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If new TcpListener(port); is deprecated, how will I be able to have an unknown IP connect to the app?
Because TcpListener(local, port); Requires that my program already has the IP of the client... Which I dont yet.
@betarunex The IP address doesn't specify the client's IP, it specifies the server's IP. Pass in IPAddress.Any to accept connections though any IP.
@VeronicaDeane Specifies the server's IP? But it is the server... Wont it always be
if you're accepting connections from another computer, it will probably be the IP your router assigned to your computer (your LAN IP)
The idea is that you can have the server listening on specific networks
If you tell it to listen on, it will not receive connections from another device.
So then How do I get it to accept connections from other devices?
To accept connections on all endpoints, use IPAddress.Any
that's the easiest way
Everyone panic
I have returned
picnics wildly
y u picnic. y u no panic
oh. my bad.
picnicking is more fun
I shall continue picnicking.
Also, in related news:
@VeronicaDeane When I try connect to my own pc using the IP I use for internet, It rejects it.
You could try
@Darkrifts I want to connect to my program using a different device
@betarunex What exactly do you mean?
What IP address is your server listening on?
Did you try googling "what's my ip" or something?
any, localhost, or a network IP?
@VeronicaDeane IPAddress.Any
ok, and you're trying to connect to localhost, but using your LAN IP instead of
Do you want a local ip or the absolute or whatever it's called ip?
^ absolute or whatever ip
@VeronicaDeane Wait. LAN IP works. Which one do I use to access it via internet?
@Darkrifts That's probably not what he wants
To use via interwebz, you need an actual ip
That actually is what I want. But it's not working when I use it
Using a local computer : local ip
@betarunex If you want to access it from the internet through your router, you'll need to forward the appropriate port from the router to your PC
by default your router doesn't know what device incoming traffic should go to
Because your router has a single IP address
I'm not good with any portforwarding things
Oh god this is not going to be as simple as I had hoped now is it?
and there are multiple devices on the network
@betarunex Unless your computer is connected directly to the internet without a router, nope
However, port forwarding is pretty easy and there are thousands of guides on the internet
it's something gamers in particular do a lot
@VeronicaDeane Thanks. I'll read up on port forwarding now.
I'm a gamerskrub, but I typically don't host the servers :P
host advantage bruh
ohhh baby a triple
Port forwarding program. Only $39... God
ohhh yeahhh
@betarunex That's ridiculous, all you need is the password to your router
Oh yeah, it's going to be great meme. Wow, I'm going to post it
@Darkrifts My parents are this
<-- isn't a stalker
"Go out and socialize." I am socializing, skrub.
My mother is definitely that. She has no idea how to even switch on a computer. Literally.
In unrelated news, I went out today to not socialize
I took some pictures
Fractals are fun
Idk what hausdorff dimension this one of mine has, but when I tried to get it, I ended up with ~2.4d, so I probably messed up
Fractal flames are especially fun
I wrote a renderer once
I don't do good with rendering junk :P
Including, but not limited to, displaying a static 2d image on a windows forms application
Ok, I set up the DMZ and it should be working but it's still not... How do I even know if I set it up correcty?
fwiw, here's my 1080p render of one of my flames:
@VeronicaDeane u want da fraktul?
ooh purdy
@VeronicaDeane here's the seed for use on dangries.com/Flash/FractalMakerExp/FractalMaker_exp.html
Flash, gg no re
Not mine btws E: The app that is :P
If I were to guess, I'd say that fractal has a HD of ~1.86d (Don't take my word for this one :P)
Ok. I tested my program. Works on local machine. works on LAN. But then I'm stuck. when I try use the IP for my router, it doesn't work. I've tried adding port forwarding to my pc at the specific port and tried DMZ (looks like basically default port forwarding) but nothing seems to solve it... :/
Does your ISP provide you with a static IP?
Nope. It's dynamic
That may be part of the problem
I seriously hope not.
I think maybe some ISPs reuse the same public IP for multiple customers
I need some suggestions of Undefined Behavior in c#
Either way, you're not going to be able to run a public server using a dynamic IP
How can you reuse the same IP?
@Darkrifts C# doesn't have undefined behaviour
c#, y u so well made
@betarunex Same way your router does, by connecting everything in your network through a single connection
Q: Code with undefined behavior in C#

luvieereIn C++ there are a lot of ways that you can write code that compiles, but yields undefined behavior (Wikipedia). Is there something similar in C#? Can we write code in C# that compiles, but has undefined behavior?

Hmm, using unsafe blocks can allow me to potentially change runtime bits?
Welp, now using pointers in fun ways to attempt to break everything
My program works fine on local machine both client and server. I can even use my local LAN IP and it works. but when I try run the client from another PC, it doesn't work. Firewall is off. How Do I get this to work?
Dynamic IP?
int X = 0;
funtiems = &X;
Output.Text = "";
Output.Text += *funtiems + " | ";
Output.Text += *funtiems + " | ";
Output.Text += funtiems[1337];
^ managed to crash me only half the time :D
IT WORKS!!! Finally! Geeze that was annoying
"45282873\  | 45202037\  | -214797894 \ ̀" ~ an undefined behavior function's output
Fun right?
Ok. How Do I allow my program to work with firewall on? I added it as an exception, but not working
Nevermind. Exceptions work if I run it direct.
@VeronicaDeane For future reference, It is possible to set up a server program with an ISP that assigns a dynamic IP. Just thought you'd be interested to know.
And I'm so glad it is possible.
@betarunex elaborate
Also, noone expected that crash, right?
funtiems[1337] + moarfun[420]
Morning, even though it isn't for me :P
10AM for me
If you can't see the badly done screen recording above, I made an undefined behavior part of my app :D
@VeronicaDeane client/server program works if I have the server on a machine that's connected to a router (I now know about port forwarding. thanks for that) and the router is connected to an ISP that assigns an IP dynamically (changes IP every time I reset the router). I ran the client from another machine from another ISP. It works.
That doesn't mean it will keep working
You should reset your router and retry :P
It will keep working for as long as the router is on. Just maybe add a simple way to update the IP if it resets.
Maybe a way for other people to make servers too? Like input an IP thing?
Ok. works with multiple users now. 2 people connected to the server at the same time from different networks.
How can I get the directory for desktop?
Dynamically or just direct?
Dynamically I think
@Darkrifts Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop)
K, now I need a way to write a BigInteger to a file
Just write it...
BUUUUUT, Idk a way to
Just realized I could go "" + bigInt to do that
What's wrong with doing ToString() like a sane person?
Because I didn't know BigInteger had a ToString :P
i iz nubskrub
Everything has a ToString...
<-- takes note
Back to calculating 4^^^2 in mah program
That's how "" + x works
it has to call x.ToString()
@Darkrifts Your computer won't be able to contain the result
Lol. every single object has a tostring...
Totes will :P
oh, I miscounted the arrows
wait no I didn't
Probably can't hold that actually
that's on the order of magnitude of a googolplex
You can try to calculate up to 100^^^^^^100 in the program because I was too lazy to impose that much of a limit
which takes on the order of magnitude of a googol bytes to store
Fun fact: 10^(10^100) = googolplex
that's the definition of googolplex
10^(10^(10^100)) = googolplexian
oh, in case knuth arrow notation doesn't give you big enough numbers, you could try Conway's chained arrow notation
Easily expresses numbers larger than Graham's number without recursion
I'm not gonna even touch that
Still, atleast you don't have to find 100^^^^^^100
You know what, I should get a massive number, copy, and kill a site by pasting it
what was the question
What question?
rip chat
1 hour later…
well guten morgen
You know what's fun?
I amma do this fibornaci in objective c
its going to be horrible
yea yea the golden spiral
in the 21st century hopefully every 10 year old knows what it is
as we are an educated version of humanity
@misha130 Can you modulo a negative number in C?
& how to get the absolute value in C?
an absolute number without condition I guess
not something like return val < 0? val * -1:val;
Gimme a sec
if you modulo a negative number the result would be the other way around wouldnt it
like -5 % 2 = -1
I'm doing absolute values before modding, because UB is fun, but I'm making useful junk atm :P
I'm not familiar with C syntax, but that should be a good Fibonacci function there
wait why are you giving C
You said, and I quote, "I amma do this fibornaci in objective c", and Obj-C can't be that much different
C is the base of it, right?
its 1000% different
100000% different
Time to interwebz the syntax
its disgusting
I think C is superior here
there are "pointers" in it
thats why the relation to C
well no they arent any pointers, there is just memory management
like allocation of memory
Painful to look at, since I'm accustomed to C++ (which means somewhat C) and C#
as per example you cant initialize an object (objects lol in C) unless you allocate a memory for it
of course it is
no one likes it
Well, gl with making that Fibonacci thing
Using the same C# program I used to get Fib(99999) I also got Fib(999999)
And Fib(-99999)
did you use vars?
Nah, I used BigIntegers
you mean "long"?
var is for lazy ppls who don't declare typenames :P
well no, its not, vars arent bad
I really don't get the point of them
I mean in case of vars the compiler should decide which would be the best option to use here
and its interesting to see what it'll decide
But, in any case, BigInteger is a arbitrary length integer variable
what if it decides to use int for the lower level and then switch to long
well cool I guess
Also, long can't handle any larger than Fib(93) in my testing
BigInteger could handle 999999
Can hold as big a number as your memory will allow
ulong maybe
well ok ok
ulong would be Fib(186)
ulong holds ~2 as much as long, if I remember correctly
Not neccessarily
Fib is a kind of exponential thing
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8
Not a straight line like 2x+3
Hey, want me to find an exact number of Fib ulong can hold?
well why not
Welp, I'd have to rearrange some, because it's adapted to handle negative fibonacci numbers
0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615
It can handle to Fib(94)
that is interesting
printout the number
I did
In fact, I didn't
well 94 is the double of 93 and then some
I printed it to a textbox, but about the same
*Fib(94) = Fib(93) + Fib(92)
So a bit less than half
so whats the number
~2/3 of its max value
95 is a bit too much, so it basically just cycles through
Also, sorry if resolution is a little be bad :P
what if you save it as a string
the result itself
Then it's the same
You'd need a number value type to do said calculations
you need to parse it back on the next itteration
Then I'd need a type that can hold said value
ulong can't
I guess in biginteger it converts the data to bytes and saves it like that
System.Numerics.BigInteger (C#) is exactly what you think
and when you access it converts it to a lot of uint64.max
It's a bunch of bytes
A byte[] to be specific
just doing math with bytes then
@misha130 all math is math with bytes.
It's just math without convenient registers.
its hard to comprehend this
because I only know and/or/xor/not
Long story short, BigInteger is arbitrarily large
Can hold about anything you put in it
Give or take system size
what about the memory disposal in the method
Which method?
the fib itself
No memory disposal done by me
I did jack crap apart from putting in some addition with BigIntegers
well its fun to over analyze simple software
simple isn't easy
its just simple
It's not simple
It's redundant :D
Imma make a clip of all teh featurz
Time to wait for Fib(999999)
Made it
Gonna take forever to load it all
Bluescreen inc
Did you say corrupt?
what the hell is this gif with crying pictures
and undefined behaviors
Does not say that once :P
The gifmeister!
Good morning all!
There's all features of the app in one video
Still no crash ;(
You're a pleb tester
y u say dat
liek if u cri evrytim
Can't be a pleb tester if I make the app myself :D
every time
@misha130 rip in peace

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