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1:55 AM
hi :)
4 hours later…
5:45 AM
posted on September 18, 2016 by Scott Hanselman

Just in case you missed it, .NET is all open source now and .NET Core is a free, open source, cross-platform framework that you can download and start with in <10 minutes. You can get it on Mac, Windows, and a half-dozen Unixes at http://dot.net. Take that along with the free, cross-platform Visual Studio Code and you'll be writing C# and F# all over the place. Ok, that said, there's two wa

1 hour later…
7:00 AM
Left work for the weekend
Left our app running clean.
Came back to a 10GB memory leak
And a barely running machine.
♪♫ I've got the waiting for the memory dump to write to disk blues ♪♫
♪♫ I've got the waiting for the memory dump to write to disk blues ♪♫
7:25 AM
hello guys
need a help
regarding xml reading
is anyone around?
Ask your question. Don't ask if you can ask.
actually in a sample projects xaml i see combox item source is binded with xpath of a xml data like this
<Binding Source="{StaticResource XmlLogProvider}"
XPath="//*[Source.Attributes/Attribute[@Name='MF_DEVSOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MEDIA_TYPE']/Value.ValueParts/ValuePart[@Value='MFMediaType_Video'] and Source.Attributes/Attribute[@Name='MF_DEVSOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE_TYPE_VIDCAP_HW_SOURCE']/SingleValue[@Value='Hardware device']]"/>
how can i read the same value from codebehind
First, please press Ctrl-K with code snippets. They're practically unreadable as it is.
Now, what do you want to read from code? The whole XML that is bound against?
Because you can call Application.Current.FindResource("XmlLogProvider") to get the value that {StaticResource} links to.
If you want only the specific value that was bound after the XPath was applied, you can simply access comboBox.ItemSource to get the collection of items.
7:44 AM
but i will get read of the combobox
i need to read the value
dont need any gui item for it
so ill remove the combo box
im trying

System.Xml.XmlDocument doc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();
 XmlNode root = doc.DocumentElement;
            XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable);

            XmlNodeList nodeList = root.SelectNodes("Sources/Source/Source.Attributes/Attribute[@Name='MF_DEVSOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MEDIA_TYPE']/Value.ValueParts/ValuePart[@Value='MFMediaType_Video'] and Sources/Source/Source.Attributes/Attribute[@Name='MF_DEVSOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE_TYPE_VIDCAP_HW_SOURCE']/SingleValue[@Value='Hardware device']");
but nodelist is empty
You never loaded any data into the doc.
no data is loaded
ive debugged it
Why would it be loaded? You never called Load or any other function to load data.
Where would you expect the data to come from?
ive load the data like this
its from another dll
7:48 AM
But you're creating a brand new instance of XmlDocument in this code snippet.
I'm a C# Noob.
Any recommend resources for me?
(I'm primarily looking for MVVM, WPF related resources).
here is the whole code
 XmlDataProvider lXmlDataProvider = (XmlDataProvider)this.Resources["XmlLogProvider"];

            if (lXmlDataProvider == null)

            System.Xml.XmlDocument doc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();

            string lxmldoc = "";

            mCaptureManager.getCollectionOfSources(ref lxmldoc);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lxmldoc))


            lXmlDataProvider.Document = doc;

            XmlNode root = doc.DocumentElement;


A friendly room for discussing XAML based technologies. Our Co...
Oh, okay. Look's like WPF != C#..
although on the weekends it's quiet
7:49 AM
1) In the debugger, can you see that `doc` has the expected values?
2) Are you sure your XPath query is correct?
Yeah. Most rooms are quiet.
I've only seen web development rooms active in my timezone.
thats where my question lies
am i doing it right
im kind of noob in c# and xpath
Which one is the "no" to?
If your question is "I have an XPath query I'm not sure is correct", you should ask that, rather than asking about WPF and resources.
7:51 AM
let me clarify
@HassanAlthaf then just ask this your specific question
my xaml has
@HassanAlthaf C# is the most common language used for WPF developement, but the two aren't linked. Many people use VB, for instance. And some, like @FoggyFinder, even use F#.
        <XmlDataProvider x:Key="XmlLogProvider" XPath="Sources/Source"/>
        <XmlDataProvider x:Key="XmlWebCamParametrsProvider" />
Oh wait.
WPF is common to multiple Microsoft languages?
7:52 AM
yeah, F# is great choice. For WPF too
 <ComboBox x:Name="mSourcesComboBox" VerticalAlignment="Center" Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0">
                    <Binding Source="{StaticResource XmlLogProvider}"
                             XPath="//*[Source.Attributes/Attribute[@Name='MF_DEVSOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MEDIA_TYPE']/Value.ValueParts/ValuePart[@Value='MFMediaType_Video'] and Source.Attributes/Attribute[@Name='MF_DEVSOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE_TYPE_VIDCAP_HW_SOURCE']/SingleValue[@Value='Hardware device']]"/>
My apologies, I wasn't aware.
all i want is to read the values of the combox item source
I see. I'll take a look at F# when I find some time.
but from codebehind
7:52 AM
@HassanAlthaf WPF isn't a language. It's a UI framework built on top of .NET.
i dont want to populate the xaml
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I never called it a languge.
@ShofiqulAlam In that case, simply access the combobox's ItemSource property.
@HassanAlthaf Just making sure things are clear.
ill remove the combobox
actually combobox is for selecting the options
I'm new to .NET
7:53 AM
but i want to read the values and will select a item myself
Coming from Java, PHP environment.
By the way, could anyone explain what this means:
        public ActionCommand AddCustomerCommand
                return new ActionCommand(p => AddCustomer(FirstName, LastName, Email), p => IsValid);
We have a property "AddCustomerCommand", we return a new instance of "ActionCommand"
I do not understand the parameter part.
@ShofiqulAlam I believe you want to do two way data binding on the ComboBox? If so, check this out: stackoverflow.com/questions/21227498/…
@HassanAlthaf It's a lambda expression. You'll have to catch up on them because they're essential to some topics (LINQ, for instance), and will be very common in many code samples.
infcat please note that,the xaml part will not be there
there will be only codebehind
and i wont keep the xaml combox part
i just need to read it
like its reading xaml
thats all
@ShofiqulAlam I do not understand you. Would you please be able to explain properly?
8:00 AM
the xaml part ur saying
is populating a combox from an xml
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan By lambda expession, do you mean that it is a shorthand method of writing a function?
i need to read it from codebhind
the combo box is there just to show you all to understand the xpath query used in xaml
@HassanAlthaf Yes. p => AddCustomer(blah, blah, blah) is shorthand for an anonymous function that receives a parameter p and calls AddCustomer with three parameters (which aren't derived from p, in this case).
Oh! I see!
p => IsValid is a function which receives p and returns the value of the IsValid property (again, regardless of the p that is passed to it.
8:02 AM
What is p there though?
@HassanAlthaf That depends on what ActionCommand defines. Look at ActionCommand's constructor.
It's probably Action<object> or something similar.
I understand the two p => something are parameters
What does that 'p' mean?
public ActionCommand(Action<Object> action, Predicate<Object> predicate)
p is just a name, ad-hoc, given to the parameter of the lambda. You can change it to param or blahblah.
@HassanAlthaf Yeah, I figured. Action<T> and Predicate<T> are delegates, meaning they're function signatures.
The first parameter needs to be a method that matches the Action<Object> signature, meaning a function which accepts Object and returns void.
I'm guessing the p name is given so that we can recursively call the anonymous function?
p isn't the function's name. It's the name of the parameter.
Consider this Predicate<int>:
Predicate<int> isEven = num => num % 2 == 0;
(Ignore the left-hand side for a second).
8:05 AM
I got it.
Parameters for the anonymous function.
This is a predicate, meaning an anonymous function that matches the Predicate<int> signature (meaning it accepts an int, returns a bool) that checks if the parameter is even.
Got ya.
So your ActionCommand receives two delegates in its ctor. One for the actual action that will be performed when the Command is executed, and one used to check if the current Command is enabled or not.
How do you know what is returned by Action<T> and Predicate<T>
The ctor of both of them?
They're both common delegates that are often used, so I know them well.
You can Go To Definition to see their signature.
8:07 AM
Oh yaeh.
public delegate bool Predicate<in T>(T obj);
So. now we're passing a function.
How is it an 'Object'
hi guys . if possible answering my question this is link :
Q: C#_LINQ Search in database just like what I'm gonna

Mustafa_KI want search Personnel according to Personnel code from database and insert Personnel Name into Label. for example: when i do insert Personal with this code 11112222 And whenever I search the code that contains the numbers 1 and 2 for example: ("11" or "111" or "22" and ...etc) The personnel Sh...

Are functions considered as objects in C#?
@HassanAlthaf Exactly. A Delegate is a function-object.
8:08 AM
Oh. I see.
That's some epic magic.
Thanks for the time mate, I really appreciate it.
Action<object> myDelegateObject = obj => DoSomething(obj); is one syntax, the one using lambdas.
But if you have a regular method public void DoSomething(object obj), you can use that as well as an anonymous one:
Action<object> myDelegateObject = DoSomething;
I see.
Notice we don't have parentheses, so we're not calling the method, we're passing it as a method-group, meaning we're creating a delegate from it.
@Mustafa_K cannot understand what you're asking, can you please add to the question an explanation of what happens and what you want to happen instead
If I do: Console.WriteLine(typeof(this.someMethod)); will it return Object
8:10 AM
It probably won't compile.
I see.
My last code example actually evaluates, behind the scenes, to myDelegateObject = new Action<object>(DoSomething); - it creates a delegate object.
You can call myDelegateObject.GetType() to see the type, but DoSomething itself isn't a type.
It's a method group that can be converted to a delegate.
Oh wait, it is passed as a parameter to the Action class?
Action, too, isn't a class. :)
That's some serious magic...... lmfao
I'm starting to like C# day by day.
8:13 AM
@TomW hi Tom.Thanks for your Reply . I am just need to search in database just like what I'm gonna
You get used to it, treating functions and first-class members of the language, rather than as something essentially different. It allows you to do things like pass in a function, let's say a predicate, without having to create a class for everything:
can anyone explain to me why i keep getting a nullReferenceException with this code
public String shuffler(CardBunker card) {
            Random random = new Random();
            int r = random.Next(card.cards.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < card.cards.Count; i++)
                Card tmp = card.cards[r];
                card.cards[r] = card.cards[i];
                card.cards[i] = tmp;

            return card.cards[0].Name;
var blueItems = myItems.Where(item => item.Color == Colors.Blue);
@Mustafa_K I have no idea what you mean by "I am just need to search in database just like what I'm gonna"
8:14 AM
It definitely doesn't make sense in your question title
any sugg for me?
So, myItems.Where is a delegate that calls the anonymous function all the time and filters out data, is it? @AvnerShahar-Kashtan
@HassanAlthaf The Where method just accepts a Predicate<T> based on my collection. So if my collection is a List<Item>, it expects a Predicate<Item>. You don't need a "ColorFilter" class, just pass in an anonymous lambda.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Oh, so that eliminates a need for a "Filter" class.
But, is it recommend to create a Filter class for a complex filtering process?
8:16 AM
@TomW sorry my English is not good
@HassanAlthaf Exactly. The Java version (at least in Java 7, which I've used) would be to define an anonymous type that has one method, apply, but that's a lot more verbose.
Java didn't have any good resources to study, really.
@HassanAlthaf You usually don't need a class. If you have a filter that you apply from several places, just take your anonymous method (the lambda) and turn it into a named, regular method.
I never got into this much depth. I am just like 3 days into C# technically.
public bool IsBlue(Item item)
      return item.Color == Colors.Blue;

var blues = myItems.Where(IsBlue);
8:18 AM
Uh, but wouldn't that create a seperation of concerns issue?
Like, lets say I have a ViewModel class.
And I have the IsBlue filter
@HassanAlthaf If my ViewModel needs to return blue items, it can have a function which filters out the non-blue items. Creating an explicit IsBlueFilter class for something as lightweight as item => item.Color == Colors.Blue is overkill.
I see.
I actually meant something complex.
A large filter.
Also, would I be able to ask your some MVVM questions?
@Mustafa_K Yes I appreciate that and I'm not criticising you, but nevertheless if you can't explain what you want it's going to be difficult to help you
@HassanAlthaf Sure. You can check the WPF room as well, which is often empty, but has very knowledgeable people when they're there.
It's more sort of an architectural question.
So, we have a BusinessContext in the Data layer of the application.
Should we separate different entities with different businesscontext classes or have them all in one?
8:26 AM
@ShofiqulAlam can you explain again what you're trying to do, I can't follow the conversation from earlier
8:47 AM
@HassanAlthaf That's not really MVVM related. MVVM is a pattern for your presentation layer.
As far as MVVM is concerned, it doesn't matter how your database is structured or if it even exists. MVVM governs the interactions of the view and its supporting logic.
in WPF, Nov 4 '15 at 12:44, by Avner Shahar-Kashtan
MVVM aims to separate the concerns of the user-interactions (view), user-interaction logic (view model) and the data that is interacted upon (model).
9:02 AM
VS is opening my 10GB memory dump from the weekend. For five minutes now. over 190 million objects scanned so far.
I think it's a safe bet that I have a memory leak somewhere.
Well, that answers the "why does Visual Studio need to run as a 64bit process" question, doesn't it?
@Mr.Nicky this looks like the same question, have you seen? stackoverflow.com/questions/786638/…
Standard Microsoft, looks like one of those components that will just not do as it's told sometimes, but not tell you why it's not doing it.
9:09 AM
@Mr.Nicky how about filters in code instead of web config?
Found a bug on Connect for this. It says "closed as duplicate", but does not provide an issue ID or a link to the duplicate issue. :(
9:50 AM
were CR characters (carriage return) ever intended to reset the cursor to the start of a line without starting a new line?
maybe in some old terminals or whatever
I don't even know
anyone old enough to remember?
I think the explanation I read was that the platform difference between CRLF and just LF is that the former is like a convention, whereas the *nix people figured since there is no carriage to return, it's pointless. But you do still need to signal the start of a new line, hence LF
I wrote code that tracks the line and column number in a string but I don't know what I should do when the string has CR without LF
which I've never actually seen in the wild but whatever
switch (c)
    case '\r':
        Column = 1;
    case '\n':
        Column = 1;
I think that's how most software does it :/
except for the '\r' part
this is too much, I need more coffee
The term Carriage Return should be repurposed to signify a service that takes your rental car and returns it to the rental service for you.
@StevenLiekens Wikipedia says "The lever would also usually advance the paper to the next line." (emphasis mine)
Morn all
working on a sun sigh
Next stop - trying to open the memory dump on VS2015.
Maybe I can start moving our developers to VS2015 slowly.
10:09 AM
@TomW You are right. I've modified my question. if you could read my question again
@Mustafa_K what does "exactly look like code that i searched" mean? What code? Searched what?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan That is a great way of explaining it!
@juanvan Thanks. It came about after countless iterations of the same explanations. :)
one could feel that ;)
how often do you use blend to attach behaviors? frequently or only a few times in an app?
By "blend", you mean behaviors that use the <i:Interaction.Behaviors> extension to attach?
That's the technique that uses Blend's Interactivity library.
10:18 AM
@Mustafa_K is it enables in IIS?
@TomW I'm gonna search personnel .this code 11112222 is a personnel code that i intent to search it . now when i search code 1 or 11 or 1111 or 2 ...etc show me personnel again
:32919675 Well, yes. You have a call to Contains, which means "bring me the first item whose code contains the string "1" or "11", etc.
ya attached to like the load of a usercontrol
that is the one I know about now, I am wondering if there are more
@juanvan We have 4-5 behaviors we use regularly here.
taking notes if you would
There are two behaviors we use to bypass limitations of the standard WPF controls.
ListBoxes and the like have a bindable SelectedItem property, but no bindable SelectedItems property for multiple selection.
ahh, was wondering that
So we have a MultiSelectorBehavior that exposes a SelectedItems dependency property, and the behavior's code listens for SelectionChanged events and synchronizes the control's selection with the bound value.
thought might be able to pass a collection from a resource
10:22 AM
And the second one is PasswordBox, which doesn't expose a bindable Password property. So we have a similar behavior to bind it directly to a Viewmodel's SecureString property.
Please help with this question .
Q: passing a CLOB more than 4000 characters to Stored Procedure from asp.net

Sagor AhmedI have the following procedure in oracle : CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE INSERT_BYTE(pID IN Number,pData IN CLOB ) IS reallybigtextstring CLOB := pData; i INT; BEGIN WHILE Length(reallybigtextstring) <= 60000 LOOP reallybigtextstring := reallybigtextstring ...

plan on using AD to secure the app right now
@juanvan We support integrated windows authentication, but also custom user/passwords, and also, we need the ability for an admin to store credentials to 3rd-party services.
I can not pass string length of more than 4000 characters to stored procedure in oracle from classic asp.net
How can I do that ?
ahh good case
10:26 AM
We have some other behaviors wrapping reusable client behaviors. For instance, we have styled windows that don't have the regular windows chrome, so we don't have a title to drag. So a tiny DraggableWindowBehavior can give any window the capacity to be dragged by a left-click anywhere on its surface.
@juanvan , please help me
@SagorAhmed have you tried with less bytes, and it has inserted?
public class DraggableWindowBehavior : Behavior<Window>
        protected override void OnAttached()
            AssociatedObject.MouseLeftButtonDown  += (sender, args) => AssociatedObject.DragMove();
That's the entire thing.
If I try to insert less than 4000 bytes , then the data is inserted .
10:27 AM
and if you changed the behavior to type UserControl you could move that around?
@juanvan DragMove() is a method on Window.
ok am not sure all the methods on the each UI Element right now
@juanvan Windows are trivially movable - it's a basic windows behavior. Controls aren't.
I am trying to insert data in CLOB column
which is recommended in the link
The main problem is passing string length of more than 4000 bytes from classic asp to oracle
10:30 AM
@SagorAhmed stackoverflow.com/questions/1989334/… have you amended maxRequestEntityAllowed like the accepted answer suggests?
you have reached the dead end limit, please ask oracle to change the MAX
@juanvan read the comments, Avner remarked on the likely real cause several days ago
oh i missed that
would be useful to have a follow conversation in the history
yes.. I have amended maxRequestEntityAllowed
10:45 AM
And it still fails?
One of the other answers talks about some complexity in that area, I've only skimmed it but it may not be as simple as that
I have checked other answers as well
I can not understand why I can not pass string of more than 4000 bytes to stored procedure from classic asp
Can you explain other possibilities ?
what is the error when you test with the data in a query? same results?
Internal server error
5000 Internal server error
10:59 AM
but when you go the server, and do a query with the test data what is the error
I am calling a stored procedure with a string of more than 4000 bytes
strSQL = "INSERT_BYTE(1,'"& str &"') "
Set objExec = Conn.Execute(strSQL)
but that is in the classic asp
what about when you do it on the oracle interface
copy the bytes test the stored procedure
in oracle interface the insert statement is rightly executed
I have called the stored procedure with data of more than 4000 bytes
... progress at a price
And the data is rightly inserted
11:02 AM
ok then you need to enable the error reporting on the asp classic
How can I do that ?
the problem is not the data, its the asp classic call to the DB
has to be done on the IIS server
How can I solve this ?
in the ASP Classic feature set
Then ?
11:03 AM
then the classic will spit out the errors
Here is an example of an error page
you would set the IIS response 500.3 (I think) to that error page
but setting it to the 500 scope does not catch asp classic errors
Should I set Send Errors To Browsers true ?
Ya, I would turn it all on till you start getting the errors out to the screen
I don't remember the exact setting
the work process writeup is at work
That means
Enable Server Side debugging , client side debugging has to be set true ?
client side I think is for JS stuff, but hey we want an error more descriptive then Internal
I have all set true
But still I am getting 5000 Internal Server Error
11:15 AM
did you create that Error page?
What Error Page ?
this is a process, it's not Kansas any more
I have wrriten this
strSQL = "INSERT_BYTE(1,'"& str &"') "
Set objExec = Conn.Execute(strSQL)
If Err.Number = 0 Then
Response.write("Process completed successfully...")
Response.write("Error Save ["&strSQL&"] ("&Err.Description&")")
End IF
This is for handling error
Isnt it enough ?
did it come out with the error?
No , it can not catch the error
ut the same code is written in ErrorHandle.asp
11:26 AM
because it is not set to the 500.3 error response in IIS
the page needs to be separate
How to set 500.3 error response in IIS ?
Q: IIS 8 Show Classic ASP Errors in Browser

NealWaltersBrowser is showing "500 - Internal server error." (I have turned off "Show Friendly Http Messages". In IIS 8 I have gone to ASP settings and set "Send Errors to Browser = True". I've got simple ASP pages working fine. I'm porting code from Windows 2003 over to 2012. And having to debug mi...

Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0115'

Unexpected error


A trappable error (C0000005) occurred in an external object. The script cannot continue running.
This is the error
11:33 AM
what runtime environment do you have that Website AppPool set to?
that is the name, but you can change it from running in 64 to 32 bit
the dll you are using might be 32bit
Enable 32 bit application is set true..
I have never encountered that error, is the oracle sdk installed on the server?
lets try this, make a new page that just outputs the bytes lets make sure you are getting the data to the page
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Get 32 GB of DDR4 3000MHz Corsair Dominator Platinum RAM stick pack. You won't have that problem ever again.
11:47 AM
I have already print the data.. and it working fine .. problem in calling procedure from oracle
@HassanAlthaf 99% of Out Of Memory exceptions I've encountered aren't caused by a lack of physical memory on the machine.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Nevermind, I saw the 32bit thing. That is, max 4GB, am I right?
If i not call the procedure.. no error occured..
11:50 AM
@HassanAlthaf Theoretically. Practically closed to 2.5GB. But again, this isn't a lack of process network space either. The operation fails at around 900MB.
The problem usually lies with a lack of contiguous memory addresses.
@SagorAhmed is the oracle odbc installed on the system?
I haven't been following, are we working on the assumption that the oracle adapter is blowing a memory limit somehow?
@juanvan yes.. Odbc already installed.. connection is working fine.. for simple insert
If so, I had a quick google and it seems that streaming clobs to oracle is possible
so that might be an option
@TomW No, it's my earlier problems with debugging a memory dump that end with an "insufficient memory" error.
11:55 AM
oh that
@SagorAhmed Humm..
@SagorAhmed what if you change the app to use 64 bit, same error?
change the app to 64 bit dll not work
Disabled some symbol loading and trying again. So far over 1 billion objects found on the heap.
@SagorAhmed I am not sure where to look from here, or how to find the dll that is causing the error
@juanvan I think the problem occurred in execute oracle procedure not dll..
12:08 PM
Insufficient memory again. After ~1.5 billion heap objects scanned. Memory usage never passed 500MB.
@SagorAhmed the code gets to the page, the page calls the stored procedure, and executes
there is an error with the page calling the SP
when i stopped to execute the procedure its not shows any error...
yes so the problem is with how the SP is being called in the ASP page
@juanvan strSQL = "INSERT_BYTE(1,'"& str &"') "
Set objExec = Conn.Execute(strSQL)
is the problem
12:21 PM
@juanvan How can i execute the Sp
try the same SP with a small set of data see if you get the same error
in an asp page
@juanvan Yes I have tried .. but no error for small set of Data..
Are you there ?
around, so might be with an asp classic limitation
have you tried a .net version to see if it executes?
@juanvan No...
How can we overcome the limitation...
humm let me see what else it could be
12:30 PM
Are you there ?
yes sir
did you set the IIS website to 64 bit as well as the AppPool?
I have never ran into that problem - have some house work to do will be back later
ok .
1:15 PM
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Ahhh. Contiguous Addresses. i.e. memory management. So, data is stored in the memory in indexed form. Right? But can't Microsoft improve their memory management? :l
By the way guys, I found out this youtube channel. It has some epic MVVM guides. Really good.
2 hours later…
3:45 PM
@HassanAlthaf I think that has to do with an already contentious issue in .net - the garbage collector. There are already people who think garbage collection is fundamentally a bad idea
Making it any smarter would make it take up more resources - probably - when some people think it already takes too much
01:00 - 16:0017:00 - 20:00

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