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I don't rember it perfectly so idk
@AlexINF Yes, you right! All keep silence because you right.
and too lazy to open visual to see if it compiles
But, why double?
why no bool or int
im back.
I'm now using a bool...
A property is as simple as access type name {get; set;}
In the Shop.cs script
and if he wants to debug he will need the longer version
okay let's do that It won't work but okay.
So yes. That is a property :) @alexInf
im more fan of
private type name_
public type name
and then the get and set access the private
I think ^ is more optimized.
^ means above @Aimnox
In frox lang :D
yeah, but how above
How do I compare a double with a bool
Do I do new double(true)?
Your practise of property is more optimised than just access type name {get; set;}
wait what?
@AlexINF That was pure gold.
what do you mean compare bool and sdouble
@RoelvanUden Oh hello!
@AlexINF Elaborate please.
Argh too many people lol
Hi to all!
So do I do new double(true)?
How do you compare anything if you instantiate a new double and give it a true parameter ? Are you a wizard ?
whats that?
Harry is that you
So??? The problem??
How do I compare a double?
Compar a double with what ?
the flaw is the enre logic
how do you compare a car to an elephant?
Like there is no logic in the logic
What problem are you trying to solve @AlexINF? Why do you want to compare a double and bool?
double it
It is just pure wizardry
What do you even meeeeeeean with double it
@AlexINF You can't compare a double and a bool. It makes no sense.
I need popcorn
compare, so do you want a true or false output, right?
"How I compare a dog and an airplane?"
I mean.. what.
We got a wizard !
okay guys, relax
newcomers are nice too
@AlexINF You need to think of the real question.
ok, lets relax - deep breaths guys
What are you TRYING to do
Explain with words
Not code
People said that I can property fireLocked and it will work??
@Froxer false
What is "false" ?
but do you need it to be a double? why?
@Froxer your statment dude
@Froxer The opposite of true.
Because one of you said it will be better??
@scheien what is true?
But what do you meeean
@Aimnox that you need to silence
Received an email regarding the Scrum Master job/Company. They found my profile interesting so they want to see me tomorrow!
@Aimnox The opposite of false.
If you only have "it's firelocked" and "Is not firelocked"
(I just had to)
then use a bool
Why is @AlexINF being rude to @Aimnox
Nooooooooice @JakobMillah
Like im the only that is actually trying to help
@AlexINF Calm down, don't be rude.
@Froxer Ye, I am actually pretty excited :)
But c'mon all of this is offtopic D:
Who said it had to be on topic D:
@JakobMillah Also, nice
Off Topic is what it's all about when I am around
Nope, can't, banned :P

what for?

My questions aren't bad but almost all of them have 0 votes so :P
They don't recieve attention.
I get it now
What i dont understand is you being rude to the only person in chat that is not trolling you @AlexINF
I was trying to do a joke in there D:
don't see me like I am rude D:
There was no resemblance of a joke involved.
Just you being rude
It was but a very bad one :P
@AlexINF that was kinda rude. Not that i care, I had a good laught, but :/
@Aimnox Sorry :(
See, his feelz == hurt.
I mean, "What is true?" "That you need to be silent" D:
so feelz is a double?
Can we finish this problem once and for all?
great, then I'm going
that was rare
was it
Alex happened
@AlexINF I looked into your question more carefully and in my opinion the problem is pretty complicated. Maybe you could try to start over to solve it.
@AlexINF Okay, let's go your way: what your comparison should result when comparing:
-1 and true
-1 and false
0 and false
0 and true
1 and false
1 and true
42 and false
42 and true
NaN and false
NaN and true
dont forget 43 and true
and 43 and false
false and true?
erm, 0 and true.
I think so.
@Alexander I think I'm going to do that...
I dont know if i feel stupid or smart right now
I still don't know what you're trying to do @AlexINF
Me neither
comparing a double to a bool (??)
Only the chosen one knows.
I'm just trying to solve this problem in any way.
Oh, then perhaps figure out what your goal is.
What is the problem?
Still, I think this is an UNity3d bug...
That FireLocked never changes.
I would deem that extremely unlikely in view of your recent questions.
Did you do all the steps we talked about previous? Debug Lock, Unlock, Start, add a constructor, put a breakpoint everywhere, etc?
And what was the result?
I removed Lock and Unlock.
Alex, are you a chat bot?
@AlexINF Maybe the problem isn't only in the variable but in your other game objects that use it, when they instantiated. In my experience bugs in such huge projects as Unity3d is pretty rare and sophisticated.
Now the variable is controlled by
Wait there
Unity is a very mature platform. The likeliness that you, a newbie developer, stumbled upon an actual big problem in the Unity code is... very small.
1493 pages of bugs...
I'm just newbie on C#. I'm very good at python.
1493 pages of things people claim are bugs *
They are.
I think mods can only submit bugs?
@AlexINF Yes, they are, but if there was a bug in variables setting and getting they surely fixed it long ago.
@AlexINF You are very good at Python? Okay then. Just check if your class instantiation occurs more than once and put a BP on the property getter/setter to trace the toggles and attach/detach occurs, 'cause it's likely you're running into recreation/reference issue.
Produce an MCVE and someone might believe you
@RoelvanUden No it doesn't. The shop is only created once.
and it would probabl be a c# bug if its in the probability getting and setting
and sure as fuck there is no bug there
@AlexINF Shop?
FireLocked is controlled by Shop.cs
Great! How about the actual behaviour?
    using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.Networking;

public class Shop : MonoBehaviour {
	public GameObject player;
	public Text infotext;
	public Image sitems;
	public double FireLocked{ get; set;}
	void Start(){
		sitems.transform.position = new Vector3(3000,350);
	void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other){
		if (other.CompareTag ("Player")) {
			infotext.text="Press [E]";


	void OnTriggerStay(Collider other){
		if (other.CompareTag ("Player")) {
That's what I was talking about.
Oh you renamed everything again.
I don't think that is the problem either... PLaced some breakpoints here and there.
Nevermind, I give up.
That is because I was trying to solve it.
Are you a wizard @alexinf
Wait, let me explain. I just moved fireLocked from Playermovement.cs to shop.cs
I'm really starting to think he is a bot
and the player gets the var from the shop.
A bot? Really?
A bot that spits out code?
Gimme a captcha. :P
Great, no problem solved, everyone gave up...
You are so obscure dude
Okay then, I'll go to a more useful site.
@Aimnox lol
Why aren't your property FireLocked a boolean?
I don't know if it's english, c# or what that you dont have really on hand
but wow, its hard to understand
Are you going to help me or just comment and make fun of me?
You know, just a little education for you @AlexINF. When you're asking for help, which is fine, you need to be clear and precise. Demanding attention is never considered polite, and changing your code while others you asked to look at it are looking at your code is entirely unhelpful. Communication is key. You should know this being a good Python developer and all.
I dont want to make fun of you
You don't say, "Hey colleague, check out my commit 19931 for a code review" and then after he's done you'll throw a "Oh yeah commit 19987 kinda revamped the entire thing".
But after trying once and another and too many times I can't get what you are saying
And you cange your mood on every msg
There really is no point to try to help you, if you dont even know what you want.
and too many passive agressive comentaries
so fuck it man
@RoelvanUden sensai is always so wise
Anyways, any one of you fuckers ever programmed in Lotus Script?
Except most people don't really like it when I educate them. I wonder why.
@Nerdintraining That sounds a programming language made of toilet paper.
beats me.
you have a sparkling personality.
Kinda is :D
It's just as simple as that. I think the code isn't even needed. You change a class' variable. When the class reads it, the variable hasn't changed. And no more classes have changed the variable. What happened? No idea. That's the basic to know. I have debugged ALL the code. There's no more points. I have tried all, and nothing works. Do you get it now?
have you tried turning it off and back on again?
are you sure you aren't instancing another object of the class?
It doesn't care if I change the way I do it. The problem is always the same.

If anyone ever offers you a job to Programm in Lotus Script.


It's a trap!
how far back do I have to scroll to see the original problem?
Yeah, see, therein lies the problem. You're experiencing a problem that nobody here has ever experienced. And it's a very basic operation you're doing. One many here have done without issues. That implies that either you A) won the grand jackpot of fuck-ups (repair your Unity3d), or B) you did it wrong.
@Aimnox No. In this debug, I discovered that if I even have the variable in the other script and the original script takes the variable, the variable doesn't change.
@AlexINF so, when you step through your code, immediately after changing the property, can you read it back in the debugger and it's not changed?
@MichaelEdenfield Several days.
It changes in one class, but it doesn't in the other one.
@Nerdintraining is that horrible? I mean, it can't be worse than vba
@AlexINF are you positive you have the same instance? there is a feature in visual studio that will tag instances with a unique identifier.
@AlexINF you'll have to forgive me, you using a lot of terms incorrectly and it's going to confuse me.
I'm not using visual studio. I'm using monodevelop.
ah. well, it may have that feature, I'm not sure.
@MichaelEdenfield now you understand us
so... you have an instance of a class. and it has a property. and you set it. and then later you read it back. and it is the old value.
@MichaelEdenfield *Variable.
is it a property? breakpoint the setter? I'm 100% sure someone suggested this already.
classes don't have variables.
wait for it,
It is Visual Basic! Yeahy!
its only diffrent to VB like Java is to C#
Plus a very bad IDE plus so much hate cuz it's just 1.000times worse!
that is why I am confused.
I already said all that yeah :3
classes have fields and properties.
    public class Shop : MonoBehaviour {
	public GameObject player;
	public Text infotext;
	public Image sitems;
	public bool FireLocked;
So that aren't variables?
@Nerdintraining are you talking about LS or vba now?
they look the same bu t they act different.
ok. those are fields.
Lotus Script!
I fkn hate it!
properties contain setters and getters.
public fields are a bad idea for many reasons, this being one of them. they are hard to debug.
those are fields
@ElieSaad Yeah, I know that
var abc = 0; < - Variable
@MichaelEdenfield I use them because I can access them in unity
public BananaType banana; <-- Field
@AlexINF I'm pretty sure Unity allows you to access public properties as well. Unity would be utter crap if it didn't.
@Froxer For example new Vector3()?
you could be talking perfectly about vba.
It's VB, check
only somehow diferent? Check
Horrible ide? Do you mean the macro editor of excel? is there any worse ide? Check
@MichaelEdenfield It lets you access public "things".
private bool isFireLocked;
public bool FireLocked
    get { return this.isFireLocked; }
        this.isFireLocked = value;
@Aimnox it's not only VB, it's restricted VB
Whatever is public will do.
What ? you dont even call a method like that ...
corretion: var abc = 0; <-- WtF is dis now? Var? why cant it be sth simple lik byte?!?!? ♥
the worse of vba is the debbuging
if you use an explicity property like that ---^ you can set a breakpoint on the this.isFireLocked = value; and it will stop your code as soon as something tries to change it.
var is life, dont be rude -.-
var understand the meaning of what is behind the =
@MichaelEdenfield Okay...?
hahaha :D
Just take care when some one offers you a job with Lotus Notes//IBM Notes
is like "You have an error here" "Wich?" "I dunno man, an error, here, let me rest"
They use Lotus Script
public BananaType banana {get; set;} <-- Property
@AlexINF so that's what you want to know, right? what is or is not changing your property when you tell it?
@Froxer var understands how to fream me out :D
@MichaelEdenfield Yes
@AlexINF set a breakpoint on the setter. it should be hit exactly one time, when you set it.
var is wise.
in your case, it will either be hit 0 times -- meaning you are setting the wrong thing
var is vapsulutly the wrong thing to use
or it will be hit 2 times, meaning something else is setting it.
in case #2 you'll also get the call stack, it will tell you what is setting your property back
if that is not enough to help you figure it out, at the very least it will give you lots more useful information to come back here with a more specific question.
var understands.
A breakpoint in set?
on the line of code in the set method.
public BananaType banana {get; set;<-- Right thurrr}
I would strongly recommend you isolate the problem as much as possible such that you are only doing the thing that breaks
breakpoints on properties that get called a lot can be annoying.
Can I do
    void Start(){
@AlexINF well, you need to do something to trigger the bug you're trying to fix, whatever that is.
@AlexINF just try to avoid doing a bunch of other things.
why the 03?
I was hopong it changes^^
Thats what Lotus Script does to one
dont do it
Lotus, not even once
set Doesn't get called.
I did Start(){FireLocked=true}
So it NEEDS to be called at the start.
Why it doesn't?
are you calling start()?
It's not Start, it's localplayer() or something like that
You still on this Shootin problem? Shieeet
And I thought nothing happened at my job
@JakobMillah I am on it since last week
It doesn't get called.

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