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anyone still here?
@SebastianL You'll never get an answer to the question you don't ask.
has anybody achieved a BulkUpsert with MongoDB without iterating over every single element?
i've never used mongo
i am here
Hi here, I'm Kendall
this is my first time in chat, what do people usually talk about here?
C# and non-C#
ok, lets start a conversation then
We already have
not about computers though
ponies are overrated
frogs aren't
That is correct
what advice do you have for a novice / intermediate level C# guy
Become an expert
If you want to notice plenty of bad features in C#, learn Haskell
You might learn some new tricks
isn't haskell functional?
Functional is pretty cool
what about F#, i have heard pretty good things about that one
It's also quite good
I inherits some idiosyncracies from .NET though
can you do anything with haskell that could also be done in another language?
Everything you do in Haskell can be done in another language
They are both Turing-complete
what exactly does it mean to be turing-complete?
control flow, arithmetic
It means you can compute anything that is possible to be computed
what does it mean to compute?
calculate or reckon (a figure or amount)
make a calculation, especially using a computer
to determine by calculation; reckon; calculate
"calculation" spans more than just arithmetic though
for computers, control flow is an element too
moving values to / from memory i think would be another "element of computation"
A Turing-complete system can run any algorithm
what sorts of problems are not possible to be computed?
The Halting problem is the most famous
i have heard about that one
The Busy Beaver numbers are closely related
They grow faster than any computable sequence
would that fall into the category of "you can't compute things that take more time to compute than you possibly have"?
also, you can't compute things that aren't quantifiable, right?
That's outside the realm of computer science, so... I guess?
how so?
Maybe I don't understand what you mean by not quantifiable
hmm. idk, if something fell on a spectrum, like having a computer what is good and what is evil.
you can't really quantify what those mean because it's really abstract
Yeah, that doesn't fit into computer science.
could ML algorithms do unquantifiable stuff?
There's no algorithm for it, so it can't be computed
@iliketocode It can't quantify the unquantifiable. If you mean something else in particular, better be specific.
well, if you specifically told the computer, with maybe a training set of data or something. then the computer could make it's own algorithms to determine how to do it
A computer can quantify anything as long as there is a rule or algorithm for quantifying it.
You might not have an algorithm for evilness, but you could have an algorithm for detectable evilness.
yeah i guess. back to the turing completeness, pretty much everything a computer can do is based on the set of opcodes of the processor, right?
@iliketocode You could look at it that way, but there is other stuff like IO, interrupts, etc.
i think there may be opcodes that handle those. there definately is for IO at least
it is amazing to me that everything a computer does is based on a pretty small amount of basic instructions.
(although the IO opcodes are very* basic; like 'mov' instructions)
what are some of the most important C# topics that you think i should learn?
@iliketocode The computer you're chatting on right now doesn't have a "small amount" of instructions
@iliketocode SOLID
@iliketocode That's not what I count as IO
well, as a reference, this is what the x86 instruction set looked like i.sstatic.net/VTxd0.jpg. not small, but definitely not giant
"not giant" is your opinion
It's possible to make a Turing-complete CPU without any opcodes at all, and only one instruction
which instruction?
oh, i think i know. is it "compare"
@iliketocode There are several. The one I know off the top of my head is subleq
is TPL a library that does all the threading tasks behind the scenes, or do you have to do thread programming yourself?
Tasks have nothing to do with threading specifically, but the library does provide ways for you to execute code on a background task, and it's cleaner than any other current way of using threads.
got the anniversary update to windows 10
I think
I have heard that threading is generally something you should stay away from unless absolutely necessary. then again, i have also heard that nowadays it is essential... i guess it depends who you ask.
@kush i am still on vista
@KendallFrey "Tasks have nothing to do with threading specifically" that kind of sounds like asynchronous programming then?
Infinite running Task or infinite running Thread? I vote for Thread.
@iliketocode That is exactly what they are.
@OmegaExtern Infinite running Task defeats the purpose of a Task
is knowing async programming sufficient to not even have to know how to do multi-threading yourself?
They solve different problems
how so?
However, they do have a fair amount in common, and they're often useful when combined.
@iliketocode Async is about not having to wait on the result of some operation. Multithreading is about doing two things at once.
do you know how to do both?
Me? Yes. I've worked with both.
@KendallFrey iirc, there is a demo of them on C9 (which also explained thread pooling)
isn't thread pooling handled by the framework behind the scenes?
There are still some nice things to know about it though.
i was thinking something similar to what you typed though... it sounds like async is more geared towards specific purposes, whereas multi-threading is more flexible. Async may (or may not) use threading behind the scenes; i read an MSDN article that was talking about that.
I look at it the other way
Very recent "going deep"‌​.
Async is more flexible, and threading code often involves some async behaviour
@OmegaExtern i am going to watch that link at some point soon. thanks
@KendallFrey which do you use / encounter more, async or threading?
One of the great things Haskell taught me is what the Task monad actually represents.
@iliketocode Async, by far.
Almost all threading I use includes some async, but not vice-versa.
And I rarely deal with threading code.
what are some cases where you have used threading instead of async, and why?
Probably the last time I did that was to implement a background rendering loop
why couldn't it have been done with async instead?
Because the thread contained long-lived objects
is a 'rendering loop' basically an infinite loop that keeps the program running and updating with new updates?
Basically yes
I didn't actually implement a loop myself, I used the WPF Dispatcher
Which is similar to the classic Windows event loop
There's the code I'm talking about, in case you're looking for a tough read
i will give it a shot.
is 'rendering loop' a game development term, or is that similar to what servers use too?
The term is more commonly used in game dev, but the same concept is used in data-driven apps and servers
The more universal term is probably "event loop"
that is actually really interesting to me. i was always wondering about that stuff.
For example, in a web server, it often does this loop:
Wait for request
Process request
Send response
Start listening for another request
"event loops"
so it's basically just a while(true)?
In a WPF app, it's like this:
Wait for user input
Fire events for the input received
when you do the event loop, do you have to sleep the thread between each iteration, to prevent the endless loop from hogging the resources?
@iliketocode Sometimes. I have an event loop (separate from the rendering loop) here: github.com/kendfrey/Tui/blob/master/Tui/Screen.cs#L437-L441
@iliketocode Each iteration usually uses some form of sync or async blocking
what do you mean by that?
In the linked code: eventQueue.Take() doesn't return until there is an event to process
so I don't need to worry about sleeping
so it works on interrupts, instead of just endlessly repeating in a loop?
Yes, almost always
I hear that is a more efficient way to do it at least (that OS's nowadays use on a low level)
OSs have used interrupts for a very long time
well, in your Run() function, it just seems to be doing an endless loop though.
Software doesn't really have the concept of interrupts though. The closest thing it has is wait handles, which allow a thread to wait for something to happen without polling.
@iliketocode Until the window is closed, upon which it immediately returns
The important bit is that even though it's an infinite loop, it still spends most of its time waiting
4 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
In the linked code: eventQueue.Take() doesn't return until there is an event to process
This is done through the magic of wait handles
They can automatically wake a thread when a certain condition is fulfilled
are the wait handles the "BlockingCollection" class?
The BlockingCollection uses wait handles
A simple way to use a wait handle yourself is ManualResetEvent (and AutoResetEvent)
that is a new class to me; part of System.Threading?
Quite low-level
low level behind the scenes, or development with it?
development with it
well, low level stuff is sort of interesting to me; i'm ok with that
Me too. Just not so much fun to work with when you want to get stuff done.
yeah, that's what the framework is for, right?
I should retire for the night. Will I see you here tomorrow?
possibly, if i am able to be on tomorrow it will probably be around the same time
around 9ish
3 hours later…
good one
Good morning
Hi all.
why is the error?:
@GLeBaTi What does the error say? Try hovering over the underlines.
a nested array initializer is expected
hololens is available for order. only 3000$
I honestly think converting this to Enumerable lists is more readable
and you wont have this exact problem
@GLeBaTi What it means is that when initializing an array, you can either specify a size (the LineNumber above), or specify a list of items using the collection initializaion syntax. Not both.
omg thanks :)
So just replace new ShipInWave[LineNumber] with new ShipInWave[].
no result
maybe you should make the array 1 dimensional
ShipInWave[][] shipsInWaves = new ShipInWave[][]
ShipInWave[,] remove the ,
it solve my problem
Ah, right. You were creating a two-dimensional array, but initializing it like a jagged array.
maybe i'm missing something but why a 2 dimensional array*
oh nvm
That's a good point. Use a 2d array if you specifically need 2d array logic. If you just need an array-of-arrays, use that.
If all you need is a way to separate different ships by wave, you can create a Wave class that contains its name and list of associated ships.
Beware of how you represent the array
Ideally, you want your operations to be as linear as they can be without too many jumps
keyword: ideally
off topic question
i remembered it now
what is the difference between a hashmap in java and a dictionary in c#?
they are both very similar as far as i have worked with them
@Proxy Both are functionally equivalent, being generic key-value dictionaries implemented as hashtables.
@Proxy here's a pretty big list of differences
Q: C# Java HashMap equivalent

JohnComing from a Java world into a C# one is there a HashMap equivalent? If not what would you recommend?

It's just that .NET uses the "dictionary" terminology and Java uses "Map".
but bare boned they are pretty similiar
when i was having my job interview
@StevenLiekens Oh, wow, why would someone explicitly use the Item property when you can just use the indexer property directly?
if one was using VB.NET
apparently I need to restart my computer for this VS patch
I don't even want to know why
i had a question to write a program that counts letters in a text. When explaining how would i do it, since i worked with android mostly i said i would use hashmap but they told me its not ok and that i need to use dictionary not a hashmap
@Proxy Dictionary is often used in .NET and python. C++ and Java use "map". They're conceptually identical.
Note that "hash" is just one possible implementation of a map. Java has "TreeMap" as well, for instance.
i told them that they are conceptually the same thing but i got back that its not
In .NET, the standard Dictionary always uses hashtables.
hi roomies
i Need a help in mvc to generate radio buttons for options for each question
i wrote like below but i can only check one radio button i whole page
@foreach (var item in Model.Questions)


@foreach (var op in item.Options)

<div class="radio">

@Html.RadioButtonFor(t => op.Title,item.Title )



you should somehow format that question first
@arun the MSDN or Razor documentation should have examples for all of this
also read up on how HTML radio buttons work
@Proxy @Squiggle ok
how to keep radio button group in mvc
sorry i am not able to edit it :(
@arun Then erase it and repost.
Removing the white space, and formatting with Ctrl-K.
It's unreadable right now.
        @foreach (var item in Model.Questions)
                @foreach (var op in item.Options)
                    <div class="radio">
                        @Html.RadioButtonFor(t => op.Title, new { Name = item.Title })
...and Ctrl-K.
So all your generated radio buttons have the same name?
Q: mvc radiobuttons in foreach

AnonyMouseI'm using MVC and I have some RadioButtons in a foreach: foreach (var item in group) { <tr> <td> @Html.RadioButtonFor(modelItem => item.CheckerApproved, true) @Html.RadioButtonFor(modelItem =>...

Q: Group radio buttons in foreach loop in MVC razor view?

AbhijeetI have tried to group a set of radio buttons inside loop by providing additional html attribute in html help as below - <ol class="Opt"> @foreach (var opt in quest.Options) { <li class="Opt"> @Html.RadioButtonFor(o => opt.Title, opt.Title, new { @name = "uniqueRadio"}...

Solutions there ^
@Squiggle thank you
search is useful, innit.
@Squiggle this question not answering my need .I am try to show all question and options in one page
@arun weird ... how does that render?
are you intentionally putting the label after the field?
but your problem is that you can only select one radio button in the entire page
the cause of this problem is that all your rendered radio buttons have the same name
so you need some way to identify them in each group
...which these answers address
please tell me if I'm wrong
you can do that properly with a for loop
@War i am doing that only but i am not able to group them for each question
you'll get names with "item.Options[i].Title" in them
yeh you need to setup both loops as for loops
Hi guys
Funnily enough I did exactly this in my last job ... our application sent out bulletins which were links to questionnaires
the questions and options were defined in the db
@Learning hi
@War ya i am doing that write now
@Learning hi
Guys i want to write more than 2 millions of rows in excel file
Is this possible??
@arun ok ... show us the code you have
I should be able to help resolve the problem
14 mins ago, by arun
        @foreach (var item in Model.Questions)
                @foreach (var op in item.Options)
                    <div class="radio">
                        @Html.RadioButtonFor(t => op.Title, new { Name = item.Title })
@Learning yeh ... not seen any hard limits in excel ... i've had 16 million rows in there before ... why you'd want to do that though is beyond me
@arun ok now read back what I just said ... don't use FOREACH loops use FOR loops!
on both of them
@Learning anything over a few hundred thousand... you probably want a database for that stuff instead. Why Excel?
@War why for loop?
But this documentation says that i cant have more than 1,048,576 row
@arun because it'll apply indexing to the set
trust me @arun try it ... you'll get correct id's out of it
@Learning Applies To: Excel 2010
But my team leader want reports in form of excel file
It ain't 2010.
@war ok i will try
@Learning I didn't say you would be able to open the file, just that you could put the rows in it
I just tried this and got error after reaching on 1,048,576 row
I had a situation where we had an automated system spitting out these files and a system on the other end read them back in
all it cared about was valid ooxml
 for (int i = 1; i <= 1200000; i++)
                oSheet.Cells[i, 1] = i;
I just tried this and got error
ah you're using the api
I had to build the xml myself
create a new excel file and the replace the extension with .zip
in there is an xml for the the content
The open document format libs can build/consume excel files way beyond the limit, too
I was manually dumping data in to it
@Learning is that all the content you have?
just save it to a csv file
No this is just for testing that how many rows excel can accomodate
meh then do what @RoelvanUden suggests ... I doubt you'd have the tenacity to stick at the manual route I went down
building ooxml manually is not a fun job
back then though ... the open doc api's didn't exist :(
consider that i have 2 millions data in my database and i want to dump this 2 millions data in excel
for what purpose?
@Learning why Excel, though?
Then is this possible as because excel have limit
yes it is possible
but as @Squiggle says .. why excel specifically?
@Squiggle Becuase my team leader want final output in excel file to mail somebody
i guess client
the client or your boss is a moron
send them a csv file
+1 moron diagnosis
excel can open them
Well, excel can open it.. to an extent.
Csv file can accomodate more than 2 million rows
CSV can be as long as you want.
There are no limits on a CSV.
perhaps 4GB for older operating systems
But what is CSV?
its just a file format ... i've had csv's with gb's in them
Use the google-fu
@Learning wow really? .... cmon man ... help us help you out
I mean the way we dump data in excel same way we can dump data in CSV?
Sorry guys
yes you can
wait let me google
you literally just open up a new file stream and start dumping lines in to it
Ok guys i agree with you
Hi Folks,
Do anybody have knowledge of Telerik Reporting?
That's what we were after! For you to agree with us! I feel so accomplished right now.
But the only problem is that my team leader wants some kind of color and all in this
So what about that?
like in my excel some of the things are highlighted in blue and some are green
Is this possible in csv file?
Nein man.
You're making a data dump. Colors are irrelevant.
CSV is a pure data format without any formatting. It's a plain text file after all. So no, there is no way of adding colour.
But my team leader wants colorfull report
@Learning Data is data. Report is report.
But what i mean is that my excel file will contains some rows in colors and heading as bold etc...
If you open your CSV in Excel, you can use conditional formatting to highlight and color rows by values. It's not part of the CSV data, but it's metadata that Excel adds.
Any tool that can help for this??
Hey there.
I have a question about paths in C#, but don't have a concrete problem to open a question in SO. Basically I want to know how the term "path" is defined in C#. Can anyone help me?
i found this 1 tool
@Bechi There are several different meanings. Which do you mean?
There is "path", meaning the full identifier of a file system entity.
"path", in WPF, can mean a vector graphics definition.
Well, I'm interested i nthe meaning that si related to the System.IO.Path class
So it should be related to the file system entity
@Bechi Ok. In that case, Path is a helper class containing utility methods for manipulating file system paths.
As far as I've read, paths are strings with a context (or meaning)
They can point to files or folders
But the Path class does not expose an "IsPathPointingToFile(string path)" or "IsPathPointingToDirectory(string path)" method
A Path is a string that describes a file or directory. They can be absolute ("C:\MyFolder\MyFile.txt", which is resolvable anywhere) or relative ("SubFolder\File.txt") which is resolved in relation to the current directory.
You can use File.Exists(path) or DirectoryExists(path) for that.
I believe, this is because I could, in principal, decide based on the last character of the string path if it is a directory or a file.
@Avner: In your example, what if the file MyFile.tyxt would have no extension, how do I know If I'm pointing to a file or a folder using "C:/MyFolder/MyFile"?
You ask the file system.
"Does this thing exist, and if so, what is it?"
Thank you very much for these clarifications. This already helps me a lot. Do you know if there is a documentation for the term "path" in this context?
hi there, concerning my question of yesterday, about singletons and usage of common unique access to api methods, what about this pattern for a mobile app to access a wcf service?
meaning, there is the class that accesses the service reference directly, there is a wrapper to it which will return an observable collection of a certain model and there is the viewmodel which communicates with this wraper, and sets its observable collection<foo> to the observable collection<foo> returned by a method in the wrapper. github.com/xamarin/xamarin-forms-samples/tree/master/…
is it not too much to be creating two similar objects, one to set the value to another, (even though one is a property) even if this helps with testing and maintenance?
My problem is that I might have no access to the file system (maybe the file server is down or I don't have the credentials to access a directory). However, I would like to decide whether string path has a meaning of a file or a directory
I still remember about premature optimization, but would it not be entering the mouth of the beast by starting this behaviour just to separate responsabilities even more (is it not too detailist)?
I still have to ask, as I am new to c#
(and in java I did not come this much far)
@Bechi You can't. As you have discovered for yourself, files and directories are indistinguishable from one another based on the path string alone. You have to get in there and ask the FS what it is, if anything. This is just the way a FS works. If the FS happens to be down, you can't do anything about that.
@RoelvanUden Thanks, I believe that might contain the necessary terms and definitions
@Bechi To give you a complete mind-fuck, would it be possible for /Some/Kind/OfMonster to be both a file and a directory?
@RoelvanUden Hm, I start to understand. Am I correct with the follwoing: The same holds for the URI class, which has a uri.scheme for files, but not for dirs, as files and dirs are indistinguishable?
@RoelvanUden Well, that depends on the FS, I believe FS could implement different objects of the same name if the name alone is not used as some kind of primary identifier
@Bechi Correct! A FS can have a resource identity as both file (for opening/reading/writing) and as directory (through listings).
@RoelvanUden But I see that I would benefit a lot from learning what FileSystems are
@Learning stupid question but ... why not just build an MVC UI on the database that contains this data
@Bechi I'm not sure. I haven't used URI extensively. Ping @AvnerShahar-Kashtan
then you can render a page at a time ...
no-one even an idiot would seriously want to open and show 2 million rows of any data in one hit ... it serves no useful purpose
@RoelvanUden you can have extensionless files
@War Sure but that wasn't my point.
@War A file system can expose /a/b/c as a file that you can read and write to, but also allow traversing /a/b/c as a directory that has sub-resources (e.g. /a/b/c/d and /a/b/c/e
It's a mind-fuck, I know.
ah i c ... yeh mind fuck
also a .zip file is also a directory
Not exactly. That's just Windows magic to fake it in explorer.exe
so you can (for example) in windows crawl in to a zip and keep going
it's a file that contains a directory structure lol
The file system itself doesn't know anything about it being a ZIP and won't get any traverse calls from Windows when you're clicking through a ZIP. It'll get read calls on the zip file itself, sure, but it doesn't do any work
Thus, that's mere Windows explorer trickery.
The msdn page mentioned by roel says: "All file systems follow the same general naming conventions for an individual file: a base file name and an optional extension, separated by a period. (...) Note that a directory is simply a file with a special attribute designating it as a directory (...)" - Does this mean a directory can have an extension?
It works by scanning the path and seeing that the .zip extension is used, it then breaks up the remainder of the path and translates those into zip traversal instead. Mere trickery, nothing more.
@Bechi Yes they can have an extension.
To come to an end: I have no other chance than to make assumptions in my program / logic that would enable me to get the meaning of path. Namely, I could force (or better: ensure) that strings that refer to paths must end with a "\" (or better Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)?
Oh, sorry. Am back. Power dropped in the office.
What were we discussing?
And one last question: If there is the above mentioned folder structure C:\a\b\c\d, where is the difference between between DirectoryExists("C:\a\b") and DirectoryExists("C:\a\b\")
@Bechi That would disambiguate between file and folder, yes.
@Bechi No difference. Both resolve to the same path.
Thank you all very much.
"C:\a\b" can be a file. "C:\a\b\" can't.

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