When I submit a simple form like this with a file attached:
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="http://localhost:3000/upload?upload_progress_id=12344" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="100000" />
Choose a file to upload: <input name="uploadedfile" type="file" /
I'm tying to rename a file (from Action1.cs to Action.cs) in my VS project, but I can't. Error: "This operation cannot be completed. You are attempting to move or rename a source-controlled item where an item of the same name already exists, the item is exclusively locked elsewhere or the item path is invalid."
In the .proj file I don't see anything which is called "Action.cs": http://pastebin.com/Za0mpwXE
Restart VS. Get latest version from source control. Clobber local version and Get latest from source control. Erase local code and get latest. Erase project. Quit your job. Change professions. Go live on a mountain. Achieve enlightenment. Return. Restart VS.
Whenever I need to thread something long-running, that becomes a class which has a IDisposable. When calling the Dispose, the class itself manages whatever that particular thread is doing and makes sure the signal is set to stop. Then whoever used that class just needs to dispose when it disposes. You know, how you're supposed to work with resources ;)
well the thing is, before running this form, I know all the other threads are completed because of the BackGroundWorker handler, I make sure that it all completes before proceeding to this form, and in this form I don't run any task before I notify the user that the app will close
I have a client/server program that runs over internet. I can connect 2 different devices to the server but I have to give them unique ports or else the server seems to freeze. How do most multiplayer games do this on the same port?
no, the server works fine if 1 client connects to port 5432, and the other client connects to 5433. But I have to have 2 seperate threads handling them. Cant connect to the same port
I do. But I cant set them to the same port. I dont mind different threads. But I specifically have to set a unique port on each client. How do I fix that?
I have it where the listener waits. When a client connects, then it starts the process in a seperate thread and then listens again. But it has to be different ports. That's currently how it's set up.