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then in your client, if you are sending a message object type it can be converted without having to check what type an object is
@Failsafe Because they's both have to be listening on different ports
@Failsafe do you know with EF is there anyway to add a property / column without causing a exception that asks to use migrations to update the DB?
@Michael no need to update the schema for it to map right
migrations are only done when deploying
i.e. Up()
@Failsafe like I was thinking, manually create the column in the DB and manually create the class property in Code?
is it code first or database first
code first
you should be doing it in the c# class first
then migrating the changes
I do, but we dont use migrations
the way we have it set up is to drop and recreate on changes
you have to enable migrations, to use code first?
@juanvan nope
we use an intializer that drops and receates when the model changes
From the client, it just waits for data from the server. I don't know if it's going to be coordinates first and then a message, or 20 coordinates and then a message.
I might actually have a solution although I have no idea if it's the right way to do it
@betarunex oh wait you are sending data from the server TO the client?
@Failsafe Yea. From the client to the server, and then from the server to all the other clients.
@Amy do you have any ideas on how to accomplish this?
@betarunex so what exactly isnt working
the client to server or the server to client
@amy thank god you're here
nope i'm not really paying attention
the people of c# need your help!
they do? uh oh
it's up to you to put out the fires and save Paninitown from destruction!
@Failsafe The client recieving the data. Not knowing if it's a message or any other type of information.
@Sippy i'm in more of a "fan the flames" kind of mood
the only way to stop forest fires is to burn down all of the forest
or start a new fire
@betarunex late to the discussion here but what communication technology are you using?
err that did not stop the fire..
@TomW System.Net sockets. tcp
@juanvan if you have a fire and you start another one, the will consume all the oxygen so it will stop. Fire figthers do that so that proves you most likely need a bigger fire
I'd suggest using a WCF NetTcpBinding to figure all this out for you
@LikeIfYouCaredAboutMyName uhhh ..
I don't think it's quite that simple.
it's called a Back Fire, or a burn line something like that
In discovery channel seems to I dunno
That's it! I'm done with C#! I'm tired of having to mess with design! I'm switching to C so design is someone elses problem.
but you gotta keep it under control
@TomW :/... But I want to know how it works.
@betarunex the source is available to read :p
btw in iraque or afghanistan or something when they set up those oil pipes on fire to stop them they would put an explosive in there so the explosion burned all the oxygen and the fire stops
what a weird typo
sorry portuguese
hmmm iraq?
hello mr.toxy
@tweray Thanks. But I want to know how this works. Not how nettcpbinding works.
@betarunex you could wrap all your mesaages in an envelope that starts with a token that names what tpye it should parse as
@Amy I could genuinely see the confusion for a non-native english speaker. "Q is followed by U" is pretty rote, at least in beginners english classes.
@betarunex you could wrap all your mesaages in an envelope that starts with a token that names what type it should parse as
@betarunex define "this"
typo is an error fancy
didn't knew that
@TomW Yes! A proper solution. Thanks!
If only Mr.Toxy were here to save us from ourselves.
should I email my mentor saying that the other person asked to change the app?
you should, toxy.
I'm not toxy, said that 4 times today or more.
I do know him tho
but Im certainly not him
uh huh
have a glass of water you seem to be choking or something
we call that "laughter"
@Amy I asked earlier how we can confirm if its him or now...
that's a weird laugh xD
But the confusion is understandable, given that I'm a pony and you're not a vet.
is that really a laugh? never seen someone "laughing" like that
is most usually hhahahahahaha
@Michael i'm convinced its him. yesterday i would have said he wasn't, but today i'm sure.
it's what we do every time you pretend to be someone else
@Amy im sure it is too.
you guys are really stubborn
you have an understanding of panini, you use stupid -_- faces, you use his github account for no reason
you appeared the day he left
but I do always like a good factual confirmation
Prove you're not Toxy.
and still have an understanding of panini culture
Get him in here
well have in mind that I was here when he was right next to him
@mikeTheLiar good one.
Have a conversation with him
so knowing somethings about this chat is a piece of cake
I use his github account cause I'm on his computer using his account
already told why
yeah you did
Q: Where does a Panini go?
we just don't believe you
ask me if i believe him
do you believe him
No sir, no I do not.
well a panini is a sandwich accordingly to google so... in your mouth?
He's trying to pretend he don't know now
He was talking about panini earlier
!!google panini
believe in what you want, no one will ever forbid you
This question is the exact same thing Toxy was asking about when we came up with the Thyme Machine solution
@mikeTheLiar Im working on the damn same thing... I was helping him
is it hard to understand?
not at all. we just dont believe you
Like the dude had much time to do his own shit.
if we accept that you aren't toxy
you're still working with him and sharing his computer.
and besides it wasn't hard to give him a hand
( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)
@Amy yes I ham, and no he's not here anyore
i ham too
already told his internship ended
See, the thing is, we didn't like toxy. And with you using his keyboard and sitting in his chair, well, he's rubbing off on you.
You're tainted.
But that's assuming we believed you.
well I don't see why you wouldn't like the guy, but I'm not him for sure
omg that did not parse right in my brain
you sicko
afaik he was a nice guy, and I spend some time with him.
I don't actually know what the hell he did there that's for sure
wrote shit code
against the advice of everyone in this room
on multiple occasions
wouldn't google a damn thing
he is allergic to google
well you should know
if he really is gone, great. good riddance.
he would spend a lot of time in google tho
from what I've seen
sounds wrong
he'd spend a lot of time in here asking us to google shit for him
dunno what searching for
pictures of cats
no he never googled a damn thing
he would ask a question in here, and we could google that exact question and get results. then he'd lie about googling.
you never liked cats, toxy.
he googled cats?
and he publicly said that he slaughtered a cat
who hasn't?
>:( No slaughtering cats
that's like 60% of the reason ppl hate him
cat's may be stupid but they don't deserve to be slaughtered
I didn't even know about the cat thing
I just found him irritating and inflammatory
Which would be a good reason to sterilize the keyboard. Keyboards are great vectors for inflammations.
well only if it was here, because I can assure you that here he was a very cool guy to everyone
doesn't matter how nice he is at work
he was a help vampire
and isn't welcome here
help vampire, there's a cool term hahahaha
that's funny
well I can't defend him because I'm not his mother and what not, but form being here lurking around sometimes, to be honest you guys sometimes forget that you were in the newbies shoes once
now what he did or didn't do I don't know
and honestly don't give a damn crap
no, we didn't forget.
for me and for everyone here he was a cool guy and always laughing that's what I will remember and not what he may have said in a chat group
we don't care.
Can I throw out a legit concern? Is it rather uncouth to just pile on one individual, who is no longer here apparently? It kinda makes the room look like it's full bullies. In general, we want to be an open and helpful community to new users, regardless of previous users, their conduct, or or our opinion of them, correct?
fair enough
yes it's kinda bully because he is not here to defend himself
and honestly in a place where you're supose to learn shouldn't even be necessary in my honest opinion
well, we didn't force him not coming to defend
we trash about trump all day long
I always take things nicely at all times
It wasn't that he didn't know things, it was that he didn't try to find out. And he's far from the only one, so the reason for all the anger is really that he's just an example of what a lot of people do
doesn't seems like we are bullying him
but well different people different mindsets
Well, I tried.
and honestly that guy have about equal amount of point to trash about comparing to trump, if not more
which is amusing
@TomW well one thing that I do know is that he had to find everything on his own because the guys here just put a lot of things for him to do but wouldn't even give him a hand, even things like their systems that he was watching for the first time. It's not an excuse but I've experienced that here and I can tell you that is not cool
welcome to the real world.
we are welcoming questions, not questions shows on first result in google
there's a big difference between being a beginner and refusing to help yourself. that's the whole point.
well I do understand that some people find difficult to understand things on paper rather than "real" working examples and having someone to properly explain but yeah you do need to do your research
If you think a person is not welcome here anymore you should probably say that to them whenever that person get's in here
that'll avoid confusion and you wont have people throwing less good comments and flamming on each other
what confusion would be avoided? what?
No one is ever not welcome. Behavior is not welcome.
the confusion of having unwanted questions and so on
unless that No One is Arya Stark, she's always welcome
well amy just said he ain't welcome no more so if she thinks that she should say it to him when he pops in again
you're forgetting something
(we think you're toxy)
@Mr.Toxy you are not welcomed here anymore
so, I did tell him.
well you can think what you want
you want me to be toxy? Oki doki I will be your toxy from now on if that makes you happy
can you change your nickname in here?
I honestly couldn't give less fucks about what you think or don't think about me. I already told I'm not toxy, but as I said no one forbids to think whatever you want right?
I mean your account was created 50 days ago. Toxy's was created ~60 days ago. You both work for the same company. Weird? Coincidence?
and now to who the hell is storming my questions with down votes for god knows why should stop cause above all that's a really shitty attitude
??? your rep is still at 28
what downvotes?
well my account was at 32
got 2 straight dowvotes
in a minute or so
do the math
2 downvotes doesn't constitute a "down vote storm"
i think you're blowing a non-issue out of proportion
well it constitutes a shitty attitude nonetheless
cause I do know it came from here because to be fair who the hell would care about those questions if it wasn't people from here going to my profile under false assumptions?
People downvote questions. It happens. I've had questions of mine that were over a year old get a downvote.
2 downvotes does not indicate a pattern of behavior.
You're being paranoid.
maybe or maybe not since I can't possibly see who down voted
but if my assumptions are correct it is indeed a very shitty attitude to have
Does IOS/Andriod developers get paid more then the .net developers?
well I'm off day is over
@Obviously are you serious
@Obviously hold on let me check the markets
the markets said to check back later, they're busy.
Just a question
Look up salary information for your area on GlassDoor. we don't keep track of peoples salaries
I guarantee you they both compete in the same salary grades
@Failsafe you mean .net and Ios/Android?
So, legit question, and mainly asking for speculation. I've found a bug in the application I'm QA for, but I'm trying to find the limits of it's scope. I've got a long running process. When I force a screen repaint I get an error that "The background worker is currently busy and cannot run multiple tasks concurrently". What's even f'cking weirder is that it only happens on windows 8 and 10, but not windows 7. Did win 8 add some new event listener for a screen repaint or something?
no idea
from 7 to 8 MS changed a bunch of stuff in how the graphics system works, it was a big part of the marketing for vista.
codenamed Avalon, IIRC?
@Sidney 8 & 10 has more strictly limitation on UI thread locking
"For vista"?
sorry sidney, i forgot how triggering that is.
if that can clue anything. i mean, i've no idea what exactly the problem is
Yeah, I know. I'm grasping at straws here.
Dev says they can't repro it, but I've done it on multiple pc's here. The problem is it's one of those bugs that can't slip through the cracks, but no one seems to want to care about.
It's interesting that limitions on the UI thread locking increased. I'll mention that to them as well.
just put a warning label on the app's first screen. WARNING: MAY NOT WORK.
"Warning - Undocking or locking computer during this process may FUCK YOUR DATA"
Real enterprisey. =D
it that real?
i mean, is that really on your app?
No, good lord no. Our bills to customers are 7-8 figures. We can't admit to something like that.
right now I have a warning on my app that says "UNDER CONSTRUCTION" with a nice animated gif of a construction site.
straight out of the 90s
Wow, at least you work on an internal tool, right?
i use a material construction icon
(i'm joking)
for my external tool
From some of the things your clients have asked for, I wouldn't have been surprised.
as a alert bar
woooot. upgrading to VS2015
... i've been wearing headphones for over an hour but forgot the music
Show of hands, who still uses an actual program and who just keeps a youtube tab open?
I use Google music
Sometimes Pandora if I'm being waffly
i'm having trouble picturing you as a waffle
i use spotify
family acc for $15 a month
i split it with 4 others
$3 a month
@Amy start by picturing me covered in maple syrup and go from there
mmmm maple syrup
Hi guys
hi learning
> Covered in maple syrup
( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)
Oh good, Sidney got the joke.
@mikeTheLiar is an expert at subtle giggity
Don't joke about syrup yo.
Guys is there any difference when we return list object vs json result when consuming through ajax call
using MVC, @Learning?
Like in entity framework when I do like this
@Learning is this MVC or Web Api?
the answer depends on this
return context.emlloyee.tolist()
Consider both mvc and web api
I'd rather consider just the one you're using.
Consider mvc
WebApi = return Ok(List<T>)
MVC = return Json(List<T>)
MVC action methods should return an ActionResult, so return Json(whatever)
WebApi = IHttpActionResult
MVC = JsonResult(ActionResult)
Consider this hat. Consider this salt shaker.
considers this
consider my panini
does not consider the panini
My techlead told me today that we should find good way to convert poco models to json
somebody already did that
Q: C# code to serialize plain-old-CLR-objects to JSON

jonathanconwayWithin an ASP.NET application, I'd like to serialize a collection of plain-old-CLR-objects (POCO) to a JSON string, which will then be sent down to the client as part of a web response. Is there a light-weight C# library that does this?

First result from Googling "convert poco to json"
That's old
I didn't even have to type it all out, I got as far as "convert po" before Google autocompleted it for me.
Google. Learn it. Love it.
i actually don't even think you need to <> it
probably just JsonConvert.SerializeObject(object)
Hello! Are there @Amy? I need to ask her about join to C# Chat group.
returns a string
You are in the C# chat group
So when consuming this with ajax is this the good way to convert poco models to json?
you're already in the C# chat room
right now
This Very Moment
Choosing to be here
Right now
I would join to C# Chat team.
What requirements must I achieve to join this group?
um, sure.
there aren't any
@hubot level up friendship
the group doesn't mean anything
lol Sippy is a "Very Important Crustacean"
Doing an Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(some string) and it comes back with \u0003\u0004\u0006 \a\b\v
@juanvan er, what? It's supposed to return a byte[]
i think you need to apply to join the group
i dont see a way to invite
I'm developer writing .NET code for iOS and I get paid the same as when I wrote .NET code for Azure last week.
lol, we are still the 9th biggest team among SO
oh, here you go
i guess they are just abandoning the idea
if you want to join the C# Group Team Thing, click here: stackoverflow.com/teams/235/c-sharp-chat/…
Why do you want to join? the group doesn't do anything. it simply exists.
I've requested to join
@VeronicaDeane will take a string, but this is the first time it ever return Unicode
alright approved
Add one more to the Team C
@juanvan Please explain how the fuck a byte array can be a string
@Amy Thank you very much!!!
no problem. enjoy.
@VeronicaDeane you put it into a memory stream and read the stream? turns into a string
maybe he's trying to put that into his resume
why would you ever do that
i mean, what else could you do about it
to read what is going out for debugging
it reads PDF files
but why would you use a stream
and not just Encoding.GetString
I was having a strange problem with something one time, and this fixed it all around
@juanvan sounds like a double encoding
and if you want to see what's in a string why would you convert it to bytes and back to a string
I have no idea what you're trying to do
i would first directly do File.WriteAllBytes to it and see what the output look like
humm maybe I am doing something wrong here
convert your strings into JicamaStrings for the best .Net performance.
I need to make a PR for jicamajs
Damnit, my IT department won't upgrade me to the appropriate update to get Bash in windows. >:[
you can always just use git bash
Do you specifically need bash?
Powershell is pretty great. Does all the things.
But I know bash
And almost everything I want to do has 10x more googlable tutorials for bash than powershell.

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