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@Sippy goto is a fun feature imo XD
how can someone find something that allows you to step to a specific part of the code evil?
I'm glad I don't have to work with you
Cos you probably write awful spaghetti code :D
> goto is a fun feature
Sounds like something Toxy would say
Moms Spaghetti is Best Spaghetti
I dare you to talk about moms spaghetti to eminem
@Sippy have you ever worked with Selenium IDE?
@Sippy Something that I was thought was to not speak of people who aren't here to defend themselves ;)
Nah sod that
Plus you are here
@BadroNiaimi Why?
@Sippy I'm here and?
I have some kind of problem with it
@LikeIfYouCaredAboutMyName You're toxy
when I run a test 2 times the server lag
@BadroNiaimi That doesn't sound like a problem with selenium.
@Sippy hahaha yeah :) I totally am
@BadroNiaimi time to upgrade you're server xD
@LikeIfYouCaredAboutMyName no
time to upgrade the code more likely.
indeed it not my server :(
I have to deal with the problem
from the client side
If what you're doing is computationally heavy on the server side (the only thing that would make a server lag) then you need to fix it server side
because when I run the test manually the server works perfectly
You can't fix a slow query from the client
that's moronic.
so what should i do on the server side
Selenium just clicks shit
that could be a good "hack" for clickers
clickers those stupid games that you just click, like the cookie clicker
I didn't chose to work with it lol
but I have to solve this problem
figure out what's slowing it down
if the server is lagging I wouldn't be blaming the client.
If the client is lagging when you run selenium then maybe there's some JS that's wrong
but it lags just after the second test
yeah what could you possibly do that's so intensive on the client side to make a server lag?
You can't
if I do the tests manually everything works fine
Well, you can
or it's a really really weak machine or like sippy says it's server side
but it's still bad server code if you can make the server lag via the client
@Sippy oh yeah but no intentional, I don't think anyone would code to do so
Unless it's windows 98 128mb ram and single core CPU
There's something wrong with server code
I guarantee it
^ I'm thinking on that
or maybe it a security issue !!
where the fuck are you getting security from
from a kazakstan based server
with < 1Mb connection
@BadroNiaimi You mean if you click things yourself?
Or if you run the tests one by one?
if I clicked using my mouse
can the speed of selenium cause that problem
I honestly think that's the server that needs an upgrade, but on the other hand no company would have a server that bad so it must be code on the server side
@BadroNiaimi No.
It can by extension, but like I keep saying, the server is the root cause of the problem.
If you can cause problems using selenium how do you think the server will deal with more than one user
well here is the server version Apache Tomcat/7.0.67
is the server running on a windows 98 on a vm of windows 95?
@Sippy you are right
@LikeIfYouCaredAboutMyName nop
@BadroNiaimi hmmmm so it's not a spec problem.
we just ruled that one out
after running 2 tests
now I can't login to the website
sounds like shitty code
but it supposed to be a professional one
written but some senior developers
if they are seniors from brasil be aware
How does a C# file find other classes in other files within a solution? There's no "import" or anything.
from morocco
I know an engineer from morocco he's good
@catgocat using .....;
yes they are good
it they were motivated
@BadroNiaimi No, say I have a solution and create 2 files. Without "using", I can access eachothers' classes.
but when you work for a shitty salary don't expect much
@catgocat use
the complete path
I mean namepace.class
every class you write is in same namespace
@catgocat a file doesn't 'do' anything. It's just data.
so you can use it directly
Ohhh ok
The compiler knows about files. Iirc csc.exe is passed a list of filenames
And I have a hunch that it just concats them together and compiles that
Yes, I see. When I create a new namespace, I have to use the using directive.
The namespace something is in implicitly has access to its own namespace and layers above.
So namespace A.B.C can use something from namespace A without using it.
so have you moved your asp.net core websites to Linux yet
That inplies that anyone has been able to successfully use aspnet Core to do anything
I'm not using it yet.
I still can't figure out how to kestrel
Just use VS on Windows and it should take care of that for you.
....for Kestrel?
@RoelvanUden 'take care of' in what sense?
Hi guys
I've a technical question
Make it good.
Is it possible to add a shortcut in some files on the right click to redirect a file into a asp.net application ?
right click menu*
Do you mean as a file upload?
what exactly do you mean?
Probably possible but ugh
Like the "Open with Notepad++" but it redirect into a web asp.net application
well yes
but what exactly is your goal there?
just to open the web browser with that site?
My application goal is open and make some modification in some files
I want make it easiest than upload type file
Please be clearer about exactly what you're trying to do
Example you have a pdf in your desktop, on the right click i want "open with my application". After that it launch the browser with my application and the file is upload automaticaly
You don't need to upload a pdf file anywhere to open it in a browser
Win 10 will open it in edge by default
I wish someone would backport wwwroot from aspnet core to asp.net 4.6
For the moment my application have a form with input type file and user can select upload the file he want to customize. I want a menu in win7 who bypass the form upload
you can directly upload the file then to server
Right, so you have an http endpoint that accepts a post of multipart form data
You can trigger a custom action from a context menu, I think. Like invoking a powershell script
Q: Powershell equivalent of curl HTTP post for file transfer

SylviaI'm currently uploading a file via an HTTP post with a call like this: curl --verbose --data-binary @C:\Projects\TestUploadFiles\TestFile1.csv "http://client.abc.com/submit?username=UserX&password=PasswordHere&app=test1&replacejob=TestNewJob&startjob=n" This works fine. However, I actually ha...

So something like that, but from a context menu
Loads of google results on how to create custom context menu items, you can find that
Okay thank you !
        public void OneABC(out int a, out int b, out int c)
            a = 1;
            b = 1;
            c = 1;

        // Doesn't work
        public void OneAll(params (out int)[] values)
            foreach (out int x in values) x = 1;
How do I do this?
Can someone in here help me with an html issue?
@catgocat maybe you should use ref
@BadroNiaimi How'd that be?
@catgocat I don't even understand the intention.
@RoelvanUden In the first method, I can assign every variable to 1
so if I have in my code 3 variables, if I do OneABC(out a, out b, out c) they are all switched to 1
@catgocat is this homework or something?
@Failsafe ideas that come up when reading a book
@RoelvanUden I want the 2nd method to do the same but for multiple variables
Crumbs can params be out? Its never occurred to me
To the language spec mobile!
@TomW This I just asked myself.
@TomW No.
But a List<int> can.
    // Will work
    public void OneAll(out List<int> values)
        foreach (int x in values) x = 1;
Wait... shouldnt List<int> be passed as a ref for it to work?
Ive just visualised Eric Lippert and Jon Skeet as 60s Batman and Robin. Thanks brain.
@C4u that won't work x = 1 won't check
@TomW I suspect you might not be the first.
@C4u List is a reference. This out is entirely useless
Actually forces you to out a list of some kind
@TomW I googled jon skeet batman and most results were nsfw
A simple array would work, because an array is a reference
but in his function he used int that why it doesn't work
@RoelvanUden Why should it be useless? Is it replacing ref e.g. is it passing a reference by itself? Even if, the coder would know that the passed list will be used to change its values!?
int is struct :p
This conversation is a trainwreck
Im still on my example.
        static void OneAll(params int[] values)
            for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; ++i) values[i] = 1;

        static void Main(string[] args)
            int a = 0;
            int b = 3;
            int c = 2;

            OneAll(a, b, c);

            // a, b and c must be 1
out in this case is showing off, that this function isnt returning but instead overwriting values.
Of course this doesn't work, but there's the idea.
Use a list.
@C4u List<T> is a class. That is an object somewhere else. To pass it, a pointer is passed to it. Thus, modifying something in the list that was passed, modifies that thing in that object it points to. The caller still has a reference to the same object, therefore, the mutation applies everywhere.
@catgocat Have you considered using a language with destructuring assignment?
@VeronicaDeane So there's no way to do this in C#?
Depends what qualifies as doing it
@RoelvanUden Sounds logic. But Im still thinking my example isnt bad.
nothing nice imo
There is always a way
@C4u Doing an out on a List just allows that function to set the pointer of the calling function to a new list.
Which is not entirely useful.
In this case.
static void OneAll(List<int> values)
for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; ++i) values[i] = 1;
This way then.
Yeah the point of ref and out is reassigning the variable you pass in. Nothing to do with the actual value you pass in.
destructuring would be the only elegant way
(... which we don't have)
Why can't I do something like List<ref int>
or (ref int)[]
Because that's not how C# works.
Why do you want to???
Because the language doesn't include that
that would be a list of variables
that might be problematic
Just do it @c4u 's way?
@C4u To calm down my inner voices
If you wrap the int in an object, you can do this.
Y'all motherfuckers need Jon Skeet
Not needed. Skeet may be a smart man, but this is certainly not a smart question.
@C4u why do u use for loop to instead of foreach? just curious
@Michael You obviously don't understand how foreach works
@RoelvanUden roflmao
good point
i know that it iterates through each item in a list.
And it does that with...
(think inherited types)
(or don't think, that works too)
are u getting at they are the same?
@Michael Assigning to x in a foreach wouldnt work.
(why are we typing like this)
oh i see
anyone in Dublin and got asp.net etc?
Just execute it.
sounds like kappa
@Sippy With this count of IDE's they truly need some direct naming tutorialspoint.com/codingground.htm
what is going on in here
Uh amy. Quiet everyone!
yay amy time
@Sippy I was totally going to come in here and say that
damn it moved a few minutes forward
@TomW say wat
oh y'all etc
seemed appropriate
10 mins ago, by Sippy
Y'all motherfuckers need Jon Skeet
@C4u Yeah, but that's not the way I wanted to do it in the first place.

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