is not for password storage. It's just wrong.
@misha130 one of Your colleges job is to grab the user passwords and sell it for the company
What does v3 use?
That's also wrong.
I dont understand his obsession with data being handleable on the database
And this is why we do it ourselves :D
there is something better than SHA-256?
> * Version 2:
* PBKDF2 with HMAC-SHA1, 128-bit salt, 256-bit subkey, 1000 iterations.
* Version 3:
* PBKDF2 with HMAC-SHA256, 128-bit salt, 256-bit subkey, 10000 iterations.
There you go, it's PBKDF2 which is alright.
Yeah, it's PBKDF2, generated from SHA256 hashes.
@misha130 Good choice.
if it was up to me everything would be on hsm
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan No? The HMAC is SHA. That's just the validation.
PBKDF2 does not use SHA whatsoever.
Not entirely clear on the whole process, but isn't PBKDF2 used to generate a key based on the SHA hash?
I use PBKDF2 myself, too, or scrypt when possible. It's just that older projects are all still using just SHA.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Nope.
Hi there guys :D I've got another "Can this be done more efficiently?" question... I've got this eyesore of an if/else chain:
if (query.StandardId.HasValue)
    model = GetDocumentsForStandard(query.StandardId.Value);
else if (query.StandardControlId.HasValue)
    model = GetDocumentsForStandardControl(query.StandardControlId.Value);
else if (query.ImplementationId.HasValue)
    model = GetDocumentsForImplementation(query.ImplementationId.Value);
// 10 more of these
install resharper @Cerbrus?
Or is the SHA hash used on the PBKDF2-generated key?
As you can imagine, that hurts my soul...
@Cerbrus The problem here is that you have 12 different control branches that are chosen based on the existence or non-existence of 12 different parameters.
Can both StandardControlId and ImplementationId have a value?
@scheien No
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan PBKDF2 is a password-based key-derivation function, which takes your password as input and does an algorithm on it to produce a key. This always yields the same key. And the iterations merely mean that the output key is used as input key again to do it again, thus increasing load factor. HMAC is a form of data authentication, meaning it is used to sign the encrypted payload to check it's not tampered with. I don't know Identity framework, but I presume it adds a HMAC to avoid tampering
How about creating a QueryType parameter, which is an enum of the 12 different branches which hides the icky HasValue logic, and run switch on that?
HMAC-SHA256 is merely an authentication that uses SHA for its output
The front-end sends one of 12 different parameter names. Can't change that, sadly
{ parameterType: 'standard', id: 9 } would've been easier to deal with
switch on the parameter name would at least cut down that view model and if load
public int? StandardId { get; set; }
public int? StandardControlId { get; set; }
Assuming that can't change, not much I can do, right?
public QueryType QueryType
      if (query.StandardId.HasValue)
         return QueryType.Standard;
      if (query.StarndardControlId.HasValue)
         return QueryType.StandardControl;
    /// etc.
@Cerbrus The front-end is C#?
You can even add it as an extension method - GetQueryType(this Query query);
C# Webapi
Then your code can avoid the if/else chain.
What is sent over the wire?
Avner's suggestion looks fine too, but I would go more to the root if possible :)
JSON: { standardId: 9 }
switch (query.GetQueryType())
       case QueryType.Standard : model = blah; break;
@Cerbrus Aha, then ^
Avner: then I'd have 2 "blocks" of control statements, though.
But cleaner
@Cerbrus Each is cleaner, and logically separate - the first one determines the Query Type, the second one chooses execution based on it.
I'll give that a try, see how it comes out.
Then i'll worry about my colleagues freaking out over me changing working code :P
If our only goal in life was to create code that worked without it being readable, maintainable, or elegant, we could as well use PHP :/
They should not worry about doing technical improvements on working code. :)
Hah, guess what, there's some XId properties in the query that don't have a GetDocumentsFor function.
\o/ technical improvements discovering bugs
Maybe I can make those GetDocumentsFor functions more generic.
@Cerbrus That would be good. Though creating a really generic query method can be complicated.
One improvement at a time. Fix this first, then look into that :P
They're all essentially: Context.Entity.Include(c => c.Documents).FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == entityId);
@RoelvanUden I know :D
Oh yeah that's easy enough to compose.
Only one of'm has some special logic.
> Hello xx, Your purchase has been refunded by Steam.
Thanks Steam.
was it no mans sky
looks cool
I guess bugged
I bought Mass Effect 1 via Origin a few years ago. Didn't work. Just flat-out didn't work on two different machines using two different Windows versions. Asked for a refund. They said "yeah, that happens a lot, here's your money".
sounds about right for EA
I proved their infrastructure rejected more than 2 connections from my IP and they blamed my ISP
so I got my ISP involved
they basically tore them apart
<3 virgin sometimes
Refund system on steam is great
I recall the conversation I last had with EA going something like ...
Yeh the route trace may show that we are dropping the packets but it's clearly your ISP as others are able to connect fine, maybe you need faster internet?
I sent that to virgin who at the time were supplying me a connection to EA with <20ms pings @100mb/s they replied with a whole bunch network diagnostics ripping apart EA's network setup
claiming if they knew how to setup servers properly they wouldn't be blaming the world for their poor service
was quite a amusing
Hey, guys, could you take a look at my question:
@misha130 Pretty much yeah. Couldn't do the first mission, no response on Q.
Aka fuck it :3
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan And they wonder why people pirate
I now refuse to buy anything on Origin or uPlay or whatever. Just Steam.
Nothing else.
^ Agreed
Any EA game for that matter
@RoelvanUden I had that problem with the single player campaign of Battlefront
@JakobMillah since battlefront that's it for me ... never again will I put money in EA's pocket
I have some games on Origin, too. Also the incredibly cool DA:I but I refuse to install Origin now :P
Yeah, I'm pretty much in that state as well
GOG is nice
I mean I sometimes want to "donate" to old games like planescape torment or dungeon keeper
and thats what gog is essentially
as a side note bioware sucks

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