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ya was posted umm last week in the room
ah, to late. but still a good one :)
I keep getting that piano bit in my head when I read that
@TravisJ Hey.
@Greg o/
In response to your question earlier, it was diablo 3 (not to get off topic)
@TravisJ Nice, I do have Diablo 3. I haven't played in awhile.
So I sent in a security warning to SO, but in general it is probably safe if no one directly clicks on links in chat.
Right click -> open in new tab is safer than just allowing it to do that.
security vuln?
What vulnerability did you find?
Your fkey is vulnerable if you click on a chat link
Depending on what is on the other side of the link
How'd you stumble on that?
is the fkey sensitive though?
Very. The fkey is what allows you to use the authenticated ajax api
Hi Guys Wht's the meaning of this
Since collections such as List<T> use an array to store items, that means that a .NET application running on 32 bit will be able to hold twice as many reference type items in a list compared to the same application running on 64 bit
quoted from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1087982/single-objects-still-limited-to-2-gb-in-size-in-clr-4-0
I've tried using the wrong fkey before, it wasn't completely insecure in itself
Well, mike the liar showed me this exploit for sites that use _black or window.open, and it turns out that chat does that. And then I tested it and you can access the referring page when that happens.
maybe some other cookies are required
@KendallFrey - The fkey imo is the large aspect, but the linked page can also run raw javascript in chat in your browser.
that's... interesting
Yeah, I was kind of surprised it was available to be honest
Yeah, that is pretty neat.
What exactly was the exploit? I'd be curious to look it over.
@user3723486 Since the maximum size of any single object is 2GB, you can only store that many bytes. In 64-bit, references to objects take up twice as much memory as 32-bit, so you can only store half as many of them in one list.
@TravisJ I hate that this throws a warning in Visual Studio:

public interface IExample : IDispose


public class Example : IExample
     public void Dispose()


Why throw a warning?
I know I can suppress the warning, but why?
@Greg - What warning is it causing?
It needs a Dispose method on IExample perhaps?
Why not just do
public class Example : IExample, IDisposable
what's the warning?
@TravisJ I could do that, which does resolve it.
@KendallFrey Thanks for the explanation, but in 32-bit application, you'r actually limited in creation of objects even near theoretical limit of 2 GB due to fragmentation
CA2213 I believe.
@user3723486 Yes, as Reed's answer explains
It happened awhile ago.
@Greg - As to the why, it is probably because your IExample interface isn't showing a requirement for Dispose.
@TravisJ But seems odd that it cares.
Dispose is a touchy subject
Really, why?
Failure to Dispose causes things like memory leaks, I/O leaks, connection thread leaks, etc. Pretty serious issues.
There are so many ways to do it wrong, and so few ways to do it right
which has nothing to do with IDisposable itself but the fact that most programmers are completely incompetent
Especially if you're writing a public API
the IDisposable concept is not very hard to grasp and the Dispose pattern is not hard to remember / easy to google
if someone told me not to use it I would frown and do it anyway
I sometimes use a marshal call to make sure that dispose isn't being called as a result of an exception as well.
Trying to integrate this functionality today (or this week depending on how complicated it gets) codepen.io/ritz078/pen/bEYOov
I was always under the notion that Dispose is important, but you need to do it correctly.
The problem with IDisposable is that it's not environmentally friendly. You should try implementing IReduce, then IReuse, then IRecycle.
@GrantHill topkek
@GrantHill I think I'll create a nuget package for that
namespace System
    public interface IRecyclable : IDisposable

    public static class IDisposableExtensions
        public void Recycle(this IRecyclable instance)
now change all disposable classes to recyclable classes
that should trip up most of your coworkers
In team foundation server, is there a way to take changes from the history of one version of a project an apply them to another version?
Like some kind of merge?
Only select changes, though
I think that's what "cherry pick" does?
What is that?
@StevenLiekens That's like an Interface I created to bug our lead architect ICaughtEmAllBoss . OUr base class implemented IException (don't ask why, bad design), so I had ICaughtEmAllBoss : IException. Then whenever an exception was caught i was able to do:

Catch(ICaughtEmAllBoss ball)

Then I moved it to a class so we'd have:

throw newBall

needless to say he pulled his hair out. IT's what you get for designing a crappy system :P
I meant to say It's what you get for designing a crappy system, but in reallity:
IT's what you get for designing a crappy system :P
@RyanTernier - IT is the robin to programming's batman.
IT is transgenderconfused?
Or is it just canadians who think robin is swinging a catchers mit instead of a bat?
heh, no that's not just you
Often I find IT to at the very least be professionconfused.
They seem to act like they are the ones that created all the applications that they are installing or configuring.
facebook is banned on our network here
I banned it.
Oh yes, and everyone else technical is beholden to IT to serve them and absolutely not the other way around
Information TEchnology is supposed to be an umbrella, but most use it as a sword while development teams are a shield.
Yeah, makes no sense. In University settings, often CIS majors don't go very far in learning to code while mostly covering how to write documentation; whereas CS majors have to both do the code and cover the documentation. And yet, even given the pitfall of writing requirements for something that was never actually studied, it seems to be quite common in industry for the documentation creators to be the ones who drive the design of the systems.
Is that why analysts always try to do your job for you...
instead of doing their own jobs
If I only knew teh answers
@TomW Most analysts were software developers, and the reason they want to do your job is they have this idea that they can do it better, even though they haven't been doing it for 5-20 years
I have this rather complicated feature to integrate into an already complex feature. Should I sandbox and test the new feature in a controlled environment or just dive right into integrating it into the existing feature?
To them: This isn't that hard, I could do this by coding a button and putting that button on that thing. Hell, why isn't he just putting a button there! I WANT A BUTTON THERE!
Developer: Um, this is a web service, we don't have buttons.
@TravisJ Depends, if you're confident enough and sure of your skill, i'd jump in :) /cowboy hat on
@RyanTernier not in my experience. They just do it wrong, for reasons I cannot really fathom
@RyanTernier - Hah :)
That or they spend all their time in meetings with 'the business', talk some nonsense that they won't discuss with us, and any findings they produce they dump in a cryptic document that they then stick in a hidden file share and don't tell anyone
hrm, my references an't working for VS 2015, I'm not able to see references on my methods
I remember when our analyst told us "We're implementing Document Management with SVN". I looked at them, "Why didn't you run this by me first?"... them: "You're a development manager and mini-CTO, you know nothing about document management"
It can't be any worse than Sharepoint
SVN... merging word in SVN... /shudder
I have heard, "All we really need to see is the outcome of all of this. Just create more Stochastic analysis, like here and here... and here. Maybe a graph and a chart to back it up. Make sure it is accurate even if something changes."
the *5 is not in his favour...
My response is usually to get out a white board and start showing the actual work involved in designing something like what they are asking for. And after like an hour of back and forth they usually give up when they realize what it would actually entail. Added benefit: the next time they come back wanting to talk about it the whiteboard is just sitting there with all of its glory ready to protect me.
The starboard can be a dangerous place.
@TravisJ something being difficult is not a reason in itself to abandon it
Being stupid and difficult is an immediate disqualification, obv
Is there a difference between $"{URL + urlParameters}" and $"{URL}{urlParameters}"?
depends on the type of objects
if URL and urlParameters are numbers then it's not the same
but I guess in your case they are strings so then it's the same
ok thanks
@TomW - Often the things asked for are a little naive (common belief that computers can solve anything). The catch of showing an outcome even when other things change is impossible, and an application can never fix something which cannot be fixed in the real world. It usually becomes apparent once shown in detail why asking for something np-complete is not going to become an actual feature.
Ah OK, I'm with you. Difference between elucidating how much coding work would have to be done and what the computer would have to do
The latter demonstrating either a computationally hard problem or an impossible one, I assume
@TravisJ Did you pickup the new Xbox?
I mean, the computer can tell you what should happen, but the problem which arises in np-c situations is that it is impossible to do what should happen because of extraneous factors
@Greg - No I am still on the "bone" one :)
@TravisJ Setting up all the 4k has been painful.
@Greg - What do you mean?
Hi everyone
The new HDMI 2.0 / HDCP 2.2 is painful, because if it is anything less the cable won't work.
It will either be empty, or will only do 4K at 30 fps.
A lot of the 2.0 cables, aren't 2.0 cables. Apparently unless it has Ethernet stands, it isn't 2.0.
I've learned a lot about HDMI and the agony.
Well if I get one I will have 20 questions :P
So I have a code review request
if (new[] {result.CandidateTypeAExpense, result.CandidateTypeBExpense, result.CandidateTypeAExpense }.Max()
== result.CandidateTypeBExpense)
result.MostExpensiveCanddiate = "Candidate Type B is most expensive.";
Please suggest a better way to do it
Looks ugly af
@TravisJ I can help you out.
Does anyone know a simple way to play a MIDI file in C#?
There are numerous libraries that deal with MIDI files or MIDI streams, but I couldn't find any that can combine them.
(haven't dealt with MIDI)
Also, my goal is to sync MIDI up with a recorded audio file such as MP3. So timing is important.
I'm having some trouble implementing IEnumerable on my class
@drdrez - Why are you implementing IEnumerable on your class?
Why not hold an internal IEnumerable resource in the class?
if (result.CandidateTypeAExpense <= result.CandidateTypeBExpense){/*your stuff*/}
So I have three types, and I want to display this message if that type is highest
this wont work
so, if (type1 >= type2 && type1>=type3){/*do stuff*/}
Never mind.
Answered my own question.
@Obviously obviously you'd want to do that
var t1, t2, t3...
var largestType = t1;
if t2> largestType
largetsType = t2;
if t3 > largestType
largesttype = t3;

it's brute forcing it, but it's effective with only 3 types
If you had more, yo ucould put them in a list and jsut go through them all to find the largest. If you have a LOT of items, you'd need to sort them first and then get the max as that'd be faster

        public async Task<TEntity> Find<TEntity>(string query, CommandType commandType, params object[] parameters)
            using (var connection = new SqlConnection(dbConnection))
                await connection.OpenAsync();
                return await connection.QuerySingleAsync<TEntity>(query, parameters, null, null, commandType);
Is anyone online?
@RyanTernier That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
does anyne knows to wich path visual studio is writing logfiles?

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