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!!zoidberg Veronica burn computers
It's on my list of possible solutions, yes.
@LikeIfYouCaredAboutMyName The Veronica burn computers is bad and you should feel bad
That's not how Zoidberg works
Veronica Burn Computers is a great name for a band.
!!tell likeifyoucared zoidberg the command
@likeifyoucared The the command is bad and you should feel bad
!!tell VeronicaDeane zoidberg burn computers
@VeronicaDeane The burn computers is bad and you should feel bad
my sides
don't zoidberg me you mean person
Ok, well. I'm at least gratified that I'm not missing something super obvious. Thanks for your help, guys. I'll come back later with an MCVE, maybe. Or if not, it's because I thermited my hard drive and went to live in the woods.
live in a bus so we have Into The Wild 2 please
Greedy apple fockers
oh boy that was such an awesome movie
meet the apple fockers.
Hello everyone. I am getting an error that I do not understand it. It says:

"Additional Information:The 'Cycle' property on 'Production' could not be set to a 'System.Double' value. You must set this property to a non-null value of type 'System.Single'".

But if my cycles are doubles why am I getting this error?
can someone tell me how to root cause this error so i may understand it and fix it
@JCM Don't repeat your question. If no one knows the answer, we probably need more information.
@VeronicaDeane what additional information do you need??
Does anyone know what name on an app that is considered the same as already existing?
preferably information that helps us understand your problem
Like, there are apps called



xxx - Social
i dont even understand my problem
@JCM You understand it better than any of us do
The error message seems clear.
the property is a Single, you're trying to assign a Double to it.
What don't you understand?
can't I have a config file empty?
or is it required at least to have a section even if it's empty?
can't you just try it
@Amy that they are doubles and its saying that they should be singles
that's why I asked xD
it gives an xml error
says that the root doesn't exist
@JCM well the error indicates your property is a Single.
I don't know what else to tell you.
Either fix the property (is it supposed to be a Double?) or fix the value you're assigning to the property.
such logic, much wow
 Root element is missing. (C:\cdp-si\_temp\setup19\UPDATE_20080312_6.80.04\OrcaService\OrcaService.exe.config) ---> System.Xml.XmlException: Root element is missing.
@LikeIfYouCaredAboutMyName there's a distinct possibility that you just answered your own question.
"Can I have an empty config file?" "Did you try it?" "Yeah, it doesn't work." "...."
hmmm I'm thinking about you're statement
why the hell did my boss tell to put an empty config file -_-
@Amy some of them are singles, while others are doubles does that matter or do they all need to be one or the other
i'm sure he didn't mean empty
@JCM the error should answer that question for you.
he probably meant one with no actual data in it
(yes, of course they must all be Singles)
<?xml version="1.0"?>
@JCM What's not to get?
oh I thought he ment empy as blank file
Double cannot be converted to single, while single can be a double.
This is basic type knowledge.
@MichaelEdenfield oh thx man it was that yeah :) silly mistake
All the single values (all the single values)
Question, can Math.Round round 500 to a 1,000 for instance? Rather than 500.25 to 501 for instance?
@GrantHill put your bits up
@Greg yeah but you have to do the divide-round-multiply trick
@mikeTheLiar not really. I'm still a bit confused on what that syntax was for
oh no way
this is telling me that all the files were executed without errors
If you havin' precision problems I feel for you son, I got 99 problems but a bit ain't one
@VeronicaDeane So Math.Round(500 / 1000) * 1000 sort of thing?
@VeronicaDeane Okay, wasn't sure if there was a cleaner approach.
note that that code, as written, will return 0
500 / 1000 isn't 0.5, it's 0
why do you divide by 1000 to multiply by 1000 again?
@Michael I've got a meeting in a couple of minutes so I'm gonna have to run but they work on the actual bits representing the operands
Ah, yes. I've got to reverse.
@LikeIfYouCaredAboutMyName so you can round
@Greg reverse?
@VeronicaDeane but mathematically is the same.
not if you round
@LikeIfYouCaredAboutMyName What do you mean?
@Greg mathematically dividing by 1000 to multiply by 1000 again is the same as doing nothing xD but I guess not when rounding up
@LikeIfYouCaredAboutMyName if you round first it goes to the nearest number. He wants it to the nearest thousand
but dividing by 1000 and then rounding and then multiplying by 1000 is not the same as doing nothing.
How do I check the body of a method in Visual Studio? Say I am curious to know what's behind Convert.ToInt32
Not all of us are good at math
@catgocat ILSpy
@Amy I suck at math. Someone asked me to solve a cross sum, and I went "sure, let me figure out wtf that is first."
@VeronicaDeane thanks
^-- you can also configure VS to step into the ref source.
^-- you don't want to do that, BTW
Be careful. Down that path lies madness and despair!
@Greg ok, now tell me wtf is cross sum
@MichaelEdenfield I said mathematically dividing by a number and then multiplying by the same number is the same as doing nothing and also said that in rounding is not the same case
Of all the souls that gazed into the depths of .Net's source code, not one has returned.
@LikeIfYouCaredAboutMyName well mathematically is not the same as programmatically
i mean, someone returned, but long gone their sanity
(500/1000) * 1000 is 0
@Amy I have seen System.LOGIC and I have survived.
let's have a minute of silence for all the fallen comrades
@VeronicaDeane you poor thing.
@mikeTheLiar no, 42
okay meeting time yay
@tweray Apparently they want you to take the diagonal cross of two points then sum them together.
who was the genius who decided that Server 2012 -- an OS that is routinely accessed remotely -- didn't need a start menu, it needed a hover menu?
ok, thanks, i still don't know what the heck is it, but thanks for explaining
a hover menu?
Q: what is a numbers cross sum?

Ardeni have the following problem A Three digit natural number's cross sum amounts to 14. When you read the number from right to left and subtract 22, you obtain double the original number. Also the middle digit is equal to the sum of the outer two digits. Find the number I am not sure wha...

@tweray Yeah, I didn't either.
@Amy you hover your mouse in one of the corners and you get a pop-up menu
which is easy, if your on a real screen and can just jam your mouse into the corner.
sucks when your on a windowed RDC session
@VeronicaDeane why did u changed your name to this?
hi there, for those familiar with xamarin, what are the properties I need to mess with, in a custom renderer for the xamarin forms picker control, in order to change its background and text colors for android? thank you very much in advance
Look at this: System.LOGIC
See if you can figure out what BIJECTION does
^^ see, this is the kind of guy that returned but left sanity somewhere else
he lost more than is sanity in that quest of his
@VeronicaDeane I assume it does a logical bijection?
Im afraid
he's a lost soul now
The best part of this is that this class is never used, and only exists in mscorlib 2.0 (and maybe earlier?)
p =>q ^ q => p
easter egg?
maybe it will unlock a secret formula to predict the jackpot numbers
who knows
or the secret path to the goblins pot of gold
there are many possibilities you know
or maybe someone was just bored and wanted to translate predicate logic into C# and they got through 2 methods before their boss caught them.
hahaha that seems possible
maybe a nerd living in the dungeons of microsoft
a secret genius
@mikeTheLiar thanks for the link! i will look through shortly. Things are coming up willy nilly here at work.
I wonder where Mr.Toxy is.
He graduated. He's now your manager.
he is off being toxy
@MichaelEdenfield which is what?
home probably dunno
haven't seen him in a while now
Haha you guys :P
damn it come on boss stop talking with your lover so I end this quick
I was very confused by that until I realized you're terrible at grammar
come on. is that it?
oh yes it is
common is like a common thing, an ordinary thing
Hi everyone ... Is ASP.NET Identity required for OAuth 2.0 token issuance and management?
no, you can use alternative libraries
or you can implement it yourself, i guess.
@Amy Thanks ...
Do you know which libraries are needed to implement JUST OAuth 2 token processing? Like issuance and processing of tokens.
why is that taking loads of time to load?
@webworm no, you'll need to do some research
your nets very badek
are uploading someone from the biggest looser by any chance?
@LikeIfYouCaredAboutMyName Why would you post something like that? I mean, someone comes here and asks a legit question and you respond with "go search Google".
@webworm hmm yes because your question seemed totally like something you would find on google
@JakobMillah thats lagging everything jesus
make it stop
why would you ask a question here without first doing your own research?
I have searched on Google and didn't find anything that was clear to me.
it's lagging
take it out
kill that gif
@webworm what did you "find" that wasn't clear to you?
1 message moved to Trash can
You guys have the lamest computers world wide
that was killing my chat
sounds like the problem is on your end.
@JakobMillah would you be kind to send my boss an email asking for a new one please?
that gif was awesome
Exactly what I asked @Amy. Everything I have found seems intertwined with ASP.NET Identity
maybe you shouldn't be chatting at work.
@LikeIfYouCaredAboutMyName What's his email? I'll do it
@JakobMillah hahahaha tell me what you gonna write
@LikeIfYouCaredAboutMyName Yeah, share, and I'll mail him, too.
@LikeIfYouCaredAboutMyName That is between me and him
You'll get your PC though
@webworm then work on your searches. ".net oauth 2 libraries" brings back lots of useful information that directly answers your question
ok 2 weeks from now you do that
My image pretty much says what kind of guy I am, so expect a PC or never see him again
@JakobMillah you seem a gentle person that likes to have a good laugh
How did you find that, @Sippy?
Cos my google fu is fucking strong
Don't tell me you used........GOOGLE?
Anyway, time to take photo for passport. Allahu Akbar signing out
@JakobMillah kabum
@LikeIfYouCaredAboutMyName That pretty much sums me up :)
By rule of benefit of the doubt
Anyway, see ya tomororw
I asked because he may have read it
If it's not clear after reading that
Then he has other issues.
@JakobMillah hahahah I guess you're just being ironic :p
I made my own browser navigation implementation in JavaScript. Because why not.
@JakobMillah dude, thank you for putting all of us into NSA watchlist
@RoelvanUden but why though
@Sippy cause he's too good for google. and we are just plebs
Speak for yourself.
@Sippy do you have your own browser navigation?
sorry, who's too good for google?
No why the fuck would I need to create my own browser navigation
he's obviously not pleb
The browser has it
he's a crab
brep brep
@Amy Roel XD he has a custom navigation
@Sippy your browser can't be trusted.
or lobster
browser was made by NSA
NSA is watching you
I have actually written navigation for this site
client asked for it and we billed them for it
if you're british
Took me a few hours so they paid a couple hundred euros for duplicate navigation
seems smart
how do we know if we're british? is there a blood test
the national brexit bureau of "exitings" is watching your ass right now
apparently if you like tea you're british
and if you don't, you're not
i love tea
but I don't like tea
Then again Im a crab and I don't know if crabs can be british either
i.... i can't be british!
my mom likes tea and she's not british
@Amy well they say you guys can't talk english, what do you have to say about that?
It's ironic that you use irony like a verb and ironic that you don't understand that what you just said is ironic because you attempt sarcasm all the time but can't detect it omg irony
people who don't understand what irony is are ironic
@Sippy who said I didn't understood irony
Cos you don't
you're wrong mr
Cos you don't
I'm not
I'm British
They never make bad decisions
Not even once.
then you have the sense of humor of a potato
I'm glad I voted leave
Can't wait to see our government fall to its knees and beg the plebs for forgiveness
I'm glad I didn't vote.
What's the value of an unassigned local variable? Is it null?
it has no value. it is unassigned.
@catgocat it doesn't have a value. it's undefined.
@catgocat To your code, it has no value.
just curious, did you vote for Boaty McBoatface too?
Doesn't C# resolve it to null?
and if you try to use it before you assign it, the compiler will yell at you
To the runtime, it's the default value
null for ref types, zero for value types
thought s0
@Sippy if ireland and scotland want to get out oh boy you will be on your knees
@LikeIfYouCaredAboutMyName wrong
            int[] test = null;
            int[] test2;

            Console.WriteLine(test == null);
            Console.WriteLine(test2 == null);
The last line doesn't check
@Sippy not locals. private members, yes.
wrong is to think it's wrong cause it's right
C# does not assign default values to local variables.
> 5.1.7 Local Variables: A local variable is not automatically initialized and thus has no default value
unassigned vars in c may have garbage right? just some odd values
You literally know nothing about UK politics.
if you do int MyInt; it may contain odd values
pls be moving onto new topic plskthx
This is why I do all my coding in C instead of C#. That way, I don't need to worry about design.
@LikeIfYouCaredAboutMyName In C#?
@Sippy I know that the great industry is not in england
@VeronicaDeane nope in c
I'm not arguing with you about this
I remember something like that
the CLR initializes variables
Will you argue with me about something, @Sippy?
that if you don't assign the vars they will contain gargabe
Only if you believe in yourself, though.
but I don't know if it does so according to spec, or just because
No you won't.
Yes I will!
@Sippy ok accepting defeat is a good start xD
You said yesterday "I will never argue with you Amy!"
@VeronicaDeane the CLR does, but it doesn't matter in C# because you can't read the value in a C# program until you assign one.
@LikeIfYouCaredAboutMyName Not defeat. I just refuse to argue with an uninformed 19 year old kid from Portugal about UK foreign policy.
Bye felicia.
never is relative @Amy it can be momentarily

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