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Stop! it's Amy time. tam tam tam can't touch that la la la
is caprica sleeping today?
@CapricaSix u there? wake up
!!zoidberg not lunching thing you do
@LikeIfYouCaredAboutMyName The not lunching thing you do is bad and you should feel bad
if you search for "best memes" in google it will actually give the worst ones
I'm tasked with extending the microsoft identity framework with an extra layer to take a PIN. I have no idea how best to go about this.
can someone help me to understand something about Linq?
can't see that, it's blocked here :\
I'll assume it's funny tho
its not :P
foreach (var Prefix in Prefixes)
    var ToAdd = from x in config.AppSettings.Settings.AllKeys
     where x.ToLower() == Prefix + "oraconnectionstring"
      select config.AppSettings.Settings[x].Value;
how does one incorporate the foreach in the query?
I'm trying to figure it out
@Proxy kirby omg
awwwwwn ^^
that's cute af
the dog almost knocks the cat out of all the existment
better love story then mine (':
how can I say that I wanto to go throug the prefix list in the query?
can someone please help to understand it
i would but i'm brain dead
and im off in few minutes
hahaha brain dead xD hope you recover soon
I will wait for someone to help me with the linq magic
VS tells me it expects a when not if
ah i don't know i started "learning" javascript
@catgocat I have never in my life seen anyone use that
@catgocat Well are you using C# 6.0?
the bit of brain i have left will meet it's end there
@Sippy I've seen it
@mikeTheLiar I think so, how do I check?
@Proxy That cat had injuries and had to go through surgery. It looks like that
no idea about that found the picture funny
@RoelvanUden Yeah, it isn't 100% clear in the show that they're really a couple, but an interview with the creators confirmed it.
@mikeTheLiar Yes, my .NET is 4.6 so I have C# 6
Q: which version of C# am I using

Salvador DaliMy question is as easy as it seems: I want to find out which version of C# I am using. If I would be using python I would do something like python -V from command line, or type import sys print sys.version In php I would do something like this: phpinfo(); in java: java -version But I was not...

@CuddleBunny Implied yuri is still yuri. All hail the yuri-fandom.
@mikeTheLiar Yes, but if is not working there, but when is.
Is this an update or something?
I see precisely 0 instances of catch ... if on the internet. Where did you get this image anyway?
It seems when it was being developed, if was used.
The C# Player's guide
    List<string> result = new List<string>(
       from x in config.AppSettings.Settings.AllKeys
       where x.ToLower().StartsWith("or") && x.ToLower().EndsWith("connectionstring")
       select config.AppSettings.Settings[x].Value);
why does this return a string
foreach (var Prefix in Prefixes)
                var ToAdd = from x in config.AppSettings.Settings.AllKeys
                            where x.ToLower() == Prefix + "oraconnectionstring"
                            select config.AppSettings.Settings[x].Value;
What does it return
a key/value
but it's the same query as the above
It doesn't return anything. There is no return statement
minus the list part
@LikeIfYouCaredAboutMyName seems obvious enough
We really need to see some more code because I don't even understand the question as it stands.
@Sippy what mike said? sorry Im a Linq noob
you used var for the one that isn't a string
 public ConnectionStringList ConnectionStrings(string Path_Config)
            var result = new List<string>();
            var MyConnectionList = new ConnectionStringList();
            MyConnectionList.OrcaReorcaConnectionsList = new List<string>();
            MyConnectionList.OrcaConnectionsList = new List<string>();
            MyConnectionList.ReorcaConnectionsList = new List<string>();
            ExeConfigurationFileMap configOld = new ExeConfigurationFileMap();
            configOld.ExeConfigFilename = Path_Config;
that's all the function
No it isn't.
@Sippy but I'm selecting the value. isn't the value a string?
That's not even syntactically valid.
@LikeIfYouCaredAboutMyName No.
@mikeTheLiar I forgot to copy paste the last bracket
I hate query syntax linq
ugly shit
It's still not valid.
You have no return statement.
"Not all code paths return a value"
oh that's in the end
don't mind that
You don't think that might be important?
I ommited the other part
because it's not important for that bit
Considering you're asking about why the return values are different
@mikeTheLiar not for this part no.
@mikeTheLiar Not why they are different, it's why one query will return the value and the other wont
Does anyone have a minuete to look at 4 lines of code, and is familiar with memory management cross platforms? (I have a piece of code that works on my machine 20/20 times, but only 12/20 times on someone else's machine, and I found a fix that makes it work on both machines 20/20, but the fix makes no sense to me.) The other 8/20 times he gets ' Illegal file open (/dev/tty)'
they queries are the same I've just changed a small part
 foreach (var Prefix in Prefixes)
                var ToAdd = from x in config.AppSettings.Settings.AllKeys
                            where x.ToLower() == Prefix + "oraconnectionstring"
                            select config.AppSettings.Settings[x].Value;
This does nothing.
@thepiercingarrow Show eet.
You select a value and do nothing with it.
@mikeTheLiar I will add the "ToAdd" to a list
struct farmer farmers[5000], *p = farmers;
fscanf(fin, "%d %d\n", &N, &M);
for (i = 0; i < M; ++i)
    fscanf(fin, "%d %d\n", &(farmers[i].P), &(farmers[i].A));
I just want to select the .Value of the key
Please for the love of Skeet just post all of your code.
@thepiercingarrow that looks gross
@thepiercingarrow What are N and M?
@thepiercingarrow its like some sort of proto-C#
burn it with fire?
Its my solution to this problem:
he changed his name?!
@LikeIfYouCaredAboutMyName yea you're not mrtoxy
Even though you use his github account
Ooooohhh busted!
Nice one bruv
@Sippy Im using computer at the office lol, because of the project o.O
in b4 i inherited account too late
Im in his account
"In portugal we inherit accounts and use them"
"instead of making our own"
whats up with that?
nope I used his to continue the project
what's so weird in that?
yeeeee ye
and you stumbled upon c# chat?
why? the files are all here
You show up the day he disappears, working for the same company on his codebase, using his accounts, his mannerisms
um nvm
@thepiercingarrow no one understands that code
you're not good at hiding.
full kappa
You just went full kappa
You never go full kappa
kappa overflow
@Michael nope I was right next to me, I actually been here with his account like the hell, I know his password what's that ackward?
*he was
I hope my colleagues don't know my GH password.
That'd be awkward.
well... how do we settle this?
why is ackward? the account was just to paste things to send to the boss
that's why we all used his
Sorry everyone
even the guy from helpdesk used
hello. I'm having trouble with an extremely trivial scenario. I'm doing

gridLookUpEdit1.EditValue = _myVector[0];

Surprisingly... _myVector[0] becomes `null`. Sounds weird right?
Wait what?
gridLookUpEdit1.EditValue is NULL but myVector[0] is not..
What is myVector?
thats not surprising.
Wait what?
That's not what you just said
I don't understand what's so ackward. if all the project files are in his account and I'm on his computer, I think the natural thing to work in the same account. My boss said to use his so np
It is a binding list of some custom objects
a customized binding list?
then thats not surprising.
@mikeTheLiar what do you mean by I select but I do nothing with the value?
I mean that thing you just said.
In the code you posted you do nothing with the value. You assign it to a variable and do nothing with it.
I don't know how else to phrase this.
I'm a little confused with the queries. the first I also just select and add to the list, I do the same thing on the second one but I only add to the list after.
@SJD depending on what you are doing... BindingLists raise different events depending on if things are changed. (eg. BindingList<T>.RaiseListChangedEvents)
I'm saying that the first position in my binding list becomes NULL after that assignment. even though it is on the right side of the statement
@mikeTheLiar after I select the value I just want to add it to a list that's it
@LikeIfYouCaredAboutMyName Considering github is literally built around the premise of multiple people working on the same code
@SJD yeah. set a breakpoint and step through everything.
@LikeIfYouCaredAboutMyName that line is commented out in the gist
@SJD So by accessing it, it becomes null?
@mikeTheLiar yes because the "ToAdd" instead of being a string it's a key/value. I'm not understanding why
Do you have the index accessor overridden?
@mikeTheLiar nope
It's just a simple/classic/obvious assignment..
@Sippy here they usually delete all the files from the past users but as I had to continue to work on the same thing, they said to use his account because Im not using source control for this part is all saved in the local machine
I expect the left side to modify not the right side of the statement .. :P
What is the T of the vector?
Do you have some sort of insane getter?
a custom object..

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